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Lesson 18

Analysis of Functions II:

Relative Extrema; Graphing
•to define maximum, minimum, inflection, stationary
and critical points, relative maximum and relative
•to determine the critical, maximum and minimum
points of any given curve using the first and second
derivative tests;
• to draw the curve using the first and second derivative
tests; and
•to describe the behavior of any given graph in terms of
concavity and relative extrema

1 4 4 3
y = x − x − x2 + 4 x + 1
3 2 3
2 has a relative minima at x = −1 and x = 2
1 and a relative maximum at x = 1
-3 1 2 3

The points x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5 are critical points. Of these, x1, x2,
and x5 are stationary points.
Figure 4.2.3 illustrates that a relative extremum can also
occur at a point where a function is not differentiable.
In general, we define a critical point for a function f to be a
point in the domain of f at which either the graph of f has a
horizontal tangent line or f is not differentiable (line is
vertical).to distinguish between the two types of critical
points we call x a stationary point of f if f’(x)=0.

Thus we have the following theorem:


Theorem 4.2.2 asserts that the relative extrema must

occur at critical points, but it does not say that a
relative extremum occurs at every critical point.

A function has a relative extremum at those critical

points where f’ changes sign.
The above theorem simply say that for a continuous function, relative
extrema occur at critical points where the derivative changes from (+)
to (–) and relative minima where it changes from (–) to (+).

There is another test for relative extrema that is based on

the following geometric observation:

• a function f has a relative maximum at stationary point if

the graph of f is concave down on an open interval
containing that point

• a function f has a relative minimum at stationary point if

the graph of f is concave up on an open interval
containing that point
Note: The second derivative test is applicable only to stationary
points where the 2nd derivative exists.
1. The figure shows the graph of the function f (x ) = x 3 − 3 x 2 + 1 . Use the 1st and
2nd derivatives of f to determine the intervals on which f is increasing, decreasing,
concave up and concave down. Locate all inflection points and confirm that your
conclusions are consistent with the graph.

1 f ' ( x ) = 3 x 2 − 6 x = 3 x( x − 2 )
x f ' ' (x ) = 6 x − 6 = 6 (x − 1)
-1 • 2 3

x<0 (-)(-) + f is increasing on
0<x<2 (+)(-) - f is decreasing on
x>2 (+)(+) + f is increasing on


x<1 (-) - f is concave down on
x>1 (+) + f is concave up on

The 2nd table shows that there is a point of inflection at x=1,

since f changes from concave up to concave down at that point.
The point of inflection is (1,-1).
2. Analyze and trace the curve of f (x ) = 3x5 − 5x3 .


( )
f ' (x ) = 15x 4 - 15x 2 = 15x 2 x 2 − 1 = 15x 2 (x + 1)(x − 1)
when f ' (x ) = 0 → 15x 2 (x + 1)(x − 1) = 0
15x 2 = 0; (x + 1) = 0; (x − 1) = 0
x = 0; x = -1; x=1

( )
f ' ' (x ) = 60x 3 - 30x = 30x 2x 2 − 1
INTERVAL f’(x) Conclusion
x<-1 (+)(-)(-) +
x=-1 y=2 f has a relative maximum
-1<x<0 (+)(+)(-) -
x=0 y=0 f has neither a relative max nor min
0<x<1 (+)(+)(-) -
x=1 y=-2 f has a relative minimum
x>1 (+)(+)(+) +


x=-1 -30 - f has a relative maximum
x=0 0 0 inconclusive
x=1 30 + f has a relative minimum

• 2

-1 1 2

-2 •
3. Analyze and trace the curve of y = 3x − x3

y = 3x − x 3 y' ' = −6 x
y' = 3 − 3 x 2 −6x = 0
( )
3 1 - x 2 = 3(1 + x )(1 − x ) = 0 x=0
(1 + x ) = 0 and (1 − x ) = 0
x = -1 and x=1
INTERVAL f(x) f’(x) f”(x) Conclusion

x<-1 (+)(-)(+)= - + f is decreasing; concave upward

x=-1 -2 0 + f has a relative minimum
-1<x<0 (+)(+)(+)= + + f is increasing; concave upward
x=0 0 3 0 f has a point of inflection
0<x<1 (+)(+)(+)= + - f is increasing; concave downward
x=1 2 0 - f is has a relative maximum
x>1 (+)(+)(-)= - - f is decreasing; concave downward

2 •
y = 3x − 3x 3

-2 -1 1 2

• -2
3. Analyze and trace the curve of y =
4 + x2
4 + x2

y' =
( )
4 + x 2 (4 ) − 4 x(2 x )
4 + x2 2 )
16 + 4 x 2 − 8 x 2 16 − 4 x 2
y' = =
4+x ( 2 2
4 + x2 2 ( )
y' =
4 4 − x2
4(2 + x )(2 − x )
( 4+x 2 2
)4+x 2 2
( )
(2 + x ) = 0 and (2 − x ) = 0
x = -2 and x=2
y' ' =
(4 + x )(− 8 x ) − (− 4 x + 16 )(2 )(4 + x )(2 x )
2 2 2

(4 + x ) 2 4

(4 + x ) (− 8 x ) − 4 x(4 + x )(− 4 x + 16 ) = 0
2 2 2 2

- 4x(4 + x )2(4 + x ) + (− 4 x + 16 ) = 0
2 2 2

- 4x(4 + x )(8 + 2 x − 4 x + 16 ) = 0
2 2 2

- 4x(4 + x )(− 2 x + 24 ) = 0
2 2

8 x(4 + x )(x − 12 ) = 0
2 2

x = 0 and x = 2 3
f (x ) f ' (x ) f ' ' (x )
INTERVAL Conclusion

x  −2 3 - - f is decreasing; concave downward

3 -0.125 0 f has a point of inflection
x = −2 3 −
− 2 3  x  −2 - + f is decreasing; concave upward

x= -2 -1 0 0.25 f has a relative minimum

-2<x<0 + + f is increasing; concave upward

x=0 0 1 0 f has a point of inflection

0<x<2 + - f is increasing; concave downward

x=2 1 0 -0.25 f is has a relative maximum

2x2 3 - - f is decreasing; concave downward

x=2 3 3 -0.125 0 f has a point of inflection

x2 3 - + f is decreasing; concave upward
y 4x
4 + x2

1 • •
-4 •-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4


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