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Quiz: Talent and Skills

Question 1: What is a talent?

a) Something you learn over time
b) Something you are born with
c) Something you can buy
Question 2: Which of the following is an example of a skill?
a) Singing beautifully
b) Being taller than your friend
c) Having a pet dog
Question 3: If you practice drawing a lot and get better at it, what is this called?
a) Having a talent
b) Developing a skill
c) Being lucky
Question 4: Which of these is NOT a talent?
a) Dancing
b) Playing the guitar
c) Building a sandcastle
Question 5: What can you do to improve a skill?
a) Give up and try something else
b) Practice and work hard
c) Wait for someone else to teach you
Question 6: Which of these is a talent related to sports?
a) Running fast
b) Eating ice cream
c) Sleeping late
Question 7: If you enjoy doing something and you are good at it, what should you do?
a) Keep practicing and improving
b) Stop doing it so others won't get jealous
c) Forget about it and try something new
Question 8: Which of these is an example of a skill you can use at school?
a) Coloring a picture
b) Flying like a bird
c) Eating pizza
Question 9: What should you do if you have a talent for singing?
a) Hide it and never share it with others
b) Share your singing with friends and family
c) Forget about it and never sing again
Question 10: What is the difference between a talent and a skill?
a) There is no difference; they mean the same thing
b) A talent is something you are born with, and a skill is something you learn
c) A skill is something you are born with, and a talent is something you learn

Quiz: Fortitude and Courage

Question 1: What does it mean to have "fortitude"?

a) Being afraid of everything
b) Having strength and courage in tough situations
c) Always giving up
Question 2: Which of the following is an example of showing courage?
a) Running away from a challenge
b) Facing your fears and trying something new
c) Hiding from problems
Question 3: What should you do if you're afraid to try something new?
a) Never try it and stay in your comfort zone
b) Ask for help and give it a try, even if you're scared
c) Cry and give up immediately
Question 4: If you see someone being bullied, what can you do to show courage?
a) Join the bullies so they won't bother you
b) Walk away and ignore it
c) Stand up for the person being bullied and tell an adult
Question 5: What is "courage"?
a) Being a superhero
b) Being brave and doing what's right, even when it's hard
c) Being mean to others
Question 6: When should you show courage?
a) Only when everyone else is doing it
b) When you believe in something and when someone needs help
c) Never, because it's too scary
Question 7: If you make a mistake, what can you do to show fortitude?
a) Pretend it never happened
b) Learn from your mistake and keep trying
c) Blame someone else for your mistake
Question 8: What should you do if you're facing a difficult challenge?
a) Give up and walk away
b) Keep trying, even if it's tough, and ask for help if needed
c) Complain and blame others for the challenge
Question 9: Who is a courageous person?
a) Someone who never tries anything new
b) Someone who faces their fears and helps others
c) Someone who always stays safe at home
Question 10: What can you do to develop fortitude and courage?
a) Always avoid challenges and risks
b) Face challenges, try new things, and believe in yourself
c) Never leave your comfort zone

Quiz: Parts of the Bible

Question 1: What is the first book of the Bible? a) Genesis b) Exodus c) Leviticus
Question 2: Who is the famous character in the Bible known for building an ark to save animals from a great
flood? a) Noah b) Moses c) David
Question 3: Which part of the Bible tells the story of how God created the world in six days? a) Psalms b)
Proverbs c) Genesis
Question 4: Who is the young boy who defeated the giant Goliath with a single stone and a slingshot? a) Joseph
b) Solomon c) David
Question 5: Which book of the Bible tells the story of a man who was swallowed by a big fish and lived to tell
the tale? a) Isaiah b) Jonah c) Daniel
Question 6: What is the title of the book that contains many wise sayings and advice for living a good life? a)
Exodus b) Ecclesiastes c) Revelation
Question 7: Who was a great leader of the Israelites and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai? a)
Abraham b) Isaac c) Moses
Question 8: Which part of the Bible contains the story of Jesus' birth, including the visit of the shepherds and
the wise men? a) Acts b) Matthew c) Genesis
Question 9: Which book of the Bible describes the adventures of a man who was thrown into a lion's den and
survived? a) Esther b) Ruth c) Daniel
Question 10: What is the last book of the Bible, which contains many prophecies and visions of the future? a)
Psalms b) Revelation c) Malachi

Quiz: Taking Care of Your Body and Soul in Christian Living Education

Part 1: Taking Care of Your Body

Question 1: According to Christian teachings, what is the body considered?
a) A temporary vessel
b) Unimportant
c) The most important aspect of a person
Question 2: What Christian value encourages caring for your physical health?
a) Faith b) Sloth c) Stewardship
Question 3: In Christian Living, what is a healthy practice to maintain your body?
a) Excessive fasting
b) Regular exercise and a balanced diet
c) Ignoring your body's needs
Question 4: According to the Bible, what should your body be seen as?
a) A means to earn money
b) The temple of the Holy Spirit
c) A tool for worldly pleasures
Question 5: Which Christian virtue encourages self-control over physical desires?
a) Humility b) Temperance c) Vanity

Part 2: Taking Care of Your Soul

Question 6: According to Christian teachings, what is the soul's ultimate purpose?
a) To achieve fame and fortune
b) To grow spiritually and be in communion with God
c) To seek pleasure and happiness
Question 7: What Christian practice involves spending time in prayer and meditation to nourish the soul?
a) Fasting
b) Confession
c) Contemplation
Question 8: How can forgiveness and love be essential for the well-being of your soul in Christian Living?
a) By holding grudges and seeking revenge
b) By practicing forgiveness and showing love to others
c) By ignoring the importance of relationships
Question 9: According to Christian values, why is it important to help those in need?
a) It's not important
b) It reflects God's love and compassion
c) It's a waste of time and resources
Question 10: Which Christian virtue encourages humility and acknowledging one's dependence on God?
a) Pride b) Humility c) Arrogance

Identification Test: The Lord's Prayer

For each question, identify the missing word or phrase in the Lord's Prayer.
Question 1: Our Father, who art in heaven, ____________ be thy name.
Question 2: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ____________ as it is in heaven.
Question 3: Give us this day our daily ____________.
Question 4: And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive ____________ who trespass against us.
Question 5: And lead us not into temptation, but ____________ us from evil.
Question 6: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, ____________, and ____________.
Question 7: Our Father, who art in ____________, hallowed be thy ____________.
Question 8: Give us this day our daily ____________.
Question 9: And forgive us our ____________, as we forgive those who ____________ against us.
Question 10: For thine is the ____________, and the ____________, and the ____________, forever and ever.

 b) Something you are born with
 a) Singing beautifully
 b) Developing a skill
 c) Building a sandcastle
 b) Practice and work hard
 a) Running fast
 a) Keep practicing and improving
 a) Coloring a picture
 b) Share your singing with friends and family
 b) A talent is something you are born with, and a skill is something you learn
Feel free to use this quiz for Grade 3 students to test their understanding of talents and skills!


 b) Having strength and courage in tough situations

 b) Facing your fears and trying something new
 b) Ask for help and give it a try, even if you're scared
 c) Stand up for the person being bullied and tell an adult
 b) Being brave and doing what's right, even when it's hard
 b) When you believe in something and when someone needs help
 b) Learn from your mistake and keep trying
 b) Keep trying, even if it's tough, and ask for help if needed
 b) Someone who faces their fears and helps others
 b) Face challenges, try new things, and believe in yourself
a) Genesis
a) Noah
c) Genesis
c) David
b) Jonah
b) Ecclesiastes
c) Moses
b) Matthew
c) Daniel
b) Revelation
You can use this quiz to help Grade 3 students learn about different parts and stories from the Bible.

Part 1: Taking Care of Your Body
a) A temporary vessel
c) Stewardship
b) Regular exercise and a balanced diet
b) The temple of the Holy Spirit
b) Temperance
Part 2: Taking Care of Your Soul 6. b) To grow spiritually and be in communion with God
c) Contemplation
b) By practicing forgiveness and showing love to others
b) It reflects God's love and compassion
b) Humility

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