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JULY, 2023


This study examined the difference in cocoyam processing skills and

unemployment reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
One research questions and hypotheses was formulated to guide the study. The
design adopted for the study was a survey research design. The population of the
study comprises of all farmers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.. Four
hundred (400) youths were randomly selected as a sample size for the study using
simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire was the major instruments for
data collection. The data generated for the study was analyzed independent t-test
statistical tool. The findings from this study revealed that the availability of the
cocoyam processing skills and its utilization have significantly influenced on the
unemployment reduction among youths.

1.1 Background of the Study
Cocoyam is a tuber crop that is highly valued by the people of Akwa Ibom
State because of its value. Cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) is a tuber crop with broad
leaves attached to long soft stem (Uguru, 2016). Also, it is one of most important
crops in Nigeria. Cocoyam is important, not only as food crop but even more as a
major source of income for households.
Furthermore, cocoyam processing skills, in this context refers to the steps or
processes by which farmers cultivate, harvest and transform or process cocoyam from
raw form to a consumable form and distribute it either in the raw form or consumable
form to the final consumers. This broad process will reduce unemployment among
youths within the study area. In the context of this study, cocoyam processing skill
can be regarded as performance activities needed by farmers in cocoyam production
on commercial basis for making a living in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
According to Sheba and Padmaja (2015) , cocoyam can be processing through
peeling, slicing, boiling, fermenting and sun-drying. Due to the importance of
cocoyam, many farmers especially women engage in its production. It was reported
that the crop when harvested can be fried, boiled or roasted and eaten with oil or
pounded after boiling and eaten with soup as foo-foo. Cocoyam farmers can be helped
to obtain high yield through introduction of modern and effective farm technologies
and improved varieties by the extension services, which bring about expected result to
farmers in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. The aim of this study therefore is to
examine the effects of cocoyam processing skills and unemployment reduction among
youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The demand for cocoyam locally and internationally is higher than his supply
as many households prefer it to other root and tuber crops due to the variety of its uses
like food, thickening soup, production of chips, and flour among others. Most farmers
that produce the crop are old while young ones do not possess the required
competencies for its production thereby leading to the scarcity of the crop. The youth
might be interested in the production of cocoyam especially as the demand for the
crop is high but they find it very difficult to produce the crop due to lack of land,
skills, working tools or equipment and experience in the cocoyam production. It
therefore becomes necessary to examine the different in the cocoyam processing skills
and unemployment reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to examine the different in the cocoyam
processing skills and unemployment reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local
Government Area. Specifically, the study sought to:
(i) Examine the different in the availability of cocoyam processing tools and unemployment
reduction among youths in Nsit Clan and Ubium Clan in Nsit Ubium Local Government
1.4 Research Questions
The following research question was formulated to guide the study:
(ii) Is there any different in the availability of cocoyam processing tools and unemployment
reduction among in Nsit Clan and Ubium Clan in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following research hypothesis was formulated to guide the study
(i) There is no significant difference in the availability of cocoyam processing tools
and unemployment reduction among youth in Nsit clan and Ubium clan.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will be of immense importance to farmers, youths and future researchers
in various ways which include the following:
(i) The study will help the farmers to utilize the available cocoyam processing tools
effectively in reduce unemployment among youth.
(ii) The study will enlighten the youths on the need for government to provide the
necessary cocoyam processing tools that will reduce unemployment among youth.

1.7 Delimitation of the Study

The study was delimited to cocoyam processing skills and unemployment
reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Specifically, the study
focused on the availability of cocoyam processing tools.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Cocoyam Processing Skills: refers to the difference approaches used in cultivation,
extraction, and transformation of cocoyam into food.
Unemployment: this refers the condition of someone who is capable of working,
actively seeking work, but unable to find any work.
Youth: this refers to those persons between the ages of 15 and above years, without
prejudice to other.

2.1 Concept of Cocoyam Processing Skills.

Cocoyam, which is botanically called Colocasia esculenta is one of the most
important foot crops in Nigeria. It has been reported to be the third most important
staple root/tuber crop after yam and cassava in Nigeria (Wilson, and Leon, 2014).
In terms of volume and production, Nigeria is the largest producer in the world,
accounting for about 40% of the total production (Chukwu, 2016). Cocoyam is
important, not only as food crop but even more as a major source of income for
households. It is an annual crop used as food in most parts of the world especially
in Asia and Nigeria. It is an annual tropical plant primarily grown as a root and
leafy vegetable crop for its edible starchy corm, and leaves Okorie (2014).

2.2 Availability of Cocoyam Processing Tools and Unemployment Reduction

among Youths.
Cocoyam production in Nigeria, especially in Nsit Ubium Local Government
Area is cultivated in small scale by farmers who can hardly afford mechanized
tools for cultivation. The subsistent farmers employ the services of simple farm
tools such as hoe, cutlass, shovels and wheel barrows as well as baskets
2.4 Summary of the Review of Related Literature
The related literature reviewed by this study was in the following areas: the
conceptual framework of cocoyam processing skills which helped to direct the
researcher in identifying the availability of cocoyam processing tools. The
literatures reviewed under the different areas of cocoyam processing skills, helped
in focusing the study and also guided the researcher in development of
questionnaire items that was used to collect data from the respondents.

This chapter deals with the methodology and design used for this study.
It was discussed under the following;

3.1 Area of the Study

The study area is in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area. Nsit Ubium Local
Government Area is located within the central of Akwa Ibom State. It shares bounding
with Ibesikpo Asutan, Nsit Ubom and Eket Local Government Areas.

3.2 Research Design

Survey research design was used for the study.
3.3 Population of the Study
The population of this study consisted of all the farmers in Nsit Ubium Local
Government Area. Therefore, five thousand two hundred and seventy four (5,274)
students constituted the population of the study.

3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique

The researcher adopted a simple random sampling technique in selecting the
sample for the study; furthermore, the sample for the study was 400 youths which made
up of farmers from the study area. 200 farmers were drawn from each clan out of the two
(2) the researcher visited in the study area.

3.5 Instrumentation
The instruments for data collection were structured questionnaire and oral

3.6 Validation of the Instrument

The instrument was first of all validated by the researcher’s supervisor and three
others experts and in the department of measurement and evaluation College of
Education, Afaha Nsit. Their inputs were applied for the final production of the

3.7 Administration of Instrument

The researcher actually visited each of the clan selected for the study, obtained
permission from the village head, in order to conduct the study.

3.8 Scoring of Instrument

The method of scoring the instrument was based on four Likert scale of Agree (A)
Disagree (D), Strongly Agree (SA) and Strongly Disagree (SD) respectively from the
3.9 Method of Data Analysis.
The method adopted to analyze the data collected were standard deviation and
independent t-test to test.


This chapter contains data presentation, analysis of results and discussion of

findings. This finding of the study is presented in line with the research hypotheses
that guided the study.

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis

Hypothesis One: There is no significant difference in the

availability of cocoyam processing tools and unemployment reduction among youth
in Nsit clan and Ubium clan.
Table 1: t-test analysis shows the difference in the availability of cocoyam processing
tools and unemployment reduction among youth in Nsit clan and Ubium clan.

Variables N Mean SD df t-cal t-crit Decision

Level of unemployment 100 48.7 27.8
reduction among youth in HO1
Nsit clan 198 4.25 1.96 Rejected
Level of unemployment 100 35.4 25.8
reduction among youth in
Ubium clan
P < .05
From table 1 above, the result of the analysis showed that the standard
deviation in unemployment reduction among youth in Nsit clan was 27.8 while that
of f unemployment reduction among youth in Ubium clan was 25.8. The table also
shows that the calculated t-value 4.25 is greater than the critical t-value 1.96 at 198
degree of freedom (df) and at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypotheses
which stated that there is no significant different in the availability of cocoyam
processing tools and unemployment reduction among youth was rejected in favour
of alternative hypothesis. This means that there is unemployment reduction among
youths in Nsit clan than Ubium Clan where cocoyam processing tools are


5.1 Summary

This study was meant to examine the different in cocoyam processing skills
and unemployment reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government
Area. One research questions and hypotheses was formulated. It review of related
literature was done as a guide in establishing principles for the study. A survey
research design was adopted. The population of the study comprises of all farmers
in the study area. Four hundred (400) youths were randomly selected as a sample
size for the study using simple random sampling technique. Questionnaire was the
major instruments for data collection. The data for the study was analyzed using
independent t-test statistical tool. The findings from this study revealed that the
availability of the cocoyam processing tools significantly influence the
unemployment reduction among youths.

5.2 Recommendations

(i) Youths in the rural location should be well equipped with the skills in processing
(ii) Government should provide adequate cocoyam processing tools in for the
production of cocoyam within the study Are.

5.3 Conclusion

(i) Cocoyam processing skill is one of the major factors that influence unemployment
reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.
(ii) There is a significant different in the availability of cocoyam processing tools and
unemployment reduction among youths in Nsit Ubium Local Government Area.


Chukwu, S. O. (2016). Impact of cocoyam processing facilities in Ekiti State.

Journal of Educational Studies and Review. 2 (1). 2449 – 1837. Onwueme,
N. P. (2014). Availability and Utilization of cocoyam Facilities among
Secondary School Students in Ondo State. Journal of Library Management,
33 (1&2), 86-94.

Okorie V. G. (2014). Relevance of tubers crops and Students academic

Performance. The Emerging of Agricultural Science. American
Psychological Association
Sheba and Padmaja (2015), Availability and utilization of cocoyam processing
skills. National science education standard. National Academy press

Uguru, H. O. (2016). Using Infrastructural Facilities to enhances cocoyam

processing skills. National science education standard. Washington, D.C.
National Academy press.

Wilson and Leon. (2014). The Importance of tubers crops and Students academic
Performance. The Emerging Psychological Perspective

American Psychological Association, 2; 43 – 49.


Section A: Personal Data
Name of Youth: ----------------------------------------------------------
Name of Clan: -----------------------------------------------------------
Local Government Area: --------------------------------------------------
Sex: Male Female
Nsit Clan Ubium Clan
Location: Urban Rural
Section B: Questionnaire items
Instructions: Please tick right (√) at the option as it is applied to you. Note: A = Agree,
SA SD = Strongly Disagree.
Cocoyam Processing Skills and Employment
Reduction among Youths in Nsit Ubium

1. There is cocoyam processing tools in my Local

2 There is reduction of unemployment among youths
due to the large production and processing of
3 Cocoyam is processing into so many forms in my
4 There is availability of cocoyam processing tools in
5 Utilization of cocoyam processing tools reduces
unemployment among youths.
6 Cocoyam can be processed into powder.
7 There is a high demand of cocoyam in my

8 There is a high supply of cocoyam in my place.

9 Our people like eating cocoyam more any other food.

10 The State Government has provided the instrument

used in processing cocoyam.

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