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Neil Noronha


Reflection on Water Usage:

On the 2 days that I chose to limit my usage of water, I found myself being
very conscious and careful when and where I used water. As a result, I was barley
successful in using little less than 30 gallons of water over the two days.
As a swimmer, water is something I have access to often and thus staying
thoroughly hydrated is one of my top properties. In this challenge, I was forced to
limit my water intake to only one gallon of water a day which is slightly above the
recommended suggestion for men. Another thing that hindered my success was as I
swim twice a day, I have to take thorough showers to properly wash off the
chlorine. As a result, I had to be very careful and extremely efficient at limiting
how much water was used.
Entering this challenge, I expected changing my personal hygiene habits to
be the most difficult as those activities use the majority of the water. After
completing the challenge, I can conclude and say that my expectations were met,
as just a 2-minute shower took a third of my allowance.
It is undoubted expected that life would drastically be different if my life
was limited to 15 gallons of water a day. In a position where I am privileged
enough to have access freely to water without having to think about it, life would
definitely be different. I would learn and adapt to different and what may be seen
strange ways to conserve and effectively use water. I would have to prioritize
which activities require more water and which activities I need less. Some
activities would have to be completely removed from my lifestyle. I would have to
find ways to save water in every way I can, such as eating on leaves as to save
In conclusion, if my life was limited to 15 gallons of water every day, my
life would have a significant change like my daily routine and it would force me to
be more mindful of water usage, as this completing this challenge has done.

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