Reliability X Sheet 01 Course Outline

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Department of Industrial and Production Engineering Shabjalal University of Science and Technology Sylhet 3114, Bangladesh Course Curriculum for B.Sc. in ‘Industrial and Production Engineering? Program Session: 2019-2020 Course Profile Year: 47 Semester: 28° Course Status: Theory ‘Course No.: IPE 434 | Credit: 3.0 Course Title: Reliability Engg. and Maintenance Management Rationale of the Course: Reliability engineering and maintenance management is an important and integral feature of the planning, design, testing, operation, and control of all engineering systems; from the smallest and most simple to the largest and most complex. ‘Reliability engineering and Maintenance management’ course will help the students understand the mathematical concepts and basic techniques, methods and tools for reliability engineering and maintenance management for engineering systems. The course will focus on development and application of reliability evaluation techniques of engineering systems with emphasis on practical applications of reliability analysis in large-scale systems. By studying ‘Reliability engineering and maintenance management’, students ‘will be able to learn the failure pattern and failure characteristics of many engineering components, the methods to evaluate and compare reliabilities of components and systems, the techniques of improving the system reliability, the means to specify reliability requirements of components and sub-systems to meet the system reliability as well as they will be able to gain comprehensive knowledge of maintenance concepts, maintenance types, maintenance objectives, maintenance requirements and various maintenance policies, Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are: 1. to help the students understand the fundamental concepts and basic techniques, methods and tools for reliability engineering and maintenance management of many engineering systems namely electrical, electronic, mechanical, manufacturing and power systems i ith the mathematical concepts, th , 2. to provide the students will . epts, the comprehensive knowled; the technical skills elated to systems reliability and systems maintenance functions © 3. to expose the students to the concept of reliability and to help them learn the techniques estimating reliability and related characteristics of components / systems and the oie of improving the system reliability. 4, to facilitate necessary knowledge with regard to maintenance concepts, maintenance types maintenance objectives, maintenance requirements and various maintenance policies. 5. to familiarize the students with necessary practical skills and engineering knowledge used for analyzing, planning and controlling maintenance management systems, 1 Course Contents: Reliabil ‘ oo Se 3 Mathematea definition. Factors influencing system reliability, Hazard rate eee eee ailure, Bathtub Curve, Mean time to failure (MTTE) for various ee eres between failure (MTBF), Mean time to repair (MTTR). Probability Diseibation Ponct ions for Failure deusity function, Reliability and Hazard rate: The Normal eee peoveali! sistbuion ‘The Rayleigh distribution, The Weibull distribution, and and mixed configurations, Faget Series eae Parallel configuration Paving a Poaciaitetee sean Renee specific hazard model, An out-of-n structure, Methods eee ystems: Reduction to series element method, Path-tracing method and pia oie anaes ystems not reducible to mixed configuration: Methods of decomposition oF diagram, oo a oe Cut-set method, Tie-set method. Logie diagram, Event Tree ee ‘ree Analysis (PTA), Reliability Design: Reliability allocation, ility provement- Element redundancy, Unit redundaney and Standby redundancy. Maintainability and Availability. Maintenance Management: Concepts, Maintenance objectives, Types of maintenance and their applications to different situation Probability theories applied to ‘maintenance management; A production/maintenance plan, Total Productive Maintenance (1PM). 2 ‘Course Learning Outcomes, CLO: ‘After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to: 1 understand the fundamental concepts and basic techniques, methods and tools for reliability engineering and maintenance management of many engineering systems, 2. identify and evaluate the various relibilty functions associated with an engineering system ‘component's quality perspective. 5, analyze practical failure data and formulate an appropriate failure model of the engineering system component of interest 4, gain the necessary knowledge about failure distributions/patterns, failure rate characteristics gai) astrate failure analysis techniques of engineering componen's. reliability evaluation techniques of engineering systems; from the 5, describe numerous ie to the largest and most complex. smallest and most simp! 6. apply the engineering knowledge ‘0 design and analyze practical problems with regard to appNy ty assesment of @ product oF & component or & system. 17, design and modeling an engineering syHiem! based on reliability requirements and allocation fal solutions to improve the system reliability. and find optim: 8, estimate systems maintainability and availability as well as related characteristics and design systems for better maintainability. ce function and its objectives and requirements, and understand the 9. explain the maintenan it an ents, and uy dq << fanee and maintenance policies, and their applications to varied various types of main situations. Mapping of CLOs with PLOs: Te PLOI PLO2 PLO3 PLO4 PLOS: PLOG PLO7 | PLO8 CLO 01 x x x CLO 02 x x cLo03 | x x CLO 04 5 x ‘CLO 05 x x ed CLO 06 a x x x CLO 07 5 z = z CLO 08 % x cLoo | x x Books Recommended: 1. Reliability Engineering — By L. S. Srinath (4 Edition), EWP Publisher. 2. Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems — By Roy Billinton (2"? Edition), Springer Publisher. 3, Reliability and Maintenance Engineering — By R. C. Mishra (15 Edition / Reprint 2010), ‘New-Age International Publisher. 4, Maintenance Planning and Control — By Anthony Kelly (15° Edition), EWP Pvt. Ltd. Publisher Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) ‘After successful completion of B.Sc. in Industrial and Production Engineering degree, graduates will be able to: PLOL. apply the knowledge, skills, and modem engineering tools and techniques of Industrial and Production Engineering throughout the professional careers; PLO2. design, develop, implement, interpret and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and machinery and other resources PLO3. analyze, synthesis | as processes using . and control manufacturing operations as wel statistical tools, mathematical models, simulation and information technology; PLOA, design a system component, or process to meet desired needs with realistic constraints linked to economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety factors, and its manufacturability and sustainability; PLOS, identify, formulate and solve engineering problems individually or in & multidisciplinary team; PLO6. communicate effectively with different stakeholders and society at large; PLO7. recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning; PLO8. demonstrate the moral and professional ethical values to handle the research findings, and maintain the confidentiality of intellectual properties. y Course Information > Course Code: IPE - 434 \ 3 > Course Title: \ \ ~ “Reliability Engineering and Maintenance Management” \ Credit Hours: 3.00 Credits (3 Hours / Week) a , Class Schedule: vy Sunday (4.00 - 5.00 pm) v Monday (3.00 - 4.00 pm) v Tuesday (2.00 - 3.00 pm) < a i Reference Books: Textbooks Required: 1. Reliability Engineering — By L. S. Srinath (4 Edition), EWP Publisher. 2. Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems ~ By Roy Billinton (2% Edition), Springer Publisher. Recommended Readings: 1. Reliability and Maintenance Engineering — By R.C. Mishra (157 Edition/ Reprint 2010), New-Age International Publisher. 2. Maintenance Planning and Control — By Anthony Kelly (JT Edition), EWP Pvt. Ltd, Publisher Reliable & Reliability Concepts \ \ >» What does it mean by ‘a component or item is Reliable’? \ ¥ The word ‘Reliable’ is used synonymously with the word ‘dependable’. \ When tis stated tata particular electrical or mechanical componentitem i ‘reliable’, means that =the component will behave in the manner that i expected oft, \ the expected manner when used under certain normal or assumed conditions. \ ¥ It does also mean that - its performance is trouble-free, and the chances of its failure are fet > Reliable and Reliability: \ || The expected behavior ofthe component under certain stated or assumed cond ee is, along. with a |, certin degree of uncertainty associated with its expected behavior, form the basis fr she definition of the word ‘Reliability’ oe ocng%. tathtur Rebnan \ £ \ 1 Reliability Definition > Reliability: \ ¥ Reliability is the probability of a device performing its purpose adequately (giving| satisfactory ¥ Reliability is the probability that an item will perform its stated mission satisfactorily fo} the given ‘period when used under the specified operating conditions. an \ > ‘The definition of Reliability brings into focus (breaks down into) four basic parts / importaft factors. ‘These four factors are very important inthe determination or assignment ofa reliability factor. 1. Probability \ 2. Adequate performance 3. Specified Time period Stated Operating conditions. 4 chow, wf, Luthfur Rahman Z Keath \ performance) forthe period intended under the operating conditions encountered. Four Factors or Elements of Reliability \ > 1. The reliability of a device is expressed as a ‘Probabty’ \ ‘ \ y. The maxinum value of \ \ \ A reliability fect of one would mean thatthe device performs satstitoly forthe pres under the given operating or environmental conditions. Sit imum value is zero (0.0). ed duration 7 irl, a rellabilly factor of zex0 Would mean | {that in almost all cases the device/equipment fais to meet the required performance level. 2. The device is required to give ‘Adequate performance’: in \ v Adequate performance or satisfactory performance means “what is expected ofa device or equipment A definite criterion must be established to clearly describe or specify what is considered to-bé satisfactory or adequate performance. cere he iuthfur Rahman Elements of Reliability > the Spectro tate petra: \ ~ One of the most important elements is the intended or given time period (Le, specifiey duration). It represents a measure of the period for which the performance is adequate or satisfactory. “The ‘time intended’ may be continuous or periodic. It is necessary to stipulate a time limi the performance of an equipment or device is to be assessed as being satisfactory or unsatis ory. > 4, The preseribed ‘Operating conditions’: The stated/speciied operating or environmental condi 8 in which the device is expected adequately could be with regard to— temperature, humidity, shock, stress, vibration, and so on. ¥ | + The ‘operating conditions’ may be perfectly uniform or extremely variable (products and systems / |, operating outdoors have a very variable operating environment). A\ p function 7 Ibis essential to stipulate the conditions under which the performance ‘characteristics of equipment or a device will have to be evaluated. “4 , Ochow. M. Luthfur Rahman

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