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The approaches that will be employed in this investigation are discussed in this chapter. It covers the
research design and methodology, a description of the study's subject matter, study participation ,data
collectiom ,and data collection procedures.

Research Design

The researcher will uses the case study that utilizes, qualitative techniques in gathering and
formulating the data to especifically underatanding the status of a certain study.

The research approach of this study will be mades possible through interview.

Research Participants

The participant of this study are the 5 junior high school student, from Mabinay National high school.The
total of all junior high school in Mabinay national high school there are two-thousand sixty one (2,061)

Research Sampling

Research Environment

This study will be conducted in Mabinay National High School. It is located in Naranghita Street
Poblation Mabinay, Negros Oriental. It is only public university in the municipality of Mabinay. It was
founded in 1907.
Research Procedures

Before conducting the interview to the junior High School students, the researchers will

prepare the letters of intent addressed to Mabinay National High School - junior High School

Hcad, Rescarch Coordinalor, and Junior High students asking them for the penmission and approval for
the conduect of the interview. After this researchers will have the interview

questions revised and checked by thier Practical Reseuch 1 teacher.

Scope and delimitation

Scope. This work looked into the Impacts of financial limitations on junior high school students

Research Environment.This study took place at Mabinay National High School

Time Frame. This work was conducted during the school year 2023-2024

Research Instrument

The researchers will bring with them a notebook and pen.They will also bring and use smart phones,
voice recorders, digital camera if they are givin the permission by the interviewees to utilize such.They
will use these in conducting actual interview.

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