CONTEMPOgii-midterm 073257

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CONTEMPORARY WORLD (midterm economic policy cooperation and

reviewer) coordination among countries

Lesson 5: AWORLD OF REGIONS Regions are not natural or given; rather,

they are constructed and defined by
GLOBALIZATION policymakers, economic actors, and even
i. affects economic, political processes at social movements.
the global level
ii. signifies events relating to the globe or Countries form regional associations for
all over the world. several reasons:
iii. World is becoming more
interconnected 1. Military Defense - The most widely
iv. Globalization promotes the integration known defense grouping is North Atlantic
of economies across state borders all Treaty Organization (NATO) formed
around the world during the Cold War when several
Western European countries plus the
REGIONALIZATION United States agreed to protect Europe
I. It is examined in relation to identities, against the threat of Soviet Union.
ethics, religion, ecological 2. To pool their resources, get better
sustainability and health. returns for their exports, as well as expand
II. It is a process and must be treated as their leverage against trading partners.
an "emergent, socially constituted 3. Form regional blocs to protect their
phenomenon." independence from the pressures of super
III. The opposite of globalization because power politics.
it is dividing an area into smaller 4. Economic Crisis - The Thai economy
segments. collapsed in 1996 and It made Association
IV. It is also seen as political and of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
economic phenomenon. more "unified and coordinated"


GLOBALIZATION 1. the rise of religious fundamentalism -
is on the rise globally as religious leaders
Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner attempt to regain control over their
state that economic and political followers in the face of modernization and
definitions of regions vary, but there are secularization.
certain basic features that everyone can 2. the resurgence of indigenous religions
agree on. - Indigenous religions are also making a
comeback in many parts of the world as
1. Regions are a group of countries people seek to reconnect with their cultural
located in the same geographic area. roots.
2. The words Regionalization and 3. the spread of new religious
Regionalism should not be interchanged, movements - we are seeing the spread of
as the former refers to regional new religious movements around the
concentration of economic flows while the world. These movements are often based
latter is a political process characterized by on Eastern religions like Buddhism,
Hinduism, and Taoism, but they are also d) The religious is concerned with
appearing in the West. spreading holy ideas global

The Importance of Globalization of what is a global city?

Religion 1. Saskia Sassen (1994), (born January 5,
1947) is a Dutch-American sociologist
Globalization transforms the generic noted for her analyses of globalization and
'religion' into a world-system of international human migration.
competing and conflicting religions. This  a global city serves as an important
process of institutional specialization has focal point for business, global trade,
transformed local, diverse and fragmented finance, tourism and globalization to
cultural practices into recognizable exist.
systems of religion
2. Neil Brenner (1998)
What is the role of religion in the  A global city pertains to an urban
contemporary world? centre that enjoys significant
1 . giving meaning and purpose to life, competitive advantages and that serves
2. reinforcing social unity and stability. as a hub within a globalized economic
3. serving as an agent of social control of system.
behavior, 3. Adam Smith (2003)
4 promoting physical and psychological  it emanates from the idea that
well-being, and globalization is created, facilitated &
5. motivating people to work for positive enacted in strategic geographic locales
social change (cities) according to a hierarchy of
What are the effects or impact of importance to the operation of global
globalization on religion? system of finance and trade.
Religion provides a sense of 4. Arthur Alderson & Jason Beckfield
belongingness to a group in the world. (2004)
 A Global City, also known by other
Globalization terminologies as "alpha city" or "world
a. Places value on material wealth center" is a city regarded as a primary
b. Abides by human-made laws node in the global economic network
c. Globalists are less worried about
whether they will end up in heaven or Kearney's list, developed in conjunction
hell. with the Chicago Council on Global
d. The globalist ideal is largely focused Affairs. Their most recent version is the
on the realm of markets. 2012 Global Cities Index.
e. The globalist wishes to spread goods
and services This study uses criteria across five
Religion dimensions:
a) Concerned with the sacred 1. Business Activity (headquarters,
b) Follows divine commandments services firms, value of goods through
c) Religious people are less concerned ports and airports)
with wealth and all that comes along 2. Human Capital (size of foreign born
with it. population, quality of universities, )
3. Information Exchange (accessibility 5. Hong Kong
of major TV news channels, Internet 6. Singapore
4. Cultural Experience (number of They have significant competitive
sporting event, museums, performing arts). advantages, but nonetheless are vulnerable
5. Political Engagement (number of to other dynamic gateway cities that are
embassies and consulates, political well positioned to capture spill-over
conferences) demand, notably Seoul, Toronto and
Sydney and, over the longer term,
"The Global Power City Index 2011." Shanghai.
This report examined cities in terms of
functions demanded by several "actor" ESSENTIAL TRAITS OF A GLOBAL
types: Manager, Researcher, Artist, CITY
Visitor, and Resident. 1. A variety of international financial
services, notably in finance, insurance, real
The functional areas were: estate, banking, accountancy, and
i. Economy (Market Attractiveness, marketing.
Regulations and Risk) 2. Headquarters of several multinational
ii. Research and Development corporations.
(Research Background, Research 3. The existence of financial headquarters,
Achievement) a stock exchange, and major financial
iii. Cultural Interaction (Trendsetting institutions.
Potential, Dining and Shopping, 4. Domination of the trade and economy of
Volume of Interaction) a large surrounding area.
iv. Livability (Working Environment, 5. Major manufacturing centres with port
Cost of Living, Security and Safety,) and container facilities.
v. Environment (Ecology, Pollution, 6. Considerable decision-making power on
Natural Environment) a daily basis and at a global level 7.
vi. Accessibility (International Centres of new ideas and innovation in
Transportation Infrastructure, Inner business, economics, culture, and politics.
City Transportation Infrastructure 8. Centres of media and communications
for global networks.
rankings attempt to look at global cities 9. Dominance of the national region with
in four basic ways: great international significance.
1. Advanced producer services production
2. Economic giants. CITY
3. International Gateway. 1. High percentage of residents employed
4. Political and Cultural Hub. in the services sector and information
Six cities stand out. The "Big Six" include 2. High-quality educational institutions,
the traditional 'super cities' of including renowned universities,
1. London international student attendance, and
2. New York research facilities.
3. Paris
4. Tokyo
3. Multifunctional infrastructure offering
some of the best legal, medical, and
entertainment facilities in the country.
4. High diversity in language, culture,
religion, and ideologies.



1. Alpha level cities are linked to major

economic states and regions into the world
economy, and are classified into four
sections, Alpha ++, Alpha +, Alpha, and
2. Beta level cities are cities that link
moderate economic regions to the world
economy and are classified in three
sections, Beta+, Beta, and Beta - cities.
3. Gamma level cities are cities that link
smaller economic regions into the world
economy, and are classified into three
sections, Gamma+, Gamma, and Gamma-
cities Sufficiency-Sufficiency level cities
are cities that have a sufficient degree of
services so as not to be overly dependent
on world cities. This is sorted into High
Sufficiency cities and Sufficiency cities

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