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Assessment in Learning 2
1. Most popular Model for Alternative
MTh – 4:30 - 6:00 PM
2. Real-world context
 Group Presentation
3. Product or performance
 Portfolio
4. Resemble real world tasks or applications
 Minimum of 6 homework per term
Unit 1 Authentic Assessment in the Classroom
A. High Quality Assessment in Retrospect  It’s realistic.
 It requires judgment and innovation
Purpose of Assessment  It asks the students to “do the subject.
General purpose Specific reason for (Demonstration, role playing)
of Assessment assessment  It replicates or simulates the contexts in
ADMINISTRATIVE  General which adults are “tested” in the
assessment workplace, in civic life and in personal
 Placement life.
 Exemption  It assesses the student’s ability.
 Certification
 It allows appropriate opportunities to
 promotion
rehearse, practice, consult resources,
and get feedback on and refine
 evidence of
progress performances and products,
respondent ASSESSMENT
 evaluation of
teaching or  Resemble real-world tasks and activities
curriculum  Can be structured as written or oral
RESEARCH  evaluation assessments (individual, pair, or groups)
 experimentation  Often presented as ill-structured
 knowledge problems with no right answers
about language  Ask students to communicate their
learning &
knowledge orally in writing to a specific
language use
audience and for specific purpose.
 Usually ask students to address
professional or lay audiences
Matching targets and learning outcomes

Skill – Product – Reasoning – Knowledge


 Focus of what really matters
What are ways to use to assess students?  Ensure that assessments are valid
indications of student competence
Sampling- facilitates the assessment process
 Develop assessment practices that use
when programs have large number of students
the teachers time efficiently (Time


Reliability refers to the extent to which

assessments are consistent

Validity refers to whether a test measures what

it aims to measure
Table 1. Traditional vs. Authentic Assessment

Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment

Relies on forced- Promotes integration of
choice, written various written and
 asks students to write from the first-
measures performance measures
Proxy measures of Relies direct measures person singular perspective of an
student learning to of target skills historical individual, an imagined
represent target skills individual, or themselves for the
Encourages Encourages divergent purpose of developing a coherent
memorization of thinking in generating thread of knowledge for an
correct answers possible answers intended/imagined audience.
Goal: Measure Goal: Enhance  encourages students to use their
acquisition of development of imaginations but also to research and
knowledge meaningful skills collate an explicit and tangible body of
Curriculum directs Assessment directs knowledge in their discipline while at
assessment curriculum the same time developing critical and
Emphasis on Emphasis on ensuring professional written and
developing a body of proficiency at real-world
communication skills.
knowledge tasks
Promotes “what” Promotes “how’ Examples:
knowledge knowledge
One-time snapshot of Examination of learning  Students in Finance might be asked to
student understanding over time write a client memo
Emphasizes Emphasizes cooperation  Students in Recreation and Leisure
competition Studies might be asked to write a letter
Simplistic skills or Prepares students for to the editor of a local newspaper about
tasks in a concrete, ambiguities and a community concern
singular fashion exceptions that are  Students in Visual Culture might be
found in realistic asked to write an e-mail to an imagined
problem settings manager about a magazine cover they
Priority on summative Priority on the learning are currently designing.
outcomes or product sequence or process
 PRESENTATIONS (Poster Presentations)
Developing Authentic Classroom Assessments  are the most readily approachable
method of authentic assessment for
Operation Transformation Authentic Assessment
both students and teachers.
 Realism  students take their work and make it
 Meta-cognition public within the context of the
 Feedback processes classroom not only encourages students
 Cognitive Challenges to invest more time and thought into
their work but also immediately
1. Identify your standards for your students. connects to the development of
2. Develop a task students could perform that professional skills and of presentation
would indicate that they have met the skills for a variety of audiences.
standards.  Key aspects that make presentations
3. Identify the characteristics of good authentic are the rehearsal and
performance on that task, the criteria, that will preparation time required to succeed,
indicate that they have performed well on the the practice and development of an
task. appropriate, polished use of PowerPoint
4. Identify two or more levels of performance and/or other visual aids and
along which students can perform which will representations, the growth of working
sufficiently discriminate among students’ either individually or collaboratively, as
performance for that criterion (create a rubric). well as the improvement of posture,
gesture, and vocal variety all while
enhancing professional verbal, visual, Examples:
written communication skills.
 Students in Pharmacy might
Examples: enact a simulation game of a
case study on drug information
 Students in Chemistry might present on
and patient safety
how to balance a simple combustion
 Students in Peace and Conflict
Studies might take on a
 Students in Rhetoric might present a
simulation game of a case study
major research paper
involving international
 Students in Mechanical Engineering
might present a unit manufacturing
 Students in Nanotechnology
process of ceramic casting
might present a simulation
game of a case study
concerning the testing of
environmental pollutants
 proposal for a larger, longer, and/or
more heavily weighted project
offers students the opportunity to
 small numbers of students are
try on and out their ideas and set
picked to sit the “hot seats” in
their own goals for their learning
the center of class where they
before executing the final project.
respond to questions, concerns,
 A policy brief and/or report asks
ideas, etc. about subject matter
students to address in a
that will have been passed out
professional manner – for which the
prior to the fishbowl activity
intended audience is other
date. The remainder of the class
professionals interested in the
sits around the hot seated
problem, investigation, research,
students to form the perimeter
etc. – a research question, course of
of the fishbowl, and the engage
action, decision, theory, etc. that is
with the prepared participants
of interest and importance.
to advance further their
 familiarizes students with the genre
knowledge and comprehension
and language of the proposal, the
of the subject material.
policy brief, and/or the report for
 a variation of the flipped-
the professional field following their
classroom teaching method,
and it develops in students’
professional skillsets for active
 students in Psychology might
listening and critical inquiry as
write a proposal for an
well as professional
experimental study
communication, presentation,
 Students in Applied and group discussion skills.
Mathematics write a policy
report of ethical navigation of Examples:
stock option prices
 Students in Sexuality, Marriage,
 Students in Biology might write and Family Studies might
a report on their own dietary prepare for and discuss issues
analysis. of surrogate motherhood
 Students in Earth and Space
Science might prepare for and
discuss methods of
 present a fictional scenario that instrumentation and
leads up to one (or more) observation of different
dilemma that requires problem wavelength
solving or decision-making.
 Students in Acrylic Painting
prepare for and discuss 8. Generally, this type of assessment shifts
innovative application from the traditional way of assessing the
techniques and mark-making students

a. Performance Assessment
1. Identify if the following is a characteristic of b. Authentic Assessment
authentic assessment c. Alternative Assessment
d. Portfolio Assessment
Resemble real-world tasks and activities- Yes
Often presented as well-structured problems- 9. The teacher wants to diagnose the weakness
No her students have been encountering in their
Can be unstructured- No Calculus 3. What is the purpose of the
2. Match the description with the type of
assessment a. Administrative
Monitors learning progress- Formative b. Instructional
Assessment c. None of the Above
Identifies causes of learning problem- d. Research
Diagnostic Assessment
Conventional method of testing- Traditional 10. Identify if the following are considered as
Assessment nature of authentic assessment. Kindly click
Measures entry behavior- Placement VVWW for yes and VWVW for no.
Measures end-of-course achievement- It replicates or simulates the contexts in which
Summative Assessment adults are "tested" in the workplace, in civic life,
and in personal life. VVWW

3. The teacher wants to check the learning It assesses the student's ability to efficiently and
progress of her students in their College and effectively use a repertoire of knowledge and
Advanced Algebra Class. What is the purpose skill to negotiate a simple task. VWVW
of the assessment?

a. Instructional It allows appropriate opportunities to rehearse,

b. None of the Above practice, consult resources, and get feedback on
c. Administrative and refine performances and products. VVWW
d. Research
It's unrealistic VWVW
4. Sampling happens if we have a small
population to assess. It asks the students to be passive with the
False subject. VWVW

5. The purpose of the assessment is to find It requires judgement and innovation. VVWW
highly intellectual individual

a. Research
b. Instructional 11. Develop assessment practices that use the
c. Administrative teacher's time efficiently.
d. None of the Above True

6. Focus of what really matters 12. Identify whether the following descriptor is
True referring to traditional assessment or authentic
7. Targets should match the learning outcomes
Emphasizes competition- Traditional
Assessment Prepares students for ambiguities and
exceptions that are found in realistic problem
Promotes integration of various written and settings- Authentic Assessment
performance measures- Authentic Assessment
Goal is to measure acquisition of knowledge-
Relies on direct measures of target skills- Traditional Assessment
Authentic Assessment
Promotes "how: knowledge- Authentic
Priority on the learning sequence or process- Assessment
Authentic Assessment
13. Which of the following is not a target?
Provide an examination of learning over time- a. Skill
Authentic Assessment b. Product
c. Reasoning
Encourages memorization of correct answers- d. Understanding
Traditional Assessment
14. Which of the following is not part of AA
Emphasis on ensuring proficiency at real-world Model based on Gulikers and Villeraroel?
tasks- Authentic Assessment a. Feedback Processes
b. Cognitive Challenge
Goal is to enhance development of meaningful c. Realism
skills- Authentic Assessment d. Cognition

Promotes "what" knowledge- Traditional 15. This refers to the extent to which the
Assessment assessments are consistency.
a. Accuracy
Emphasizes cooperation- Authentic Assessment b. Validity
c. Reliability
Targets simplistic skills or tasks in a concrete, d. Fairness
singular fashion- Traditional Assessment
16. Assessment only occurs during the
Provides a one-time snapshot of student instruction
understanding- Traditional Assessment False

Priority on summative outcomes or product- 17. One assessment fits all types of learning
Traditional Assessment outcomes
Relies on proxy measures of student learning to
represent target skills- Traditional Assessment 18. When preparing for authentic assessment,
you need to identify the standards for the
Curriculum directs assessment- Traditional students.
Assessment True
Encourages divergent thinking in generating
possible answers- Authentic Assessment 19. This is usually done by universities and
colleges as a form of entry requirement for
Assessment directs curriculum- Authentic students. What is the purpose of the
Assessment assessment?

Generally, relies on forced-choice, written a. Administrative

measures- Traditional Assessment b. Research
c. None of the above
Emphasis on developing a body of knowledge- d. Instructional
Traditional Assessment
20. We use assessment to support student

21. This refers to whether the test measures

what it ought to measure
a. Fairness
b. Accuracy
c. Reliability
d. Validity

22. In authentic assessment, we need to rate

our students objectively.

However, authentic assessment can be more

challenging to implement than traditional
assessment. This is because authentic
assessments need to be carefully designed to
ensure that they are aligned with the learning
objectives of the course and that they provide
students with opportunities to demonstrate
their learning in meaningful ways.

Overall, authentic assessment is a valuable tool

that teachers can use to assess student learning
and promote deeper understanding. By
incorporating authentic assessments into their
classrooms, teachers can help students develop
the skills and knowledge they need to succeed
in college, the workplace, and in life.
COMPETITION- playing basketball,
UNIT 2: PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT baseball, soccer, volleyball, and other
Performance Assessment
- an assessment activity or set of activities that PRODUCT-BASED ASSESSMENT
require students to generate products or  VISUAL PRODUCTS- charts, illustrations,
performances that provide direct or indirect graphs, collages, murals, maps, timeline
evidence of their knowledge skills and abilities flows, diagrams, posters, advertisement,
in an academic domain. video presentations, art exhibits
 Teacher observes and makes judgment puzzles, games, sculpture, exhibits,
about the student’s demonstration of a dance recital
skill or competency in creating a  WRITTEN PRODUCTS- journals, diaries,
product, constructing a response, or logs, reports, abstracts, letters, thought
making a presentation -McMillan, 2007 or position papers, poems, story,
movie/TV scripts, portfolio, essay, article
PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT report, research paper, thesis
 It is an alternative form of assessment.  VERBAL PRODUCTS- audiotapes,
 provide a basis of teachers to evaluate debates, lectures, voice recording,
both the effectiveness of the process or scripts
procedure used and the product CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD PERFORMANCE
resulting from performance of a task. - ASSESSMENT
Linn, 1995  Authentic
 provides opportunities for students to
DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2012 show both what they know and how
 highest level of assessment focuses on well they can do what they know.
the performances (product) which the  allows students to be involved in the
students are expected to produce process of evaluating their own and
through authentic performance tasks. their peer’s performance and output.
 assesses more complex tasks
TYPES OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT  explains the task, the required
Process-based vs. Product-based elements, and the scoring criteria to the
 Process-based assessment include students before the start of the activity
actual performance of making products. and the assessment.
 Product-based assessment is used for
assessing learning outcomes that GENERAL GUIDELINES IN DESIGNING
involve designing or creating projects or PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT
products.  What are the outcomes to be assessed?
PROCESS-BASED ASSESSMENT  What are the appropriate performance
 ORAL assessment tasks or tools to measure
PRESENTATIONS/DEMONSTRATIONS- the outcomes and skills?
paper presentation, poster  Is the specific performance task aligned
presentation, individual or group report with the outcomes and skills interesting,
on assigned topic, skills demonstrations engaging, challenging, and measurable?
such as baking, teaching and problem  Are the performance tasks authentic
solving and representative of real-world
dance, recitals, dramatic enactment,  What criteria should be included to rate
prose or poetry interpretation, role students’ performance level?
playing, playing musical instrument  What are specific performance
 PUBLIC SPEAKING- debate, mock trials, indicators for each criterion?
simulations, interviews, panel  The choice of teaching and learning
discussions, storytelling, poem reading activities is also of utmost importance in
choosing the performance assessments
 Solving a problem
 Completing an Inquiry
HOW TO CONDUCT PERFORMANCE  Determining a position
ASSESSMENT?  Demonstration Task
 DEFINE THE PURPOSE  Developing Exhibits
 What concept, skill, or knowledge of the  Presentation Task
students should be assessed Define the  Capstone Performances
 At what level should the students be
 What type of knowledge is being PERFORMANCE TASK
 Focus on learning outcomes that
 Choose the output that you will assess. require complex cognitive skills and
student performances.
TYPES OF CRITERIA  Select or develop tasks that both
 Content criteria- to evaluate the degree represent the content and the skills that
of a student’s knowledge and are central to important learning
understanding of facts, concepts, and outcomes
principles related  Minimize the difference of tasks
 Process criteria- to evaluate the performance on skills that are irrelevant
proficiency level of performance of a to the intended purpose of the
skill or process. assessment task.
 Quality Criteria To evaluate the quality  Provide the necessary scaffolding for
of a product or performance. students to be able to understand the
 Impact Criteria- to evaluate the overall task and what is expected.
result a or effects of a product or  Construct task directions so that the
performance student’s task is clearly indicated.
 Clearly communicate performance
TYPES OF RUBRICS expectation in terms of the criteria by
 Holistic Rubric- Student which the performance will be judged.
performance or output is evaluated
by applying all criteria
simultaneously, thus providing a GRASPS (Goal, Role, Audience, Situation,
single score based on overall Product, Standard) MODEL
judgment about the quality of
student’s work GOAL
 Analytic Rubric- Student’s work is o Provide a statement of the task.
evaluated by using each criterion o Establish the goal, problem, challenge,
separately, thus providing specific or obstacle in the task
feedback about the student’s ROLE
performance or product along o Define the role of the students in the
several dimensions. task
 General Rubric- contains criteria o State the job of the students for the
that are general and can be applied task.
across tasks AUDIENCE
 Task Specific Rubric- contains o Identify the target audience within the
criteria that are unique to a specific context of the scenario
task o Example audiences might include a
client or committee
 Assess student’s performance/product SITUATION
o Set the context of the scenario
o Explain the situation
o Clarify what the students will create
o Provide students with a clear picture for
o Identify the specific standards for
o Issue rubrics to the students or develop
them with the students.


Analytic Rubric
Identify specific and detailed criteria.
Each criterion receives a separate score,
thus providing better diagnostic
information and feedback from

Holistic Rubric
Judgment about the over-all quality
Each category of the scale contains
several criteria which shall be given a
single score that gives an over-all rating

Stevens and Levi’s Introduction to Rubrics
(2005) enumerated the steps in developing the

 Task
 Description
 Scale
 Description of the Dimensions


Performance assessment could either be

process-based, product-based or both.

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