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[Ək'si:d ]
1) Accede (verb)
1)Kabul etmek, razı olmak (agree to a demand, request, or treaty.
"the authorities did not accede to the strikers' demands")
2)Tahta çıkmak, iktidara gelmek, yönetime geçmek (assume an
office or position.
"Elizabeth I acceded to the throne in 1558")

[İn'tri:q ]
2) Intrigue (verb, noun)
1)İlgilendirmek, ilgisini çekmek, dikkatini çekmek (arouse the
curiosity or interest of; fascinate.
"I was intrigued by your question")
2)Hile yapmak , üçkağıt yapmak (make secret plans to do
something illicit or detrimental to someone.
"Henry and Louis intrigued with the local nobles")
3)Hile, üçkağıt (the making of secret plans to harm someone or
make them lose their position of power, or a plan of this kind)

[Ə'bet ]
3) Abet (verb)
Yardakçılık etmek (birinin yanlış veya yasa dışı bir şey yapmasına
yardım etmek)
(to help someone do something wrong or illegal)
[Əb.rı.qeyt ]
4) Abrogate (verb)
İptal etmek, feshetmek, yürürlükten kaldırmak (to officially end a
legal agreement, practice etc)

[Dö:s ]
5) Dearth (noun)
Yokluk, eksiklik, kıtlık (a lack of something ; a dearth of job

[ ]
6) Elegy (noun)
Ağıt, mersiye (a sad poem or song, especially about someone who
has died )

[Həv.ık ]
7) Havoc (noun)
Zarar, hasar (confusion and lack of order, especially causing
damage or trouble; karışıklık ve düzen eksikliği, özellikle hasara
veya soruna neden olur)

[Qər.ıl.ıs ]
8) Garrulous (adjective)
Konuşkan, geveze, boşboğaz
[Həz.ıd ]
9) Hazard (noun, verb)
1)Tehlike, risk (something that may be dangerous, or cause
accidents or problems ; a risk that cannot be avoided)
2)Tehlikeye atmak, riske atmak (to risk losing your money, property
etc in an attempt to gain something; to say something that is only a
suggestion or guess and that might not be correct)

[Al.ti'mey.tım ]
10) Ultimatum (noun)
Ültimatom (a threat saying that if someone does not do what you
want by a particular time, you will do something to punish them)

[Cep.ı.di ]
11) Jeopardy (noun)
Tehlike, risk

[Cep.ı.dayz ]
12) Jeopardise (verb)
Tehlikeye atmak, riske atmak

[Cü:diş.ıs ]
13) Judicious (adjective)
Makul, akıllıca (done in a sensible and careful way)

[Cö.vi.ıl ]
14) Jovial (adjective)
Arkadaş canlısı, neşeli, keyifli (friendly and happy)
[Qeyt ]
15) Gait (noun)
Yürüyüş, yürüme biçimi (a particular way of walking)

[Qəl.ınt ]
16) Gallant (adjective)
1)Kibar, nazik, centilmen (1 a man who is gallant is kind and polite
towards women)
2)Cesur, cüretli, cesaretli

[Ek.stı.si ]
17) Ecstasy (noun)
1)Coşku, vecit (a feeling of extreme happiness)
2)Narkotik madde ( an illegal drug that gives a feeling of happiness
and energy)

[İk'stət.ik ]
18) Ecstatic (adjective)
Coşkulu, vecde gelmiş (feeling extremely happy and excited)

[Ed.i.bıl ]
19) Edible (adjective)
Yenilebilir, yenir (something that is edible can be eaten )

[Fəs.ayl ]
20) Facile (adjective)
Basit, kolay
[Prov.ins ]
21) Province (noun)
1)İl, vilayet (one of the large areas into which some countries are
divided, and which usually has its own local government
a Chinese province)
2)Branş, uzmanlık alanı ( a subject that someone knows a lot about
or something that only they are responsible for
province of)

[Qri:v ]
22) Grieve (verb)
Üzülmek, kederlenmek, üzmek, kederlendirmek

[Qri:f ]
23) Grief (noun)
Üzüntü, keder

[Sor.öu ]
24) Sorrow (noun, verb)
1)Üzüntü, keder
2)Üzülmek, kederlenmek

[Tay.rınt ]
25) Tyrant (noun)
Tiran, despot (a ruler who has complete power and uses it in a cruel
and unfair way
The country had long been ruled by tyrants.
someone who has power over other people, and uses it cruelly or
My headmaster was a real tyrant.)
[Tir.ın.i ]
26) Tyranny (noun)
Tiranlık, despotluk

[Ti'rən.i.kıl ]
27) Tyrannical (adjective)
Tiranca, despotca

[Ə'şo: ]
28) Ashore (adverb)
Kıyıya, karaya, kıyıda, karada

[Çeync ]
29) Change (noun, verb)
1)Değişim, değişiklik, değişme, değiştirme
2)Değişmek, değiştirmek
3)Bozuk para, demir para, para üstü
4)Bozmak, bozdurmak

[Ol.tə ]
30) Alter (verb)
Değişmek, değiştirmek

[Veə.ri ]
31) Vary (verb)
Değişmek, değiştirmek
[Prayd ]
32) Pride (noun, verb)
1)Gurur (Gurur kelimesinin 3 manası var ve Pride hepsini karşılıyo
a)övünme, övünç, iftihar
b)onur, şeref
2)Gurur duymak
3)Aslan sürüsü

[Praud ]
33) Proud (adjective)
Gururlu (Bütün manalar)

[Qlo:ri ]
34) Glory (noun, verb)
1)Övgü, meth
2)Başarı, başarma, muvaffakiyet
3)İhtişam, görkem
4)Gurur duymak, övünmek, övünç duymak, iftihar etmek

[Qlo:ri.fay ]
35) Glorify (verb)
1)Övmek, methetmek (to praise someone or something
2)Büyütmek, abartmak ( to make someone or something seem
more important or better than they really are)
[Əb'sö:d ]
36) Absurd (noun, adjective)
Saçma, anlamsız, mantıksız

[Ri'dik.yı.lıs ]
37) Ridiculous (adjective)
Saçma, anlamsız, mantıksız

[Pri'pos.tır.ıs ]
38) Preposterous (adjective)
Saçma, anlamsız, mantıksız

[Lü:di.krıs ]
39) Ludicrous (adjective)
Saçma, anlamsız, mantıksız

[Kru: ]
40) Crew (noun, verb)
1)Tayfa, mürettebat, ekip
2)Tayfanın, mürettebatın, ekibin bir parçası olmak

[Mo:n ]
41) Mourn (verb)
Yas tutmak, matem tutmak (to feel very sad because something no
longer exists or is no longer as good as it used to be;
to feel very sad and to miss someone after they have died)
[Wi:p ]
42) Weep (noun, verb)

[Weyl ]
43) Wail (noun, verb)
1)Feryat, inleme, inilti, sızlanma
2)Feryat etmek, inlemek, sızlanmak (1 to make a long high sound;
2 to cry out with a long high sound, especially because you are very
jsad or in pain; 3 to say something in a loud, sad, and complaining

[Möun ]
44) Moan (noun, verb)
1)İnleme, inilti, sızlanma
2)İnlemek, sızlanmak (1 to make a long low sound expressing pain,
unhappiness, or sexual pleasure); (2 to complain in an annoying
way, especially in an unhappy voice and without good reason

[Qröun ]
45) Groan (noun, verb)
1)İnleme, inilti, sızlanma
2)İnlemek, sızlanmak (1 a long low sound expressing pain,
unhappiness, or sexual pleasure; 2 to complain about something )

[Ən.qwiş ]
46) Anguish (noun)
Ağrı, acı, ızdırap (mental or physical suffering)
[Ə.kom.ı'dey.şın ]
47) Accommodation (noun)
1)İkametgah, kalacak yer ( a place for someone to stay, live, or
2)Anlaşma, uzlaşma (an agreement between people or groups who
have different views or opinions, that satisfies everyone)

[Des.ti'ney.şın ]
48) Destination (noun)
Varış yeri, gidilecek yer ( the place that someone or something is
going to)

[Ə.qı.ni ]
49) Agony (noun)
Ağrı, acı, ızdırap (physical or mental)

[Ven.də ]
50) Vendor (noun)

[ ]
51) Mutiny (noun, verb)
1)İsyan, ayaklanma, başkaldırma
2)İsyan etmek, ayaklanmak, başkaldırmak

[Miyu:ti.nıs ]
52) Mutinous (adjective)
Asi, isyancı
[Miyu:ti'niə ]
53) Mutineer (noun)
Asi, isyancı

[Ləb.i.rins ]
54) Labyrinth (noun)

[Meyz ]
55) Maze (noun)

[Lal.ı.bay ]
56) Lullaby (noun)

[Stəç.u: ]
57) Statue (noun)

[Mon.yı.mınt ]
58) Monument (noun)
Anıt, abide

[Skalp.çə ]
59) Sculpture (noun, verb)
3)Heykeltıraşlık yapmak
[Krəp.i ]
60) Crappy (adjective)
Berbat, boktan, bombok (very bad)

[A:ki.tekt ]
61) Architect (noun, verb)
2)Planlamak, tasarlamak

[İn.tə'fiə ]
62) Interfere (verb)
Karışmak, müdahale etmek, araya girmek (to deliberately get
involved in a situation where you are not wanted or needed)

[Med.ıl ]
63) Meddle (verb)
Karışmak, müdahale etmek, araya girmek (to deliberately try to
influence or change a situation that does not concern you, or that
you do not understand)

[Tən.tıl.ayz ]
64) Tantalise (verb)
Gösterip de vermemek, umutlandırıp vermemek

[Pəkt ]
65) Pact (noun)
Antlaşma, uzlaşma (a formal agreement)
[Kol.i:q ]
66) Colleague (noun)
Meslektaş, iş arkadaşı

[Qa:niş ]
67) Garnish (noun, verb)
1)Garnitür (a small amount of food such as salad or fruit that you
place on food to decorate it)
2)Garnitürlemek (to add something to food in order to decorate it)

[Hef.ə ]
68) Heifer (noun)
Düve (a young cow that has not yet given birth to a calf)

[Sab.mı'ri:n ]
69) Submarine (noun, adjective)
Denizaltı (growing or used under the sea: submarine plant life : as
(a ship, especially a military one, that can stay under water
a nuclear submarine)

[Sis.i ]
70) Sissy (noun)
Hanım evladı, muhallebi çoçuğu (a boy that other boys dislike
because he prefers doing things that girls enjoy
He wanted to go to dance classes, but he was afraid the other boys
would call him a sissy.)
[Ə'noy ]
71) Annoy (verb)
Kızdırmak, sinirlendirmek
(to make someone feel slightly angry and unhappy about something
She annoyed him with her stupid questions.)

[İr.i.teyt ]
72) Irritate (verb)
1)Kızdırmak, sinirlendirmek ( to make someone feel annoyed or
impatient, especially by doing something many times or for a long
period of time)
2)Tahriş etmek ( to make a part of your body painful and sore
This cream may irritate sensitive skin.)

[İq'za:spı.reyt ]
73) Exasperate (verb)
Kızdırmak, sinirlendirmek
(to make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something
that upsets them
It exasperates me to hear comments like that.

[Fras'treyt ]
74) Frustrate (verb)
1)Kızdırmak, sinirlendirmek
(if something frustrates you, it makes you feel annoyed or angry
because you are unable to do what you want)
2)Önlemek, engel olmak (to prevent someone’s plans, efforts, or
attempts from succeeding
Their attempts to speak to him were frustrated by the guards.)
[İm'bər.ıs ]
75) Embarrass (verb)
1)Utandırmak, mahcup etmek ( to make someone feel ashamed,
nervous, or uncomfortable, especially in front of other people
He didn’t want to embarrass her by asking questions.

[Dwin.dıl ]
76) Dwindle (verb)
Azalmak, küçülmek (Azalmak ve eksilmek eşanlamlı)

[Ri'dyu:s ]
77) Reduce (verb)
Azalmak, küçülmek, azaltmak, küçültmek
(Azalmak ve eksilmek; azaltmak ve eksiltmek eşanlamlı)

[Les.ın ]
78) Lessen (verb)
Azalmak, küçülmek, azaltmak, küçültmek
(Azalmak ve eksilmek; azaltmak ve eksiltmek eşanlamlı)

[Di'min.iş ]
79) Diminish (verb)
1)Azalmak, küçülmek, azaltmak, küçültmek
2)Aşağılamak, küçük düşürmek
(Azalmak ve eksilmek; azaltmak ve eksiltmek eşanlamlı)
[Di'kri:s ]
80) Decrease (noun, verb)
1)Azalma, küçülme, azaltma, küçültme
2)Azalmak, küçülmek, azaltmak, küçültmek
(Azalma ve eksilme; azaltma ve eksiltme; azalmak ve eksilmek;
azaltmak ve eksiltmek eşanlamlı)

[Kü:dos ]
81) Kudos (noun)
Şan, şöhret, ün

[Om'nip.ı.tınt ]
82) Omnipotent (adjective)
Her şeye gücü yeten, her şeye kadir

[Hayd ]
83) Hide (verb, noun )
1)Gizlemek, saklamak, gizlenmek, saklanmak
2)Deri, post, cilt (Hayvanın; an animal’s skin, especially when it has
been removed to be used for leather
3)Hayvanları veya kuşları onlara görünmeden izleyebileceğiniz bir
yer (British English a place from which you can watch animals or
birds without being seen by them )

[Kın'si:l ]
84) Conceal (verb)
Gizlemek, saklamak
[Klöuk ]
85) Cloak (noun, verb)
1)Pelerin (a warm piece of clothing like a coat without sleeves that
hangs loosely from your shoulders)
2)Perde, örtü, bahane (an organization, activity, or way of behaving
that deliberately protects someone or keeps something secret)
3)Gizlemek, saklamak (to deliberately hide facts, feelings etc so
that people do not see or understand them – used especially in
news reports

[Əd'vö:tis.mınt ]
86) Advertisement (noun)
2)İlan (ilan, duyuru, anons, afiş eşanlamlı)

[Əm'bəs.i.də ]
87) Ambassador (noun)
1)Elçi, sefir, temsilci (1 an important official who represents his or
her government in a foreign country
(2 someone who represents a particular sport, business etc
because they behave in a way that people admirel)

[Em.bə.si ]
88) Embassy (noun)
1)Elçilik, sefirlik
2)Elçilik görevlileri
(group of officials who represent their government in a foreign
country, or the building they work in)
[Kon.sıl ]
89) Consul (noun)
Konsolos(a government official sent to live in a foreign city to help
people from his or her own country who are living or staying there )

[Kon.sıl.şip ]
90) Consulship (noun)

[An.də.doq ]
91) Underdog (noun)
Ezilen kimse, yenilen kimse, mazlum (a person, team etc that is
weaker than the others, is always expected to be unsuccessful, and
that is often treated badly )

[En.voy ]
92) Envoy (noun)
Elçi, sefir, temsilci ( someone who is sent to another country as an
official representative )

[Em.i.sır.i ]
93) Emissary (noun)
Elçi, sefir, temsilci (a person sent as a diplomatic representative on
a special mission.)
[Sək.ri.lic ]
94) Sacrilege (noun)
Kutsal şeye saygısızlık (1 when someone treats something holy in a
way that does not show respect
when someone treats something that another person thinks is very
important or special without enough care or respect

[Sək.ri'lic.ıs ]
95) Sacrilegious (adjective)
Kutsal şeye saygısız

[Sı'ley.şıs ]
96) Salacious (adjective)
Şehvetli (showing too much interest in sex)

[Sə'ləsiti ]
97) Salacity (noun)
Şehvet (the fact of encouraging sexual desire or containing too
much sexual detail)

[Te'lep.ı.si ]
98) Telephaty (noun)
Telepati ( way of communicating in which thoughts are sent from
one person’s mind to another person’s mind)
[Əb'dakt ]
99A) Abduct (verb)
Kaçırmak (zor kullanarak yanında götürmek)
(to take someone away by force)

[Əb'dak.şın ]
99B) Abduction (noun)
Kaçırma (zor kullanarak yanında götürmek)
(to take someone away by force)

[Kid.nəp ]
100) Kidnap (verb, noun)
1)Kaçırmak (zor kullanarak yanında götürmek)
(to take someone somewhere illegally by force, often in order to get
money for returning them)
1) Accede

2) Intrigue

3) Abet

4) Abrogate

5) Dearth

6) Elegy

7) Havoc

8) Garrulous

9) Hazard

10) Ultimatum

11) Jeopardy

12) Jeopardise

13) Judicious

14) Jovial

15) Gait

16) Gallant

17) Ecstasy

18) Ecstatic
19) Edible

20) Facile

21) Province

22) Grieve

23) Grief

24) Sorrow

25) Tyrant

26) Tyranny

27) Tyrannical

28) Ashore

29) Change

30) Alter

31) Vary

32) Pride

33) Proud

34) Glory

35) Glorify
36) Absurd

37) Ridiculous

38) Preposterous

39) Ludicrous

40) Crew

41) Mourn

42) Weep

43) Wail

44) Moan

45) Groan

46) Anguish

47) Accommodation

48) Destination

49) Agony

50) Vendor

51) Mutiny

52) Mutinous

53) Mutineer
54) Labyrinth

55) Maze

56) Lullaby

57) Statue

58) Monument

59) Sculpture

60) Crappy

61) Architect

62) Interfere

63) Meddle

64) Tantalise

65) Pact

66) Colleague

67) Garnish

68) Heifer

69) Submarine

70) Sissy

71) Annoy
72) Irritate

73) Exasperate

74) Frustrate

75) Embarrass

76) Dwindle

77) Reduce

78) Lessen

79) Diminish

80) Decrease

81) Kudos

82) Omnipotent

83) Hide

84) Conceal

85) Cloak

86) Advertisement

87) Ambassador

88) Embassy

89) Consul
90) Consulship

91) Underdog

92) Envoy

93) Emissary

94) Sacrilege

95) Sacrilegious

96) Salacious

97) Salacity

98) Telephaty

99A) Abduct

99B) Abduction

100) Kidnap

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