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“Having a Meaningful Life”

As part of Conscience and Action, we have the Habits and virtues. In the life of the
human person we might somehow do some things that are part of our daily basis. Sometimes we
do things just for our own happiness or for our own pleasurable desires. Here we discuss how
Habits and Virtues work in our daily lives.

Habitus shows that it is not an action but therefore it is a quality that we have in order to
dispose ourselves to another. By having habits it should be distinctive from what is to be
disposed of. It also makes the character of the human person that somehow makes the human
person he or she is. Sometimes habit leads us to self-possession. It shows the example of a man
who chose to steal goods. By doing that it becomes his habit and it becomes his character. His
actions make him a thief. He embodied his actions.

Before having a kind of habit we must start by doing actions. Actions that we must start
by doing small until it becomes our habits. For example if we want to practice patience we must
start to become the last in line until it becomes our habit and by that we could achieve the time
becoming patience. Our actions and habits depend on the things we do. By having good habits it
pushes us to do good and leads us to good character by virtue, But if we have bad habits it could
push us out by doing good and lead us instead of having virtue it could lead us to vices.

By having virtue it is because of doing good habits. Virtues are those in uniformity of
actions that are structured in living. In the ecclesiastical church , The religious congregation have
three vows, which is Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. In order to have this it is by surrendering.
In the virtue of Obedience it must surrender the human person’s will in order to follow the way
and the will of the superiors. It is the same with the virtue of poverty. It is also the same by
surrendering the possessions in order to achieve that virtue. All of these virtues require sacrifices
but it will be able to achieve a meaningful life.

What makes life meaningful? It is by doing what is good and what is right not only for
the benefits of the self but for his fellow men also. Meaningfulness has the dialogue between
men. He can also find the meaning of his life with his fellow men.

In conclusion, By having Habits and Virtues it makes the human person know the
importance of it. Our actions define our Habit and Habits define our Character also. When we
have our habits in a good way it is considered as virtue and virtue will not lead us to a
pleasurable life it may also lead us to many sacrifices but it will benefit us to have a meaningful

- Sem. John Clemar E. Bausa

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