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Test (TST) - Client Foundation Installation script

Execute Client Foundation installation

Configure Client Foundation installation script

This script can be run for complete silent installation of clients for different environments.

Execute Client Foundation installation

To perform a client installation of the Teamcenter Foundation, perform these steps:

1. Before starting the installation disable the firewall via Control Panel Windows Defender Firewall Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off Turn
off Windows Defender Firewall

2. Add test server IP-adress and real name to hosts file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

3. Map networkdrive I: to \\LUM1WV-APL002\Install$ (net use I: \\LUM1WV-APL002\Install$)

4. Start "Install_Client_Foundation TST nonCAD" from I:\

5. After the installation enable the firewall again.

6. If the firewall is active, during the first start of Teamcenter Rich client the following message will be shown. Click here on 'Allow access'. After this
the message will not be shown anymore.

7. Install JT Translator for Solidworks. Start "Install_JTTranslator2021.bat" from I:\ (run as administrator)
8. Install Teamcenter integration for Solidworks (Swim). Start "Install_Swim_2021_client_TST.bat" from I:\

9. Copy icon 'Start SW Swim' from '\\LUM1WV-APL002\PLMShare\PLM_Startup\Startups' to Desktop of local machine to start Solidworks with the
swim integration and correct settings.
10. Check that Region Settings are defined correctly (United States - English (United States))

Configure Client Foundation installation script

Installation components

Component required/optional Details

Java required

NX optional

TCCS optional

Teamcenter Visualization optional

Teamcenter Rich client optional

This script support by default 3 install cases

NX with only a standalone tccs installation connected with Active workspace.

NX, Teamcenter Visualization base installation and Teamcenter Rich client with NX integration
Teamcenter Visualization base installation and Teamcenter Rich client

This script support by default 4 environments

Production (default)

By default the installation network share is named "install$"

Run install_client_Foundation.bat with "run as administrator" optionally with arguments.

If the script is started without extra parameters it will install by default a Teamcenter Client installation for the Production environment and will ask for the
type of client to deploy.

Script arguments

Argument no value default Values

PROD - Production
TEST - Test
ACC - Acceptance
DEV - Development

nonCAD / no value - default Teamcenter Client
CAD - default Teamcenter Client installation with CAD integration

Script behavior variables

Variable If defined Values default Behavior

DEBUG_MODE Any FALSE Will enable pause after each step in script

SET_NETWORK_DRIVE Any TRUE Enable Network drive mapping

DISABLE_UAC Any TRUE Disable UAC check.

PLM_CLIENT_TYPE if no argument is given with script, it will ask which value to set

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