Writing PC2

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Name: Bảo Trân ( Alin )


Part 1:
The pie charts illustrate the accommodation categories chosen by 25-year-olds in London, while
the provided table gives information on various types of accommodation available between the
1990s and the 2010s.

From an overall perspective, it is evident that the avalaibility of the types of living accomodation
influenced the choice of houses or flats among the age group. It is also worth noting that shared
accommodation became the most popular over the years, whereas a reverse pattern could be
observed in the number of 1-2 bedroom houses and flats

As can be seen from the given chart, in the 90s, just roughly a half of those surveyed lived in
shared flats or houses.In the 2010s, however, this number swelled to approximately three
quarters of 25-year-olds living in London. In stark contrast, the figure for people opting for alone
houses and flats experienced a five-time decrease to only 5% from the 1990s to the 2010s

On the other hand, the decade of 2010 witnessed a significant drop in the number of 1-2 bedroom
houses and flats. In the 1990s. around a half of 25-year-old Londoners chose to live alone.
Nevertheless, from 2010 onwards, the sharp decrease in 1-2 bedroom houses and flats available
showed an opposite trend. The figure for these types of accommodation experienced a downfall,
from 34,000 and 32,000 plummeting to 12,000 and 10,000.

Part 2: Essay
In this day and age, environment has long played such a preponderant and pivotal part in our
ever-changing society. While it is widely believed that issues such as unemployment, well-being,
overpopulation markedly pose grave ramifications to the world, others counter that safeguarding
the environment is the most momentous problem facing the current society. From my
perspective, I entirely concur with the the latter viewpoint owing to the following reasons
discussed below.

First and foremost, there is an indisputable fact that the soaring severity of air pollution has put.
the well-being of humans and the Earth in grievous jeopardy. It is common knowledge that trees
serve the biological purpose of absorbing carbon dioxide, thus purifying the air we frequently
breathe on a regular basis. Humans certainly run the risk of contracting irrepairable problems if
they are exposed sufficiently long to the pernicious air. In other words, no sooner had mankind
taken radical actions to preserve the environment than they realized that their biological lungs
cannot withstand the presence of detrimental air quality. It is plainly evident that human beings
are not the only one who suffer from serious respiratory problems in the daily life. The Earth too
cannot efficaciously regulate the flows of air and have no alternative but to accumulate a
considerable amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, absorbing rays of scorching
sunlight. These may result in the obvious imbalance of ecology which is often considered a
severe matter. As can be seen, environmental issues have given rise to a plethora of health issues
and the general state of the Earth.

In the second place, it is indubitable that in recent years, a myriad of animals have to bear the
brunt of extreme environmental problems. This is inherently by virtue of the fact that a vast
majority of animals do rely on their own forests for almost everything, including abode,
sustenance and reproduction. Although humans are well aware of this fact, they seem to blatantly
disregard the dire downsides and recommence clearing off the forests without hesitation.
Deprived of their invaluable natural habitats, animals are placed on the horns of dilemma whether
to emigrate or perish. Only when having settled down in new areas does it dawn on some
species= that the regions’ natural conditions do not align with their fundamental characteristics.
For example, the Coco bird used to go to great lengths to emigrate to Africa. However, on arrival
there, they faced total extinction as the climate in this continent is exceptionally inhospitable.
Understandably, the world is facing numerous challenges with regard to environmental problems
in today’s world.

All things considered, I firmly believe that among innumerable problems that that the world
faces, preserving the environment is the most crucial problem confronting the world today. It is
imperative that the goverment and each individual should make concerted efforts to preclude this
unfortunate trend from wreaking havoc on our life.

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