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A tower bridge model

Ana, Asteria y Catalina

Hemos hecho una maqueta del Puente de la Torre, situado en Londres, que cruza
el Río Támesis. Es un puente basculante con dos torres iguales, y para levantar el
puente se utiliza un sistema hidráulico. La maqueta está hecha de cartón, y está
pegada con silicona caliente.

We have made the model of the Tower Bridge, located in London, which crosses
the River Thames. It is a tilting bridge with two equal towers, and a hydraulic
system is used to lift the bridge. The model is made of cardboard, and glued with
hot silicone.

To make this project we have used recycled cardboard at home, hot silicone to
glue, masking tape, wooden sticks and cord for the side spans, and gray and blue

First, we started by making the walls of the towers and gluing them, we made
the holes through which the road would pass, and we also made the doors of the
edges of the bridge. Then we glued it to the base of the bridge and painted
everything. Then we made the side bays with the wooden sticks and the cord,
and we glued it.
- When making the towers, we glued them so that the glue could be seen,
and we decided to cover them with masking tape so that it did not look
and be smoother.
- As painting the bridge with brushes was very slow, we decided to do it
with gray spray to make it faster.

- We bought the paints and it cost us 9€
- The cardboard is recycled from home.
- All the photos we use to guide us are from google.
- We use Wikipedia to obtain the data of the bridge.

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