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Farmers often encounter significant challenges when they mistakenly sow the wrong crop in
their fields, leading to decreased yields, financial losses, and resource wastage. Factors such as
inadequate knowledge of optimal crop choices based on varying NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus,
and Potassium) values in the soil, humidity, and rainfall conditions in a region contribute to these
issues. AI can play a crucial role in assisting farmers to make informed decisions by analyzing
soil NPK levels, humidity, and historical rainfall data to recommend the most suitable crop for a
particular area.

Given a dataset ‘Crop_recommendation.csv’
containing data to recommend crop based on soil NPK value, rainfall, temperature, pH and
humidity. Analyse and Visualize the data by performing following tasks on it (Use Google Colab
for writing Python program)-

1. Import required Python Packages 1

2. Read the csv file and print its first 15 rows 1
3. Display the datatypes of all its fields 1
4. Sort that data in ascending order according to temperature and display first 10 rows 1
5. Plot Scatter plot with "label" on x-axis and "rainfall" on y- axis with following
specifications: X- axis label- "Crop Names" Y- axis label- "Rainfall" in font size 12 and
Chart Title - "Crop Recommendation in font size 14" 3
6. Plot Bar chart (showing bars in green colour) with "label" on X-axis and "temperature"
on Y-axis with following specifications: X-axis label- "Crop Names" Y-axis label-
"Temperature" in fontsize 12 and Chart Title - "Crop Recommendation” in fontsize 14 3

Check the following video to understand how to upload dataset (csv file) in Google Colab
Instructions for Project File:

Project file should contain printouts of the following:

1. Cover Page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Problem Statement
4. Screenshot of the code and the output.
5. Add comments in the code for each question.


List of Programs
1. A student will not be allowed to sit in the exams if his/her attendance is less than 75%.
Take following inputs from user:
· Number of classes held
· Number of classes attended.
Calculate and print
· Percentage of classes attended by the student
· Check whether the student is allowed to sit in the exam or not.

2. To print the welcome message according to input time.

· Time up to 12:00 noon- Good Morning
· 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm-Good Afternoon
· 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm - Good Evening
· 8:00 pm-12:00 am- Good Night

3. To find the student’s Grade according to input percentage

· Grade A1- percentage >=90
· Grade A2-percentage 80-89
· Grade B1-percentage 70-79
· Grade B2- percentage 60-69
· Grade C1- percentage 50-59
· Grade C2- percentage 40-49
· Grade D - percentage Below 40
4. To print odd numbers from 1 to 32.
5. To print all numbers from 1500 to 2700, which are divisible by 7 and are multiple of 5.
6. Perform the following functions in a given dataset
a. To display the first 10 rows of the given dataset.
b. To display 10 rows from the bottom of the dataset (last 10 rows).
c. To display datatypes of all the fields in the dataset.
d. To sort the dataset in ascending order.
7. Write a program to calculate sum of first 10 natural numbers.
8. Write a program to check whether a student is eligible for Junior ICT Olympiad or not.
Input age of 5 students using for loop. [Criteria: age>=12 and age<=15]
9. Write a program to calculate average marks given in the following list using for loop.
Marks= [28,48,50,37,43]
10. Using for loop, print all the characters of a string entered by the user.
11. To display a bar graph to show the average intake of nutrients in calories by urban groups in
a particular year, based on the data provided.
x=[‘Pulses’, ‘Leafy vegetables’, fruits’, ‘Milk’, ‘Sugar/Jaggery’, ‘Fats & Oils’]
y= [49, 21, 66, 250, 31, 35]
Chart title: Nutrients in Calories
x axis title: Calories
y axis title: Food Group
12. Write a python program to display Histogram based on data provided.
[22, 87, 5, 43, 56,73, 55, 54, 11,20, 51, 5, 79, 31,27]
13. Perform the following functions on a given image-
a. To display a given image in RGB format using OpenCV Library.
b. To display an image in grayscale.
c. To find size and colour channels of an image
d. To resize the image by 300 x 300 pixels
14. Draw scatter plot for the following data:
y= [ 99,86,87,88,111,86,103,87,94,78,77,85,86]
15. The given table represents the patient’s body temperature recorded every hour in a hospital.
Draw the line graph for the given information:
Time: 9 am 10 am 11 am 12 noon 1 pm 2 pm
Temperature: 34◦ C 35◦ C 38◦ C 37◦ C 34.5 35.5◦ C

Instructions for Practical File:

Practical file should contain printouts of the following:

1. Cover Page
2. Index
3. Screenshot of the code

**Practical File format is mentioned on next page.



Submitted by:
Submitted to: Student’s Name: ______________
Teacher’s Name: ______________ Roll No: _______________
Teacher’s Sign: _______________ Class & Sec:_____________
Program 1
Problem Statement: A student will not be allowed to sit in the exams if his/her attendance is
less than 75%. Take following inputs from user:
· Number of classes held
· Number of classes attended.
Calculate and print
· Percentage of classes attended by the student
· Check whether the student is allowed to sit in the exam or not.

Screenshot of the program

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