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For the property business, which is a business that requires large capital

loans, the most suitable type of bank is a commercial bank or investment bank.
Commercial banks are a type of bank that focuses on providing credit and
operates to make a profit by offering various types of financial products,
including business credit.

Some examples of well-known commercial banks in Indonesia include:

1. Bank Mandiri
2. BRI Bank
3. BCA Bank
4. CIMB Niaga Bank
5. Danamon Bank

Meanwhile, an investment bank is a type of bank that focuses on investment

activities and facilitates securities trading, mergers and acquisitions, as
well as providing credit for large investment projects.

Here are some examples of world-famous investment banks:

1. Goldman Sachs
2. Morgan Stanley
3. JPMorgan Chase
4. Citigroup
5. Bank of America Merrill Lynch
6. Deutsche Bank

Commercial banks and investment banks can both provide financial solutions to
suit the needs of property businesses.
The reason why commercial banks or investment banks are suitable for property
businesses is because they have the capacity to provide large capital loans
and have experience in handling large investment projects.
Additionally, commercial banks and investment banks have a tendency to offer
lower interest rates and more measured terms compared to other financial

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