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Government Of Karnataka

Department Of Public Instruction

• Single Answer-Several Questions????

• Most Likely Questions

Class: 10 Subject: Social Science

Sub. Teacher:


History: UNIT – V
Learning Point Questions Answers

• Brahmo Samaj 1. Monotheism

➢ Objectives 2. Support to women
• Arya Samaja education
➢ Teachings
• Prathana Samaj 3. Equality among men
and women
• Sathya Shodhak ➢ Principles
4. Prohibition of Caste
➢ Aims system
•Aligarh Reformation 5. Oppose to Child
Movement ➢ Aspects marriage
• Ramakrishna 6. Oppose to Polygamy
Mission 7. Oppose to meaningless
• Young Bengal rituals
Question:What are the Objectives/teachings/principles/aspects/aims of Brahmo
Samaj/Arya Samaj/Prarthana Samaj/Sathya Shodhak Samaj/Ramakrishna
Mission/Alighar reformation movement/ Young Bengal Movement?


Learning Point Questions Answers

What are • Chipko Movement? ✓ Vast deforestation

✓ Threat to the local
• Appiko Movement? environment
the • Narmda Bachavo ✓ Threat to the
sensitive ecological
Causes • Silent Valley
Movement? balance
• Coastal Karnataka ✓ Environment
for Environment
• Movement
opposing Kaiga
Nuclear Power

Learning Point Questions Answers
1. Child Labour? Causes
1. Poverty
1. What are 2. Sexual Violence
2. Illiteracy
the Causes 0n Children? 3. Inequality
of 4. Discrimination
3. Female Feticide
5. Migration of families
2. What are (foeticide)? 6. Debt
the ill 7. Lack of proper implementation of
4. Hunger and law
Effects of
Malnutrition? Effects:
1. Physical exploitation
5. Gender 2. Mental torture
3. What are 3. Violation of human rights
the 4. Social insecurity
remedies 6. Child Marriage? 5. Cause early death
for 6. Sexual harassment
7. Child trafficking?
7. Ill health
8. Restrict Social economic mobility
1. Education
2. Proper implementation of laws
3. Creating awareness
4. Formation of Child Rights
Protection Units
5. Children Grama Sabha
6. Formation of Child Protection
7. Formation of Child Right Clubs
8. Formation of Women and
Children Trafficking Prevention
9. Social welfare programs

Concepts/Questions Answer

1. What are the functions of

banks? 1. Transfer of money
2. What are the services offered
2. Safe deposit locker
by the Banks?
3. What are the uses of Banks? facility
4. What is the importance of
3. Providing loans
5. What is the essence of banks? 4. Safety of money

6. What is the role of Banks in 5. Remittance of money

the economic
6. Discounting of bills
development of a country?
7. What are the Advantages of opening 7. Acceptance of deposits
bank Accounts
8. Making payments
8. Banks play a very important
role in Economy of a
country. How?

What is/are the 1. Agriculture? 1. Increase in National income

1. importance 2. Industry? 2. Increase in Per Capita income
of 3. Transport? 3. Increase in people’s Standard of
4. Rural Development? Life
2. Significance of
5. Communication? 4. Increase in GDP
3. Necessity of 5. Creates Job opportunities
6. Earn Foreign Exchange
4. Uses of 7. Development of Economic Sectors
8. Economic Development of the

1. Damodar River 1. Flood control
Valley Project? 2. Supply of water to Agriculture
are 3. Supply of water to Industry
2. Bhakra Nangal
the 4. Generation of Hydro Electricity
Objectives 5. Fishing
3. Hirakud RVP? 6. Afforestation
of 4. River Valley 7. Control of soil erosion
Projects? 8. Domestic use
9. Entertainment
10. Recreation
Concepts/Questions Answer

1. Industries? 1. Supply of raw material

1. Which
2. Iron & Steel industry? 2. Supply of labour
3. Supply of water
influence 3. Aluminum Industry?
4. Supply of electricity
the 4. Cotton Industry?
5. Supply of Capital
localization 5. Sugar Industry?
6. Transport &
6. Paper Industry? Communication

7. Market facility

8. Government policy

9. Ideal climate


Concepts/Questions Answer
1. Loss of property
cyclones? 2. Loss of life
What are floods?
3. Loss of vegetation/crops
the landslides?
4. Spread of diseases
effects of earthquakes?
coastal erosion? 5. Break down of communication system
6. Disruption of essential services
What are the 1. Environmental protection
1. precautionary measures/ remedies to be taken 2. Temporary shelters
for cyclones? 3. Providing medical assistance
2. precautionary measures to be taken for floods?
4. Supply of food & water
3. precautionary measures to be taken for
5. Early warnings
4. precautionary measures to be taken for earth 6. Avoiding mining

quakes? 7. Massive reforestation

5. precautionary to be taken for coastal Erosion?

Most likely Questions

1. What are measures undertaken to 2. Which actors influenced our
check untouchability? foreign policy?
1. Article-17 prohibits untouchability. 1. National interest
2. Untouchability Crime Act-1955.
2. Geographical aspects
3. Citizen’s Rights Protection Act-
1976 3. Political situation
4. Right to equality
4. Economic system
5. Reservation in all fields.
6. The regulation of 1989-special 5. Defence capability
responsibilities to the State Govt. 6. Public opinion
7. Equal opportunities to all citizens.
7. International circumstances.

3. List out the Panchasheela 4. Which are basic aspects of India’s
Principles. foreign policy?
1. Respecting each other’s Sovereignty a) Panchasheela Principles.
and regional interests. b) Non-Aligned Movement
2. Non invasion on each other. c) Anti-imperialism.
3. Non-interference in each other’s d) Anti-apartheid policy
internal issues.
e) Disarmament.
4. Mutual cooperation and respect.
5. Peaceful coexistence.
5. “Scientific developments led to the 6. How Communalism is harmful?
sea voyages”. Justify this statement. 1. Creates mutual suspicion
The new scientific instruments like the 2. Creates fear
compass, gunpowder, astrolabes naval 3. Creates social differences
equipment and maps helped the sailors 4. Threat to integrity
in their sea voyage. 5. Destroys public and private property
6. Physical assaults
7. Mention the reasons for the failure 8. What are the causes of soil
of the revolt of 1857. erosion?
1. Lack of leadership. 1. Deforestation
2. Lack of unity among Indians 2. Overgrazing
3. Lack of war strategy 3. Shifting cultivation
4. Lack of expertise 4. Faulty methods of cultivation.
5. Lack of discipline and direction. 5. Use of soil for making bricks and tiles
6. Lack of soldiering skills, strategies. 9. What are the effects of soil
7. Indian king’s loyalty to the British erosion?
8. People lost confidence in the soldiers 1. Loss of soil fertility
due to their looting. 2. Silting cause floods
9. Not a planned mutiny 3. Change of the course of rivers, and
10. Disunity among Indian soldiers reduction of capacity of the
4. Ground water level is lowered
5. decrease in soil moisture.
6. Drought increase.
7. Economy as a whole suffers
10. List-out the measures to check 11. What are the main causes for the
soil erosion? destruction of forests?
1. Afforestation 1. Expansion of agriculture land
2. Controlled over grazing 2. Construction of roads and rail routes,
3. Counter farming Irrigation projects.
4. Construction of check dams 3. Over grazing
5. Counter bunding 4. Industrialization
6. Gully control and bench terracing 5. Urbanization
6. Forest fire and mining.

12. List out the methods to forest 13. Mention the importance of
conservation. Peninsular plateau.
1. Control of deforestation • Rich deposit of minerals
2. Restriction on grazing • Rivers have formed waterfalls.
3. Control of forest fires • Production of hydro-electricity
4. Prevention of encroachment on • Agriculture
• Tourist places
5. Control of forest insects, diseases 14. Mention the importance of
6. Controlling illegal cutting of trees The Northern great planes.
7. Scientific cutting of trees 1. Suitable for agriculture
2. Has a network of roads, railways and
8. Legislation to check deforestation means of communication.
9. Encourage afforestation. 3. Useful industrialization
10. Creating of awareness 4. Useful for urbanization and trade.
5. A number of pilgrim centres
15. Mention the importance of 16. How are Himalayas helpful?
Coastal planes. 1. Act as natural frontiers
1. Foreign trade. 2. Prevent foreign invasions
3. Prevent the cold winds from central
2. Useful for fishing, shipbuilding
3. Agriculture and production of salt. 4. They cause heavy rainfall.
5. Their slopes have thick forests
4. Beaches attract tourists.
6. Ideal for plantation crops. eg. Tea in
5. The backwaters are useful for Assam.
7. They are a store house of minerals
8. Birth place of many rivers
9. Water falls generate hydro-electric
17. What are the differences between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats?
Western Ghats Eastern Ghats
1. Continues and very high 1. Not continues and not high
2. Run parallel to the west coast 2. Run parallel to the east coast
3. Run from Tapi valley to Kanyakumari 3. Run from Mahanadi valley to
Nilgiri hills
18. What are the differences between the Western coastal plain and
Eastern coastal plain?
Western coastal plains Eastern coastal plains
1. Lies between western ghats and 1. Lies between eastern ghats and
Arabian sea Bay of Bengal
2. Extend from Rann of Kutch to 2. Extend from Ganges delta to
Kanyakumari Kanyakumari
3. Narrow 3. Wide
4. Konkan, Karnataka, Malabar coast 4. Northern Circar, Coromandal coast

19. What are the differences between the Savings bank account and
Current account?
Savings bank account Current account
1. Opened by salaried persons 1. Opened by businessman
2. Restriction on withdrawals 2. No restrictions on withdrawals
3. Banks give interest 3. Banks collect service charges
20. What are the differences between the Black soil and desert soil?
Black soil Desert soil
1. Derived from basalt rock 1. Formed under desert conditions
2. High clay content 2. High content of soluble salt
3. Highly retentive of moister 3. Low in moister and humus
4. Best suited for cultivation 4. Not suitable for cultivation
21. What are the difference between the Black soil and red soil?
Black soil Red soil
1. Derived from basalt rock 1. Derived from granite and gneiss
2. High clay content 2. Less clay
3. Highly retentive of moister 3. Do not retain moister
4. Black in colour 4. Red or reddish brown in colour
22. What are the difference between the Evergreen forests and Desert
Evergreen forests Desert forests
1. Found in heavy rain fall areas 1. Found in areas of 10-50 cms rain fall
2. Dense forests 2. Scattered trees
3. Teak, Rose wood, Ebony, Mahogany 3. Jhand, Khair, Kolko, Babul, Cacti,
etc. Khejra etc.
4. Western Ghats, North eastern states 4. Thar desert area
23. What are the differences between the Rivers of north India and the
Rivers of south India?
Rivers of north India Rivers of south India
1. Himalayan rivers 1. Peninsular rivers
2. Flow throughout the year 2. Flow only during rainy season
3. Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus 3. Narmada, Mahanadi, Godavari,
24. What are then differences between Andaman Nicobar Islands
and Lakshadweep Islands?
Andaman Nicobar Islands Lakshadweep Islands
1. Formed by the Volcanoes 1. Formed by corals
2. There are 204 Islands 2. There are 43 Islands
3. They are in Bay of Bengal 3. They are in Arabian sea

25. Which are the major Industrial 26. Mention the major forms of
regions of India? Social Stratification.
1. Hoogley – Kolkatta region 1. Primitive society
2. Mumbai – Pune region 2. Slavery
3. Ahmedabad – Vadodhara region 3. Estates System
4. Madhurai- Coimbatore region
4. Varna System
5. Delhi- Merut region
6. Vishakhapatna- Guntur region 5. Caste System
7. Kollam –Thiruvantapuram region
27. What are the aims/objectives of 28. Make a list of affiliated bodies
UNO? of UNO.
1. Safeguard International peace & 1. General Assembly
security 2. Security Council
2. Fostering co-operation among nations 3. Economic and Social council
3. Faith in Human rights
4. Trusteeship Council
4. Exploring solutions to global
problems 5. International court of Justice
5. Recognition to international 6. Secretariat
6. To build mutual trust and co-operation
29. Write about the formation and 30. Explain the importance of Well
functions of Security Council. irrigation.
1. It is like a cabinet of UNO 1. Possible even in areas of low rainfall
2. There are 5 permanent and 10 2. It is cheap and easy
temporary members 3. They do not require high technology
3. Solve global problems peacefully 4. It is easy even for small farmers
4. It deploys peace keeping force
5. It selects judges of internationalcourt
31. List out the types of Roads. 32. Explain about the Pipeline
1. Golden quadrilateral and Super transport.
highways 1. New mode of Land Transport
2. National highways 2. Pipelines laid under the earth’s
3. State highways surface
4. District Roads 3. Mostly used to transport crude oil
5. Rural roads and natural gas
4. Transport of mineral
33. How is Untouchability is a social 34. Name the different types of
evil? banks.
1. Lowest position in social system 1. Central Bank
2. kept out of education 2. Commercial Banks
3. Denied from property rights 3. Industrial Development Banks
4. Denied from political rights 4. Land Development Bank
5. Denied from human rights 5. Indigenous Banks
6. Co-operative Banks

Four Marks Questions:
35. Explain the role of Subhash 36. Explain the Contributions of
Chandra Bose in the freedom Jawahar Lal Nehru.
struggle of India. ❖ First Prime minister of India
1. He was popular as Netaji
2. He left the congress due to the ❖ helped to merge princely states
difference of opinion with Gandhi with Indian union
3. Congress socialist party
❖ designed Indian foreign policy
4. He established “Forward Black”
5. He organized Indians who were in ❖ implemented Five Year Plan
❖ implemented irrigation projects
6. Hard line approach
7. Vienna Berlin, Rome, Istanbul ❖ followed mixed economy
8. He organized INA
❖ implemented rural development
9. Escaped from house arrest
10. Blood for independence programs
11. Bose gave call for Delhi Chalo
❖ established many industries
12. British defeated INA
13. Died in the airplane crash
37. Explain the Contributions of 38. Explain about Non-Cooperative
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
❖ Gandhi gave a call to the
❖ He was known as “Modern Manu”
non-cooperation movement in 1920
❖ He organized Mahar & Kalaram
❖ Many Indians supported this
❖ He established Bahiskrit Bhartat
❖ Many Lawyers sacrificed their law
❖ He established “independent labour
❖ Boycotted schools, colleges and
❖ He started a journal named
❖ Boycotted elections
❖ Started National Schools
❖ He presided over the drafting
❖ Boycotting all foreign goods
committee of the Constitution
❖ The violence of Chowri-Chowra
❖ He provided reservation for the
Gandhiji withdrew the movement.
❖ He was awarded “Bharatha Rathna”.

39. Explain about the revolt of 40. The Agitation of farmers and
Santalas. Workers.
❖ They revolted against the revenue 1. They played an important role in the
and forest policies of the British freedom movement.
❖ Among them santala and Munda 2. They influenced from Congress and
were important. Marxist ideas
❖ The santalas were distributed in 3. They opposed growing Indigo in
Odissa and Bengal Champaranya district
❖ Santalas lost their land and revolted 4. They protested against land tax
❖ The revolt was severe in Bhagatpur 5. Kisan sabha: Telangana, Maharashtra
and Rajmahal areas. 6. Gandhi’s influence in
❖ The British and the zamindars fled Champaranya Kheda movements
away. 7. Farmers revolted against the British
❖ The British suppressed this revolt 8. Farmer’s problems intermingled
with the army With freedom movement.
❖ It became an inspiration for many 9. Calcutta-1827
revolts in future. 10. Railway worker’s protest
11. The printers Union-Calcutta
12. Madras labour union
41. Write about the Quit India 42. Explain the role of moderates in
Movement. the freedom struggle of India.
❖ Gandhiji called for “Quit India” 1. The first 20 years of the Indian
movement in 1942 National Congress
❖ Quit India movement declared 2. W.C Banerjee, M.G. Ranade,
“British, Quit India” Surendranatha Banerjee, Dadabai
❖ Gandhiji gave call to the fellow Naoroji, Gopala Krishna Gokhale
Indians to “Do or Die” 3. Had faith in the rule of British and
❖ The British arrested national leaders Judiciary
❖ Jayaprakash Narayan took the 4. demands through prayers and
leadership of the movement requests
5. Organized public meetings
❖ Many native rulers worked in favour
6. Submitted memorandums to the
of the British.
❖ Muslim League did not support the 7. military expenditure, development of
movement. Indian industries, providing good
❖ The British suppressed the education and programmes for
movement poverty alleviation
8. “Drain Theory’.
9. The Age of Liberal Nationalism

Map Questions:

Draw an out-line map of India and mark the following:


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