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Optimal Injection Strategies for Foam IOR

D. Shan,* SPE, and W.R. Rossen, SPE, U. of Texas at Austin

Summary In reality, the relative permeability and viscosity effects of

Miscible-gas foam field trials have employed a variety of injection foam are inextricable.32 Computationally, it is equivalent to alter
strategies, with mixed results. Using simulation, we compare gas mobility for foam by modifying either gas viscosity or relative
foam-injection strategies in homogeneous reservoirs with a variety permeability or both. In the models described here, gas relative
of foam models. The optimal injection strategy for overcoming permeability alone is altered to account for all effects of foam on
gravity override with foam in a homogeneous reservoir is alter- gas mobility.
nating injection of separate, large slugs of gas and liquid at fixed,
maximum-allowable injection pressure. This strategy minimizes Methods of Foam Injection. Foam can be placed in the reservoir
both gravity override and time of injection, with minimal rise in by either coinjection of liquid and gas at fixed quality (gas volume
injection-well pressure. Injection of gas at maximum pressure can fraction), or surfactant-alternating-gas (SAG) injection, where al-
partially reverse the effects of gravity slumping of surfactant dur- ternating slugs of surfactant solution and gas are injected. For CO2
ing injection of liquid. The process is remarkably insensitive to the projects, SAG processes may be preferred to minimize corrosion to
detailed properties of the foam, as long as foam does not collapse surface facilities and piping.33,34 Continuous foam injection
abruptly and completely at a “limiting water saturation” Sw*. How- should be used if one wants to create and maintain foam in the
ever, care is needed to exclude the effects of numerical artifacts in near-well region, or to ensure that both gas and liquid enter the
simulating such a process, especially if foam collapses abruptly same zones in a heterogeneous reservoir.
and completely at Sw*. Different foam-injection strategies have been used in field trials
An idealized model for the process reveals the mechanisms because of stratigraphic differences, foam behavior, and opera-
responsible for process success, why injection at fixed injection tional concerns. Shan35 lists 11 foam field trials with CO2, N2, air,
pressure is better than injection at fixed rate, why details of foam or hydrocarbon-gas foam.5–11,13–15,17,18 Six employed coinjection
behavior play a secondary role in sweep efficiency, and why nu- of gas and liquid, seven SAG injection at fixed injection rates, and
merical artifacts can be difficult to identify. two SAG injection at fixed injection pressure. (Some field trials
tested more than one method of injection.) Determining the opti-
Introduction mal injection strategy is a major goal of this work.
Since 1900, gas, such as steam, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and For continuous foam injection at fixed injection rate, the only
reinjected field gas, has been widely used as a driving fluid to way to improve sweep efficiency with continuously injected foam
improve oil recovery.1,2 However, reservoir heterogeneity, low gas is by raising the injection-well pressure.36,37 In such a process,
density, and high gas mobility cause poor sweep efficiency, which low-mobility foam extends from the displacement front back to the
limits the application of gas in improved-oil-recovery (IOR) pro- injection well, where most of the pressure drop occurs. The re-
cesses. Because of low gas density, gas tends to rise to the top of quired rise in injection-well pressure could fracture the injection
the reservoir and override the oil-rich zone. High mobility of gas well, rendering a continuous-injection foam process impractical.
in the formation leads directly to viscous instability in the reser- Shi and Rossen38 show that foam processes employing SAG
voir, and makes gravity override and heterogeneity much worse by injection at fixed injection pressure control gravity override better
forming high-mobility channels. Fortunately, foam can improve than continuous foam injection or SAG at fixed injection rate,
the sweep efficiency of injected gas by reducing gas mobility and based on numerical simulations. They limited their study to gas
the effects of reservoir heterogeneity.3,4 Foams have been used in injection following injection of a large (infinite) slug of liquid. The
IOR processes and achieved some success in field applications.5–18 effects of liquid-slug size or multiple slugs were not considered.
Foam does not alter the water relative permeability function or Here we extend that study of gravity override in homogeneous
liquid viscosity.19–22 Foam greatly reduces gas mobility by trap- reservoirs to finite, multiple slugs of liquid and gas, with particular
ping some bubbles and resisting the movement of flowing gas focus on optimal injection strategies for both fluids. Fractional-
bubbles.23–26 Trapped gas reduces mobility by reducing gas rela- flow analysis indicates the reasons for the success of this process:
tive permeability, while in flowing bubbles, gas has a large effec- Most of the well-to-well pressure drop is focused near the dis-
tive viscosity. Gas mobility in the presence of foam is dominated placement front, where sweep efficiency is determined. An ideal-
by foam texture, or bubble size.23–26 Smaller bubbles reduce gas ized model based on this concept shows why the process works,
mobility more than large bubbles. why it is relatively insensitive to the details of behavior of the
Lower capillary pressure Pc favors foam generation24,27 and foam formulations, and why real foam formulations may not live
stability,28,29 and higher capillary pressure causes foam collapse. up to the ideal process efficiency.
In fact, foam appears to suffer abrupt collapse at a single “limiting” For simplicity, this report focuses on foam mobility in the
value of Pc, Pc*.28 This mechanism holds Pc close to Pc* and absence of oil, and “liquid” and “water” are used interchangeably
water saturation Sw constant at Sw* ≡ Sw(Pc*) over a range of flow to designate the aqueous phase.
rates and foam qualities (gas volume fraction).30 Gas mobility and
water fractional flow change abruptly over a narrow range of val- Fractional-Flow Analysis of SAG Processes
ues of Sw near Sw* because of foam collapse. It is not yet clear Fractional-flow methods are useful in analyzing foam39,40 and
whether foam collapses completely at this saturation. At lower other IOR processes.1 The assumptions made include incompress-
foam qualities, there exists a second foam-flow regime,31 but it ible phases; Newtonian mobilities; one-dimensional displacement;
plays a small role in the discussion to follow. absence of dispersion, gradients of capillary pressure, and viscous
fingering; and immediate attainment of local steady state. In spite
of its simplifying assumptions, others41 have found fractional-flow
* Now at Schlumberger Data and Consulting Services
theory to be accurate and useful in analysis of field data in the
foam field test at the Snorre field. The application of fractional-
Copyright © 2004 Society of Petroleum Engineers
flow theory to foam displacements is discussed more fully else-
This paper (SPE 88811) was revised for publication from paper SPE 75180, presented at where.39,40
the 2002 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 13–17 April. Original manu-
script received for review 29 May 2002. Revised manuscript received 10 March 2004.
For the purposes of this study, three insights from fractional-
Manuscript peer approved 11 March 2004. flow theory are essential: First, in fractional-flow methods, one

132 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 1—Fractional-flow curves for two different surfactant con-
centrations based on the Fisher model. Dotted line represents
shock front for gas injection into surfactant bank with 0.02% Fig. 2—Time/distance diagram for gas injection into large slug
surfactant concentration. of surfactant: fixed-Pc* model based on data of Persoff et al.
Foam collapses completely at the shock front at the leading
edge of the gas bank. Numbers in boxes represent total relative
plots fractional-flow curves from the mobilities of the individual mobility [in (Paⴢs)–1] in regions of constant state, bounded by
phases, and then time/distance diagrams for a given displacement. solid lines; numbers in ellipses are total relative mobilities for
Fig. 1 shows the fractional-flow curves for foam at two surfactant specific locations within spreading waves.
concentrations based on the model of Fisher et al.40,42,43 The
time/distance diagrams describe the movement of saturation waves
surfactant solution in a 1D reservoir initially at 100% liquid satu-
in a 1D displacement; examples are shown below. Second, during
ration. The vertical axis is dimensionless position xd [i.e., (x/L) in
gas injection in a SAG displacement, there is a shock front from
a rectangular reservoir and (r/Re)2 in a cylindrical reservoir], where
the high liquid saturation initially present to a point on the frac-
x⳱horizontal position and L⳱reservoir length in a rectangular
tional-flow curve at extremely low water fractional flow fw (high
reservoir, and r⳱radial position and Re⳱outer radius in a cylin-
foam quality), as illustrated in Fig. 1. Only saturations below the
drical reservoir. The horizontal axis in each figure is dimensionless
point of tangency are actually observed in the displacement. Ob-
time (i.e., pore volumes injected). Thus, lines drawn through the
taining steady-state data in this crucial range is difficult, and pub-
origin represent waves moving downstream from the injection
lished data are rare. We use five different foam models below
point, and the slope of a wave on the plot indicates wave velocity
because all current foam models, when applied to SAG processes,
in the porous medium. The width of a wave in the plot represents
are extrapolations based on data taken at higher fw. All five models
the width of the wave in the porous medium. The region next to the
we use are reasonable extrapolations from data. They represent
vertical axis represents the initial state of the core or reservoir. A
both a range of behavior one might observe with different foam
number in a box or circle, respectively, on these figures represents
formulations and the uncertainty in extrapolating data to the low
the total relative mobility in (Pa·s)–1 for a constant-state region
values of fw crucial to SAG processes.
(bounded by solid lines on the plot) or a single characteristic in a
The third insight from fractional-flow theory concerns the pres-
spreading wave (dotted line on the plot). In each case the initial
sure response during gas injection in a SAG process and is dis-
saturation (along the vertical axis) is 100% liquid saturation; the
cussed below.
mobilities of the initial state differ somewhat between the cases
Foam Models because parameter values specified in the models differ.35,43
The fixed-Pc* foam model extrapolated from data of Persoff
We employ five foam models. Three are based on extrapolations of
et al. (Fig. 2) has a shock front from the initial saturation to a state
the data of Persoff et al.,39,43,44 and two on the model of Fisher
of complete foam collapse, the latter with enormous mobility
et al.,42,43 which is in turn based on the data of Lee and Heller45
[29540 (Pa·s)–1].39,40 The “2% progressive-collapse” model43 fol-
at different surfactant concentrations. For simplicity, we refer to
lows the data of Persoff et al. as far as they extend, but at lower fw
the latter two cases simply as the Fisher model. Model details are
foam is assumed to coarsen progressively over a narrow (2%)
given by Shi43 and Shan.35
range in Sw. It (Fig. 3) has a narrow moderate-mobility bank [243
Figs. 2 through 6 show the time-distance diagrams for these
(Pa·s)–1] and, behind it, a spreading wave of increasing mobility
five foam models for gas injection into a large (infinite) slug of
extending back to the injection well. In the “10% progressive-
collapse” model43 (Fig. 4) foam collapses more gradually as a

Fig. 3—Time/distance diagram for gas injection into a large slug

of surfactant: 2% progressive-collapse model. There is a narrow Fig. 4—Time/distance diagram for gas injection into a large slug
region of uniform mobility followed by a spreading wave. of surfactant: 10% progressive-collapse model.

June 2004 SPE Journal 133

Fig. 5—Time/distance diagram for gas injection into a large slug
of surfactant: Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. Fig. 6—Time/distance diagram for gas injection into a large slug
of surfactant: Fisher model with 0.5% surfactant concentration.

function of water saturation; the moderate-mobility bank is wider,

and mobilities are lower behind this bank. In the Fisher model Foam Simulator and Numerical Issues
based on data for 0.02% surfactant concentration43 (Fig. 5), mo- We use UTCOMP, an isothermal, 3D, equation-of-state composi-
bilities are a bit lower at the leading edge of the gas bank than in tional simulator for miscible-gas flooding,49,50 modified for
the water bank ahead, but increase rapidly in a spreading wave foam.40,43 UTCOMP models cylindrical flow by constructing a
behind that. In the Fisher model for 0.5% surfactant concentration pie-shaped grid, where the width of a gridblock increases propor-
(Fig. 6), mobilities are extraordinarily low at the leading edge of tionately to the distance from the well.35 In this work, there are 200
the gas bank, and stay low except very close to the injection point gridblocks in the radial direction, and the outer radial boundary is
(horizontal axis). maintained at a fixed pressure of 2,000 psi. Gas volumes and
All of these models assume local steady state rather than at- injection rates cited below are at the initial reservoir pressure of
tempting to represent the complex dynamics of foam generation 2,000 psi. Table 1 lists reservoir parameters used in the simulations.
and destruction mechanisms.24–26 A local-steady-state foam model Chang49 and Liu50 recommend the third-order method in
roughly similar in form to that in Figs. 3 and 437 was validated by UTCOMP with TVD as the best way to reduce numerical artifacts
others in simulation of the foam test at the Snorre field.41 in simulations. We used this method in all results reported here.

Mobility During Liquid Injection After Gas. Many studies find Gravity Override in SAG Processes
that foam does not change the water relative permeability func-
Gravity override results from a competition between gravity (and
tion,19–22 but none of these studies examined specifically the case
density difference) and horizontal pressure gradient.36,38 For a
of post-foam injection of liquid.46–48
foam process with continuous foam injection, water saturation in
Here, the same mobility functions are used during foam injec-
the foam bank is nearly uniform and constant.36 For a process that
tion and gas and liquid injection in SAG processes. Refinement of
perfectly obeys the fixed-Pc* model, water saturation in the foam
this assumption must await definitive experimental studies.
bank is absolutely uniform and constant.40 Foam mobility is very
low throughout the foam bank. Especially in a cylindrical reser-
voir, high velocity and low foam mobility near the injection well
cause high injection pressure, which risks fracturing the forma-
tion.9 Moreover, velocity and pressure gradient at the displacement
front decrease as the displacement front moves away from the
well, promoting gravity override.36
In contrast, for SAG processes, during gas injection, water
saturation declines and mobility increases toward the injection
well (Figs. 2 through 6), helping to avoid fracturing the formation.
Fig. 7 shows total relative mobility as a function of position after
0.2 PV gas injection into a large bank of surfactant in a cylindrical
reservoir using the Fisher model at 0.02% surfactant concentration.
The shock front is near the middle of the reservoir at r⳱0.5 Re (or
xd⳱0.25 on Fig. 5). High mobility near the injection well results
from drying out and partial foam collapse there; it is not the result
of any shear-thinning rheology, which has been excluded from the
model.43 There is a low-mobility zone behind the shock front, a
high-gas-mobility zone near the well, and a single gridblock with
extremely low mobility at the shock front. According to Fig. 7, a
SAG process can employ higher injection rate to prevent gravity
override without exceeding the allowed injection pressure, because
foam mobility is high near the well during gas injection. With
relatively high mobility ahead of and behind the displacement
front, a SAG process with fixed injection pressure can focus much
of the reservoir pressure drop at the displacement front to fight
gravity override. In a SAG process with fixed injection rate, how-
ever, decreasing frontal velocity in radial flow reduces pressure
gradient at the front and promotes gravity override. Shi and Ros-
sen38 compare continuous foam injection and fixed-injection-rate
and fixed-injection-pressure SAG processes in rectangular and cy-

134 June 2004 SPE Journal

Comparison of Gas-Injection Strategies. In this section, we as-
sume a large (infinite) slug of surfactant ahead of gas in order to
compare different gas-injection schemes.
In Fig. 8a, based on the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant
concentration, gas and liquid at 80% foam quality are injected
simultaneously into a cylindrical reservoir at a total injection rate
108 ft3/D. In this and following figures, x represents horizontal
position in a rectangular or (more often) a cylindrical reservoir. At
steady state, the position where gas and water segregate com-
pletely is about 0.45 Re and the pressure difference across the
reservoir is about 350 psi at that time. At this point, the foam bank
has stopped advancing into the reservoir.36 Given the uniform,
low-mobility foam zone, it takes approximately 570 days to inject
0.4 PV gas and water. Higher injection rate would allow foam to
propagate somewhat further into the reservoir, but at the cost of
higher injection pressure, with higher risk of fracturing the formation.
Figs. 8b and 8c show water saturations after 0.4 PV gas injec-
Fig. 7—Total relative mobility after 0.2 PV gas injection into a tion for a SAG process at a fixed injection rate of 2,205 ft3/D, in
large slug of surfactant for a SAG process in a 1D cylindrical which injection pressure rises to a maximum of 350 psi, and a SAG
reservoir: Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration process at a fixed injection pressure of 2,350 psi. The case with the
(Fig. 5): simulation result.
fixed, maximum pressure drop (Fig. 8c) clearly gives better sweep
efficiency. Figs. 8d and 8e show water saturations for a SAG
process at a fixed injection rate of 315 ft3/D (7 times lower than in
lindrical reservoirs using the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant Fig. 8b) and for a SAG process at a fixed injection pressure of
concentration. They report that the fixed-injection-pressure SAG 2,050 psi (pressure drop 7 times smaller than in Fig. 8c). The
minimizes gravity override and injection time. A wider range of fixed-pressure SAG processes give better sweep than fixed-rate
examples, with this and other models, is shown below. SAG process at the same maximum injection pressure. Moreover,

Fig. 8—Water saturation in a 2D cylindrical reservoir using the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. (a) Continuous
foam injection (fw=0.2, qt=108 ft3/D, maximum pressure drop=350 psi); (b) gas is injected at fixed rate of 2,205 ft3/D, maximum
pressure drop=350 psi; (c) gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,350 psi; (d) gas is injected at fixed rate of 315 ft3/D, maximum
pressure drop=50 psi; (e) gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,050 psi.

June 2004 SPE Journal 135

it takes 104 days and 40 days, respectively, for SAG processes at controlling gravity override than details of foam behavior, as dis-
fixed injection rate and at fixed injection pressure to inject 0.4 PV cussed further in following sections. Injection rate, however, is
gas in Figs. 8d and 8e. As in continuous foam injection,36 pressure sensitive to details of foam behavior.
gradient is the crucial factor in controlling gravity override in SAG Figs. 10 and 11 show similar comparisons for the 2% and 10%
processes. The cases with higher fixed injection rate or pressure progressive-collapse models based on the data of Persoff
(Figs. 8b and 8c) give a better sweep than the cases with lower et al.35,43,44 The gas saturation in the gas bank is approximately
fixed injection rate or pressure (Figs. 8d and 8e). 0.65 with these two models, compared to 0.8 to 0.85 with the
Fig. 9 compares different injection strategies based on the Fisher models (Fig. 1). Therefore, the gas banks have progressed
Fisher model with 0.5% surfactant concentration. In Fig. 9a, 80%- further at 0.4 PV gas injection in Figs. 10 and 11b and c than in
quality foam is injected at a total injection rate of 1 ft3/D. At steady Figs. 8 and 9. Figs. 9d and 10d represent 0.2 PV gas injection,
state, gas overrides at about 0.46 Re, and the pressure drop across unlike the other cases. The fixed-injection-pressure SAG has better
the reservoir is approximately 350 psi. Gas is injected at a fixed sweep than the other two injection strategies at the same maximum
injection rate of 120 ft3/D in Fig. 9b, and a fixed injection pressure injection-well pressure.
of 2,350 psi in Fig. 9c, respectively. After 0.4 PV gas injection, the Thus, a SAG process at fixed injection pressure gives better
injection pressure for SAG process at fixed rate (Fig. 9b) decreases sweep efficiency than either continuous foam injection or a SAG
to 260 psi, which is still high enough to prevent gravity override, process at fixed injection rate. If injection rate and injection pres-
so this case gives almost the same sweep efficiency as the SAG sure are sufficiently high, all three processes can succeed (see, for
process at fixed pressure. It takes 578 days for the SAG process at instance, Ref. 36).
fixed injection rate to inject 0.4 PV gas (Fig. 9b), and over 85,000
days to inject the same volume of gas as part of an 80%-quality Gas Injection Into a Finite Liquid Slug. At the point gas breaks
foam (Fig. 9a), but only 480 days for the SAG process at fixed through the surfactant bank in a SAG process, one expects no
injection pressure (Fig. 9c). Figs. 9d and 9e show water saturations further improvement in sweep efficiency. Fig. 12 illustrates what
for SAG processes at a fixed injection rate of 17 ft3/D (7 times happens when gas breaks through a finite surfactant slug in a 2D
lower than in Fig. 9b) and at a fixed pressure of 2,050 psi (pressure cylindrical reservoir. This and following figures plot both surfac-
drop 7 times smaller than in Fig. 9c). These two cases give worse tant concentration in the aqueous phase and gas saturation. In all
sweep because of lower injection rate and injection pressure. Figs. cases, a concentration of 5,000 units (half the injected concentra-
8 and 9 show that injection-well pressure plays a larger role in tion) is sufficient to trigger foam formation.40 In this case, injec-

Fig. 9—Water saturation in a 2D cylindrical reservoir using the Fisher model with 0.5% surfactant concentration. (a) Continuous
foam injection (fw=0.2, qt=1 ft3/D, maximum pressure drop=350 psi); (b) gas is injected at fixed rate of 120 ft3/D, maximum pressure
drop=350 psi; (c) gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,350 psi; (d) gas is injected at fixed rate of 17 ft3/D, maximum pressure
drop=50 psi; (e) gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,050 psi.

136 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 10—Water saturation in a 2D cylindrical reservoir using the 2% progressive-collapse model. (a) Continuous foam injection (fw
=0.2, qt=16 ft3/D, maximum pressure drop=225 psi); (b) 0.4 PV gas is injected at fixed rate of 1,604 ft3/D, maximum pressure
drop=225 psi; (c) 0.4 PV gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,225 psi; (d) 0.2 PV gas injected at fixed pressure of 2,050 psi (different
gray scale; saturations are similar to other cases).

tion of 0.05 PV surfactant solution is followed by gas injected at regation in this region. For processes with sufficient pressure gra-
a fixed injection pressure of 2,100 psi. After 0.2 PV gas injection, dient, surfactant propagation limits sweep efficiency. For pro-
gas breaks through the surfactant front at about 0.38 Re, quickly cesses with sufficient surfactant, gravity and pressure gradient
rises, and overrides the rest of the reservoir. As in the SAG foam limit sweep efficiency.38
project in the Snorre field,18,41 the effectiveness of foam degrades
when gas breaks through the surfactant front. Thus, the ability of Multiple SAG Cycles. Comparison Between One SAG Cycle and
foam to overcome gravity override cannot extend beyond the front Two SAG Cycles. Once SAG injection is selected for field appli-
of the surfactant bank. cation, the slug sizes are important design considerations. Fig. 13
Thus, there are two necessary conditions for foam to overcome shows surfactant concentration and water saturation after 0.6 PV
gravity override: Sufficient surfactant solution to sweep the region total injection for one SAG cycle and two SAG cycles, for a SAG
of interest, and sufficient pressure gradient to avoid gravity seg- process at fixed injection rate. For the case with one SAG cycle,

Fig. 11—Water saturation in a 2D cylindrical reservoir using the 10% progressive-collapse model. (a) Continuous foam injection
(fw=0.2, qt=16 ft3/D, maximum pressure drop=225 psi); (b) 0.4 PV gas is injected at fixed rate of 922 ft3/D, maximum pressure
drop=225 psi; (c) 0.4 PV gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,225 psi; (d) 0.2 PV gas injected at fixed pressure of 2,050 psi (different
gray scale; saturations are similar to other cases).

June 2004 SPE Journal 137

Fig. 12—(a) Surfactant concentration and (b) water saturation after injection of 0.2 PV gas at 2,100 psi into 0.05 PV surfactant
solution in 2D cylindrical reservoir using the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. On the left plot, a surfactant
concentration of 5,000 units (medium gray) is sufficient to trigger foam formation.

0.2 PV surfactant solution is injected first at an injection rate of Thus SAG with fewer, larger slugs gives a somewhat better
31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.4 PV gas injection with an injection rate sweep efficiency than the case with many smaller slugs. The rea-
of 1,260 ft3/D. During injection of the first liquid slug there is no son, we believe, is a coupling between gravity segregation and
gas in the reservoir, so no liquid slumping occurs initially. For the surfactant propagation. In the two-SAG-cycle process, surfactant
case with two SAG cycles, 0.1 PV surfactant solution with an fills the lower portion of the reservoir not penetrated by gas, with
injection rate of 31.4 ft3/D is followed by 0.2 PV gas with an water saturation Sw⳱100%. Where gas sweeps, in this process,
injection rate of 1,260 ft3/D in the first cycle, followed by a second Sw≈20%, and a given volume of foam requires only one-fifth
cycle the same as the first. There is gravity segregation during the as much surfactant solution as a region with Sw⳱100%. In
injection of the second liquid slug in this process. Fig. 13 shows other words, a relatively small underride zone with Sw⳱100%
that the process with one SAG cycle gives nearly piston-like dis- represents what could have been a much larger region filled with
placement, while gas override has already occurred at 0.6 PV foam. In the two-cycle SAG process, a large portion of the injected
injection for the process with two SAG cycles. The reason is clear surfactant slug lies useless in the underride zone. Meanwhile,
from the surfactant front in Fig. 13: The surfactant front propagates in Figs. 13a and 14a, the piston-like sweep with the one-slug
further along the top of the reservoir, where override occurs, with process helps to push surfactant ahead and maximizes the propa-
only one SAG cycle. gation of surfactant.
Fig. 14 shows water saturations for processes with one SAG Liquid Slumping and Optimal Gas-Injection Strategy. In prin-
cycle and two SAG cycles with fixed injection pressure of gas in ciple, liquid slumping only a short distance downward could de-
both. Liquid is injected at a fixed injection rate of 31.4 ft3/D and prive the top of reservoir of the surfactant solution needed for
gas is injected at fixed pressure of 2,200 psi (the maximum injec- foam. Surfactant is treated as an aqueous-phase tracer in the simu-
tion pressure of the case in Fig. 13). After 0.6 PV gas and liquid lator,40 with no change in aqueous-phase density; the only factor to
injection, the process with one SAG cycle gives slightly better cause gravity slumping here is the large density difference between
sweep efficiency than the process with two SAG cycles. liquid and gas.

Fig. 13—Surfactant concentration (top) and water saturation (bottom) for SAG processes at fixed injection rate in a 2D cylindrical
reservoir using the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. (a) One SAG cycle: 0.2 PV liquid is injected at 31.4 ft3/D, then
0.4 PV gas is injected at 1,260 ft3/D. (b) Two SAG cycles: 0.1 PV liquid is injected at 31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.2 PV gas injected at
1,260 ft3/D, followed by a second cycle the same as the first.

138 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 14—Surfactant concentration (top) and water saturation (bottom) for SAG processes at fixed injection pressure in a 2D
cylindrical reservoir using the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. (a) One SAG cycle: 0.2 PV liquid is injected at 31.4
ft3/D, then 0.4 PV gas is injected at 2,200 psi. (b) Two SAG cycles: 0.1 PV liquid is injected at 31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.2 PV gas
injected at 2,200 psi, followed by a second cycle the same as the first.

Fig. 15 shows the performance of four cases after 0.6 PV lution has the same density as water. The first gas slug is injected
injection with two SAG cycles and different gas-injection pres- at 2,010 psi. Gas largely overrides the liquid slug because of in-
sures: 10, 30, 50, and 100 psi above reservoir pressure. The res- sufficient pressure gradient. Then, 0.1 PV surfactant solution is
ervoir is initially saturated with surfactant-free water with injected into the reservoir. By this point, gas override is significant,
Sw⳱100%. The liquid-injection strategy is same for all cases, with and liquid slumping is starting to deplete the top of the reservoir.
an injection rate of 31.4 ft3/D. Surfactant-concentration contours Then, 0.2 PV more gas is injected at a larger fixed pressure of
and water saturations in Fig. 15 illustrate that higher gas-injection 2,050 psi. During this period, the high pressure gradient pushes
pressure gives both better gas sweep efficiency and less surfactant liquid back up to the top of reservoir. Gas injection with sufficient
slumping. Comparison of these cases indicates that gas override pressure gradient can partially reverse gravity slumping during
and surfactant slumping go together. Better sweep of gas, with injection of liquid.
higher pressure gradient, helps the liquid propagate further along Optimal Liquid Injection Strategy. For the SAG project in the
the top of the reservoir. Snorre field,18,41 the high well pressure experienced during injec-
Thus, injecting gas at the maximum allowable injection pres- tion of the liquid slug caused fracturing of the formation, with loss
sure for SAG processes not only prevents gas override within the of surfactant, and reduced effectiveness of foam. Fortunately, Figs.
surfactant bank, but also decreases surfactant slumping, both of 16 and 17 suggest that liquid-injection strategy is not crucial to
which help gas sweep further. success against gravity override (as long as fracturing is avoided),
Redistribution of Liquid During Gas Injection. A worst-case because even if slumping of surfactant occurs, the following period
scenario for slumping of the surfactant slug occurs during injection of gas injection with sufficient pressure gradient can at least par-
of surfactant into a field with a gas present, but no foam. Highly tially heal this problem. This is especially important because the
mobile gas can redistribute, facilitating slumping of the surfactant mobility of a liquid slug injected after foam is still not fully re-
front. Fig. 16 shows a two-SAG-cycle process with gas, but no solved.46–48 Nonetheless, one can still make the following gener-
surfactant or foam, initially present in the reservoir (Swi⳱0.8). The alization: It is best to inject liquid at fixed pressure, just below
first cycle comprises 0.1 PV liquid injected at an injection rate of fracturing pressure, to accelerate the process and minimize the
31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.2 PV gas injected at a modest 50 psi time for gravity segregation during liquid injection. Shan35 shows
above reservoir pressure. The second cycle is same as the first one. an example in which liquid injection at fixed injection rate doubles
During the first 0.1 PV liquid injection, severe gas override and the injection pressure, while injection at fixed, lower pressure
surfactant slumping occur, because gas mobility is initially high. gives nearly the same sweep efficiency.
However, the following period of gas injection with 50-psi pres-
sure drop across the reservoir partially redistributes surfactant so- Sensitivity to Missing Data at Low Water Fractional Flow. For
lution, with surfactant solution propagating further along the top of continuous foam injection in a given reservoir, gravity override
the reservoir. During injection of the second gas slug, liquid again depends only on injection-well pressure.36 Shi and Rossen suggest
propagates along the top of the reservoir, thus helping to prevent that sweep efficiency in fixed-pressure SAG processes may like-
gas override. It appears that foam can push surfactant back toward wise be independent of foam properties.38 Fractional-flow theory
the top of reservoir to mitigate gravity slumping that occurs during predicts that the effectiveness of SAG processes depends on foam
injection of liquid. Thus fixed-pressure SAG injection with suffi- strength at extremely high foam quality (low fw),39,40 but it is
cient pressure drop can at least partially heal a process of gravity difficult to conduct steady-state corefloods at this condition.51,52
slumping during liquid injection. Thus, if process performance were independent of this behavior, it
Fig. 17 illustrates a case in which insufficient injection pressure would simplify field process design.
in a previous SAG cycle led to gravity override. At the end of Figs. 8 through 11 compare the performance of four foams with
injection of the first liquid slug, the contour lines of the surfactant very different mobilities at low fw (Figs. 3 to 6) under similar
concentration are vertical, because (by assumption) surfactant so- conditions. These differences in foam models represent the differ-

June 2004 SPE Journal 139

Fig. 15—Surfactant concentration (top) and water saturation (bottom) for SAG processes in a 2D cylindrical reservoir with different
gas-injection pressures using the Fisher model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. All cases have two SAG cycles with the same
liquid-injection strategy, but different injection pressure for gas. In the contour plots of surfactant concentration, the second
contour from the right indicates 5,000 units, the minimum concentration for foam formation.

ences of foam properties between different foam formulations, and than for 0.5% concentration, because with 0.02% surfactant con-
the uncertainty in foam behavior at the low fw that controls SAG centration, the foam bank has higher mobility (Figs. 5 and 6).
floods. The sweep efficiency with continuous foam injection (Figs. Therefore, the case with 0.5% surfactant concentration focuses
8a to 11a) depends only on injection-well pressure, as expected.36 more of the well-to-well pressure drop on the gas displacement
The sweep efficiency of fixed-pressure SAG processes with the front than that with 0.02% concentration.
same injection pressure is also remarkably similar. For instance, Sweep With Complete Foam Collapse in Shock Front. The
the Fisher foam with 0.5% surfactant concentration is approxi- data of Persoff et al.44 are also consistent with a model in which
mately 100 times stronger than with 0.02% concentration (see foam collapses completely in a shock front at the leading edge of
Figs. 5 and 6), but performance of the foams in fixed-pressure the foam bank (Fig. 2).38,40 In finite-difference simulation, foam
SAG floods at the same injection pressure (Figs. 8c and 9c, or 8e cannot form and collapse in a shock front with zero width; the
and 9e) is similar. minimum width of the front is one gridblock (see the lowest-
Injection rate is sensitive to foam strength, however, as noted mobility gridblock in Fig. 7). Therefore, artificial numerical dis-
above. Sweep efficiency with a fixed-injection-rate SAG process persion is introduced by finite-difference simulation. As the gas
also depends more on foam model than with fixed-pressure SAG. front moves across one gridblock, or, more precisely, drains the
It appears that Shi and Rossen’s conclusion38 should be modi- water from one gridblock and moves on to the next, foam is
fied: The performance of a fixed-pressure SAG process changes created and then collapses as the gridblock drains. For the fixed-
remarkably little with differences between foam models; pressure Pc* model (Fig. 2), there should be no low-mobility bank at all,39
gradient is a more important factor than details of foam behavior but finite-difference simulation artificially introduces at least one
in controlling gravity override in fixed-injection-pressure SAG gridblock with low mobility.40
processes. We propose an explanation below. For now, we note Comparing the two Fisher models (Figs. 8 and 9), the one with
that for the 0.02%-concentration Fisher model, a larger fraction of the narrower low-mobility zone (0.02% concentration) has similar
the well-to-well pressure drop is dissipated across the water bank sweep efficiency but much higher injectivity than the case with the

140 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 16—Water saturation and surfactant concentration after injection of slugs for SAG processes in a 2D cylindrical reservoir. Gas
is initially present in the reservoir, with 80% initial water saturation. 0.1 PV surfactant is injected at 31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.2 PV
gas injected at 2,050 psi. The second cycle is same as the first.

broader bank of much lower mobility (0.5% concentration). For a An Idealized Model for SAG Displacements
process in which foam collapses in the shock front, the width of the From the previous examples, it appears that the ideal SAG process
low-mobility bank is one gridblock; as gridding is refined, the introduces a spreading wave with low mobility at the gas displace-
width of this bank decreases. Sweep efficiency does not at first ment front and very high mobility near the injection well (Figs. 3
suffer. Fig. 18 shows the sweep efficiency of a foam that obeys the to 6). Shan35 shows that the pressure drop across the spreading
fixed-Pc* model, with 50, 200, and 500 gridblocks along the radial wave in a fixed-rate SAG process in a 1D cylindrical flow is
direction. It is remarkable that gravity override does not worsen constant in time. This observation motivates the following ideal-
more rapidly as the gridblock size decreases. An explanation is ized model for SAG foam displacements, in which all resistance to
suggested here. flow is concentrated in a narrow (but slowly spreading) zone at the
Nevertheless, the similarity in sweep efficiency masks an arti- gas displacement front, with infinite mobility ahead of and behind it.
fact in these simulations that is apparent in a plot of injection rate
vs. time. Fig. 19 shows cumulative gas injection for the same three Model Formulation. Fig. 20 shows a schematic of the idealized
cases. The simulation is not approaching a constant behavior as model of foam SAG processes. We assume that that the mobility
gridblock size is reduced, but injection rate is increasing with ahead of and behind the displacement front is much (infinitely)
increasing grid refinement, apparently without limit in the range of greater than mobility in a low-mobility zone at the displacement
grid refinements shown. In these simulations, injection rate is front. Water saturation ahead of the front is uniform at 100%.
regulated largely by the single low-mobility gridblock at the lead- Reservoir pressure is fixed at the top of reservoir at the production
ing edge of the gas bank. As the gridblock size shrinks, injectivity well, and, because mobility is infinite in the water bank, the pres-
increases. This symptom is a warning sign that the simulation as a sure in the water bank is fixed by hydrostatics. For the gas bank
whole is controlled by numerical dispersion at the gas shock front behind the displacement front, water saturation is uniform at Swf,
and is unreliable. gas density is close to zero, and, because mobility is infinite there,

June 2004 SPE Journal 141

Fig. 17—Surfactant concentration (top) and water saturation (bottom) for SAG process in a 2D cylindrical reservoir using the Fisher
model with 0.02% surfactant concentration. 0.1 PV liquid is injected at 31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.2 PV gas injected at 2,010 psi. Then,
0.1 PV liquid is injected at 31.4 ft3/D, followed by 0.2 PV gas injected at 2,050 psi.

the gas-phase pressure is uniform. Therefore, the whole well-to- reservoir. For simplicity, horizontal position variable x represents
well pressure drop ⌬P is focused on a low-mobility zone with either x (rectangular reservoir) or r (cylindrical reservoir).
thickness ␶, which is assumed for simplicity’s sake to be narrow Applying Darcy’s law to the low-mobility zone, the Darcy
compared to the length of the reservoir. As in a spreading wave in velocity of gas inside the low-mobility zone is
1D (as in Fig. 4), the thickness of the front ␶ is assumed to increase
proportionately to the distance that the front has traveled, s. The ug = k␭rfⱍⵜPⱍ, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
following derivation applies to either a rectangular or cylindrical

142 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 18—Water saturation after 0.01 PV gas injection into a large surfactant slug in a 2D cylindrical reservoir based on fixed-Pc*
model with 50×10, 200×10, and 500×30 gridblocks. Gas is injected at 2,050 psi.

where ug⳱gas Darcy velocity within the zone, ␭rf⳱gas relative vidual points in the front at positions [x(t),z(t)]. For each point
mobility in low-mobility zone, assumed to be constant throughout [x(t),z(t)], there is the distance s(t) that this point has moved since
the displacement, and |ⵜP|⳱the magnitude of the pressure gradi- the beginning of the displacement. The movement of the front is
ent in the low-mobility zone. Pressure gradient across the front is everywhere perpendicular to the front, with angle ␣ defining the
determined by the width of the front local normal to the front as illustrated in Fig. 20:
ⱍⵜPⱍ = ⌬P Ⲑ ␶, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
and ␶, the width of the low-mobility front, is proportional to s, the
␣ = arctan 冉冊 ⭸x
⭸z t
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
distance the front has traveled: where (⭸x/⭸z)t is the slope of the front at a given location at a given time;
␶ = ␶ *s Ⲑ L*, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) dx k␭rf
vx = = ⱍⵜPⱍ ⭈ cos共␣兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6)
where the characteristic front width ␶*⳱a parameter of the model dt 共1 − Swf兲␾
and L*⳱a length scale to be determined below. (␶*⳱the width of dz k␭rf
the front when it has traveled a distance L*.) For 1D rectilinear or vz = = ⱍⵜPⱍ ⭈ sin共␣兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7)
cylindrical flow, s⳱x or r, respectively, but for 2D flow we give dt 共1 − Swf兲␾
a more complex definition. ⌬P − ⌬␳gz 共⌬P − ⌬␳gz兲L*
ⱍⵜPⱍ = = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8)
Therefore, the interstitial velocity v of displacement front is ␶ ␶*s
k␭rf ⱍⵜPⱍ ds
v= , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) = 共vx2 + vz2兲1 Ⲑ 2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
共1 − Swf兲␾ dt
where ␾⳱porosity of reservoir. The Darcy velocity ug, interstitial where vx and vz⳱the velocity of the front (perpendicular to the
velocity v, and pressure gradient across the low-mobility zone are front) in the x and z directions, respectively, at a given point;
perpendicular to the interface between the gas and water zones. To ⌬P⳱well-to-well pressure difference at the top of the reservoir,
track the movement of the front, we track the movement of indi- ⌬␳⳱the density difference between phases, g⳱gravitational ac-

Fig. 19—Cumulative-injection profiles for the cases in Fig. 18. Fig. 20—Schematic of the idealized model for SAG displacements.

June 2004 SPE Journal 143

celeration, and ␶⳱the thickness of low-mobility zone. The initial
兰 ␲x dz, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23)
d H
conditions (IC) and boundary conditions (BC) are qt共t兲 = 共1 − Swf兲␾ 2
dt 0

IC: at t = 0, x = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10) where x, the position variable in the model, stands in for r.
IC: at t = 0, s = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) To allow for gas trapping, in all cases we forbid the front to
retreat [i.e., forbid (dXD/dtD)<0 and (dZD/dtD)<0 for any point on
BC: at z = 0, ␣ = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) the front] even if ⌬P decreases during the injection process.
The dimensionless differential equations for the positions of For a fixed-pressure SAG process, a single family of curves
individual points on the displacement front are [XD(ZD)] as a function of tD (Fig. 21) describes all displacements.
In addition, the characteristic width ␶* or mobility ␭rf of the low-
dXD 共1 − ZD兲 ⭈ cos共␣兲 mobility zone affects the scaling of tD (and the injection rate), but
= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13)
dtD sD not the shape of the front. Gravity override for this idealized fixed-
pressure SAG process depends only on density difference between
dZD 共1 − ZD兲 ⭈ sin共␣兲
= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (14) phases (⌬␳g) and well-to-well pressure difference (⌬P). In the
dtD sD idealized model, for given ⌬P, sweep efficiency is independent of
= 冑冉 冊 冉 冊dxD
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)
the details of foam behavior [i.e., (␭rf/␶*)] as long as model as-
sumptions are satisfied—much lower mobility near the leading
edge of the gas bank than ahead of the bank or near the injection
where well. This explains much of the response of the fixed-injection-

冉 冊
pressure SAG process to the different foam models in Figs. 8
⭸XD ⌬␳gx through 11 above.
␣ ≡ arctan , XD ≡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16)
⭸ZD tD ⌬P At the start of the displacement, the front is vertical; it begins
to tip over because the pressure difference between gas and water
⌬␳gz k␭rf⌬␳g is greater at the top of the reservoir than at the bottom, because of
ZD ≡ , tD ≡ t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17)
⌬P 共 − Swf兲␾␶*
1 hydrostatic effects present in the liquid but not the gas. A fixed-
⌬␳gs ⌬P pressure SAG process is so successful in the idealized model be-
sD ≡ L* ≡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18) cause all that is needed is a well-to-well injection pressure that is
⌬P ⌬␳g well above the hydrostatic pressure difference in the liquid phase
These definitions of dimensionless position and time differ from across the reservoir height. Even if ⌬P is not much larger than this,
those in fractional-flow theory.1 The boundary conditions are and the front starts to tip over, the displacement is aided by the fact
that the front moves normal to its direction. Thus even as the front
IC: at tD = 0, XD = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19) tilts over, the front moves normal to this direction (i.e., downward
IC: at tD = 0, sD = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20) toward the unswept portions of the reservoir).

BC: at ZD = 0, ␣ = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) Comparison With Simulation. Of the foam models in Figs. 2

In the final model, ␭rf and ␶* appear only in the ratio (␭rf/␶*). The through 6, the Fisher model with 0.5% surfactant concentration
model is unchanged, as ␶* → 0 as long as this ratio holds constant. (Fig. 6) best fits the assumptions of the idealized model. Fig. 22
Injection rate qt(t) can be determined from the advance of the shows the displacement front of the Fisher model with 0.5% sur-
front with time. In a rectangular reservoir, factant concentration in a rectangular reservoir 200 ft long and 30
ft high, with an injection pressure of 2,050 psi. For this model,
Swf⳱0.15. Fig. 23 shows the predictions of the idealized model at
兰 x dz, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22)
d H
qt共t兲 = 共1 − Swf兲␾W the same PV injection. The displacement fronts are very similar.
dt 0

where W⳱the width of the reservoir in the y direction, and H⳱its Comparison With Fixed-Rate SAG Process. To model a fixed-
height in the z direction. In a cylindrical reservoir, rate SAG process in the context of the idealized model, one must

Fig. 21—Dimensionless progress of gas injection in the idealized model for fixed-injection-pressure SAG displacement.

144 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 22—Water saturation after 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 PV gas injection into a rectangular reservoir using Fisher model with 0.5%
surfactant concentration in simulator. Gas is injected at 50 psi above reservoir pressure.

adjust ⌬P over time to maintain injection rate fixed. In our calcu- 12 psi above reservoir pressure, the injection pressure at the end of
lations, we approximated fixed-qt injection as follows. At each the fixed-qt process. In the fixed-⌬P case, injection rate decreases
timestep, we compute the advance of the front by forward differ- with time, but is always higher than 1 ft3/D. The fixed-⌬P process
ence and iterate on ⌬P until qt is within 1% of its fixed value. We gives somewhat better sweep efficiency than the fixed-qt process
used 105 timesteps in a typical model run. The calculation diverges because of higher ⌬P at the start of injection in the latter case. In
at the start, when sD⳱zero (Eqs. 13, 14, and 18); therefore, we this example, neither process sweeps to the bottom of the reservoir,
start with sD⳱0.001 at tD⳱0 for all ZD. This small error at the because 12 psi injection pressure is insufficient to overcome hy-
start rapidly becomes insignificant as the front advances over drostatic pressure difference over a height of 30 ft. (For simplicity,
larger distances. gas density is taken as zero in calculations with the idealized model.)
Figs. 24 and 25 compare fixed-rate SAG injection to fixed- In a cylindrical reservoir (Fig. 25), the maximum pressure for
injection-pressure SAG in a rectangular and a cylindrical reservoir. the fixed-qt process occurs near the start of injection, while the
In these figures, Swf⳱0.1515. The dimensionless front shapes are injection rate of the fixed-⌬P process increases with time. Still, the
identical for fixed-pressure SAG in rectangular and cylindrical injection rate and injection pressure of the fixed-⌬P process are
geometries for the same values of XD, but the PV injected at a always greater than for the fixed-qt process. In the fixed-qt process,
given value of XD differs in the two geometries. In a fixed-qt injection pressure decreases over time, and gas stops entering the
process in a rectangular reservoir (Fig. 24a), ␶ and ⌬P increase lower injection interval after a certain time. Injection rate in a
with time until the low-mobility front reaches the production well. fixed-⌬P process increases to keep pressure drop constant. Gas
The increase in ⌬P with time in this case helps gas sweep toward sweeps the entire formation in the fixed-⌬P process. The improve-
the bottom of reservoir later in the flood. In the fixed-⌬P process ment in sweep efficiency would be even greater in a process with
in the same rectangular reservoir, gas is injected at a fixed pressure lower injection rate and correspondingly lower injection pressure.

Deviations From Idealized Assumptions. The other foam models

do not give as good fit to the idealized model as in Figs. 22 and 23.
All of the models have high mobility near the injection well, in
accord with the model assumptions, but not all fit the assumptions
that gas-bank mobility is much lower than that of the water bank
ahead of it (Figs. 3 through 5). We believe that if much of the
well-to-well pressure drop is dissipated in the water bank ahead of
the foam, less is focused at the displacement front, and sweep
efficiency suffers. The simulations also reflect another important
mechanism missing from the idealized model: gas moving upward
increases the mobility in the spreading wave at the top of the
reservoir. In contradiction to the idealized model, the mobility of
the front is not uniform in the reservoir; it is higher at the top of the
reservoir, where gas override and water slumping increase total
mobility. See Shan35 for further discussion.

Fig. 23—Displacement front position after 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 PV of A Model for Effects of Numerical Dispersion at the Shock
gas injection into a rectangular reservoir of Fig. 22 using the Front. In a 1D cylindrical or rectilinear displacement, the width of
idealized model. Gas is injected at 50 psi above reservoir pres- a spreading wave increases proportionately to distance the wave
sure. Other parameters are listed in Table 1. has traveled, as assumed for front width ␶ above. Numerical dis-

June 2004 SPE Journal 145

Fig. 24—Displacement-front positions during gas injection into a large surfactant slug in a rectangular reservoir using the idealized
model. (a) Gas is injected at 1 ft3/D and the maximum pressure is 12 psi above reservoir pressure. (b) Gas is injected at fixed
pressure 12 psi above reservoir pressure.

persion, on the other hand, spreads a shock front into a front of IC: at tD = 0, XD = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (28)
finite, relatively fixed width (one or two gridblocks) as the dis-
placement proceeds. As noted above, for a foam process obeying BC: at ZD = 0, ␣ = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29)
the fixed-Pc* model, the only low-mobility zone is that provided As in the original model, ␭rf and ␶ appear only in the ratio
by numerical dispersion at the shock front. For analyzing the effect (␭rf/␶). The model is unchanged as ␶ → 0 as long as this ratio holds
of numerical dispersion on simulation results, it is useful to con- constant.
sider a different model, in which ␶ is fixed and independent of s. Fig. 26 shows the behavior of this model. Sweep efficiency is
For this model, comparable to that in Fig. 21, though the sweep at the bottom of
the reservoir is a little lower in Fig. 26 than in Fig. 21. In the
dXD original model, the slow advance of the front at the bottom of the
= 共1 − ZD兲 ⭈ cos共␣兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24)
dtD reservoir gives small s, small ␶, and larger |ⵜP|, partially mitigating
dZD the effects of poorer sweep there. This effect is missing when front
= 共1 − ZD兲 ⭈ sin共␣兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25) width ␶ is fixed. Processes where ⌬P is much greater than ⌬␳gH,

冉 冊
however, would correspond to small values of ZD (see Figs. 21 and
⭸XD ⌬␳gx 23) and show excellent sweep.
␣ ≡ arctan , XD ≡ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (26)
⭸ZD tD ⌬P This result helps explain the spurious high sweep efficiency
observed with the fixed-Pc* model with abrupt, complete foam
⌬␳gz k␭rf⌬␳g collapse (Fig. 18). There, a low-mobility zone one gridblock wide
ZD ≡ , tD ≡ t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (27)
⌬P 共1 − Swf兲␾␶ is provided by numerical dispersion at the displacement front (Fig.

146 June 2004 SPE Journal

Fig. 25—Displacement front positions during gas injection into a large surfactant slug in a cylindrical reservoir using the idealized
model. (a) Gas is injected at 230 ft3/D and the maximum pressure is 15 psi above reservoir pressure. (b) Gas is injected at fixed
pressure 15 psi above reservoir pressure.

7). Nevertheless, the narrow low-mobility zone, a numerical arti- It is easily modeled in the context of fractional-flow theory.1,39
fact, gives reasonably good sweep efficiency and little deteriora- With adsorption, one needs larger slugs of surfactant to sweep a
tion upon refinement of the grid; as noted, the model predicts that given volume of reservoir with foam.
the width of the low-mobility zone ␶ does not affect the shape of This study has also excluded the effects of oil on foam.3,4,53
the front (see Fig. 18) but does affect injectivity (see Fig. 19). In Most crude oils significantly weaken foam, especially in oil-wet
reality, sweep efficiency must deteriorate eventually with increas- reservoirs. At this time, there is no consensus on the best way to
ing grid refinement, as the pressure drop across the single low- account for the effects of oil, which can depend on oil composition
mobility gridblock becomes insignificant compared to the pressure and can be complicated by movement of oil during the foamflood.
drop in the liquid bank ahead of the foam. In principle, fractional-flow theory can handle multiphase, multi-
component foam displacements with oil present, though the analy-
sis becomes more complex.54 If the oil remains immobile during
Discussion the foam displacement,53 it would be relatively simple to accom-
Both the idealized model and the simulations presented throughout modate the weakening effect of oil on foam in the context of
this report assume that injection and production rates can be ad- two-phase (gas/water) fractional-flow theory.
justed as needed to maintain fixed injection and production pres- As a first step toward understanding gravity override in real,
sures, with corresponding (potentially large) increases in rates of heterogeneous reservoirs, this study has considered homogeneous
produced fluids. There may be operational barriers to implement- reservoirs. In addition to its benefits in overcoming gravity over-
ing this strategy in practice. ride, foam can be stronger in higher-permeability media and
For this study, we have excluded the effects of surfactant ad- thereby mitigate the effects of permeability variations.3,4,26 More-
sorption. Surfactant adsorption slows the propagation of surfactant over, foam created as gas attempts to migrate vertically across
and is an important economic consideration in foam applications. layer boundaries24,43,55,56 would help suppress gravity override in

June 2004 SPE Journal 147

Fig. 26—Dimensionless progress of gas injection in the idealized model for fixed-injection-pressure SAG displacement with front
width ␶ fixed.

heterogeneous reservoirs. Fuller investigation of these mechanisms has much lower mobility than both the water ahead and the dried-
on the field scale must await further study. out region near the injection well. The following conclusions de-
rive from this model:
Conclusions 9. In the ideal SAG process, the well-to-well pressure drop is
focused entirely in the displacement front. Then, the well-to-
The following conclusions derive from our simulation study:
well pressure drop need only compete with the hydrostatic
1. A SAG process at fixed injection pressure better controls grav-
pressure difference over the height of the reservoir; thus, mod-
ity override in homogeneous reservoirs than either continuous
erate injection pressures give very good sweep efficiency. In
foam injection or a fixed-rate SAG process.
addition, even as the displacement front tilts over from over-
2. Sufficient surfactant slug size and sufficient pressure gradient
ride, it then tends to sweep downward from the override zone.
are both necessary conditions for foam to overcome gas over-
10. Fixed-rate SAG processes suffer from declining injection pres-
ride. Surfactant slug size determines the potential region of
sure in radial flow, reducing pressure drop at the front over
sweep and sufficient pressure gradient prevents gravity segre-
time compared to the hydrostatics with which it competes.
gation in this region.
Gravity override worsens as a result. The fixed-⌬P SAG pro-
3. The case with one large SAG cycle gives somewhat better sweep
cess gives marginally better sweep efficiency than a fixed-rate
efficiency than that with more numerous, smaller SAG cycles.
SAG process in a rectangular reservoir because of higher ⌬P at
4. For cases where gravity override has taken place during the first
the start of injection.
SAG cycle, better injection strategies in the following SAG cycles
11. Because the idealized model takes no account of details of
can reduce surfactant slumping and improve sweep efficiency.
foam behavior, it explains why sweep efficiency in a fixed-
5. Gas should be injected at the maximum allowable injection
pressure SAG process is relatively insensitive to the details of
pressure; this not only increases gas sweep efficiency within
foam behavior. It also helps explain why even a spurious low-
the surfactant bank, but also decreases surfactant slumping.
mobility zone, created by numerical dispersion, can by itself
6. Liquid should likewise be injected at maximum allowable in-
give reasonable sweep efficiency in simulation. If, however,
jection pressure; this puts liquid most rapidly into the reservoir
the foam process creates a weak foam, so that the water bank
and minimizes segregation during liquid injection.
ahead of the foam accounts for a significant portion of the
7. Differences between foam models (i.e., differences between
well-to-well pressure drop, then process efficiency suffers
surfactant formulations) have only a moderate effect on gravity
somewhat. These inferences are supported by the simulations
override in SAG processes with the same fixed injection pres-
with five foam models shown here.
sure. The differences in sweep observed among foam models
may reflect differences in the fraction of the well-to-well pres-
sure drop dissipated in the water bank ahead of foam. Although
different foam models give similar sweep efficiency in fixed-pres- Consistent (for instance, SI) units are assumed in Eqs. 1 through
sure SAG injection, they do differ significantly in injection rate. 29, but customary units are cited in the text and figures. Both SI
8. If fractional-flow theory indicates that foam both forms and and customary units are given below.
collapses within the shock front in a SAG displacement, con- fw ⳱ water fractional flow, fraction
clusion 7 does not apply. Ironically, in such a case, a finite- g ⳱ gravitational acceleration, L/t2, N/kg [lbf/lbm]
difference simulation still gives a low-mobility bank at least H ⳱ height of reservoir (Fig. 20), L, m [ft]
one gridblock wide. This numerical artifact then provides k ⳱ absolute permeability, L2, m2 [md]
sweep improvement in the simulation, and the sweep effi-
L ⳱ length of rectangular reservoir (Fig. 20), L, m [ft]
ciency may not change much upon grid refinement. The symp-
tom of the artifact is that injectivity increases without bound L* ⳱ length set equal to ⌬P/⌬␳g in rendering position
upon increasing grid refinement. variable dimensionless
An idealized model, in which all resistance to flow is confined to Pc ⳱ gas/water capillary pressure, m/Lt2, Pa [psi]
a narrow bank between high-mobility fluids ahead of and behind Pc* ⳱ limiting capillary pressure for foam stability, m/Lt2, Pa
the displacement front, matches simulation results if the foam bank [psi]

148 June 2004 SPE Journal

⌬P ⳱ well-to-well pressure drop, m/Lt2, Pa [psi] 6. Chad, J., Matsalla, P., and Novosad, J.J.: “Foam Forming Surfactants in
|ⵜP| ⳱ magnitude of pressure gradient, m/L2t2, Pa/m [psi/ft] Pembina/Ostracod ‘G’ Pool,” paper presented at the 1988 Annual
qt ⳱ total injection rate, L3/t, m3/s [ft3/D] Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Soc. of CIM, Calgary, 12–16 June.
r ⳱ radial position in cylindrical reservoir, L, m [ft] 7. Liu, P.C. and Besserer, G.J.: “Application of Foam Injection in Triassic
Pool, Canada: Laboratory and Field-Test Results,” paper SPE 18080
Re ⳱ outer radius of cylindrical reservoir, L, m [ft]
presented at the 1988 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-
s ⳱ distance front has traveled (Eq. 9), L, m[ft]
tion, Houston, 2–5 October.
sD ⳱ dimensionless distance front has traveled (Eq. 18) 8. Jonas, T.M., Chou, S.I., and Vasicek, S.L.: “Evaluation of a CO2 Foam
Sw ⳱ water saturation, fraction Field Trial: Rangely Weber Sand Unit,” paper SPE 20468 presented at
Swf ⳱ average water saturation in foam bank (Eq. 4), fraction the 1990 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Or-
Swi ⳱ initial water saturation, fraction leans, 23–26 September.
Sw* ⳱ water saturation at limiting capillary pressure, fraction 9. Kuehne, D.L. et al.: “Design and Evaluation of a Nitrogen-Foam Field
t ⳱ time, t, s [day] Trial,” JPT (April 1990) 504.
tD ⳱ dimensionless time in idealized model (Eq. 17) 10. Chou, S.I., Jasek, D.E., and Goodgame, J.A.: “CO2 Foam Field Trial at
ug ⳱ superficial or Darcy velocity of gas (Eq. 1), L/t, North Ward-Estes,” paper SPE 24643 presented at the 1992 SPE
m/s [ft/D] Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Washington, DC, 4–7
v⳱ interstitial velocity of displacement front (Eq. 4), L/t, October.
11. Krause, R.E. et al.: “Foam Treatment of Producing Wells to Increase
m/s [ft/D]
Oil Production at Prudhoe Bay,” paper SPE 24191 presented at the
vx, vz ⳱ velocities of displacement front in x and z directions,
SPE/DOE 1992 Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 22–24
respectively April.
x⳱ horizontal position in rectangular reservoir (Figs. 20, 12. Heller, J.P. and Watts, R.J.: “Two Field Tests of CO2 Foam,” paper
22 through 24) or, in Figs. 8 through 18 and Figs. 20 presented at the 1993 DOE/NIPER Symposium on Field Application of
and 25, horizontal position in cylindrical reservoir, L, Foams for Oil Production, Bakersfield, California, 11–12 February.
m [ft] 13. Hoefner, M.L. et al.: “CO2 Foam: Results From Four Developmental
xd ⳱ dimensionless position in fractional-flow theory (Figs. Field Trials,” paper SPE/DOE 27787 presented at the 1994 SPE Sym-
2 through 6); (r/Re)2 in cylindrical flow posium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 17–20 April.
XD ⳱ dimensionless horizontal position in idealized model 14. Aarra, M.G. et al.: “A Foam Pilot Test Aimed at Reducing Gas Inflow
(Eq. 11); (r/Re) in cylindrical flow in a Production Well at the Oseberg Field,” presented at the 1995
z⳱ vertical position in reservoir (Fig. 20), L, m [ft] European Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Vienna, 1–17 May.
15. Martin, F.D., Stevens, J.E., and Harpole, K.J.: “CO2-Foam Field Test
ZD ⳱ dimensionless vertical position in idealized model
at the East Vacuum Grayburg/San Andres Unit,” SPERE (November
(Eq. 17)
1995) 266.
␣⳱ angle to horizontal of normal to displacement front in 16. Patzek, T.W.: “Field Applications of Steam Foam for Mobility Im-
idealized model (Fig. 20) provement and Profile Control,” SPERE (May 1996) 79.
⌬␳ ⳱ difference in densities between water and gas, m/L3, 17. Svorstol, I., Vassenden, F., and Mannhardt, K.: “Laboratory Studies for
kg/m3 [lbm/ft3] Design of a Foam Pilot in the Snorre Field,” paper SPE/DOE 35400
␭rf ⳱ gas relative mobility in low-mobility zone in idealized presented at the 1996 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recov-
model (Eq. 1), Lt/m, (Pa⭈8;s)–1 [cp–1] ery, Tulsa, 21–24 April.
␶⳱ thickness of low-mobility zone in idealized model (Eq. 18. Blaker, T. et al.: “Foam for Gas Mobility Control in the Snorre Field:
3), L, m [ft] The FAWAG Project,” paper SPE 56478 presented at the 1999 SPE
␶* ⳱ characteristic thickness of low-mobility zone in Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3–6 October.
idealized model (Eq. 3), L, m [ft] 19. Bernard, G.G., Holm, L.W., and Jacobs, W.L.: “Effect of Foam on
Trapped Gas Saturation and on Permeability of Porous Media to Wa-
␾⳱ porosity, fraction
ter,” SPEJ (December 1965) 295; Trans., AIME, 234.
20. de Vries, A.S. and Wit, K.: “Rheology of Gas/Water Foam in the
Quality Range Relevant to Steam Foam,” SPERE (May 1990) 185.
This work was conducted with the support of the Natl. Petroleum 21. Holm, L.W.: “The Mechanism of Gas and Liquid Flow Through Porous
Technology Office of the U.S. DOE, through contracts #DE- Media in the Presence of Foam,” SPEJ (December 1968) 359; Trans.,
AC26-99BC15208 and #DE-AC26-99BC15318, the Texas Higher AIME, 243.
Education Coordinating Board’s Advanced Technology Program, 22. Huh, D.G. and Handy, L.L.: “Comparison of Steady- and Unsteady-
and the Improved Well Performance Program, a consortium of State Flow of Gas and Foaming Solution in Porous Media,” SPERE
operating and service companies at the Center for Petroleum and (February 1989) 77.
Geosystems Engineering at the U. of Texas at Austin. We thank 23. Falls, A.H., Musters, J.J., and Ratulowski, J.: “The Apparent Viscosity
Gary Pope, whose comment triggered the development of the ide- of Foams in Homogeneous Bead Packs,” SPERE (May 1989) 155.
alized model presented here, and Frode Vassenden for fruitful and
24. Falls, A.H. et al.: “Development of a Mechanistic Foam Simulator: The
stimulating discussions of fractional-flow theory and foams.
Population Balance and Generation by Snap-Off,” SPERE (August
1988) 884.
25. Friedmann, F., Chen, W.H., and Gauglitz, P.A.: “Experimental and
1. Lake, L.W.: Enhanced Oil Recovery, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, Simulation Study of High-Temperature Foam Displacement in Porous
New Jersey (1989). Media,” SPERE (February 1991) 37; Trans., AIME, 291.
2. Moridis, G.: “Special Report: Enhanced Oil Recovery,” Oil and Gas J. 26. Kovscek, A.R. and Radke, C.J.: “Fundamentals of Foam Transport in
(15 April 2002) 43. Porous Media,” Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petro-
3. Schramm, L.L. (ed.): Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the leum Industry, L.L. Schramm (ed.), ACS Advances in Chemistry Se-
Petroleum Industry, ACS Advances in Chemistry Series, Am. Chem. ries, Am. Chem. Soc., Washington, DC (1994) 3, No. 242.
Soc., Washington, DC (1994) 3, No. 242. 27. Rossen, W.R. and Gauglitz, P.A.: “Percolation Theory of Creation and
4. Rossen, W.R.: “Foams in Enhanced Oil Recovery,” Foams: Theory, Mobilization of Foams in Porous Media,” AICHE J. (August 1990) 36,
Measurement, and Applications, R.K. Prud’homme and S. Khan (eds.), 1176.
Marcel Dekker, New York City (1996). 28. Khatib, Z.I., Hirasaki, G.J., and Falls, A.H.: “Effects of Capillary Pres-
5. Holm, L.W.: “Foam Injection Test in the Siggins Field, Illinois,” JPT sure on Coalescence and Phase Mobilities in Foams Flowing Through
(December 1970) 1499. Porous Media,” SPERE (August 1988) 919.

June 2004 SPE Journal 149

29. Aronson, A.S. et al.: “The Influence of Disjoining Pressure on Foam 48. Cheng, L. et al.: “Simulation of Dynamic Foam-Acid Diversion Pro-
Stability and Flow in Porous Media,” Colloids Science Surfaces A: cesses,” paper SPE 68916 presented at the 2001 SPE European For-
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (1994) 84, 109. mation Damage Symposium, The Hague, 21–22 May.
30. Rossen, W.R. and Zhou, Z.H.: “Modeling Foam Mobility at the Lim- 49. Chang, Y.: “Development and Application of an Equation of State
iting Capillary Pressure,” SPE Advanced Technology Series (1995) 3, Compositional Simulator,” PhD dissertation, the U. of Texas at Austin,
146. Austin, Texas (1990).
31. Alvarez, J.M., Rivas, H.J., and Rossen, W.R.: “Unified Model for 50. Liu, J.: “High-Resolution Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery Simu-
Steady-State Foam Behavior at High and Low Foam Qualities,” SPEJ lations,” PhD dissertation, the U. of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas
(September 2001) 325. (1993).
32. Rossen, W.R.: “Rheology of Foam in Porous Media at the ‘Limiting 51. Kibodeaux, K.R. and Rossen, W.R.: “Coreflood Study of Surfactant-
Capillary Pressure,’” Revue I.F.P. (1992) 47, 68. Alternating-Gas Foam Processes: Implications for Field Design,” paper
33. Matthews, C.S.: “Carbon Dioxide Flooding,” Enhanced Oil Recovery SPE 38318 presented at the 1997 SPE Western Regional Meeting,
II, Processes and Operations, E.C. Donaldson, G.V. Chilingarian, and Long Beach, California, 25–27 June.
T.F. Yen (eds.), Elsevier Science Co., New York City (1989). 52. Xu, Q. and Rossen, W.R.: “Experimental Study of Gas Injection in
34. Heller, J.P.: “CO2 Foams in Enhanced Oil Recovery,” Foams: Funda- Surfactant-Alternating-Gas Foam Process,” paper SPE 84183 presented
mentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry, L.L. Schramm at the 2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
(ed.), ACS Advances in Chemistry Series, Am. Chem. Soc., Washing- 5–8 October.
ton, DC (1994) 3, No. 242. 53. Myers, T.J. and Radke, C.J.: “Transient Foam Displacement in the
35. Shan, D.: “Simulation Study of Gravity Override for Foam Processes,” Presence of Residual Oil: Experiment and Simulation Using a Popu-
MS thesis, the U. of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (2001). lation-Balance Model,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (2000) 39, 2725.
36. Shi, J.-X. and Rossen, W.R.: “Simulation of Gravity Override in Foam
54. Zeilinger, S.C.: “A Modeling and Experimental Study of Foam in Acid
Processes in Porous Media,” SPERE (April 1998) 148.
Diversion and Enhanced Oil Recovery,” PhD dissertation, the U. of
37. Cheng, L. et al.: “Simulating Foam Processes at High and Low Foam
Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (1996).
Qualities,” paper SPE 59287 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE Improved
55. Rossen, W.R.: “Foam Generation at Layer Boundaries in Porous Me-
Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 3–5 April.
dia,” SPEJ (December 1999) 409.
38. Shi, J.-X. and Rossen, W.R.: “Improved Surfactant-Alternating-Gas
56. Tanzil, D., Hirasaki, G.J., and Miller, C.A.: “Mobility of Foam in
Foam Process to Control Gravity Override,” paper SPE 39653 pre-
Heterogeneous Media: Flow Parallel and Perpendicular to Stratifica-
sented at the 1998 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium,
tion,” paper SPE 63228 presented at the 2000 SPE Annual Technical
Tulsa, 19–22 April.
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 1–4 October.
39. Zhou, Z.H. and Rossen, W.R.: “Applying Fractional-Flow Theory to
Foam Processes at the ‘Limiting Capillary Pressure,’” SPE Advanced
Technology Series (1995) 3, No. 1, 154–162.
40. Rossen, W.R. et al.: “Simplified Mechanistic Simulation of Foam Pro- SI Metric Conversion Factors
cesses in Porous Media,” SPEJ (September 1999) 279.
cp × 1.0* E–03 ⳱ Pa⭈s
41. Martinsen, H.A. and Vassenden, F.: “Foam-Assisted Water Alternating
Gas (FAWAG) Process on Snorre,” presented at the 1999 European
ft × 3.048 E–01 ⳱ m
IOR Symposium, Brighton, U.K., 18–20 August. md × 1.0132 E–03 ⳱ ␮m2
42. Fisher, A.W., Foulser, R.W.S., and Goodyear, S.G.: “Mathematical psi × 6.895 E+03 ⳱ Pa
Modeling of Foam Flooding,” paper SPE/DOE 20195 presented at the *Conversion factor is exact.
1990 SPE/DOE Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 22–25
43. Shi, J.-X.: “Simulation and Experimental Studies of Foam for En- Dan Shan is a reservoir engineer with Schlumberger Oilfield Ser-
hanced Oil Recovery,” PhD dissertation, the U. of Texas at Austin, vices, Data and Consulting Services. e-mail: dshan@houston.
Austin, Texas (1996). Her duties include technical support and con-
44. Persoff, P. et al.: “A Laboratory Investigation of Foam Flow in Sand- sulting on reservoir simulation of subsurface hydrocarbon res-
stone at Elevated Pressure,” SPERE (August 1991) 365; Trans., AIME, ervoirs, as well as field development plan generation. Shan
291. holds a BS degree in chemical engineering from Tsinghua U.,
45. Lee, H.O. and Heller, J.P.: “Laboratory Measurements of CO2-Foam China, and an MS degree in petroleum engineering from the
Mobility,” SPERE (May 1990) 193. U. of Texas at Austin. William Rossen is a professor in the Dept.
46. Rossen, W.R. and Wang, M.-W.: “Modeling Foams for Acid Diver- of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the U. of Texas at
Austin. e-mail: His research interests
sion,” SPEJ (June 1999) 92.
include study of creation and flow of foam in porous media,
47. Kibodeaux, K.R., Zeilinger, S.C., and Rossen, W.R.: “Sensitivity Study from microscopic mechanisms to field-scale simulation. Rossen
of Foam Diversion Processes for Matrix Acidization,” paper SPE holds an SB degree from the Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
28550 presented at the 1994 SPE Annual Technical Conference and and a PhD degree from the U. of Minnesota, both in chemical
Exhibition, New Orleans, 25–28 September. engineering.

150 June 2004 SPE Journal

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