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Department of Education

Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
Nabua East District


Name: ____________________________________________________Section: ________________ Score:_________

Test I. Write Agree if the statement is correct and write Disagree if the statement is incorrect.

_____ 1. Family resources is very important to the family in achieving their goals and aspirations in life.
_____ 2. Family resources are of two kinds the human resources and non- human resources.
_____ 3. Positive attitude is not important in reaching our goals in life.
_____ 4. Basic needs should be addressed first before their wants.
_____ 5. In today fast changing world people basic needs have already expanded.
_____ 6. A family budget is the same from others family budget.
_____ 7. The expenses under utilities usually comes on a monthly basis.
_____ 8. Proper allocation of a family budget will avoid overspending.
_____ 9. Books and tuition fees are under the component of education.
_____ 10. Preparing Meal Plan for the family is important for allocating budget for food.

Test II. Select the right answer on the box and write on space before the number.

Goals Goods and Properties Attitude

Energy Time Money Knowledge

Talent Community Facilities Environmental Resources

________1. Resources needed by a man in order to do his work or daily task.

________2. Something that we want to have or to achieve in life.
________3. Baking, or cooking, required proper understanding of procedures or steps to be able to come up with a
good finished product.
________4. Ideas, opinion, inclination and biases.
________5. The highest form of income from the salary of parents and other member of the family.
________6. It is a resources that needs to be manage properly so that it will not be wasted and become gold.
________7. Things that are inside our house that are durable and perishable.
________8. These are the schools, barangay health centre, hospitals, churches, transportation, market, and other
facilities that can be found in the community.
________9. Things that are outside the house and provide basic need of the family.
_______ 10. The required facts and information in every activity that we are going to do or acommplish in order to
attain success.

Test III. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Things, ideas, qualities, talents possessed by an individual or a family are example of what?
a. resources b. needs c. wants d. dreams
2. Out of the family resources the most commonly used resources are the following except one which one is this?
a. time b. energy c. money d. property
3. The basic needs of the family are the following except one which one is this?
a. sufficient foods c. decent clothing’s
b. brand new car d. modest shelter
4. The biggest share of expenditure of the family is allotted to _________.
a. food b. education c. shelter d. recreation
5. De la Cruz family have a combined net family income of P25,000.00 a month. If the family decided to give 10%
share on education, how much would it be?
a. P6,500.00 b. P2,500.00 c. P3,500.00 d. P2,800.00


Explain in 3 or more sentences if how you and your family are going to achieved your goals or dreams in life.?

Goodluck! 😊

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