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Decision tree for operators – O2

pick-up Bright Beer Production

Description of the Good Practice
We developed an inspection
checklist with prede ned
reasons and corrective actions
for Oxygen pick up of the bright
beer (BB) during yeast & cold
trub separation & ltration
process. The FTR parameter O2
level is part of the DCS from PQ
pillar and it is controlled,
measured and corrected (if
needed) by the lter and
fermentation operators;
Applicability: It can be part of
the Brewery Quality Control
System (DCS on the shop oor)
but must be adapted to the
speci c process and technical
lay-out: Fermentation & Lager
Tanks – w/o swing band panels;
Yeast & Cold trub Separator; KG
/ PVPP ltration line; BBT
Matrix; DAW plants; Impact on
Performance  SHAPE \*
of O2 (out of norms) in bright
beer – clear impact to the PQ
pillar KPI: FTR bright beer
Production from 93,1% to 95%;
DCS – clear responsibility and
autonomy by the operators
linked to the inspection
checklist if defect mode
appears: SHAPE \*
resources: no speci c resources
and changes are required to be
implemented; It is
recommended to have in place
In-line O2 measurement device
for on time identi cation in case
of pick up – after Separator &
Carboblender; Advice If you
apply that GP be aware that that
inspection checklist is a “live”
one and must be upgraded
based on additional ndings
(source of O2 pick-up), technical
upgrades, technological
requirements and lack or build
up of additional knowledge on
the shop oor; Horizontal
Expansion made based on the
same logic for the mash
ltration process – decision tree
for possible root causes in case
of prolonged mash ltration,
applied by CGR team: SHAPE
of Good Practice Region: CEE  
Country: Bulgaria  Brewery:
Heineken Zagorka Brewery 
Name of contact person for
additional information:  Anton
Relyovski – TPM Manager  e-
mail address
 Phone number +359 895 657
588     Related documents /
required attachments EMBED
Excel.Sheet.8 For speci c
details, please contact me on
the abovementioned mail
address & telephone    
Knowledge Area:   BACK
GROUND After the installation
and putting in operation of the
new ltration line & BBT matrix
in the end of Feb/2011 it
appeared a serious pick-up of
O2 in the BB. That speci c FTR
parameter dropped down to
81,1% in March, which
immediately gave a negative
impact on the FTR bright beer
production:  SHAPE \*
O2 pick-up reduction in BB was
launched for de ning the main
reasons using the DFRD route.
Team members selected:
operators from Fermentation &
Filter area – to be involved fully
in the investigation of the
reasons and to build up the
knowledge and autonomy for
self inspection in case of pick-up
during regular production;
leader of the team is a Process
Technologist PQ Pillar Member –
technological expert and strong
member of the pillar team,
performing all the team
trainings on the shop oor; Team
was closed OTIF and created the
inspection checklist for
traceability of the O2 pick up in
the BB:  SHAPE \*
causes were indenti ed and
based on the ndings OPLs for
knowledge were created and
trainings were performed to the
fermentation and ltration
operators: Yeast & Cold trub
Separator – ushing our with
DAW till level of 02 is 0,05mg/l
is measured by the oxygen in-
line device; Software upgrade -
after PVPP regeneration
automatically to start execution
of preparation for stabilization;
DAW plant Aldox – after CIP
execution deaeration test is
started by the operators and O2
content in DAW is measured
before production mode to be
selected; SHAPE \*

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