Guy Debord

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Guy Debord

In 2020 I rst read Guy Debord's most iconic work, The Landscape Society,
written in 1967, an indictment of the rabid consumerism of post-war capitalist

I saw in it not only a satire of consumerism, but also an accurate critique of

the hypocrisy of mainstream society that the masses had turned a blind eye
to. Today, 60 years later, I still nd his ideas very progressive and his enduring
philosophy striking.

*Guy-Ernest Debord (28 December 1931 – 30 November 1994) was a French Marxist theorist, philosopher, filmmaker, critic of work,
member of the Letterist International, founder of a Letterist faction, and founding member of the Situationist International.He was also
briefly a member of Socialisme ou Barbarie.

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