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Tips dan Trik Jitu Tembus

Jurnal Terindex Scopus

Zero Budget

By Sunarti, S.T., M.Pd.

Mentor Academic Writing,
Peneliti, Kandidat Doktor ITB
Sunarti, S.T., M.Pd. Dr. ◆ Personal Contact Information:
(Cand) Email :
❑ Doctoral Candidate in SBM ITB IG : @sun_artea_izebs
❑ Master Degree from Pendidikan Sains UNY SCOPUS ID : 57221613333
❑ Bachelor Degree from Teknik Fisika UGM ORCID ID : 0000-0002-6332-5190
Research Gate ID : Sunarti_Sunarti7

Year Research & Publication Experience Status

2021 Sunarti, J. H. Tjakraatmadja, A. Ghazali, and B. Rahardyan. 2021. “Increasing Resident Participation in
Waste Management through Intrinsic Factors Cultivation.” Global Journal of Environmental Science and Published
(Q2 Scopus)
Management 7(2):287–316. DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2021.02.0.
2020 Sunarti, J. H. Tjakraatmadja, A. Ghazali, and B. Rahardyan. 2020. “Community of Practice (COP) on Waste
Management Learning Activities: Case Study on Kawasan Bebas Sampah (KBS) Bandung.” Jurnal
(Sinta 2)
Manajemen Teknologi 19(1):37–58. doi: 10.12695/jmt.2020.19.1.3.
2020 R.S.Y. Zebua and Sunarti. 2020. The implementation of character building to improve resident participation Accepted
in waste management. Presented to “The 2nd Sriwijaya International Conference on Environmental Issues”, (IOP EES
21st October 2020 in Sriwijaya University (virtual conference) Proceedings
2021 R.S.Y. Zebua and Sunarti. 2020. The Strategy of Islamic Character Education with Role Model and
Habituation Method on Online Learning. Ta’dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021) 000-000.
(Sinta 3)

2021 A. Ghazali, J.H. Tjakraatmadja, Sunarti, E.Y.D. Pratiwi. 2021. Resident-Based Education Model for
Sustainable Resident Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Management Program using Community of Submitted
(Q2 Scopus)
Practice Approach. Sustainable Environmental Research
2021 Sunarti, J. H. Tjakraatmadja, A. Ghazali, and B. Rahardyan. 2021. “The Implementation of Knowledge Working
Management in Waste Management Education Program for Residentials: Literature Review” Paper
2021 Sunarti, J. H. Tjakraatmadja, A. Ghazali, and B. Rahardyan. 2021. “Waste Management Literacy to Enhance Working
Resident Participation in Waste Management at Communal Level” Paper
Publication to Scopus-Indexed Journal
with Zero Budget
to Scopus Zero
Indexed Budget
01 Manuscrip

No g
✔ Meet the
journal wants Charge)
How? ✔ No Proof-Reading How?
✔ No Technical
Service for
Publication on Scopus
Indexed Journal with Zero
Journal Metrics

Publication on Q2 Scopus Journal with
Zero Budget
Learning Agenda
What is a Scopus-indexed Journal
looking for? 01
- Find out what journal wants about our manuscript
- how to bring it into our manuscript

How to Avoid Spending Money

for Publication? 02
- What factors possibly require money for
publication purpose?
- How to minimize the expenditure?

How to Choose a Potentially

Accepted Journal for Publication
(Scopus Indexed)
- Step by step choosing the potential journal for
being accepted with zero budget
What is a
Journal looking for?
Why are manuscripts rejected?

Editorial Level

Category References
McKercher et al., 2007; Elston,
Not suitable to the journal
2019; Binkley et al., 2020; Morton,
McKercher et al 2007; Elston,
Aim & Scope suitability 2019; Muñoz-Carpena et al., 2020;
Morton, 2020
McKercher et al 2007;
Muñoz-Carpena et al., 2020;
Poor English (grammatically incorrect, Binkley et al., 2020; Editor of
not clear, not concise) Journal of Cleaner Production,

McKercher et al 2007;
Paper plagiarized or published
Muñoz-Carpena et al., 2020;
Dolnicar, 2020
McKercher et al 2007; Morton,
2020; Muñoz-Carpena et al., 2020
Not follow journal guideline
Referee/Reviewer Why are manuscripts rejected?
Category References Percentage
Methodological Issues:
✔ Wrong method to answer research questions
✔ Methods are not robust
McKercher et al 2007; Binkley et al., 2020;
✔ No real questions/hypothesis 74.3 %
Morton, 2020; Muñoz-Carpena et al., 2020
✔ Invalid measurement
✔ Lack of reliability & validity instrument
✔ Too small sample
McKercher et al 2007; Elston, 2019;
Significance/ “So What???”/ “Who cares?”:
Dolcinar, 2020; Morton, 2020; 60.3 %
✔ Lack of originality and impactful novelty
Muñoz-Carpena et al., 2020;
Writing Style:
✔ Redundant information
✔ Confusion between fact & opinion
McKercher et al 2007; Morton, 2020;
✔ Poor English 🡪 not to be PERFECT, but CLEAR and ON 58. 4 %
Dolcinar, 2020; Binkley et al., 2020
✔ Poor presentation 🡪 Poor & Inconsistent Story
Literature Review Section:
McKercher et al 2007; Morton, 2020 50. 9 %
✔ Missing Literature review
Data Analysis Section:
✔ Invalid measure of behaviors
Why are manuscripts rejected?
Category References Percentage
Organization Binkley et al., 2020; Morton, 2020 34. 6 %
Quality and Rigor McKercher et al 2007 30. 0 %
Sampling McKercher et al 2007 29. 2 %
Conclusion Section:
McKercher et al 2007; Binkley et al., 2020;
✔ Weak 🡪 Not show clear & Strong contribution 27. 6 %
Morton, 2020
✔ Not supported by the data
Discussion Section:
McKercher et al 2007; Elston, 2019 25. 2 %
✔ Rambling discussion 🡪 Should be concise & clear
Reference Section:
✔ Old references
✔ Too many or too few references McKercher et al 2007 23. 6 %
✔ Grey literature
✔ Wrong citating references
Introduction Section:
McKercher et al 2007 14. 2 %
✔ Not show broad international audience
Manuscript is Incomplete (Missing Sections) McKercher et al 2007 7. 0 %
Abstract Section McKercher et al 2007 3. 2 %
Why are journals so tight in
selecting a manuscript to
be published?

Because tens thousands of

manuscripts are received
per year!

Only 5% - 20% are

accepted per year

Your manuscript should be

This is for example in
a Q1 Journal
Preparing High – Qualified Manuscript (Content & Concept)

Practice makes perfect Journal requirement

Writing, Writing, Writing Prepare some additional
Make sure you have trained
In this step, better you have documents commonly
yourself to read high quality
a specific journal as the required for publication
papers to find: Research Proposal
✔ Novelty, Make sure you have a good
✔ Relevant references, plan for a research proposal
✔ Grand theory;
✔ The most suitable
Publication preparation

Writing Preparation - Provide some points as the

highlight of your research
Research Preparation - Make Story Outline to - Provide a graphical abstract
build a good narration - Provide cover letter
- Design a
Self-Preparation - Adjust the manuscript - Provide a Tittle Page as
well-planned structure to the
- Get used to read papers required
research proposal targeted journal
- Exercise for scientific - Provide candidate of
- Learn about research formats
writing reviewers/referees
(2 – 5 reviewers)

Look for
How to Find High Level of Novelty
Novelty of the Problems
Low High
Improvement Invention
(Solusi baru untuk (Solusi baru untuk
Novelty of the Solution

permasalahan permasalahan
High lama) baru)
Conduct Literature Review
ty How? Find the “State of The Art”
Routine Exaptation Of Your Research Theme
Design (Memperluas
Low (Mengimplementas implementasi

i solusi lama pada solusi untuk
masalah yang permasahan baru)
sudah diketahui)

(Gregor and Hevner, 2013)

How to Avoid
Spending Money for
❑ What factors possibly require money for publication
❑ How to minimize the expenditure?
Hybrid/Closed Access
Then Check to the journal website

Free of Charge/Open Access

Free/Paid 🡪 Grammar Check

Factors Possibly
Research require money for Proof-Read Paid 🡪 Quite Accurate
Budget publication Fee
Free 🡪 Less Accurate

Service for
Referencing &
Journal format Follow Journal Instruction carefullly
How to Choose a
Potentially Accepted
Journal for
Publication (Scopus
Indexed) and Prepare
for Review Process
A – Z Publication Process to
A Potentially Accepted Scopus Indexed Journal

Check for Country Selection Submission Journal Respond Reviewer Respond

Choose the Scopus Check for
Indexed Journal APC/Free of Predatory ✔ Pay attention to the ✔ Read the reviewers’
Charge Status comment carefully
Possibility ✔ Follow carefully email/spam
✔ Make sure you
✔ Check from ✔ Check the ✔ Choose the format ✔ Respond to the
respond it correctly website and find ✔ Find the reputable guideline editor’s comment the “Guideline for Publisher name journals from ✔ Prepare additional carefully
✔ Check if it is found authors” or ✔ Check the non-native documents
in “About the publisher/journal countries
✔ Read the aims and Journal” / name on “Beall’s Manuscript is
scope For OA journals list” hopefully accepted!!
✔ Figure out the ✔ Check the Fast-Respond
country of the “Publication Fee” Author is a Must!
journal or “Fee & Manuscript is ready
Funding” or to submit
Found a journal that
is possibly more
Found a journal that feasible for
is possibly not Indonesian
Found journal that is predator Researchers
free of charge/APC
Found some with minimum
Journals that meet budget
the Aim & Scope
Example Journal Check for APC
Journal Check for Publication Timeline
02h Proof-Read Preparation
So…what are the keys to be
successfully publishing a
manuscript to a
Scopus-indexed journal
Zero Budget?

1. Berdoa
2. Sabar
3. Tekun
4. Telaten
5. Teliti
6. Full Effort


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