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What is American Society for Quality (ASQ)?

- A formal recognition by ASQ that an individual has demonstrated a proficiency within, and
comprehension of, a specified Body of Knowledge at a point in time.
 Internationally accepted and recognized
 17 various certification programs from basic to advanced
 Recognition of excellent for 44 years
 Certified over 120,000 individuals globally
 Endorsed by over 125 corporations

ASQ Certifications
Certifications defined:
Certification – Formal recognition by ASQ that an individual has demonstrated proficiency
within and a comprehension of a specified body of knowledge at a point in time.
- Since 1968, more than 120,000 individual have become certified through ASQ.

ASQ Certifications
Seventeen Certifications:
 Biomedical Auditor (CBA)
 Calibration Technician (CCT)
 HACCP Auditor (CHA)
 Lean Certification
 Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellent (CQM/OE)
 Master Black Belt (CMBB)
Certification Offered (Continued)
 Pharmaceutical GMP Professional (CGPG)
 Quality Auditor (CQA)
 Quality Engineer (CQE)
 Quality Improvement Associate (CQIA)
 Quality Inspector (CQI)
 Quality Process Analysis (CPQA)
 Quality Technician (CQT)
 Reliability Engineer (CRE)
 Six Sigma Black Belt (CSSBB)
 Six Sigma Green Belt ( CSSGB)
 Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE)

Certifications Requirements
Candidates must be:
 Demonstrate a Specific Education level or Work experience
 Proof of Professionalism
 Pass Written Exam
Work Experience Required
Two Years
 Mechanical Inspector Certification (CQE)
 Quality Auditor-HACCP (CQA-HACCP)
 Quality Improvements Associate Certification
Three Years
 Six Sigma (CSSBB)
Four Years
 Quality Technician Certification (CQT)
Five Years
 Certified HACCP Auditor (CHA)
 Certified Calibration Technician (CCT)

Work Experience Waived for Educational

One Years
 Diploma From a Technical or Trade School
Two Years
 Associated Degree
Four Years
 Bachelor Degree

Five Years
 Master or Doctorate

Basic Requirements
- Proof of Professionalism
 Membership in:
 An International Affiliate Society of ASQ
 Any Society that is a member of the American Association of Engineering Societies of
the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)\
 Registration as a Professional Engineer

- Each Certification Candidate is required to pass a written examination
 Open Book
 100 to 160 Questions
 Three to Five-hours
- Certification Exams
 Proctored by Local Sections
 Administered at Conferences

Certifications Benefits
 Professional Development
 Financial Impact
 Recognition


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