Open World First - B2 - Listening - WS - 4 - Plus

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B2 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)

Screen time


1 Discuss the following in pairs

●● What is “screen time”?
●● How do different age groups spend their time looking at screens?
●● Do you think that looking at screens is bad for our health?

Match the following words to their definition
1 to make a fuss a to become less strong or powerful
2 exposure b to grow very well, or to become very healthy/successful
3 imitate c able to do something well
4 addictive d to limit something
5 refreshing e to copy the way someone looks, sounds or behaves
6 competent f to complain about something
7 to thrive g a situation in which someone experiences something
8 well-being different and interesting
9 restrict h how healthy, happy, and comfortable someone is
10 to weaken i it makes you want more of it

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2019 Page 1
B2 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Screen time

You will hear five different people discussing their views on screen time and whether too much of it, affects
our health. For questions 1–5 choose from the list A–H. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters
which you do not need to use. You will hear the recording twice.

A thinks that it is only adults who believe too much screen time is bad for our health.
B feels that the younger generation are copying their parents when it comes to the amount of
time they spend on screens.
C thinks that this interaction with technology is necessary in order to supply youngsters with
key life skills
D believes that it is only human nature that people are worried about the impact of new inventions
E thinks that screen time should not be limited at all because of a new report
F feels that the issue has been significantly underestimated.
G thinks that experts have proven that too much screen time is bad for our eyesight.
H is pleased to have come across a different side to the issue.

Remember to listen carefully for the specific details. Read each of these statements carefully
and try to anticipate in advance any synonyms which might be used in the listening script.

Discuss the following questions in pairs/groups.
1 How much time do you estimate that you spend looking at a screen each day?
2 Which device do you use the most? Why/ what for?
3 Do you think we should restrict our usage? Why/ why not?
4 Which speaker did you agree/disagree with the most? Why?

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B2 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Teacher’s notes

This worksheet stretches students towards Speaker 1

C1 by introducing vocabulary at this level, Personally, I just think that people are naturally suspicious
most of which is pre-taught. Students will of any major change which occurs in society. For example,
also encounter some unknown words; I bet the same fuss was made when television was
however, these will not need to be known invented. I don’t see how spending time on these new
devices is any different. I think it is superb that we can
in order to complete the task.
access all this information while being totally mobile. Also,
In the following tasks students will need to there is no hard evidence to suggest that too much screen
identify attitudes and opinions. They will time is actually bad for us. Like I said, I think people are
also need to listen carefully for detail. This just overly cautious of the unknown, especially the older
worksheet practises Listening part 3. In generation. For digital natives like myself, it is simply a
this part candidates are required to listen way of life!
to a series of five themed monologues of Speaker 2
approximately 30 seconds each. On the I am of the firm opinion that the amount of screen time we
question, they have to select five correct are all exposed to needs to be controlled and limited. And
options from a list of eight possible answers. I am not just talking about for children and teenagers, the
effects of too much exposure to this type of technology
Warmer is just as damaging for adults. In fact, it is adults who are
a) This task introduces the topic of “screen often the worst offenders. In my view parents should be
time” and how too much of it can affect setting a better example to their children. It is only natural
our health. Ask students to discuss these that youngsters these days want to imitate their elders.
Parents should be reading books in front of their children,
questions in pairs and then feedback to
not continually attached to phones or tablets. I tell you,
the whole class.
this type of technology can be very addictive!
Screen Time: time spent looking at screen Speaker 3
e.g phone, tablet, games console, TV etc. I read an article this week that I felt weakened all those
previous arguments, stating that too much screen time is
Vocabulary bad for our health. This report, which focused particularly
This exercise pre-teaches some of the C1 words on teenagers, basically said that there was no firm
encountered in the listening task. evidence to suggest that there was any link between too
Answers much screen time and the impact it has on our mental
well-being. I was quite relieved when I read this really, as
1 f 2 g 3 e 4 j 5 h 6 c 7 b 8 i
my teenagers are always on their tablets or phones. I still
9 d 10 a
believe that too much of anything isn’t good, but it was
refreshing to read a counter argument for a change.
Tell students they are going to listen to Speaker 4
five people discussing screen time and its As a parent, I just find the whole issue very confusing.
possible effect on our health. Students will We are just given so much conflicting advice, it’s hard
hear the recording twice. Before playing the to know how much to restrict usage sometimes. On the
one hand, you don’t want your child to be dependent on
recording direct students’ attention to the
their digital devices and you worry about what impact
tip box.
it may have on their health. Yet, on the other hand you
want them to be competent with regards to technology,
so that they are able to thrive in this modern world.
I suppose it is all about achieving a balance. One thing is
for sure, the issue just isn’t so straightforward.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment English 2019 Page 1
B2 Listening worksheet 4 (plus)
Teacher’s notes
Speaker 5
If you ask me, staring at a screen all day is extremely
detrimental to our health, both physically and mentally.
For a start, because people are spending so much
time on their tablets and phones, they are not doing
as much exercise as they used to. There must also be a
big impact on our eyesight too. I am no expert, but this
type of activity can’t be good for the eyes. If you ask me,
as a society, we are facing a major health crisis and it
needs to be taken seriously by healthcare professionals,
educators and parents.

1 D   2 B   3 H   4 C   5 F

Ask students to discuss these questions in pairs
or small groups and then feedback to the whole
For Q4 you may need to play the recording again

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