Activity 3 - Educ 108-Jason, Joannah Pauline

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Activity #3
Jason, Joannah Pauline B.
2nd year - BSEd Major in English
St. Vincent de Ferrer College of
Camarin, Inc.
Prof. Randy Bayaoa


The picture is an implication of most classrooms

concerning the teaching system—Machine Learning,
in a Nutshell. There seems to be no room in the
current education system for the most important
questions in a child's life.
Like, What am I good at what do I want to do in life
how do I fit into this world - the system doesn't seem
to care.
There are so many great talented people who failed
in the traditional school system, fortunately, they
were able to overcome these failures,
but not everyone can we have no measure of how
much talent, how much potential goes unrecognized
in the current system.

1. Students do nothing just follow instructions, sit down,
take out the books, turn to pages of books, solve
problems, & stop talking at school.
2. Students are rewarded for doing exactly what they
are told.
3. The system is sending a dangerous message to our
children that they are not in charge of their own lives.
They just have to follow whatever is laid down instead
of taking charge and making the most of their lives.
4. The system has no room for such differences so if
you're a bit slow in learning something you are
considered a failure. When all you needed was a bit
more time to catch up on lecturing in the current
system because each of us has differences in how we
learn, how much time we take to learn something, and
what tools and resources work best for us.

Further Explanation: (1-4) These are Machine-like

learning values that really important for success and
depended on following instructions and doing exactly
what they were told only.
But in today's world, it is not enough to know how far can
they get by simply following instructions.
Those people who can be creative and can
communicate their ideas and collaborate with others
succeed, but most of the students don't get a chance to
develop such skills in a system that's based on a
Machine-like Learning system.

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