Simone de Beauvoir

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Simone de Beauvoir

The answer to the many tangles and confusions of social encounters as a

woman is found in The Second Sex, where Beauvoir pierces the bubble of
perceived femininity with poignant and penetrating statements. On the basis of
knowing myself as a "man", Beauvoir made me search even more for the
perception of my identity as a "woman".

"Women are doomed to immorality" made me look at the social stabbing and
invisible bondage of women. I have no intention of becoming a feminist, but I
aspire to open up my female self-awareness and self-establishment, to stand
freely in the world as a "woman". Beauvoir's language is sharp and her opinions
even hurtful, but I can feel that the starting point of her thinking is an extremely
tender and sensitive female soul.

*Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir ( 9 January 1908 – 14 April 1986) was a French existentialist philosopher, writer,
social theorist, and feminist activist. Though she did not consider herself a philosopher, and even though she was not considered one at
the time of her death,she had a significant influence on both feminist existentialism and feminist theory.

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