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50 TikTok Creative Hooks

1. Here's something I wish I knew sooner

2. This ___ will keep you from getting bored in class

3. You need this if ___

4. Before you scroll ___

5. How to confuse everyone at (school/work)

6. For my male audience

7. My step sister bought me this ___

8. I spent 3 years designing this ___

9. If you have (pain point) ___ listen up

10. Stop scrolling if you have ____(pain point)

11. 3 things everyone with (pain point) ____ needs

12. If you struggle with ____ watch this

13. Best ____ alternative

14. I tried every ____ out there and here are the results…

15. ____ fans I need your help

16. He's prolly sad right now.. Send him a ____

17. I can't believe this ____ is only $__

18. This is day 100 of ____

19. Nobody is talking about this for (Niche/solution)

20. This is why (solution)

21. You guys keep asking for (Niche/solution)

22. Something you didn’t know to (Niche/Solution)

23. You won’t believe this thing (Niche/solution)

24. The best kept secret for (Niche/Solution)

25. POV: (Call our pain points)

26. I can’t get over this for (Solution)

27. I bought this for my (GF/BF) and now (pain point) is no more!

28. How to get (solution) in 24 hours

29. if you’re not doing this, you’re missing out

30. The easiest tip you can follow for (Pain point/niche)

31. 5 things you’re not doing for (Niche/pain points)

32. My biggest regret is ___

33. TikTok made me buy this (product)

34. 3 Tips to help you (Pain point)

35. How this tiny tip for (niche/solution) can change your life


37. [target audience] I need your help!

38. Would you ___ this?

39. My sister boyfriend Ezjforrrre(use some weird name) brought me this yesterday

40. Warning to (target market) ,this is game changer

41. Why is nobody speaking about (product)

42. I dropped out of high school to chase my dream of becoming a (something stupid related to niche)

43. Watch this if you hate your parents/girlfriend/boyfriend

44. I dropped out and became milionare because of this …

45. Andrew Tate offered me 450K for this business

46. Andrew Tate told me my business sucks

47. I stole my moms card to buy this and I don’t regret it

48. The perfect (product) doenst exist

49. I bought this for my moms boyfriend

50. How I (solve pain point) while on the budget

51. The lazy way to get (desired result)

52. This is your sign to change your life

53. My boyfriend broke up with me today because of (pain point)

54. POV: My best friends mom bought me this

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