Merchant of Venice

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❖ The Scene Is Set In Belmont In A Room In Potia’s House

❖ Portia Request Bassanio For A Day Or Two Before Risking The Final Choice Of

❖ Portia Asks Bassanio To Hang Out With Her For A Month Or Two Before He
Takes The Casket Test, As She'd Rather Have Him Around For A While Before
He's Forced To Leave Her Company If He Makes The Wrong Choice.

❖ Portia Does Some More Fawning And Swooning Over Bassanio, And He Simply
Replies That He'd Like To Take The Test Now, As All This Waiting Around Is
Like Being On The Rack.

❖ In order to make the atmosphere less tense, she asks for some music.

❖ When Bassanio’s Choice Is Made, Portia Prays In An Aside For Help In

Containing Her Emotions.

❖ Bassanio Then Decides He's Had Enough Beating Around The Bush. He
Confesses That He Loves Portia Dearly, Though Actually It's The Torture Type
Of Love.

❖ Bassanio Finally Gets To Pick A Casket. Portia Has Everyone Back Off So He
Can Choose In Peace.

❖ She Insists That Music Be Played, So If He Goes Out, He Can Do It Like A Swan,
But If He Stays, Then They've Already Got Music Playing For Their Party.

❖ Portia Then Compares Bassanio To Hercules (Whom She Calls By Another Of

His Names, "Alcides")

❖ Portia Says She Herself Is The Sacrifice, While Everyone Else Is Like A Trojan
Wife, Standing Around To See The Show. Portia Says If Bassanio Outlives This
Test, Then She Will Live Again.
❖ While Bassanio Is Reasoning To Himself About The Caskets, There's A Bit Of A
Song About How One Comes To Fancy Someone And Whether That Fancying Is
About The Heart Or The Head.

❖ Bassanio begins by saying he knows that what's on the outside is often

deceptive about what's inside. Bassanio proceeds to list off a couple of
instances where there are tricky ornaments that might convince you a bad
thing was actually a good thing.

❖ Using all this reasoning, Bassanio makes his choice.

❖ He dismisses the gold casket as the gaudy food of Midas that proved inedible.

❖ The silver as the paler of the two metals that are both made base as coins of

❖ That leaves him the lead casket, which he admits is threatening, but moves
him more with its paleness than the eloquence of the other two precious metal

❖ He hopes he's right and Portia, knowing he's made the right choice, is secretly
flipping out with joy.

❖ Meanwhile, Bassanio has opened the lead casket and found Portia's portrait.

❖ He then reads the scroll inside, which congratulates him for choosing correctly

❖ The scroll then insists that he kiss his new wife.

❖ Bassanio says he's shocked by his victory—right now he feels like a guy who's
won a contest and only believes he's won it because everyone else around him
is so happy.

❖ Portia, of course, is stoked. She wishes she was better, prettier, and wealthier,
so as to further please her new man.

❖ She then gives herself over to Bassanio, happily accepting him as "her lord, her
governor, her king." She says everything that was hers is now his, including
her mansion, her servants, and herself.
❖ She gives him a ring to signify their new union and says that if he loses it or
gives it away, it's as good as ruining their love.

❖ Bassanio feelings are like the cheering of a crowd after a good prince's speech:
nothing distinct can be heard, but all joy is expressed without any specific

❖ He declares that if the ring ever leaves his finger, he might as well be
proclaimed dead.

❖ Gratiano adds his two cents, namely "Great, you're married. Now can I marry
Nerissa?" Gratiano explains that while Bassanio was focused on Portia, the
lady he was focused on is Nerissa, the lady's lady. He's made his mouth dry
from so much swearing of love.

❖ Bassanio and Portia confirm with Gratiano and Nerissa respectively that their
love is all set, and two weddings are planned in one scene.

❖ Lorenzo, Jessica, and Salerio show up in Belmont. They're welcomed by

everyone, but sadly, Salerio brings bad news. He hands Bassanio a letter from

❖ Portia notes that as Bassanio reads the letter he grows pale and horrified—
she's sure that its contents declare the death of a dear friend, as nothing else
could provide cause for a man like Bassanio to suddenly look such a mess.

❖ She insists that Bassanio tell her what's in the letter, as she is now half of him
and should share his grief as well as his joy.

❖ Bassanio now has to admit the whole truth: he says he told Portia the truth
when he said he was a gentleman by blood only, not by wealth. He had bet his
friend Antonio's life to get what little he needed to woo her. The letter from
Antonio declares that all of his ventures, to every port, have failed.

❖ Salerio says that things are even worse than they seem. It looks like even if
Antonio had the money to pay back the debt, Shylock would insist on the
original terms of the agreement for a pound of Antonio's flesh, money be

❖ Salerio says he's never seen a more greedy and inhuman man than Shylock,
who has been bothering the Duke morning and night about the fact that justice
must be served.
❖ The tale continues: twenty merchants and the Duke himself have tried to
reason with Shylock, but he's not hearing any of it. He wants justice for
Antonio's breaking the agreement, and justice means he gets to carve Antonio
up like a roasted turkey.

❖ Jessica confirms this story, and says it looks like curtains for dear Antonio.

❖ Portia asks if all of this means Bassanio's friend is in trouble, and her
husband-to-be confirms that Antonio, his dearest friend in the world, is
screwed for 3,000 ducats.

❖ Portia offers to pay off Antonio's debt twenty times over; no harm should
come to Antonio because he is a friend of her new man.

❖ Still, though, she'd like to get something done first—Bassanio should go to

church with her so they can get married. Then he can go to Venice to take care
of other business.

❖ She says she and Nerissa will live like widows and virgins until everything in
Venice is resolved.

• Done with all her directions, she tells Bassanio to read her Antonio's letter. In
the letter, Antonio basically says, "I'm screwed, and I owe Shylock my life,
which he'll have. Please come and visit me before I die, since I'm sacrificing my
life for you. Love, Antonio."

❖ Portia then instructs Bassanio to go as soon as he's done his business in

Belmont. Bassanio says he'll go, but he won't rest while they're apart.


❖ On a street in Venice, Shylock presses the jailer to go after Antonio, calling
Antonio a fool who lent out money for free.

❖ Antonio keeps trying to plead his case, but to no avail. Shylock is hell-bent on
having Antonio seized.

❖ Shylock says they've sworn an oath, and he insists on getting the bond that
was sworn for.
❖ He repeatedly says, ‘I’ll have my bond!’ He says that earlier Antonio had called
him a dog without reason.

❖ Since he is considered a dog, Antonio will now have to face his fangs.

❖ Shylock complains that Antonio is shown favoritism, as he is allowed to come

out of the jail.

❖ He is not ready to listen to Christian pleaders. Antonio decides not to plead


❖ Solanio hopes for some mercy from the Duke. But the duke is also duty bound
to follow the strict rules of Venice

❖ Venice depends on the prosperity from the International trade which, in turn,
depends on impartial treatment towards all.

❖ If the laws are violated and justice is denied, Venice will lose its credibility. It
will surely affect its trade.

❖ Antonio says that the worries and griefs of the past few days have made him
lose weight that he doubts whether there will be enough flesh to be cut off the
next day.

❖ He only prays that Bassanio come to see him discharge his debt; he wishes for
nothing else.

❖ After that, Antonio doesn't care what happens.

MCQ’s ON ACT 3, SCENE 2 and 3

1. Why does Portia ask Bassanio to wait before taking the casket test?
Ans. So that she can teach him to choose the right casket
2.What kind of music should be played if Bassanio chooses the wrong casket?
Ans. Swan-like end
3. What does Portia compare Bassanio to while going to take the casket test?
Ans. Alcides
4. What are false hearts compared to?
Ans. Stairs of sand
5. What does the expression ‘snaky golden locks’ imply comparison to?
Ans. Medusa
6. What is Portia hair in the portrait compared to?
Ans. Cobwebs
7. What does Bassanio feel like after winning Portia?
Ans. Like a contender who has won the prize
8. How many times richer did Portia wish to become for Bassanio?
Ans. Ten thousand times
9. How confused does Bassanio feel when Portia gives him the ring?
Ans. Crowd cheering for their beloved prince after oration
10. Who is the Venetian friend, referred to in the scene?
Ans. Salerio
11. What happens to Bassanio on reading the letter?
Ans. Colour of his cheeks fade
12. What does Bassanio compare the letter to?
Ans. Body of his friend, Antonio
13. Who all have persuaded Shylock to deface the bond?
Ans. Duke, 20 merchants and noblemen
14. What does Portia ask Bassanio to do before he goes to Venice to save Antonio?
Ans. Go with her to church and get married
15. Along with money, what does Portia offer Bassanio to save Antonio?
Ans. Gold
16. Shylock says, “I’m a Jew. Hath Not a Jew Eyes?” What theme is explored in his
Ans. The treatment of the religions is hypocritical.

17. Why does the duke refuses to help out Antonio out?
Ans. He doesn’t want to hurt the venetian economy by discouraging business.

18. What casket does bassanio choose?

Ans. Lead casket

19. How many times portia said she will pay for saving Antonio?
Ans. 20 times of original amount.
20. Who are the next couple who get into marriage after Bassanio and portia?
Ans. Gratiano and Nerissa


1. Portia :
I pray you, tarry, pause a day or two
Before you hazard; for, in choosing wrong,
I lose your company : therefore, forbear awhile.
There’s something tells me (but it is not love)
I would not lose you; and you know yourself,
Hate counsels not in such a quality.
But lest you should not understand me well
And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought
I would detain you here some month or two
Before you venture for me. I could teach you
How to choose right, but then I am forsworm

Question 1.
To whom are these words addressed? What request does the speaker made to the person
These words are addressed to Bassanio. Portia requests him to wait for a couple of days
before making the choice of the caskets.

Question 2.
What’s the meaning of ‘forbear’? Why is the person asked to forbear?
‘Forbear’ means, to show patience or wait for a while before making the choice. Portia is
scared that if Bassanio makes a wrong choice, he’ll have to leave immediately as per the
conditions and she’ll be deprived of his company. There’s something that tells her that she
should not lose him.

Question 3.
Explain ‘a maiden hath no tongue but thought’.
A maiden’s modesty prevents her from expressing her love directly. A young girl has no
choice. She only thinks of her feelings but cannot express them.

Question 4.
What does the given passage tell you about Portia’s attitude towards her father?
The above given passage portrays Portia as a devoted and loving daughter. Even though her
father is not alive, yet she is deeply attached and very much loyal to his memory. She is
determined in marrying only as per her father’s will even at the risk of losing the man she
Question 5.
Why does Portia wish that she had not forsworn?
Portia wishes that she had not taken the oath to reveal the right casket because after
meeting Bassanio she wishes to guide him in the right choice of the caskets as she loves him
and wants to be his wife.

2. Bassanio :
Let me choose;
For as I am, I live upon the rack.

Portia : Upon the rack, Bassanio ! then confess

What treason there is mingled with your love.

Bassanio : None but that ugly treason of mistrust,

Which makes me fear th’ enjoying of my

love : There may as well be amity and life

’Tween snow and fire, as treason and my love.

Portia : Ay, but Ifear you speak upon the rack,

Where men enforced do speak anything.

Bassanio : Promise me life, and I’ll confess the truth.

Portia : Well, then, confess, and live.

Question 1.
Why does Bassanio want to make the choice as soon as possible?
Bassanio can no longer bear the suspense and the uncertainty. He wants to make the choice
and know if Portia can be his.

Question 2.
What’s the meaning of ‘rack’? Explain in detail its significance.
‘Rack’ here means torture of not knowing the outcome of choosing the caskets. The rack was
an instrument in the old times used to torture the suspects and make them confess their sin.
The person used to be tied to a frame which was stretched and the pain of stressing the
limbs was unbearable. Here Portia and Bassanio are also tortured as their feelings are
stretched to the limit.

Question 3.
What’s the ‘treason’ mentioned here? Explain the comparison in the extract. How is this
reference relevant here?
Treason is disloyalty. Portia playfully asks what disloyalty has Bassanio committed to be on
the rack. Bassanio says the torment is due to the doubt whether he will be able to choose
correctly. This is taking away his peace of mind; so he wants to make the choice fast.

Question 4.
What has been spoken by Portia earlier that reveals her feelings for Bassanio?
Portia had revealed her feelings by asking Bassanio to stay back and wait a while before
making the choice. She says his eyes have cast a spell on her and divided her. One half is his
and the other half is also his as she gives herself to Bassanio.

Question 5.
What’s the significance of this scene?
This is the famous casket scene that makes the drama very popular. The theme of
appearance and reality culminates in this scene. All that glitters is not gold; even humble and
not so good looking things have value. The others who chose gold and silver were blinded by
pride and desire for worldly things. It is Bassanio, guided by true love makes the right choice
and wins the hand of Portia.

3. Portia :
Away then ! I am lock’d in one of them :
If you do love me, you will find me out.
Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof.
Let music sound while he doth make his choice;
Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end,
Fading in music : that the comparison
May stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream
And watery death-bed for him.

Question 1.
What does Portia mean by, ‘Away then’? Is she happy in saying this? Give reason.
Portia is asking Bassanio to go ahead with the choice of the casket. She is not very happy as
she is anxious about the outcome. She wants to enjoy his ‘ company at least for a month or so,
but if he makes a wrong choice, he’ll have to leave her.

Question 2.
Explain ‘I’m locked in one of them’. What is Nerissa and others asked to do?
Portia shows the caskets and says that her portrait is locked in one of them. The one with
her portrait is the right choice. Nerissa and others are asked to stand a little distance away,
so that Bassanio can make the choice.

Question 3.
Why should the music sound?
The music should sound so that the right atmosphere is created for the choice. It is also to
soothe the tension. The music may be to warn Bassanio against giving importance to
appearance over less showy things.

Question 4.
What contemporary belief about swans is expressed here?
The contemporary belief expressed is that swans sing only once, just before they die. In fact,
swan just disappears into a distance, singing its last song.

Question 5.
What does Portia want to do to make the comparison more proper?
Portia compares Bassanio to a swan. To make the comparison more proper, she says that her
tears will become the stream in which the swan will drown itself. If he fails to make the right
choice, he’ll have to leave and that will drown Portia in grief. The stream will be Bassanio’s
grave, as he’ll be seen no more.

Question 6.
What music will be played if Bassanio wins?
If Bassanio makes the right choice, the music will be like the sound of the trumpet, when
loyal subjects bow before the newly crowned king. It will be like the melodious sound that
reaches the ear of a dreaming bridegroom at dawn, to call him for his marriage.

4. Portia :
Now he goes,
With no less presence, but with much more love,
Than young Alcides, when he did redeem
The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy
To the sea-monster.

Question 1 .
Who is the ‘he’ mentioned in the first line? Who is Alcides?
The ‘he’ mentioned here is Bassanio who is venturing to make his choice of the caskets.
Alcides was Hercules, the Greek hero who saved the daughter of the Trojan king from a sea
monster. He was famous for his courage.

Question 2.
Why is the ‘he’ compared to Alcides?
Bassanio is being compared to Hercules or Alcides as he is also venturing for a prize in the
form of Portia. His mission is also adventurous and risky as the attempt of Alcides who had
to rescue the princess who was being given as a sacrifice to a sea monster.
Question 3.
What adventurous deed did Alcides do? How is his act is compared to the act ‘he’ is going to
Alcides rescued Hesoine, the virgin princess of Troy, from being sacrificed as a virgin tribute
to a sea monster. Alcides did it not for love, but for the horses offered as a reward. Portia
imagines herself as Heroine and Bassanio rescuing her with more love than Alcides had for
the girl.

Question 4.
Give the meaning of ‘virgin tribute’ and ‘howling Troy’.
Virgin tribute is the sacrifice of unmarried daughter of the Trojan king to appease the sea
monster. The women of Troy were grief stricken to see this pitiable sight and cried loudly in

Question 5.
In what state of mind is Portia now?
Portia is full of anxiety about the outcome of the choice. Bassanio’s success will give her life
and happiness. She will watch the choice with more anxiety than Bassanio shows although
he is the one going to make the choice.

5. Bassanio :
So may the outward shows be least themselves :
The world is still deceiv’d with ornament.
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt
But, being season’d with a gracious voice,
Obscures the show of evil ? In religion,
What damned error, but some sober brow
Will bless it and approve it with a text.
Hiding the grossness with fair ornament ?
There is no vice so simple but assumes
Some mark of virtue on his outward parts.

Question 1.
Bring out the context of the passage.
Bassanio is about to make the choice in this last of the casket scenes. He was shown the
caskets by Portia and was asked to wait before making his choice, but Bassanio can’t stand
the tension and decides to go for it. Portia orders for music to ease the tension. It warns
Bassanio against choosing according to appearance.

Question 2.
What major theme of the play is dealt with in this extract?
The theme of appearance against reality is the theme dealt within the extract. The world is
always misled with outward show.

Question 3.
What two examples are given by Bassanio to prove his point?
Bassanio gives examples from the Law and religion. In the law court, a case most dishonest
may be pleaded with utmost eloquence to conceal the face of the evil. In religion some pious
looking person may do a sin but justify it with verses from the scriptures. A vice is concealed
by the appearance of virtue.

Question 4.
Explain the last two lines of the extract.
The last two lines means that an evil may not have the least element of goodness in it and not
the least touch of grace about it; but it is possible for that evil to wear some mark of virtue on
its outward appearance.

Question 5.
What does Bassanio say about cowards soon after this?
Bassanio says that cowards with hearts are as deceptive as a sand staircase. They may wear
a beard like that of Hercules or the frowning Mars but on close observation; they turn out to
be lily livered cowards. They show off as though they are most courageous and hard to deal

6. Bassanio :
Therefore, thou gaudy gold,
Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee;
Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge
‘Tween man and man : but thou, thou meagre lead,
Which rather threaten’st than dost promise aught,
Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence,
And here choose I: joy be the consequence !

Question 1.
What does the speaker say about beauty before this extract? What idea is brought out here?
Bassanio says that artificial beauty can be purchased by weight in a chemist’s shop and those
who wear most of this artificial make up are light, in character. The idea that one should not
go by appearance is brought out. Gaudy things are for show; they lack value.

Question 2.
Why does the speaker talk about crispy golden locks earlier? What do they turn out to be at
The speaker talks about crispy golden locks again to reinforce the idea that appearance is
deceptive. Beautiful, crispy locks may be a wig, made by hair borrowed from another head
that may be lying now in a tomb. Outward shows are treacherous shores of a dangerous sea
at times.

Question 3.
Who is ‘Midas’? What was hard food for him? Why?
Midas was the mythical king of Phrygia from Greek mythology. He had asked for the boon
that everything he touched should turn to gold. When he touched his food, it turned to gold
and he could not eat it. Gold was hard food for him. Therefore, he remained hungry. Then he
realized his foolishness

Question 4.
Why does Bassanio not choose the golden casket?
Bassanio doesn’t choose the golden casket as he feels that, all that glitters is not gold. It may
invite you to its outward show but deceives you rvhen it comes to reality. Thus, he rejects the
gold casket with its inviting inscription.

Question 5.
What does Bassanio call the silver casket? Why? Why does Bassanio choose the lead casket?
Bassanio calls the silver casket ‘thou pale common drudge’. He considers it as an ordinary
slave passing from hand to hand as coins. He chooses the lead casket as the ugly material
seems to warn rather than promise anything. The plain message on it moves him than the
eloquent words engraved on the other caskets.

Question 6.
What does he find inside the lead casket? What does he say about the thing found inside it?
Bassanio finds Portia’s portrait inside the lead casket. He says only a demy god could have
created such a lovely picture which is almost like the person herself. The eyes seem to move,
lips be slightly parted as though they fire in motion. Her hair is as though the artist has
worked like a spider spinning a golden web to entrap the hearts of men. But all his praises
seem to do injustice to her portrait just as the portrait does underestimate the original
beauty, that is, Portia herself.

7. Portia :
Myself and what is mine, to you and yours
Is now converted : but now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion, master oj my servants,
Queen o’er myself; and even now, but now.
This house, these servants, and this same myself
Are yours, my lord’s. I give them with this ring;
Which when you partfrom, lose, or give away,
Let it presage the ruin of your love,
And be my vantage to exclaim on you.
Question 1.
Where are Portia and Bassanio? Two other people are also present. Name them.
Portia and Bassanio are in Belmont, in a room in Portia’s house. Gratiano and Nerissa are
also present there.

Question 2.
Which possession does Portia want to transfer to Bassanio? What does this show of her
Portia offers herself, her house, her servants and a ring to Bassanio. She, like a true wife,
generously offers everything to Bassanio. This shows her deep love for her husband and
desire to please him.

Question 3.
In what ways does Portia want to excel herself?
Portia wants to excel herself in many ways. She wants to be a thousand times more beautiful,
ten thousand times richer and many times better in virtues, property and friends. She calls
herself inexperienced, untrained and uneducated girl but she is happy that she is young
enough and capable enough to improve.

Question 4.
On what condition does she give the ring to Bassanio?
Portia gives an expensive ring to Bassanio, saying that he should not part with it at any time,
at any cost. If and when he parts with it, it’ll be a sign of his diminishing love for her and that
will give her an opportunity to accuse him for that.

Question 5.
Explain the last two lines of the extract. How do these become significant later in the play?
The last two lines mean that if Bassanio gives the ring away that will be a sign that his love is
dead and Portia will take it as an opportunity to accuse him of that. These words become
significant later in the play, as Bassanio feels obliged to give the ring to the lawyer who asks
for it as the fee for rescuing Antonio. Portia berates him for giving away the ring without
revealing herself as the lawyer. This is a source of humor in the ring episode.

Question 6.
What does Bassanio say in reply to this speech of Portia?
Bassanio says that he is deprived of words. Only blood running in his veins can show his
emotions. There is so much confusion in his thoughts like the one that follows after the
speech of a prince, amid the applause of the delighted audience. His confused joy cannot be
expressed. He promises that when the ring leaves his finger it’d be a sign that Bassanio is
dead. In other words, he’ll not part with that ring till he dies.
8. Salerio :
Not one, my lord.
Besides, it should appear, that if he had
The present money to discharge the Jew,
He would not take it. Never did I know
A creature, that did bear the shape of man,
So keen and greedy to confound a man.

Question 1.
To whom is Salerio speaking? Where is he? Who else are with him?
Salerio is speaking to Bassanio. He is in Belmont, in Portia’s house where the caskets are
kept. Lorenzo, Jessica and Portia are with him.

Question 2.
What is Salerio referring as ‘No one’? What has he brought for Bassanio? What’s the content
of that?
When Bassanio asks Salerio to confirm that no ship of Antonio has escaped from getting lost,
he says not a single one. He has brought a letter from Antonio addressed to Bassanio. The
content of the letter is that Antonio’s ships have miscarried, his creditors are mercilessly
troubling him, his resources are very low, and the Jew is waiting for the forfeiture. If he pays
for the penalty, he will not be alive and he wants to meet Bassanio before he dies. If Bassanio
fulfills his wish, all debts owed to Antonio will be cleared.

Question 3.
According to the speaker, what would not the Jew do? How is he describing the Jew in this
According to Salerio, even if Antonio pays the money to the Jew, it’ll be too late, as the time
for the forfeiture is over and as per the condition, he will insist on taking one pound of flesh.
He describes the Jew as a creature that has taken the shape of a man, who is so keen and
greedy to bring ruin to another man.

Question 4.
What does the speaker say about the efforts of the Jew in extracting the forfeiture?
The Jew urges the duke at morning and at night to take speedy actions. He threatens legal
actions against the country’s legal system, if he is denied justice. Twenty merchants, the
duke himself and the noblemen of the highest rank have tried to persuade him but no one is
able to prevent him from his revengeful claim.

Question 5.
What does Jessica say about her father just after this extract?
Jessica says that she had heard her father conversing with Tubal and other Jews that he
would rather have a pound of Antonio’s flesh than twenty times the value of the debt. She
says that she knows well that unless the law and the higher powers intervene, it is going to
be tough for Antonio.

9. Portia :
What, no more ?
Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond;
Double six thousand, and then treble that,
Before a friend of this description
Shall lose a hair through Bassanio’s fault.
First go with me to church and call me wife,
And then away to Venice to your friend;
For never shall you lie by Portia’s side
With an unquiet soul.

Question 1.
To what information does Portia say, ‘What no more? In what way had Bassanio praised
Antonio just before this?
When Portia comes to know that the debt owed by Antonio is only three thousand ducats,
Portia says ‘What no more?’ Bassanio had praised Antonio as his dearest friend and kindest
man with the best of intention who never gets tired of showing kindness to others. He
displays the old spirits of Roman honor more than any other person in Italy.

Question 2.
What does Portia advice Bassanio regarding the bond? What does it show of her character?
Portia advises Bassanio to pay Shylock six thousand ducats and cancel the bond. If it is not
enough, he should double the six thousand and multiply that by three. This shows that she is
generous at heart. As a true wife, she considers her husband’s honor and problems as hers
and she values his friendship.

Question 3.
What does she tell Bassanio to do before he leaves? Why does she want Bassanio to leave
Portia tells Bassanio to go to church, marry her, and then go to the rescue of his friend. She
wants Bassanio to leave immediately as she knows that Bassanio’s mind will be troubled as
long as his friend is in dire trouble. She doesn’t like her husband to be in a distraught
condition when he is with her. Moreover, it is his duty to be with his friend who has helped
him in spite of the risk to his life.

Question 4.
How will Portia and Nerissa spend the days of separation? What does Bassanio promise his
wife at the end of the scene?
Portia and Nerissa will live as unmarried women or widows. Bassanio promises his wife that
he will hurry up and come back to Belmont as soon as possible. No bed will be guilty of his
stay; no rest will keep him separated from his wife.

Question 5.
What is Portia actually going to do? Does she succeed in her mission?
Portia along with Nerissa is planning to go to Venice dressed in male attire to argue the case
for Antonio. Yes, she succeeds in saving Antonio with her argument that not a drop of blood
should be shed while taking the flesh.


1. Shylock:
I’ll have my bond; speak not against my bond :
I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond.
Thou call’dst me dog before thou hadst a cause,
But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs :
The duke shall grant me justice. I do wonder,
Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fond
To come abroad with him at his request.

Antonio : I pray thee, hear me speak.

Shylock : I’ll have my bond; I will not hear thee speak :
I’ll have my bond, and therefore speak no more.
I’ll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool,
To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield
To Christian intercessors. Follow not;
I’ll have no speaking; I will have my bond.

Question 1.
To whom are these words spoken? When? Who else is with the characters? Where are they?
These words are being spoken to Antonio, when he requests Shylock to listen to him. Solanio
and the jailor are with them. They are in a street in Venice.

Question 2.
In what state of mind is Shylock, now? What has he accused the jailer of, a little while
Shylock is excited and very keen to take his revenge against Antonio. He keeps on repeating,
‘I’ll have the bond’. He has accused the jailor of showing partiality towards Antonio by
allowing him to come out of the jail.

Question 3.
Explain ‘I’ll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool, to shake the head, relent, and sigh, and
yield to Christian intercessors’. Earlier he tells the listener to be beware of his fangs. Why?
The line means that Shylock will not become a soft and stupid fool to shake his head and
relent to forgive Christian pleaders. Earlier he says that Antonio had called him a dog and
now he must suffer the dog’s bite.

Question 4.
Why and when does the listener say, ‘Let him alone’?
When Solanio comments that the Jew is the most heartless dog, Antonio says that there is no
use pleading in front of the blood-thirsty Shylock.

Question 5.
Why is Shylock after his life, according to the speaker?
According to .Antonio, Shylock is after his life as he had rescued many people from the Jew’s
clutches by helping with his money. So Shylock has been deprived of his forfeiture many a
time: therefore, the Jew hates him and he is after his life to take revenge.

Question 6.
Why can’t the Duke save the speaker?
The Duke can’t save the speaker, as he has to abide by the strict laws of Venice. If he goes
against justice, Venice will lose its credibility among foreign traders and this will affect its
trade and prosperity.

Question 7.
How does the scene end? Bring out the significance of the scene.
The scene ends on a sad note with Antonio losing all hope for his life. His last wish is to meet
Bassanio, his best friend. This is the preparation for the trial scene that follows. The
audience is prepared for Antonio’s tragedy. This also gives a time gap for Bassanio to reach.
The scene emphasizes the theme of friendship in which Antonio without any complaint
submits to his fate

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