What Is The Critical Care Information System? What Comprises It and How Does It Work?

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What is the Critical Care Information System? What comprises it and how does it work?

Critical care information systems (CCIS) are computer software systems designed
to assist clinical personnel with data processing assignments in critical care units (ICUs). It
offers real-time utilization of resources statistics and information management, as well as
accessibility to critical care regions, by connecting medical facilities in the critical care or
intensive care unit to a smart computer system capable of processing all data. It also allows for
the electronic collection of hospital and patient-specific critical care data from every patient in
critical care areas, which can then be processed to generate a patient profile that creates real-time
and past data reports on indicators such as bed occupancy, postponed discharges, rates of
readmission, and results. The critical care information system's most significant role will be the
automated collection and management of medical information. Reports on the impact of CCIS
range widely from significant benefits to negative consequences. One element contributing to
these inconsistencies is the significant functional diversity of currently available systems, as
there are no standards.
What are the advantages of Community Health Survey System?
Three key functions describe the primary goal of public health: assessment, policy
creation, and assurance. Community health assessments provide details regarding issue and asset
identification, as well as policy development, implementation, and analysis. It further helps in
determining how well a public health system performs its assurance responsibility. It encourages
the best use of computer systems, computer programs, and communication systems for the
benefit of the majority of people, families, and communities. Some of its advantages are:
Preventing, detecting, researching, and eliminating communicable diseases; Data and
information accessibility via communication; Individuals are being educated and empowered to
live a healthy lifestyle; Make data retrieval easier; Effective data-to-information conversion;
Effective information integration with different disciplines concretizes knowledge and leads to a
greater understanding; Computerized patient records and a medical information system;
Repositioning of all data in a central location, such as a data warehouse; Graphical User Interface
(GUI) for nurses and other healthcare providers, as well as patients and consumers. Health
Statistical Surveys are used to collect quantitative information about items in a population in
order to derive specific information from the data collected. Depending on the aim, surveys may
be focused on views or factual information, and many surveys involve administering questions to
What is Telehealth, the goals of Telehealth, and institutions in the Philippines utilizing
Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technology to
access and manage health care services remotely. Computers and mobile devices such as tablets
and smartphones are examples of technologies. This may be technology you use at home. In
remote locations, a nurse or other health care practitioner may conduct telehealth from a medical
office or mobile van. Telehealth can also refer to the use of technology by your health care
practitioner to improve or supplement health care services. Telehealth, has the following
objectives: Make health care more accessible to persons who reside in rural or isolated places;
Keep yourself and others safe if you have an infectious disease; Provide primary care for a wide
range of conditions; Make services more accessible or convenient for persons with restricted
mobility, time, or transportation; Make medical specialists available; Improve communication
and care coordination between members of the health care team and the person receiving
treatment; Provide guidance on self-management of health care. Many people found
telemedicine to be beneficial during the COVID-19 outbreak and continue to utilize it.
Telehealth is becoming more popular. Teleconsultations are currently available in the Philippines
via COVID-19 hotlines, websites, and mobile apps developed by various organizations and
enterprises. The Department of Health (DOH), Medgate, KonsultaMD, Medifi, HealthNow,
AIDE, DOCPH, Yo-Vivo Health, and Lifeline are among them.


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