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B2 Listening worksheet 5 (plus)

Studying Abroad

Discuss the following in pairs
●● Would you like to study abroad? Why/why not?
●● If you did study abroad, which country and course would you choose to study? Why?

Match the following synonyms
1 tuition a problem
2 authentic b difficulties
3 outweigh c understanding
4 obstacles d teaching
5 broaden your horizons e homes
6 housing f be greater than
7 drawback g expand your interests
8 insight h real

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2019 Page 1
B2 Listening worksheet 5 (plus)
Studying Abroad

You will hear an international student, Mateo, giving a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of studying
abroad. For questions 1–10 complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. You will hear the recording twice.

Mateo thinks that the main advantage of being an international student is being 1 in a
foreign language.
Mateo believes that studying in a different country also helps to 2 because you are exposed
to many new situations.
Mateo was surprised that he had gained a 3 in the UK.
Mateo says that people are often intrigued to know how he manages 4 with studying in a
different language.
When Mateo first arrived he gained encouragement from his school and 5
Overall, Mateo feels that the benefits of studying in another country 6 the drawbacks.
He admits that initially, he did face some 7 , such as missing home.
Mateo said that just visiting somewhere on holiday is not a very 8 insight into a country’s
Mateo feels lucky that his 9 and tuition were paid for by his family.
Mateo concluded that he would 10 the chance of studying abroad to anyone.

Before you listen, read each of the statements carefully and try to predict the type of word,
which is missing. E.g. For question 3, the missing information has to be a noun as the gap
follows the indefinite article “a”.

Remember to only use the words which you hear in the recording. The statement in each of
the questions paraphrases the listening script, but your answers should only come from the
tape script.

●● What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?
●● What do you think you would find most challenging about studying abroad?
●● Have you ever experienced any cultural differences when travelling/ studying abroad? If so, what were they?

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B2 Listening worksheet 5 (plus)
Teacher’s notes
The second tip box reminds students that the
missing information in each of the questions should
This worksheet stretches students come directly from the wording in the tape script.
towards C1 by introducing vocabulary at
this level, most of which is pre-taught. Play the recording twice and ask students to
complete the gaps using the information from the
In the following tasks students will need recording. Tell students that the answers are not
to listen for specific information and necessarily the words given in exercise 1.
stated opinions. This worksheet practices
Listening part 2. In this section candidates
are required to listen to a monologue and You will hear a Spanish student, Mateo, give
then complete the ten sentences on the a speech about the pros and cons of studying
question paper. abroad. Listen and complete the gaps in
questions 1–10.
Warmer Hello everyone, my name is Mateo and I am an
This task introduces the topic of “studying international student from Spain. I first came to
abroad”. Ask students to discuss these the UK three years ago to study my A-levels and
questions in pairs and then feedback to the fortunately that went well so I am now in the
second year of my degree course. I am going to start
whole class.
my talk on a positive note and tell you about all the
* If students are already studying abroad, use the advantages of studying abroad.
following questions as an alternative:
For me personally, there are so many benefits to
1 Why did you decide to study abroad? studying in a different country. I think the principal
2 Is the experience as you expected it to be? benefit is that you become skilled in another
Why/ why not? language. This is such a great ability to have and
3 Is the education system different in your own it looks great on your CV! It isn’t just that though,
country? In what ways? studying abroad can really broaden your horizons.
Through this experience, I have really grown in
Vocabulary confidence and it makes you more interesting to
This exercise pre-teaches some of the C1 words others! For example, I really enjoy going home in the
encountered in the listening task. holidays and telling my friends and relatives stories
about my experiences here. Also another benefit,
Answers which I wasn’t quite expecting, is that it really
1 d 2 h 3 f 4 b 5 g 6 e 7 a 8 c increases your global network of friends. Since being
here, I have made so many friends from around the
Listening world and I plan to visit some of them this summer.
Tell students they are going to listen to a talk
So socially, I have definitely benefited from the
about the advantages and disadvantages of
studying abroad. Inform your students that
although the speaker, Matteo, is Spanish, in the One question people often ask me, especially when
actual exam they will only hear native speakers. I go home, is about how I am able to cope with
studying a degree course in a foreign language.
Before playing the recording direct students’ Admittedly at first, the language barrier was a
attention to the tip boxes. The first box asks significant problem for me. When I began my A-
students to try and predict some of the missing level course my general level of English was ok,
information. This is a good exam technique for but I found the subject specific vocabulary very
candidates to learn, as it ensures that they are challenging, and in the first term I just wanted to
listening out for the right type of information. abandon my course and return home. Nevertheless,
Before attempting the listening task, tell students with some determination, and support from my
to think of a few possibilities for each of the missing teachers and peers, I managed to overcome those
answers and then feedback to the whole class.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2019 Page 1
B2 Listening worksheet 5 (plus)
Teacher’s notes
initial difficulties. And now, I am so glad I did,
as I think the advantages of studying abroad far
outweigh the disadvantages.
I am not going to deny it though, I have
experienced a few obstacles during my time here.
In the very beginning I felt quite homesick. I had
been away from home before, but never for that
long. At first I missed my friends and family, but to
be honest I soon made new friends and I still keep
in regular contact with people at home.
As well as some of the language barriers you may
face at first, you could also come across some
cultural differences. I had been to the UK on holiday
and thought I knew and understood British culture.
However, when you actually study and live here your
experience of a culture is more authentic, which is
something you don’t get from just visiting a place.
I was also quite surprised by some of the differences
I encountered.
Another thing you must also consider carefully is if
you can afford to study abroad. I feel very fortunate
that my parents were able to pay for my tuition
fees and for my housing. Although it is a great
opportunity, it certainly isn’t cheap!
Saying all that, I have really enjoyed my time
studying abroad and I can definitely recommend
the opportunity to anyone. Well, I hope my talk
has given you some insight into what it is like to
be an international student. Does anyone have
any questions?

1 skilled 2 broaden your horizons
3 (global) network of friends 4 to cope
5 peers 6 outweigh 7 obstacles
8 authentic 9 housing 10 recommend

Ask students to discuss these questions in
pairs or small groups and then feedback to
the whole class.

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