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Final exam of community pharmacy

Final exam

Community pharmacy
‫ أنيس ثابت‬/‫الدكتور‬

‫ فريق قلم صيدلي‬/‫إعداد‬

Choose only one answer for each question.
1) Patient complain of colic & flatulence and decrease gastric emptying rate:
a) spasmocanulase + mucogel + and motillium.
b) mucogel + motilium.
c) spasmodigestin + motillium.
d) none of the above.
2) Advantage of nizatidine over other H2 blocker:
a) the most potent.
b) used for children.
c) preferred for elderly.
d) oral and parenteral.
3) A 6 months old children with severe GERD and vomiting:
a) Magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide.
b) Simethicone.
c) Famotidine.
d) misoprostol.
4) A child of (1-year-old) with toothache is treated with:
a) Naproxen.
b) Ibuprofen.
c) Meloxicam.
d) Piroxicam.
5) About uses of NSAID in children which of the following is true:
a) Ibuprofen used for pain &fever on 10 months age.
b) Diclofenac used only in juvenile arthritis & postoperative pain.
c) Aspirin not used for children with viral infection.
d) All of the above.
6) A Patient with renal failure which of the following drug used and not need dose
adjustment of benefit greater than risk:
a) Piroxicam.
b) ketorolac.
c) ibuprofen.
d) Meloxicam.
7) Is acetaminophen used in renal failure?
a) No, it is contraindicated.
b) Yes, without dose adjustment.
c) Yes, if the dose is adjusted.
d) No, it has a black box warning.
8) In treating sinus headache use a combination paracetamol+
a) Caffeine.
b) Ibuprofen.
c) caffeine + codeine.
d) pseudoephedrine + chlorpheniramine.
9) The first choice for myalgia:
a) Diclofenac sodium IM inj.
b) Paracetamol IV inj.
c) topical NSAID + oral ibuprofen.
d) all of the above.
10) which of the following drug is not found as injection?
a) aspirin.
b) Piroxicam.
c) mefenamic acid.
d) Diclofenac.
11) Caution means:
a) Contraindication.
b) can used safely.
c) drug can used but take care and monitor the patient.
d) None of the above.
12) (A)&(B) are two medications with the same therapeutic indication ,which of the
following is the best select for specific patient :
Benefit. Cure. Control.
Benefit. Less dosing frequency. More potent.
Risk. Black box. Contraindication.
a) A.
b) B.
c) A or B.
d) None.
13) Non-FDA approved, yet used for mild bleeding:
a) Ethamsylate.
b) tranexamic acid.
c) vitamin K.
d) none of the above.
14) About using antihistamines drugs in breastfeeding, which is true?
a) stop breastfeeding.
b) small and occasional dose without stop breastfeeding.
c) are safely used without in the normal dose.
d) Are contraindicated in breastfeeding.
15) which of the following is WRONG perception about herbal medication?
a) All herbal medication safe.
b) herbal medication safer than chemical drugs.
c) herbal extract based on clinical trials.
d) all of the above.
16) Which one of the following are non-OTC drugs?
a) common cold& cough.
b) vitamin, mineral and other nutrients.
c) antibiotics, antifungal, anti-amoebic.
d) emergency contraceptive.
17) Which is the most adverse effect
a) Heart attack (0.1%)
b) vomiting (10%)
c) cirrhosis (2%)
d) all of them are similar.
18) About fungal mouth ulcer, which one is true?
a) Separate colonies.
b) not associated with fever
c) aggregated, whitish
d) all of the above.
19) As community pharmacist, in herpetic stomatitis acyclovir you can dispense in
which form:
a) Oral.
b) parenteral.
c) topical.
d) all of the above.
20) The 1st choice mouth wash in bad breath is:
a) Chlorhexidine.
b) Tantum.
c) Citroline.
d) Listerine.
21) Mucoprotective that is not used for diabetic patient:
a) sod alginate.
b) Sucralfate.
c) Misoprostol.
d) All of them.
22) sodium bicarbonate is category C because it causes:
a) it is very safe to be used.
b) hypertension and electrolyte disturbance in woman and fetus.
c) It is cheap.
d) None of the above.
23) What is the difference between ‘Gaviscon’ and ‘Gaviscon advanced’?
a) Gaviscon advanced for pregnant women.
b) Gaviscon advanced doesn’t contain carbonate.
c) Gaviscon advanced is suitable for patient with hypokalemia.
d) None of the above.
24) We used ‘lactmed’ to search for the using of drugs in:
a) Pregnancy.
b) Breastfeeding.
c) Elderly.
d) Patient with hepatic disease.
25) Regarding community pharmacy, which of the following is TRUE?
a) Community pharmacy is not a type of pharmaceutical care services.
b) Community pharmacy can be practiced in the hospital.
c) Objectives of community pharmacy include medication supply, efficacy and safety.
d) All of the above.
26) Which of the following should not be done while dealing with specific groups of
patients in the community pharmacy?
a) Review their medications.
b) Dispense herbal medications to them.
c) Give simple OTC medication.
d) Refer them to physicians if you have any doubt.
27) Regarding community pharmacists, which of the following is FALSE?
a) Missions of community pharmacists do not include financial administration.
b) Community pharmacists cannot sell medications.
c) Community pharmacists should not assist patients to select OTC medications.
d) All of the above.
28) Detamol® (paracetamol 300 i.m.) and perfalgan® (paracetamol 500 i.v.) are:
a) Pharmaceutical equivalents.
b) Pharmaceutical alternatives.
c) Therapeutic equivalents.
d) None of the above.
29) If you find an error in the dose of a prescribed medication, what should you do?
a) I`ll dispense the medication at the wrong prescribed dose.
b) I`ll dispense the medication at the correct dose and ask the patient to refer to the
c) I`ll dispense the medication at the correct dose and I`ll not ask the patient to refer to
the physician.
d) I`ll call the physician and if he insists I`ll dispense the medication at the wrong
prescribed dose.
30) Methotrexate is a pregnancy –category (X). What does this mean?
a) The drug is teratogenic.
b) The drug can be used in “Life-threatening” cases.
c) The drug has a simple risk on pregnant animals but not on pregnant humans.
d) None of the above.
31) Who are the specific groups of patients in community pharmacy?
a) Patients who cannot pay the price of medications.
b) Patients who need careful awareness of pharmacists during dispensing of drugs.
c) Patients who do not want to go to a physician.
d) None of the above.
32) Pregnancy Category B drugs are:
a) Drugs that have no risks in pregnant animals, but risk in pregnant human is unknown.
b) Drugs that have no risks in both pregnant animals and pregnant human.
c) Drugs that have risks in pregnant animals, but risk in pregnant human is unknown.
d) None of the above.
33) The following is the safest drug for flu during pregnancy:
a) Phenylephrine oral.
b) Xylometazoline Nasal.
c) Naphazoline Nasal.
d) Sodium chloride nasal.
34) According to FDA, which of the following can be used for hyperacidity in
pregnant women?
a) Omeprazole.
b) Calcium carbonate.
c) Lansoprazole.
d) All of the above.
35) Budesonide is an inhalation bronchodilator drug. Can this drug be used during
a) No.
b) Yes.
c) Yes, if the woman has allergy to salbutamol.
d) Yes, if the patient is in the hospital.

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