Manufacturing Industries

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69. ‘Sugar industry in India is facing challenges.” Analyse the statement with suitable arguments. Ans: Comp. 2019 Sugar industry in India is facing lot of challenges which are (i) This industry is seasonal as it is dependent on sugarcane which is an annual crop. Workers get employed only for a short period. (ii) The machines and ways of producing sugar from sugarcane are old and inefficient. (iii) The raw material i.e. sugarcane is bulky which increases the transportation cost and difficulty of transporting. (iv) The sucrose content in sugarcane keeps on decreasing with time so transport delay in reaching sugarcane to factories results in losses. (v) There is also the challenge of using the byproducts of sugarcane properly like bagasse o. ‘Sexual division of labour is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes.” Support the statement. Aus : Comp. 2019 Gender division is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotype: (i) Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is house work and bringing up children. There is sexual division of labour in most. families where women stay at home and men work outside to play the role of breadwinners. yw. “Sexual division of labour is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotypes.” Support the statement. Ans: Comp, 2019 Gender division is not based on biology but on social expectations and stereotype: (i) Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the main responsibility of women is house work and bringing up children. There is sexual division of labour in most families where women stay at home and men work outside to play the role of breadwinners. (ii) Literacy rate among women is only 54% in comparison to 76% among men. In studies, girls mostly perform better than boys, but they drop out simply because their parents prefer to spend their resources on their sons education. A smaller proportion of girls go for higher studies. (iii) On an average, a woman works more than an average man everyday. Since much of her work is not paid for, therefore often not valued. The Equal Wages Act provides for equal wages for equal work, but in almost all areas of work from sports to cinema, from factories of fields, women are comparatively paid less because of the male chauvinistic bent of mind of society. (iv) Child sex-ratio is very low. In India, the national average is 914. In some places it is even lower because parents prefer to have sons so they get girl child aborted. (iv) Child sex-ratio is very low. In India, the national average is 914. In some places it is even lower because parents prefer to have sons so they get girl child aborted. In urban arcas too, women are not respected (v and are unsafe even in their homes being subjected to beating, harassment and other forms of domestic violence. (vi) The role of women in politics in most societies is minimal. 1. “Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect national or state boundaries.” Justify the statement. Ans : Delhi 2019 Environment is degraded through the depletion of resources like air, water and soil. It leads to destruction of ecosystem and extinction of wildlife. It is a global issue and has been debated over a decade. (i) Pollution in one country may effect the other in form of acid rain, climate change etc. (ii) Deforestation in some countries may disturb the rainfall pattern in the surrounding countries. (iii) Land degradation and dam burst can bring massive siltation and flood like situation. Thus, consequences of the actions of one state or country may affect others, this proves that environmental degradation does not respect land boundaries. an Amalven tha rale of the manifacturing sector _ r. Analyse the role of the manufacturing sector in the economic development of India. Ans : op 2017 Contribution of Manufacturing sector to national economy: (i) Creation of alternative employment : Manufacturing reduces dependence on agriculture by providing alternative employment opportunities in factory. (ii) Better standard of living : The industrial labourers and other employees get higher wages and enjoy higher standard of living compared to landless agricultural labourers. (iii) Support to agricultural production : Increase in use of fertilizers, pesticides, plastics, electricity and diesel in agriculture has been possible duc to the growth and competitiveness of the manufacturing industries. (iv)In the present day world of territorial specialization, our industry needs to be more efficient and competitive Our goods must be at par with those of other countries in the international market This will fetch foreign exchange and increase national wealth. 73. How are industries responsible for environmental degradation in India? Explain with examples. Ans : Delhi 2019 Industries are responsible for environmental degradation in India in following ways : 73. How are industries responsible for environmental degradation in India? Explain with examples. Ans : Dethi 2019 Industries are responsible for environmental degradation in India in following ways : (i) The presence of high proportion of undesirable gases such as sulphur dioxide, and carbon monoxide are a product of these industries. They affect the environment majorly. (ii) and ~~ construction activities, Industrial machinery and factory equipments, generators, saws and pneumatic and electric drills also make a lot of noise in environment. (iii) The main culprits in this regard are paper, pulp, chemical and textile industries that let out dyes, detergents, acids, salts and heavy metals etc., with carbon, plastic and rubber into the water bodies. (iv) Air-borne waste particle contains both solid and liquid particles like dust, sprays, mist and smoke which pollutes the environment. 4, Why are maximum Jute textile mills located in the Hugli Basin ? Ans: SP 2019 Location of Jute industries in Hugli basin : (i) Proximity of jute producing areas. (ii) Inexpensive water transport. (iii) Good network of roadways, railways and waterways. “4. Why are maximum Jute textile mills located in the Hugli Basin ? Ans: sop 2019 Location of Jute industries in Hugli basin : (i) Proximity of jute producing areas. (ii) Inexpensive water transport. (iii) Good network of roadways, railways and waterways. (iv) Abundant water for processing raw jute. (v) Cheap labour from West Bengal and adjoining states. (vi) Good banking, insurance and poor facilities in Kolkata. 7s. Describe the significance of Textile Industry in India with specific reference to Cotton industry. Ans : sap 2018 (i) The Textile Industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial production (14 percent), employment generation (35 million persons directly the second largest after agriculture) and foreign exchange carnings (about 24.6 percent). (ii) It contributes 4 per cent towards GDP. It is the only industry in the country, which is self- reliant and complete in the value chain, i.e., from raw material to the highest value added products. (iii) In the early years, the Cotton Textile Industry was concentrated in the cotton growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Availability of raw a ce on ‘5. Describe the significance of Textile Industry in India with specific reference to Cotton industry. Ans : ‘SOP 2018 (i) Gi) The Textile Industry occupies unique position in the Indian economy, because it contributes significantly to industrial production (14 percent), employment generation (35 million persons directly the second largest after agriculture) and foreign exchange earnings (about 24.6 percent). It contributes 4 per cent towards GDP. It is the only industry in the country, which is self- reliant and complete in the value chain, i.e., from raw material to the highest value added products. (iii) In the carly years, the Cotton Textile Industry was concentrated in the cotton growing belt of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Availability of raw cotton, market, transport including accessible port facilities, labour, moist climate, ete. contributed towards its localisation. (iv) This industry has close links with agriculture (v) 16. and provides a living to farmers, cotton boll pluckers and workers engaged in ginning, spinning, weaving, dyeing, designing, packaging, tailoring and sewing. The industry by creating demand, supports many other industries, such as, chemicals and dyes, mill stores, packaging materials and engineering works. Explain the factors which are responsible for location of industries. 16. Explain the factors which are responsible for location of industries. Ans : Delhi 2020 The factors which are responsible for location of industries are given below : (i) Nearness to the source of raw material : Large quantities of raw materials are needed for industries. Therefore industries are located near the source of raw materials. It saves the cost of transportation. Steel centres are developed where coal and iron are easily available. Jute mills in West Bengal and the cotton textile mills in Maharashtra are located due to the availability of raw materials. (ii) Power resources : Coal, oil and water are the main sources of power. Most of the industries are located near coal fields. Aluminium industries and paper industries are located near hydroelectric stations. (iii) Means of Transportation : Modern Industries need cheap, developed and quick means of transportation. Cheap means of transportation are required for the movement of workers, raw materials and machinery to the factories. (iv) Climate : Stimulating climate increase the efficiency of the labourers. The cotton textile industry required humid climate. The film industry needs good weather with clear blue skies. Similarly the aircraft industry also needs clear weather. (v) Skilled Labour : cheap and skilled labour is naeeantial far tha lanatinn nf indnatmaa (lace (v) Skilled Labour : cheap and skilled labour is essential for the location of industries. Glass industry at Firozabad and the sports goods industry in Jalandhar are located due to the availability of skilled labour. 7. ‘The challenge of sustainable development requires control over industrial pollution.’ Substantiate the statement with examples. Ans : ‘sap 2020 While industries contribute significantly to India’s economic growth and development, the increase in pollution of land, water, air and noise resulting degradation of environment that they have caused is significant and cannot be ignored. (i) Industries are responsible for air, water, land and noise pollution. The polluting industries also include thermal power plants. Air pollution adversely affects human health, animals, plants, buildings and the atmosphere as a whole. Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes and affluents discharged into rivers. (ii) Wastes from nuclear power plants, nuclear and weapon production facilities cause cancers, birth defects and miscarriages. It causes soil pollution. Noise pollution leads not only anger and irritation but cause hearing impairment, increased heart rate and blood pressure among other physiological effects. (iii) Industries need to minimise the use of water bv reusine and reeveline water Industrial (iii) Industries need to minimise the use of water by reusing and recycling water. Industrial wastes need to be treated in effluent plants before dumping them in rivers. (iv) Electrostatic precipitators, fabric _ filters, scrubbers and inertial separators should be used to particulate matter being released in the air. Smoke can be reduced by using oil or gas instead of coal in factories. Generators should be avoided to reduce diesel pollution, should be fitted with silencers. All machineries can be re-designed to increase energy efficiency. (v) Thermal plants should be avoided. Wastes should be recycled. All industries and factories should have license. Central Pollution Control Board should keep regular check on the industries. 78. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced? Explain various ways. Ans = op 2019 Main causes of water pollution is due to the wastes discharged from factories, refineries into water bodies. These wastes contains harmful chemicals such as alkalis, acids etc, and toxic metals like mercury, lead, arsenic etc. which kill aquatic life. The following steps can be taken to reduce the industrial pollution : (i) Restructuring the manufacturing processes to reduce or eliminate pollutants, like, lead, zinc, arsenic through a process called Pollution Prevention. Chimneys for treating of gaseous waste are also important. 7s. How can the industrial pollution of fresh water be reduced? Explain various ways. Aus: op 2019 Main causes of water pollution is due to the wastes discharged from factories, refineries into water bodies. These wastes contains harmful chemicals such as alkalis, acids etc. and toxic metals like mercury, lead, arsenic etc. which kill aquatic life. The following steps can be taken to reduce the industrial pollution : (i) Restructuring the manufacturing processes to reduce or climinate pollutants, like, lead, zinc, arsenic through a process called Pollution Prevention. Chimneys for treating of gaseous waste are also important. (ii) It is necessary to encourage industries to promote ‘green’ methods of produt production and. It includes environment- friendly operating processes. (iii) It is advisable to create cooling ponds which are man-made and designed to cool the heated waters of industries by evaporation, condensation and radiation. (iv) It is very important to attach water treatment plant in industries for filtration of sewage before it enters the water bodies. Sewage treatment plants are important for treatment of polluted water. 79. Explain with examples any five factors that are responsible for industrial location. Aus : Dethi 2019 79. Explain with examples any five factors that are responsible for industrial location. Ans : Delhi 2019 Factors responsible for industrial location are as follows : (i) Availability of raw material is one major basic actor for the location of any industry, e.g. : Jute mills in West bengal are concentrated close to the source of raw material. (ii) Climate also plays a major role in the concentration of industries at a certain place. Favourable weather conditions required for the growth and harvesting of the crop causes its industries to be located in certain places. For e.g. Cotton textile industry are generally found in Maharastra and Gujarat because of ‘avourable climatic conditions. (iii) Availability of capital and other infras- tructural facilities is also one reason. It is due to the availability of capital that Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai became big industrial centres. These places have banking facilities and well developed infrastructure. (iv) Availability of both skilled and unskilled abour also governs the location of an industry. Cheap and abundant labour is one necessary condition which affects location of an industry. (v) The entire process of manufacturing is futile until the finished products reach the market and the consumers. Thus, availability of a good market near by also benefits the owners. (vi) Government nolicies. peace. protection ._ of (v) The entire process of manufacturing is futile until the finished products reach the market and the consumers. Thus, availability of a good market near by also benefits the owners. (vi) Government policies, peace, protection . of environment play a vital role in the location of industries. so. Explain five types of ‘industrial pollution.’ Ans: Dethi 2019 Industrial pollution creates environmental degradation in the following ways : 1. Due to the release of undesirable gases like sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide, air borne particulate matter containing smoke, dust and spray mist, toxic gases by burning fossil fuels in the industries, air pollution is caused. Release of these pollutants also causes acid rain. Thus, chemicals pollute the atmosphere and cause life threatening diseases. This also affects monuments, buildings and animals. 2. Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes discharged into the rivers, liquid wastes produced by chemical and textile industry, tanneries, petroleum refineries, electroplating industries and metallic pesticides etc. solid wastes like fly ash, phospo-gypsum and slags produced by iron and stecl industries. Water pollution leads to loss of rich aquatic life and flora- fesse Moto nersene sete, anerpntte eo «all 81. fossil fuels in the industries, air pollution is caused. Release of these pollutants also causes acid rain. Thus, chemicals pollute the atmosphere and cause life threatening diseases. This also affects monuments, buildings and animals. Water pollution is caused by organic and inorganic industrial wastes discharged into the rivers, liquid wastes produced by chemical and textile industry, tanneries, petroleum refineries, electroplating industries and metallic pesticides etc. solid wastes like fly ash, phospo-gypsum and slags produced by iron and steel industries. Water pollution leads to loss of rich aquatic life and flora- fauna. This causes water scarcity as well. This’ also causes diseases like typhoid and cholera. All the pollutants that cause water pollution, along with wastes from nuclear power plants are responsible for land pollution. Water and land pollution are closely related. All the liquid and solid affluents, if not being disposed off into the rivers, goes directly into the soil and degrade the land areas. All the unwanted sounds caused due to industrial and construction activities, machinery, generators and drilling activities create irritants and are a source of stress. Why is the economic strength of a country measured by the development of manufacturing industries ? Explain with examples. 81. Why is the economic strength of a country measured by the development of manufacturing industries ? Explain with examples. Aus + op 2018 Economic strength of a country is measured by manufacturing industries : (i) Manufacturing industries not only help in modernising agriculture which forms the backbone of the economy, they also reduce the dependency of people on agriculture. ) Industrial development is a precondition for eradication of unemployment and poverty from a country. ii) Export of manufactured goods expands trade and commerce and brings much needed foreign exchange on international level. (iv) Countries that transform their raw materials into a wide variety of furnished goods of higher value are prosperous and developed. (v) India’s prosperity lies in increasing and diversifying its manufacturing industries as quickly as possible. 82. Explain any five factors that are responsible for concentration of ‘iron and steel’ industries mainly in ‘Chhotanagpur Plateau Region’. Ans : Comp. 2018 Reasons for concentration of ‘iron and steel’ industries in ‘Chhotanagpur Plateau Region’: (i) Low cost of iron-ore which is mined here. (ii) High grade raw materials in close proximity. Gii) Availability of cheap labour.

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