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7 Adifferent medium Rereere tia aes acd 1. Explain the purpose of the connective in each of these sentences. a Jenjoy reading inside; on the other hand | enjoy playing sport outside as well. b Shakespeare wrote many plays: in addition he wrote poems called sonnets. ¢ Graphic formats of plays are produced in order to make them easier to understand. 2. Explain the difference between a foreword and an afterword. _ 8. List the key features of play structure and layout. 4 a Write these contractions in full. | ‘tis twas asham’d blam'd b Write how these verbs would be written today. increaseth distresseth escapeth - 5 a Rewrite the sentence below including a colon for emphasis. Keep the same sense. Marvin strongly felt both hurt and upset. b Rewrite the sentence below adding in a semicolon. - Imtiaz has a new hobby she is writing a book. = Make it happen > 8.1 Weigh up waste (eshte cola) 1 Discuss this question with a partner: How much waste do you think you generate? 2. Make notes to summarise your responses to the following, then report back to the class. f Where does Do you collect your waste go? cand rouse any of your waste? family create in ‘one day? 1 Have a group discussion on ways to reuse your waste. Which of the ideas in these photographs do you like the most? Why? N 8 Make it happen b Do you have any other novel ideas of ways to use waste? € Doyou think it is a good idea to make things from waste? Give reasons. d_ Isusing recycled goods better, or cheaper or more convenient? Give examples. Summarise your ideas giving the pros and cons novel: new or different in of recycling goods. Choose a spokesperson to an interesting way present your group's views to the class. Use a prefix to change the meaning of root words. a Rewrite these verbs with the prefix re added to the front of the word. b What effect does re have on each word? Use a dictionary to check the meaning. ¢ Copy this table into your learning journal. List other words that have reas a prefix and show how the meaning changes. Also list base words that begin with re but not as a prefix. Does the How does teats [ing nema | (Se change? change? 3 Writing tip ROTA dia Ed In some words, you need to add Did everyone have a turn to speak? Did a hyphen after the prefix to avoid you cooperate and consider other ideas? ambiguity (re-count and recount are Did you help to check and correct your not the same). partner's work? 8.2 An article to startle > 8.2 An article to startle NRIs Re? eet 1 Give examples of different types of magazines. ~ 2 Say what organisational features you would expect to see in a magazine. 3. Explain the difference between a news report and a magazine article. 4 1 Read aloud the article on the next page on ocean pollution, and then discuss the content. 5 @ Whyis ocean pollution called ‘the silent killer"? o What is a gyre? Where are they found? q Find three facts and three opinions about ocean pollution. c d_ Identify the balanced argument in the article. Which side do you agree with? e Based on the information in the article, is enough being done about the problem? f Add any specialised vocabulary to your learning journal and write sentences of your own.

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