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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

Prepared by:
Alvin John Arconado Kurt Allen Perilla Genie Rose Mae Tugade
Divine Erika Pablico Darlain Peria Natalie Yvonne Molina
The 21st Century Skill Categories

The 21

Chapter 2:
21st Century Skill Categories

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s)

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

At the end of this Chapter, the students should be able to:

a) Apply the 21st Century skills in preparing, planning, and delivering a lesson.
b) Cite ways on how to enhance the 21st Century skills of learners.
c) Explain how 21st Century skills can be integrated in the teaching-learning
d) Cite implications of 21st Century skills to educators and to pre-service
teacher preparation.
e) Draw relevant life lessons and significant values from personal experience in
attaining 21st Century Skills.


The 21st Century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits,
and character traits that are deemed necessary in coping with today’s world and
future careers and workplaces. Thus, it can be applied in all academic subject
areas and educational settings throughout student’s life.

In addition, the term “21st Century Skills” refers to certain core

competencies, such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-
solving that school need to teach the students for them to thrive in today’s world.

Furthermore, the 21st Century has led to a revolutionary era marked by

expediting technological advancement, increased global connectivity, and shifting
social standards. Traditional knowledge and skills are no longer sufficient to thrive
in this dynamic environment. A new set of skills often referred to us “The 21 st
Century Skills”, has arisen as a requirement for progress in the learning facility, the
workplace, and daily life. These skills cover a wide variety of qualities that enables
people to adapt, create, communicate clearly, and participate in complexity of the
contemporary environment.

This report delves into the different 21st Century skill categories on how this
can be integrated in the teaching and learning process, how will learners enhance
their 21st century skills. And, illuminating their significance and profound
implication they wield on learners as they navigate this ever-changing terrain.

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills presents the following sets of skills that
are categorized accordingly with different strands of expected outcome.

I. Learning and Innovation Skills

These are primary skills orchestrated in the 21 st Century. They are attributes
that differentiate students who are prepared for a complex life and work
environment from those who are not. Therefore, there is a need to stress on

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration in preparing learners

for the future.

a. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Skills Sub-skills
1. Work together Establish clear definitions and agreements on the roles
effectively in team. of partners in the collaborative process
Keep communication open within teams to carry out
Carefully identify obstacles and address problem
2. Reason Effectively Use various types of reasoning
Use systems thinking
Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other
to produce overall outcomes in complex systems
3. Make judgements Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments,
and decisions claims, and beliefs
Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view
Synthesize and make connections between information
and arguments
Interpret information and draw conclusions
Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes
4. Solve problems Solve different kinds of non-familiar problems in both
conventional and innovative ways
Identify and ask significant questions

b. Communication
Skills Sub-skills
1. Communicate clearly Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively
Listen effectively and decipher meaning, including
knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions
Use communication for a range of purposes
Utilize multiple media and technologies
Use technology as a tool
Use digital technologies
Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work

c. Collaboration
Skills Sub-skills
1. Work together Establish clear definitions and agreements on the roles
effectively in team of partners in the collaborative process
Keep communication open within teams
Carefully identify obstacles and address problem

d. Creativity and Innovation

Skills Sub-skills
1. Think creatively Use wide range of idea creation techniques
Create new and worthwhile ideas
Elaborate, refine, analyze, and evaluate their own ideas
2. Work creatively with Develop, implement, and communicate new ideas to

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

others others effectively

Be open and responsive to new and diverse perspective
Demonstrates originality and inventiveness in work
View failure as an opportunity to learn
3. Implement Act on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful
innovation contribution to the field

II. Information, Media, and Technology Skills

People in the 21st Century live in a technology and media saturated
environment marked by the following: access to an abundance of information, rapid
change in technology tools, and the ability to collaborate and make individual
contributions on an unprecedented scale.

Skills Sub-skills
1. Access and evaluate Access information efficiently and effectively
information Evaluate information critically and competently
2. Use and manage Use information accurately and creatively for the issue
information or problem at hand
Manage the flow of information
Apply fundamental understanding of ethical/legal
issue surrounding the access and use of information
a. Information Literacy

b. Media Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
1. Analyze media Understand both how and why
Examine how individuals interpret messages differently
Apply fundamental understanding of ethical/legal
issue surrounding the access and use of media
2. Create media Understand and utilize the most appropriate media
products creation characteristics and conventions
Understand and effectively utilize the most appropriate
expressions and interpretations in diverse, multi-
cultural environment

c. Technology Literacy
Skills Sub-skills
1. Apply technology Use technology as a tool
effectively Use digital technologies
Apply fundamental understanding of ethical/legal
issue surrounding the access and use of technology

III. Flexibility and Adaptability

Flexibility and adaptability are skills that enable individuals to thrive in a
fast-paced world.
Skills Sub-skills
1. Adapt to change Adapt to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and
Work effectively in climate of ambiguity

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

2. Be flexible Incorporate feedback effectively

Deal positively with praise, setbacks, and criticisms
Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and
beliefs to reach workplace solutions, particularly in
multi-cultural environments

IV. Initiative and Self-Direction

Skills Sub-skills
1. Manage goals and Set goals with tangible and intangible success criteria
time Balance tactical and strategic goals
Utilize time and manage goals efficiently
2. Work independently Monitor, define, prioritize, and complete tasks
3. Be self-directed Go beyond basic mastery skills
learner Demonstrate initiative
Demonstrate commitment
Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior
4. Be responsible to Act responsively with interests of larger community
other Consider other ideas and viewpoints
Look for others’ welfare and safety in all circumstances
Assist others in times of their downfalls and setbacks

V. Social and Cross-Cultural Skills

Skills Sub-skills
1. Interact actively with Know when it is appropriate to listen and when to
others speak
Conducts one’s self in a respectable and professional
2. Work effectively in Respect cultural differences and work effectively with
diverse teams people
Respond open-mindedly to different ideas and values
Leverage social and cultural differences to create new
ideas and increase innovation and quality of work

VI. Productivity and Accountability

Skills Sub-skills
1. Manage projects Set and meet goals
Prioritize, plan, and manage work tom achieve the
intended result
2. Produce results Demonstrate additional attributes associated with
producing high quality products, including abilities

VII. Leadership and Responsibility

Skills Sub-skills
1. Guide and lead Use interpersonal and problem-solving skills to
others influence and guide others
Leverage strength of others
Inspire others to reach their very best
Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in using

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

influence and power

2. Be responsible to Act responsibly with the interests of the larger
others community

Presenter’s Viewpoint

In the 21st century, students need to develop skills like

creativity, critical thinking, communication, and cooperation to
succeed in complex social and professional environments. These
skills include problem-solving, collaboration, and communication.
Critical thinking involves sound reasoning, assessment, and
decision-making, while communication involves clear communication
and sharing responsibility. Creativity and innovation involve thinking
creatively, collaboration, and embracing failure as learning
opportunities. Information, media, and technological literacy are
essential for efficient information use, ethical evaluation, and
Let us Ponder
understanding of technology. Flexibility, initiative, self-direction,
social and cross-cultural skills, productivity, and leadership are also
crucial for success in a fast-paced world.

What are the key 21st-century skills that learners

Integrating 21st Century Skills in Teaching-Learning Process
need to develop, and how can educators effectively
foster these
The 21 st skillssupport
Century in the systems.
The following elements are the critical
systems necessary to ensure students mastery of the 21st Century Skills: 21st
Century Standard, Assessment of 21st Century, 21st Century Curriculum and
Instruction, Professional Development, and Learning environment.

1. 21st Century Standards

1.1.Focus on 21st Century skills, content knowledge and expertise
1.2.Build understanding across and among core subjects as well as 21 st
century interdisciplinary themes
1.3.Emphasize deep understanding rather than shallow knowledge
1.4.Engage students with the real-world data, tools, and experts they will
encounter in college, on the job, and in life, students learn best when
actively engaged in solving meaningful problems
1.5.Allow for multiple measures of mastery

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

2. Assessment of 21st Century Skills

2.1. Supports a balance of assessment, including high-quality standardized
testing along with effective formative and summative classroom
2.2. Emphasizes useful feedbacks on student’s performance that is
embedded into everyday learning
2.3. Requires a balance of technology-enhanced, formative and summative
assessments that measures student mastery of 21st Century skills
2.4. Enables development of portfolios of student work that demonstrate
mastery of 21st century skills to education and prospective employers
2.5. Enables a balanced portfolio of measures to assess the educational
system’s effectiveness in reaching high levels of student competency in
21st Century skills

3. 21st Century Curriculum and Instruction

3.1. Teaches 21st Century skills discretely in the context of core subjects and
21st Century interdisciplinary themes
3.2. Focuses on providing opportunities for applying 21 st Century skills
across content areas and for a competency-based approach to learning
3.3. Enables innovative learning methods that integrate the use of
supportive technologies, inquiry and problem-based approaches and
higher order thinking skills
3.4. Encourages the integration of community resources beyond school

4. The 21st Century Professional Development

4.1. Highlights ways teachers can seize opportunities for integrating 21 st
Century skills, tools and teaching strategies into their classroom
practice and help them identify what activities they can replace/de-
4.2. Balances direct instruction with project-oriented teaching methods
4.3. Illustrates how a deeper understanding of subject matter can enhance
problem-solving, critical thinking, and other 21st Century skills
4.4. Enables 21st Century professional learning communities for teachers
that model the kinds of classroom learning that best promotes 21 st
Century skills for students
4.5. Cultivates teachers’ ability to identify students’ particular learning
styles, intelligences, strengths and weaknesses
4.6. Help teachers develop their abilities to use various strategies to reach
diverse students and create environments that support differentiated
teaching and learning
4.7. Support the continuous evaluation of students’ 21 st Century skills
4.8. Encourages knowledge sharing among communities of practitioners
using face to face, virtual and blended communications
4.9. Uses scalable and sustainable model of professional development

5. The 21st Century Learning Environments

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

5.1. Create learning practices, human support, and physical environments

that will support the teaching and learning of 21st Century skills
5.2. Support professional learning communities that enable educators to
collaborate, share best practices and integrate 21st Century skills into
classroom practice
5.3. Enable students to learn in relevant, real-world 21st Century contexts
5.4. Allow equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies, and
5.5. Provide 21st Century architectural and interior design for group, team,
and individual learning
5.6. Support expanded community and international involvement in
learning, both face to face and online

Presenter’s Viewpoint

The 21st Century support systems include 21st Century

Standards, Assessment of 21st Century Skills, 21st Century
Curriculum and Instruction, Professional Development, and Learning
Environment. These systems focus on deep understanding, real-
world data, and engaging students with real-world data. They
support a balance of assessment, curriculum, professional
development, and learning environments. Professional development
helps teachers integrate 21st Century skills into their classroom
practices, while learning environments support real-world contexts
Let us Ponder
and equitable access to resources. These systems ensure students
master 21st Century skills effectively.

How can educators effectively integrate 21st-

century skills into the teaching-learning process, and
what benefits does this integration offer to both
students and society at large?

Implications to Educators

The advent of 21st Century skill enhancement among learners bring the
following implications to educators in:

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

1. Successfully complementing technologies to content and pedagogy and

developing the ability to creatively use technologies to meet specific learning
2. Aligning instructions with standards, particularly those that embody 21 st
Century knowledge and skills.
3. Balancing direct instruction strategically with project-oriented teaching
4. Applying child and adolescent development knowledge to educator
preparation and education policy.
5. Using arrange of assessment strategies to evaluate student performance
and differentiate instruction.
6. Participating actively in learning communities, tapping the expertise within
a school or school district through coaching, mentoring, knowledge-
sharing, and team teaching.
7. Acting as mentor and peer coaches with fellow educators.
8. Using a range of strategies to reach diverse students and to create
environments that support differentiated teaching and learning.
9. Pursuing continuous learning opportunities and embracing career-long
learning as professional ethics.
10. Establishing a conducive learning environment where learners can freely
express themselves and explore their potentials and capacities.

Implication to Pre-service Teacher Preparation

There is a need to understand the key elements of optimum curricula that
will help pre-service teachers develop the depositions, curious of minds, and
confidence to enable students to develop 21 st Century skills in a range of core
academic subject areas. Pre-service teachers are expected to play an active role in
developing and organizing content and instruction for their own students.

AACTE (2010) asserts that 21st Century approach to curriculum is about

more than just adding an extra course or extra class time in the curriculum. Thus,
pre-service teachers benefit from the ability to fully explore and understand how to
develop and use curriculum and use curriculum for deep understanding and
mastery of academic subject knowledge and 21st Century skills.

As a starting point, a teacher education program can be aligned with student

and teacher standards in ways that blend thinking and innovation skills, ICT
literacy in the context of all academic subjects and across interdisciplinary themes.

An effective 21st Century skills approach to curriculum, in other words, is

designed for understanding. The program’s curriculum will be most beneficial to
pre-service teachers if it is designed to produce deep understanding and authentic
application of 21st Century skills in all subject areas.

Instructional Model. Instructional Model are an important component of

any teacher preparation program. AACTE (2010) pointed out that the integration of
innovative and research- proven teaching strategies, modern learning technologies,
and real-world resources and contexts are all imperative in:
1. Integrating “teach for understanding” Principles. When pre=service
teachers can prepare and present lessons that can develop students’

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

essential concepts and skills with the integration of technologies, the latter
can reciprocally demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving in class.
2. Creating rich practice teaching experiences. Strong practice teaching
experiences allow preservice teachers to connect theory and practice.
3. Creating dynamic learning communities and peer mentoring network.
Pre-service teachers benefit greatly from service-learning as part of their
experiential learning courses. It provides time to reflect on relevant
pedagogic strategies that enhance 21st Century skills in classroom practice.
4. Examine the role of content, pedagogy and technologies in developing
higher order thinking skills. The ability to teach for content mastery is a
challenging task to most pre-service teachers. Teaching for content mastery
(1) supports a range of high quality standardized testing along formative
and summative assessments; (2) emphasizes useful feedback on student
performance; (3) requires balanced technology-enhanced, formative and
summative assessments; (4) enables development of student portfolios that
demonstrate mastery of 21st Century knowledge and skills; (5) enables a
balanced score card to assess the educational system’s effectiveness.

Teacher preparation programs can play a vital role in developing

education leaders who understand and can influence current trends and
assessment through: (1) research and evaluation test for innovation
approaches; (2) 21st Century knowledge and skills assessment strategies; and
(3) mastery of a wide range of student assessment methods.

Learning Environments. The learning environment within the teacher

preparation program is a key component of any systematic reform initiative.
Determining the enabling structures, policies and strategies that can best
support 21st Century skills acquisition among pre-service teachers is a step
towards creating a kind of environment that will promote 21st Century learning.
The following are initiatives in creating 21 st Century teacher education
learning environment: (1) Establish a 21 st Century vision for learning
environments in the program and the university; (2) Ensure that the physical
infrastructure supports 21st Century knowledge and skills; (3) Practice flexibility
in time for project-based work and competency-based assessment; (4) Ensure
technical infrastructure that sufficiently supports learning; (5) Strengthen
networking engagement in the learning environment.

Partnerships. Partnerships are extraordinarily important in the work of

transforming 21st Century teacher preparation programs. Along the line,
teamwork within the program and the institution are imperative for
sustainability and development. The partnership forge with community leaders,
business industry, professional associations, government agencies, non-
government organizations, other institutions, parents, other stakeholders and
the community creates high impact outcome.
The powerful partnerships are created through strong collaboration
towards enabling innovation in the teaching and learning for the 21st Century.

Continuous Improvement. Represents willingness to commit to

revisiting process over time. For AACTE (2010), any implementation effort
should include continuous improvement steps.

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

Presenter’s Viewpoint

The advent of 21st-century skills enhancement in learners

requires educators to complement technology in content and
pedagogy, align instruction with standards, balance direct
instruction with project-oriented methods, apply child and
adolescent development knowledge, use assessment strategies,
participate in learning communities, act as mentors, and create
diverse environments. Pre-service teachers need to understand the
key elements of optimum curricula to develop skills in core
academic subjects. An effective 21st-century approach to
curriculum should blend thinking and innovation skills, ICT
literacy, and real-world resources. The instructional model should
integrate innovative teaching strategies, modern learning
technologies, and real-world resources. The learning environment
should support 21st-century learning, with initiatives such as
establishing a 21st-century vision, ensuring physical
infrastructure, practicing flexibility, and strengthening networking
engagement. Partnerships with community leaders, business
industry, professional associations, government agencies, and
other stakeholders are crucial for sustainability and development.
Let us Ponder

What are the implications of 21st-century skills for

educators and pre-service teachers, and how can they
best prepare to teach and foster these skills in today's

Name:_______________________________ Date:_________________
Course, Year & Section:_____________

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The 21st Century Skill Categories

Essay. Answer the following questions brief but substantial.




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