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WA2 IMRAD Assignment Section Planning

Proposal & Research Strategy:

Working thesis (could also be termed a hypothesis):

Introduction (in which you explain the idea behind your purpose in doing this experiment, what
the experiment showed you or helped you learn about human behavior.

Method (in which you present the data - how the experiment worked who the participants were,
what materials were used, what the various steps in the process/stages of the experiment were.
You want to think through and address also questions such as: do/might your subjects represent a
larger population? What factors might make the data you collected less revealing? Did you do
anything to address/get around these potential issues? Do you have – and did you make use of –
any contextual information that might help you to interpret your data?

Results (in which you describe what actually happened). Present the data as clearly and honestly
as possible. Use a visual such as a table to summarize some of the data.

Discussion (in which you analyze/interpret your data). What did you learn from your experiment
experience? What conclusions can you draw? Connect your conclusions to your
introduction/your thesis.

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