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I. GERUND : ( V + ING )
1. Subject of a sentence
Ex: Reading the story of Kieu is intearesting .
2. Complement of To Be after Subject of Thing + To Be
Ex : My hobby is fishing .
3. After Prepositions
Ex : She is interested in learning English .
Approve of, argue about, complain about, concentrate on, depend on, decide on, feel like, forget about, Look
forward to, insist on, keep on, object to, plan on, rely on, succeed in, think about, worry about
I’m interested in listening to music on the radio. Many overweight people try to lose weight by going on
He’s bored with staying at home day after day. a diet.

Accustomed to, afraid of, ashamed of, capable of, bored with, disappointed in / with, fond of, hopeful of,
intent on, interested in, opposed to, proud of, responsible for, sorry about, successful in, surprised at, tired
from, tired of, worried about, used to.
Police soon get accustomed to arresting criminals. The driver was intent on passing the other car.
Are you capable of completing the work within an hour ?
4. After some verbs : Verbs + Gerund

Admit, avoid, appreciate, defer / delay /postpone/ put off, deny, detest/ dislike, discuss , consider, enjoy,
escape, finish, give up/ quit, imagine, keep, not mind, miss, practise, suggest, prevent, can’t bear, can’t
stand, can't help, ….etc.

5 In some other structures :

can’t help = can’t bear = can’t stand = can’t resist (không thể chịu được)
- it is no good / it is no use (vô ích / không có ích)
- there’s no point in …
- What’s the point of…
- would you mind + V-ing ? (xin ông làm ơn…)
- do you mind + V-ing ? (bạn có phiền không…)
- have trouble (lo lắng, phiền muộn)
- there is no… (không còn cách)
- be use to = get used to = be accustomed to : quen / thích nghi với…
- Have a good time: vui vẻ
- Have a hard time = have difficulty : gặp khó khăn
- S + prefer + V-ing + to + V-ing : thích làm việc gì hơn việc gì khác
* Adjectives + gerund: Be busy + V-ing (bận rộn) be worth + V-ing (đáng ,xứng đáng)
* Những thành ngữ với “go +V-ing”:
Go camping (đi cắm trại) go shopping (đi mua sắm) go swimming
Go dancing (đi khiêu vũ) go fishing (đi câu cá) go sightseeing
1. After modal verbs: can, may, must, …
EX: I must go home now.
2. After had better, would rather, do nothing but, can not..but
EX: He did nothing but complain about his life.
You’d better stay at home today.
3. After caussative verbs:
Make Ex: The teacher makes us do this exercise.
Let + O + V(bare-inf.) Nhưng khi đổi sang bị động ta phải thêm to
Have Ex: We are made to do this exercise
4. Sau các động từ cảm quan: Find/ catch / see / feel / hear / watch / notice / smell/… + V(bare-inf.)
EX: I heard them talk about Lily last night.
+ Nếu chỉ 1 hành động đang diễn ra thì ta dùng V-ing
+ Nếu chỉ hành động đã chấm dứt (chứng kiến toàn bộ sự việc) thì ta dùng Vo
+ Nếu ở thể bị động thì dùng “to + Vo”


1. Subject of the sentence
Ex : To help her is my duty.
To live is to fight
2. Verbs + to - Infinitive
Agree, afford/ appear, arrange, attempt, ask, choose, decide, demand, expect, fail, happen, hope, learn,
manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, threaten, want, wish , would like, intend, tend,
claim, desire, hope, hesitate,…etc.
I decide to study engineering at University We can’t afford to build a new house.
She’s expecting to get a reply from the company. Bob refused to lend me his car
3. verbs + O + to - infinitive
want, ask, tell, request, order, beg, remind, invite, advise, warn,
promise, encourage…
He tells me to send this letter.
The teacher encouraged Lan to join English club.
4. be/ look/ seem/ feel + ADJECTIVE + TO infinitive:
Afraid, ashamed, considerate, disappointed, eager, foolish, fortunate, happy, lucky, pleased, proud, qualified ,
ready, sorry, surprised, angry, prepared, glad , proud
I’m afraid to drive alone at night. Citizens ought to feel lucky to be able to vote.
Were you disappointed not to win the race ? He was not at all surprised to hear the news.
5. After the verb TO BE
Ex : We are to pass the next exam.
My purpose is to win the next English competition.
6. After Noun(Infinitive of Purpose): TO / IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO + V(bare infinitive )
Ex : There are lots of things to do today.
Ex : He studies hard so as to pass the entrance examination.


➢ Without changing in meaning : Start, begin , continue , intend ), like, love, hate, prefer
It began to rain when I went to school. It began raining when I went to school
When did you start learning English ? When did you start to learn English ?
It began raining heavily. or It began to rain heavily.
Does Pam continue writing to you ? Does Pam continue to write to you ?
He intended making a film for children He intended to make a film for children.
VERBS + GERUND or INFINITIVE ( Cho ý nghĩa khác nhau)
Stop doing st Dừng việc gì lại He stopped smoking three years ago. ( He doesn’t
smoke any more now.)
Stop to do st Dừng lại để làm gì He stopped to smoke a cigarette. ( He stopped
working in order to smoke ).
try doing st Thử You should try taking these tablets, ( try = thưû )
try to do st Cố gắng You should try to study harder. ( try = cố gắng)
forget/ remember Quên/nhớ đã làm gì (V đã xãy ra I remember sending a postcard to my parents
doing st trước remember, forget, regret) yesterday.
He remembers meeting you when he was in France. ( He met
forget/remember Quên/nhớ làm gì ( To-inf xảy ra Don't forget to wash the dishes.
to do st sau remember, forget, regret) Remember to sent me a letter when you arrive in Ho Chi
Minh city. ( you will send.)
regret doing st Tiếc đã làm gì She regretted not coming your birthday party. So she felt bored
regret to do st Lấy làm tiếc phải làm gì I regret to inform you that you've failed your exam.
need to do st Cần làm gì (nghĩa chủ động) You need to practise English every day.( = You have
to practise English every day).
need doing st Cần được làm gì(nghĩa bị động Your shirt needs washing .It smells. ( = Your shirt
=need to be done needs to be washed ).
go on doing Tiếp tục làm việc gì đó The teacher told everyone to be quiet, but they just
= to continue doing st went on talking
go on to do Tiếp tục làm công việc tiếp The teacher introduced herself and went on to
theo( việc khác) explain the course.
like doing Sở thích lâu dài I like fishing
like to do thích vì nghĩ rằng nó tốt, ý thích I like to do my job well.
nhất thời
➢ would like + to- inf; feel like + V-ing (ước có ) = wish for
Allow = permit V-ing
Advise = recommend O + to-inf.
I permit you to go out. I permit going out
➢ SEE. SMELL, NOTICE , OBSERVE , TASTE, FEEL, OVERHEAR , HEAR , WATCH + O + VERB: khi chứng kiến toàn bộ sự việc
➢ SEE. SMELL, NOTICE, OBSERVE , TASTE, FEEL, OVERHEAR , HEAR, WATCH + O + VERB - ING: khi chứng kiến một phần sự
việc đang diễn ra.
I saw someone get into Tom's house yesterday.
She heard him playing guitar. It's really great, but she must go away
I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form : GERUND or INFINITIVE .( In some sentences, both
forms are correct ).
1. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind……………………………………………….( wait ) for you.
2. My father gave up …………………………………………….( smoke ) three years ago.
3. Would you mind ………………………………………..( keep ) silent ? I’m trying
………………………………………………( study ).
4. I always try to avoid………………………………………( borrow ) money from my friends.
5. The traffic was very heavy this morning, but I managed ………………………………..( get ) to school on
6. Could you please stop ……………………………………….( make ) so much noise ?
7. I’ve put off …………………………………( write ) the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
8. Sarah gave up ………………………( try ) to find a job in this country and decided………………( go )
9. You can’t stop me ………………………..( do ) what I want.
10. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford……………………………………( go ) out very often.
11. My mother can’t stand……………………………………( stay ) at home without doing anything.
12. How long have you been able……………………………………………(swim), John ?
13. You must promise…………………………………………….( not / be ) late again.
14. When I saw her in that funny hat, I couldn’t help……………………………………( laugh).
15. They refused………………………………………………..( lend ) him the money although he needed it
16. Please, don’t forget………………………………………………( post ) the letter for me today ! It’s urgent.
26. However, she did not plan…………………………………( be ) a secretary all her life.
27. But she couldn’t imagine……………………………..( do ) the same job for years and years.
28. The only thing that prevented her from………………………………….( study ) law was a lack of time and
29. She often remembered ……………………………..( talk ) to her father before he became ill.
30. You must remember …………………………………( buy ) some sugar. We haven’t got any now.
31. Did you remember……………………………………..( post ) the letter for me this morning ?
32. Don’t forget………………………………………………..( wake ) me up before six o’clock tomorrow.
33. I am looking forward to …………………………………………… (see) you.
34. He is tired of …………………………………………… ( walk ) to school.
35. I arranged …………………………………………… (meet) them here.
36. He urged us …………………………………………… (work) faster.
37. I wish…………………………………………… (see) the manager.
38. It's no use …………………………………………… (wait).
39. He warned her…………………………………………… (not touch) the wire.
40. Don't forget…………………………………………… (lock) the door before (go) to bed.
41. My mother told me …………………………………………… (not speak) to anyone about it.
42. He tried…………………………………………… (explain) but she refused (listen).
43. At dinner she annoyed me by…………………………………………… (smoke) between the courses.
44. You are expected …………………………………………… (know) the safety regulations of the college.
45. That was a very strange question…………………………………………… (ask)
46. It was very kind of you …………………………………………… (show) the way.
47. I overheard him …………………………………………… (say) that he didn’t want to learn Math.
48.I don’t remember (tell) ............................ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations.
49.Ms Drake expects (consult) .............................. about any revisions in her manuscript before it is printed.
50.Tommy admitted (throw) ...................... the rock through the window.
51. Most people enjoy (travel) ........................... to different parts of the world.
52. May I change the TV channel, or do you want (watch) ....................... more of this programme?
53.That was a very strange question (ask) ........................... .
54.It was very kind of you (show)................................. the way.
55. The teacher let him (stay) ..................... at home to finish the assignment.
56.It was quite a surprise (see) .............................. him again.
57.I overheard him (say) ..................... that he didn’t want to learn Math.
58.She stood there and watched him (drive) ............................. away.
59.It was very difficult for her (drive)............................ the motorbike.
60.I could feel the robber (come) ............................. from the backdoor.
61.It is easy (see) ......................... animals on the road in daylight.
62.I asked him (explain) ..................... but he refused (say) ..................... any thing.
63.It is pleasant (sit) ........................... by the fire at night.
64.There was no way of (get) ................ out of the building except by (climb) ............ down a rope.
65.It’s no good (write) .......................... to him; he never answers letters.
66.Ask him (come) ............................... in. Don’t keep him (stand) .......................... at the door.
67.We watched the children (jump) ..... from a window and (fall) .......... into a blanket held by people below.
68.It is very pleasant (wake) ............... up and (hear) .............. the rain (beat) ................ on the windows.
69. They denied……………………………..the money. ( steal )
70. I can’t afford………………………………out tonight. I haven’t got enough money. ( go )
71. Can you remind me…………………………..some coffee when we go out ? ( buy )
72. Please stop…………………………….me questions! ( ask )
73. I refuse……………………………any more questions. ( answer )
74. One of the boys admitted…………………………the window. ( break )
75. The boy’s father promised…………………………for the window to be repaired. ( pay )
76. Ann was having dinner when the phone rang. She didn’t answer the phone, she just carried on ……(eat)
77. “ How did the thief get into the house ? “ “ I forgot………………..the window. ( shut )
II. Rewrite the following sentences , using the given words in brackets
69. They arrived home late. ( he saw )
70. . She didn’t want to stay there fore the weekend. ( They made her )
71. . The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment. ( The teacher let )
72. The boy ran away from the house. ( She noticed )
73. He said that he didn’t want to learn Math. ( I overhear )
74. . The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. ( The police made )
75. He left the house early this morning. ( I heard )
76. He drove away. ( She stood there and watched )
77. The robber came from the back door. ( I could feel )
78.. May be the school will ask me to pay some extra money. ( Do you think the school will make )

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