Women and Children

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Justine Mae C.

Bantilan BSM2A


Gender and sex have its own various implications, sex is absolutely actual
assurance of whether one is male or female. on the off chance that one has penis
and balls, that individual's is male; in the event that an individual has vagina,
fallopian tubes, and ovaries, that is individual's sex is female, while the Gender
discuss the individual, social or social task of being male or female. we can
distinguish likewise the Gender of that individual base on their work. A
hermaphrodite may have a penis and a vagina, or a penis and ovaries, or any other
combination of the male or female sexual organs. The hermaphrodite's sex is
determined by the sex chromosomes, if the persons chromosomes are XX, the
hermaphrodite’s sex is considered female; if the persons chromosomes are XY the
sex is considered male. Sex belongs to the disciplines of biology or anatomy, while
gender falls under the purview of sociology and psychology (Klein 1192).
Sociologist are interested in gender not sex. It is believed that men and women
behave as a result of process of gender role socialization. Girls are encouraged to
do domestic roles and are pressured for romance, marriage, and motherhood. Girls
are generally made to give up school early and marriage is made an important goal.
The inclusion of the unique role of women was made as an afterthought. The
emergence of gender sociology is to make up for the omission of women studies
from sociology. women and children also talk about gender role of identity where
in this topic is a personal belief and attitude system that shapes and guides an
individual's taste and actions. nevertheless, gender role identity operates at the
individual level. When what he believes in and his behavior adheres to society's
expectations, it is said that the gender role expectations is the same as his gender
role identity.
This topic also included the gender inequality by which the term gender
inequality is the systematic difference between the life experiences, social
expectations, and opportunities that are presented because one is male and female.
Globalization of the world economy did not help in improving the situation of
women. Globalization is based largely on exploiting flexible markets of underpaid
workers; women's participation as workers in this new world economy is not a sign
of progress. The global gap between rich and poor has widened and there are now
more people living in dire poverty than a decade ago. “Women remain poorest of
the poor everywhere.” Women in the Philippines appear to occupy a more
favorable position compared to their counterparts in many other countries, but
complete equality with men is yet to be achieved. Organization created for
women’s welfare, both public and NGO’s, such as the NCRFW or National
Commission on the Role of Filipino Women, Gabriela, Women’s media circle,
Third World Movement Against Exploitation of Women, to name a few, have an
impact on the rise of a growing awareness towards rectifying this inequity.
Philippine laws pertaining to women and children are ample by most
measures. The application of these legislation, on the other hand, is lacking. “The
hiatus between law and practice has to be examined and remedied accordance with
the present social and economic realities. Given the latest thing there still a lot to
be done to jump the impediment that restricts the expansion of a portion of the
populace's true capacities.
Children should be adored, really focused on, supported, and safeguarded to
empower them to develop and grow regularly. guardians are supposed to be the
essential wellspring of such requirements since it is their first obligation to give a
strong and secure climate for their children. it is sad, nonetheless, that a
considerable lot of the present children are in weak circumstances; destitution,
urbanization, industrialization, and social agitation intensifies this condition. in
circumstance wherein the two guardians are compelled to work, kids are probably
going to be ignored or passed on to really focus on themselves. this climate makes
kids vulnerable to manhandle and double-dealing. the presence of numerous road
children in the city is one clear aftereffect of the social issues plaguing our kids.

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