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Shopping for clothes

1) Label the pictures with words from the list below.

Socks / skirt / hoodie / jumper / shorts / jacket / belt/ trousers /coat / T-

shirt/trainers/dress/scarf/track suit / tie / boot

1……………………. 2 ………………….. 3…………………... 4 …………………… 5 …..…………….. 6………………………

7…………………… 8 …………………….. 9 ……………………….. 10………………………. 11 …………………. 12 …………………….

13……………………….. 14………………… 15 ………………………… 16 ………………………… 17……………………. 18 …………………….

2)Match each question to its function.
How much is it ? asking for description
What colour is it ? asking for size
What size is it? asking for price
What is it made of? asking for the colour
Where is the changing room? asking for the material
What is it like? asking for place
3)Who says these phrases shop assistant or the customer
They are over there (………………..) What size are you? (……………)
How much is this sweater?(……………)Would you like to try it on? (…………….)
It doesn’t fit / suit me.(………………..) The T- Shirt suits you very well (…………..)
I don’t like it. (………………..) The fitting rooms are over there.
It’s not quite what I wanted. (…………)Where can I try this on, please?(……………)
How much is it? ( ………………) Have you got this in another
size (……………)
I’m size … (……………….) I’ll take it

4)Reorder the following dialogue .Number one is given to you.

At a clothes shop
……. Shop assistant: Hello, Can I help you?
……..Shop assistant: What colour do you prefer?
…….Customer: Ok, thanks.
……..Shop assistant: OK. In your size we have these three models.
……. Shop assistant: Do you want to try them on?
……..Customer: I like blue or red.
…….Shop assistant: And what size do you need?
…….Customer: Yes, please. Where are the fitting rooms?
…….Shop assistant: They are just over there.
……..Customer: Oh, they are very beautiful!
…….Customer: Hello, yes please. I’m looking for a T-shirt.
…….Customer: I usually use a medium size.
5) Read the second part of the dialogue then say true or false.
(A few minutes later…)
Shop assistant: Do they suit you?
Customer: Yes, I choose this one. How much is it?
Shop assistant: It is 20 euros.
Customer: Ok. Have you got anything cheaper?
Shop assistant: Yes, of course. This T-shirt is very similar but it costs only 12
Customer: Much better. Ok, I’ll take it.
Shop assistant: Will you put it on your credit card?
Customer: No, I'll pay with cash. Here it is.
Shop assistant: Thank you. Here’s your change.
Customer: Thank you. Good bye.
Shop assistant: Good bye

*The customer tried the t-shirt but didn’t buy it.(……….)

*The shop assistant gave him a cheaper t-shirt (……….)
*The customer paid the T-shirt by credit card.(……….)
*The customer paid twelve euros.(……..)
6) You want to buy a pair of shoes. Write the dialogue with the shop assistant
then enact it.

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