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Assignment 3

Critique & Analysis of Gas Turbine Performance

Read and analyse the given research paper and answer the following questions. For answering
the questions below, you might need to refer to other research papers/literature to provide a
comprehensive and insightful answers backed by references. Use relevant figures, equations
and calculations where needed.

1. How does the paper present the relationship between gas turbine performance and
various operational conditions (ambient temperature, humidity, accessory loads, fuel
gases)? Can you identify any unique insights or perspectives that the authors bring to
this topic?

(8 Marks)

2. The authors present a description of the working principles of a gas turbine. How
effectively do they connect these principles to the operational characteristics of gas
turbines? Can you identify any gaps or areas that could have been explained more

(8 Marks)

3. The paper discusses the concept of performance degradation in gas turbines. How do
the authors substantiate their discussion on this topic? Are there any other possible
causes of degradation that the authors did not mention?

(8 Marks)

4. The authors present several equations and mathematical models to explain gas turbine
cycles. How do these models contribute to your understanding of gas turbine
performance? Are there any assumptions made in these models that may affect their
accuracy or applicability?
(8 Marks)

5. How do the authors address the role of fuel quality and composition in gas turbine
performance? Do they provide sufficient evidence to support their claims?
(8 Marks)

6. In the paper, the authors provide various graphs and tables, such as Figure 18 on
'Correction factors for inlet losses, exhaust losses, and site elevation'. How do these
contribute to the paper's arguments? What do you understand in these graphs and
what more information it could have had?
(10 Marks)
7. The authors discuss the impact of ambient pressure on gas turbine performance. How
do they justify their claims? What evidence or theoretical basis do they provide?
(10 Marks)

8. In the section on 'Transient Behavior', the authors explain the operation of gas turbines
during load transients. How well do they link this discussion to the overall theme of
gas turbine performance?
(10 Marks)

9. The authors mention different precautions that can slow down the effects of
degradation. How effectively do they justify these precautions? Can you suggest any
additional measures based on your reading of the paper and other sources?
(10 Marks)

10. The authors discuss the concept of 'recoverable and non-recoverable degradation'.
How effectively do they differentiate between these two types of degradation? Can
you find any inconsistencies or oversights in their discussion?
(5 Marks)

11. The authors discuss the use of variable inlet guide vanes (VIGVs) in gas turbines. How
do they explain the impact of VIGVs on gas turbine performance? Can you suggest any
improvements or additions to their discussion?
(5 Marks)

12. The authors conclude the paper by summarizing their findings. How effectively do they
connect their conclusions to their initial research objectives and the evidence they
presented? Can you identify any new insights or implications that they could have
included in their conclusions?
(5 Marks)

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