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ARTICLE VI accomplish. The requirement is satisfied if all the

LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT parts of the statute are related, and are
germane to the subject matter expressed in the
SECTION 26. title, or as long as they are not inconsistent
(1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall embrace only with or foreign to the general subject and
one subject which shall be expressed in the title thereof. title. 2
● An act having a single general subject, indicated
a. What is the purpose of Sec. 26 (1)?
in the title, may contain any number of
De Guzman v. COMELEC (G.R. No. 129118) provisions, no matter how diverse they may be,
The objectives of Section 26(1), Article VI of the 1987 so long as they are not inconsistent with or
Constitution, that "[e]very bill passed by the Congress foreign to the general subject, and may be
shall embrace only one subject which shall be expressed considered in furtherance of such subject by
in the title thereof", are: providing for the method and means of carrying
out the general object." 3
1. To prevent hodge-podge or log-rolling legislation; ● The rule also is that the constitutional
2. To prevent surprise or fraud upon the legislature by requirement as to the title of a bill should not be
means of provisions in bills of which the titles gave no so narrowly construed as to cripple or impede
information, and which might therefore be overlooked the power of legislation. 4 It should be given
and carelessly and unintentionally adopted; and practical rather than technical construction.
3. To fairly apprise the people, through such publication
of legislative proceedings as is usually made, of the The constitutional provision prohibits the passage
subjects of legislation that are being considered, in order of two classes of bills:
that they may have opportunity of being heard thereon 1. A bill containing riders (Section 25.2) Read free for 60
by petition or otherwise if they shall so desire.7 days
2. A bill which embodies different subjects.
Section 26(1) of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution is
sufficiently complied with where, as in this case, the title Exceptions to the requirement:
is comprehensive enough to embrace the general 1. Local ordinances as they do not partake of the nature
objective it seeks to achieve, and if all the parts of the of laws.
statute are related and germane to the subject matter 2. Proper codifications and revisions of statutes.
embodied in the title or so long as the same are not
inconsistent with or foreign to the general subject and (2) No bill passed by either House shall become a law
title.8 Section 44 of RA 8189 is not isolated considering unless it has passed three readings on separate days, and
that it is related and germane to the subject matter printed copies thereof in its final form have been
stated in the title of the law. The title of RA 8189 is "The distributed to its Members three days before its passage,
Voter’s Registration Act of 1996" with a subject matter except when the President certifies to the necessity of its
immediate enactment to meet a public calamity or
enunciated in the explanatory note as "AN ACT
emergency. Upon the last reading of a bill, no amendment
thereto shall be allowed, and the vote thereon shall be
VOTERS, ADOPTING A SYSTEM OF CONTINUING taken immediately thereafter, and the yeas and nays
OF FUNDS THEREFOR." Section 44, which provides for Purpose of three readings of bill:
the reassignment of election officers, is relevant to the 1. To prevent hasty and improvident legislation and the
subject matter of registration as it seeks to ensure the railroading of bills.
integrity of the registration process by providing a 2. To compel the careful examination of proposed law.
guideline for the COMELEC to follow in the
reassignment of election officers. It is not an alien Purpose of yeas and nays in the journal:
provision but one which is related to the conduct and 1. To fix upon each member the responsibility for his
procedure of continuing registration of voters. In this action in legislation.
regard, it bears stressing that the Constitution does not 2. To furnish conclusive evidence whether the bill has
require Congress to employ in the title of an enactment, been passed by the requisite majority or not.
language of such precision as to mirror, fully index or
catalog, all the contents and the minute details therein.

b. What is hedge-podge or log-rolling legislation?

Refers to any legislation that has several subjects on
unrelated matters combined together.

● It is not necessary that the title express each

and every end that the statute wishes to


3. The Committee approves the Committee Report

and formally transmits the same to the Plenary
Affairs Bureau.

A. The Committee Report is registered and
numbered by the Bills and Index Service. It is
included in the Order of Business and referred to
the Committee on Rules.
B. The Committee on Rules schedules the bill for
consideration on Second Reading.
C. On Second Reading, the Secretary General
reads the number, title and text of the bill and
the following takes place:
a. Period of Sponsorship and Debate
Definition of terms: b. Period of Amendments
BILL is a draft of a law submitted to the consideration of c. Voting which may be by:
a legislative body for its adoption. i. viva voce
ii. count by tellers
iii. division of the House; or
Statute is the written will of legislature as an organized
iv. nominal voting
body expressed according to the form necessary to
constitute it into law; act. - It is now the draft of the Bill.

How are statutes identified: 5. THIRD READING

1. Serial numbers (Republic Act No. 386) 1. The amendments, if any, are engrossed and
printed copies of the bill are reproduced for Third
2. Special titles (Civil Code of the Philippines)
3. Enactments by the Batasang Pambansa (Batasang 2. The engrossed bill is included in the Calendar of
Pambansa BIg. 25) Bills for Third Reading and copies of the same
are distributed to all the Members three days
LEGISLATIVE PROCESS - How A Bill Becomes A before its Third Reading.
Law 3. On Third Reading, the Secretary General
reads only the number and title of the bill.
1. PREPARATION OF THE BILL 4. A roll call or nominal voting is called and a
The Member or the Bill Drafting Division of the Member, if he desires, is given three minutes to
Reference and Research Bureau prepares and drafts explain his vote. No amendment on the bill is
the bill upon the Member's request. allowed at this stage.
a. The bill is approved by an affirmative
2. FIRST READING vote of a majority of the Members
1. The bill is filed with the Bills and Index Service present.
and the same is numbered and reproduced. b. If the bill is disapproved, the same is
2. Three days after its filing, the same is included transmitted to the Archives.
in the Order of Business for First Reading.
3. On First Reading, the Secretary General 6. TRANSMITTAL OF THE APPROVED BILL TO THE
reads the title and number of the bill. The SENATE
Speaker refers the bill to the appropriate The approved bill is transmitted to the Senate for its
Committee/s. concurrence.


1. The Committee where the bill was referred to HOUSE
evaluates it to determine the necessity of The bill undergoes the same legislative process in the
conducting public hearings. Senate.
If the Committee finds it necessary to conduct
public hearings, it schedules the time thereof, 8. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Bicameral)
issues public notice and invites resource 1. A Conference Committee is constituted and is
persons from the public and private sectors, the composed of Members from each House of
academe and experts on the proposed Congress to settle, reconcile or thresh out
legislation. differences or disagreements on any
If the Committee finds that no public hearing is provision of the bill.
not needed, it schedules the bill for Committee 2. The conferees are not limited to reconciling the
discussion/s. differences in the bill but may introduce new
2. Based on the result of the public hearings or provisions germane to the subject matter or
Committee discussions, the Committee may may report out an entirely new bill on the
introduce amendments, consolidate bills on the subject.
same subject matter, or propose a substitute bill. 3. The Conference Committee prepares a report to
It then prepares the corresponding committee be signed by all the conferees and the
report. Discuss, kill or improve the Bill. Chairman.


4. The Conference Committee Report is Pocket veto, the killing of legislation by a chief
submitted for consideration/approval of both executive through a failure to act within a specified
Houses. No amendment is allowed. period following the adjournment of the legislature. In the
United States, if the president does not sign a bill within
- It is now an Enrolled Bill.
10 days of its passage by Congress, it automatically
9. TRANSMITTAL OF THE BILL TO THE PRESIDENT becomes law. However, if Congress adjourns within the
Copies of the bill, signed by the Senate President and 10-day period and the president does not sign the bill, it
the Speaker of the House of Representatives and is automatically vetoed, and the veto is absolute. The
certified by both the Secretary of the Senate and the latter action is referred to as a pocket veto.
Secretary General of the House, are transmitted to the
Veto power of President:
● Every bill, in order to become a law, must be
presented to and signed by the President.
1. If the bill is approved by the President, the same
● If the President does not approve of the bill, he
is assigned an RA number and transmitted to
shall veto the same and return it with his
the House where it originated.
objections to the House from which it originated.
2. If the bill is vetoed, the same, together with a
The House shall enter the objections in the
message citing the reason for the veto, is
Journal and proceed to reconsider it.
transmitted to the House where the bill
● The President must communicate his decision to
veto within 30 days from the date of receipt
thereof. If he fails to do so, the bill shall become
Certification by the Presidents
a law as if he signed it.
What are the effects? (when there is an urgent or
● This rule eliminates the ‘pocket veto’ whereby
the President would simply refuse to act on the
● Printed Form
● 3 Readings
● To OVERRIDE the veto, at least 2/3 of ALL the
members of each House must agree to pass the
bill. In such a case, the veto is overridden and
The bill is reproduced and copies are sent to the Official
becomes a law without need of presidential
Gazette Office for publication and distribution to the
implementing agencies. It is then included in the annual
● The power of the president to veto is only
compilation of Acts and Resolutions.
applicable to BILLS; hence, he may no
longer veto a law by which he vetoed before
but was overridden by the Congress.
The message is included in the Order of Business. If the
Congress decides to override the veto, the House and
General Rule: the president must veto the entire bill.
the Senate shall proceed separately to reconsider the bill
Exceptions: Appropriation, revenue or tariff bill.
or the vetoed items of the bill. If the bill or its vetoed
items is passed by a vote of two-thirds of the Members
General Veto
of each House, such bill or items shall become a law.
● Veto of an entire bill.
● Veto
Item veto
● Approve
The President may veto particular items in an:
● Sit-on-it (the lapse of 30 days)
● Appropriations (allotment of budget or
authorizes the government to withdraw funds
NOTE: A joint resolution having the force and effect of a
from the government)
law goes through the same process.
● Revenue (tax)
● Tariff bill (customs)
SECTION 27. (1) Every bill passed by the Congress This veto will not affect items to which he does not
shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the object.
President. If he approves the same, he shall sign it;
otherwise, he shall veto it and return the same with his
objections to the House where it originated, which shall Type of Bill Item
enter the objections at large in its Journal and proceed to
reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration, two-thirds of Revenue/Tax Bill Subject of the tax and the
all the Members of such House shall agree to pass the tax rate imposed thereon
bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the
other House by which it shall likewise be reconsidered,
and if approved by two-thirds of all the Members of that Appropriations Bill Indivisible sum dedicated
House, it shall become a law. In all such cases, the to a stated purpose
votes of each House shall be determined by yeas or
nays, and the names of the Members voting for or Appropriate Provision
against shall be entered in its Journal. The President ● Items only.
shall communicate his veto of any bill to the House ● Related or attached to an item can also be
where it originated within thirty days after the date of vetoed by the President.
receipt thereof; otherwise, it shall become a law as if he
had signed it. Inappropriate Provision
● Unrelated or not germane to an item.

(5) No law shall be passed authorizing any transfer of

De Lima Provision appropriations; however, the President, the President of
● Incarceration of De Lima. the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Resolution Bill Court, and the heads of Constitutional Commissions
may, by law, be authorized to augment any item in the
Cannot be a bill nor be a Only a bill can turn into a general appropriations law for their respective offices
law. Even if it follows the law under the
from savings in other items of their respective
same rule on how a bill Constitution.
can become a law. appropriations.
Cannot change the rule
of the bill without
Executive Legislative Judiciary
amending the
President Senate & House Chief of Justice
Publication Representatives
● Signed
● Vetoed or overridden
● 30 days ● Cross-border transfer is not allowed.
● There must be an item for there to be an
It must be published first to become a law in the Official augmentation (increase).
Gazette or newspaper of general circulation. ● Such branches can only transfer their savings
within their office.
Veto of RIDER
● A rider is a provision which does not relate to a
**issue on the OVP’s confidential fund.
particular appropriation stated in the bill.
● Since it is an invalid provision under Section
25(2), the President may veto it as an item. (6) Discretionary funds appropriated for particular
officials shall be disbursed only for public purposes to be
Specific limitations on legislation supported by appropriate vouchers and subject to such
● No law shall be enacted increasing the Supreme guidelines as may be prescribed by law.
Court’s appellate jurisdiction without the SC’s
(7) If, by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress shall
advice and concurrence.
● No law shall be enacted granting titles of royalty
have failed to pass the general appropriations bill for the
or nobility ensuing fiscal year, the general appropriations law for
the preceding fiscal year shall be deemed reenacted and
SECTION 24. All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills, shall remain in force and effect until the general
bills authorizing increase of the public debt, bills of local appropriations bill is passed by the Congress.
application, and private bills shall originate exclusively in
the House of Representatives, but the Senate may SECTION 23.
propose or concur with amendments. (1) The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of both
● HB and SB must be germane. Houses in a joint session assembled, voting separately,
shall have the sole power to declare the existence of a
(1) The Congress may not increase the appropriations (2) In times of war or other national emergency, the
recommended by the President for the operation of the Congress may, by law, authorize the President, for a
Government as specified in the budget. The form, limited period and subject to such restrictions as it may
content, and manner of preparation of the budget shall prescribe, to exercise powers necessary and proper to
be prescribed by law. carry out a declared national policy. Unless sooner
● They can, however, decrease it. withdrawn by resolution of the Congress, such powers
shall cease upon the next adjournment thereof.
(2) No provision or enactment shall be embraced in the
general appropriations bill unless it relates specifically to 1. Who can declare a state of war and a state of
some particular appropriation therein. Any such emergency?
provision or enactment shall be limited in its operation to
the appropriation to which it relates. State of War State of Emergency
(3) The procedure in approving appropriations for the
Congress shall strictly follow the procedure for approving Who can declare: Who can declare:
appropriations for other departments and agencies. CONGRESS PRESIDENT
(4) A special appropriations bill shall specify the purpose
for which it is intended, and shall be supported by funds Purpose: Purpose:
1. International law 1. Military
actually available as certified by the National Treasurer,
2. Delegation 2. Delegation
or to be raised by a corresponding revenue proposed


**only the CONGRESS, may however, DELEGATE

SUCH POWERS THROUGH ENACTMENT OF A LAW. Nor can the seizure order be sustained because of
the several constitutional provisions that grant
DAVID V. ARROYO executive power to the President. In the framework of
our Constitution, the President’s power to see that the
Clearly, they did not intend that Congress should laws are faithfully executed refutes the idea that he is to
first authorize the President before he can declare a be a lawmaker. The Constitution limits his functions
"state of national emergency." The logical in the lawmaking process to the recommending of
conclusion then is that President Arroyo could laws he thinks wise and the vetoing of laws he
validly declare the existence of a state of national thinks bad.
emergency even in the absence of a Congressional
enactment. RA 11469
Republic Act 11469 was signed into law on 23 March
But the exercise of emergency powers, such as the 2020 (also known by its short title as the Bayanihan to
taking over of privately owned public utility or Heal as One Act) declaring a national health emergency
business affected with public interest, is a different throughout the Philippines as a result of the COVID-19
matter. This requires a delegation from Congress. situation. In it Congress authorizes the President to
exercise the necessary special powers, for a limited time
However, knowing that during grave emergencies, it may and subject to certain restrictions, to address a problem
not be possible or practicable for Congress to meet and that poses a clear and present danger to the people.
exercise its powers, the Framers of our Constitution
deemed it wise to allow Congress to grant emergency 3. Republic Act No. 6826 December 20, 1989
powers to the President, subject to certain conditions. AN ACT TO DECLARE, IN VIEW OF THE EXISTENCE
Section 17. In times of national emergency, when the IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND TO AUTHORIZE
public interest so requires, the State may, during the THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE
emergency and under reasonable terms prescribed by it, PHILIPPINES FOR A LIMITED PERIOD AND SUBJECT
temporarily take over or direct the operation of any TO RESTRICTIONS, TO EXERCISE POWERS
privately-owned public utility or business affected with NECESSARY AND PROPER TO CARRY OUT THE
● must be understood as an aspect of the
emergency powers clause. The taking over of 2. How is it delegated?
private business affected with public interest is It is delegated through enactment of law.
just another facet of the emergency powers ● 3 readings
generally reposed upon Congress. Thus, when ● Publication in the official gazette or newspaper
Section 17 states that the State may, during the of general circulation
emergency and under reasonable terms ● Sign by the President
prescribed by it, temporarily take over or direct
the operation of any privately owned public utility Vote requirement: (to declare the existence of a state of
or business affected with public interest," it war)
refers to Congress, not the President. Now, 1. 2/3 of both Houses, in joint session
whether or not the President may exercise such 2. Voting separately
power is dependent on whether Congress
may delegate it to him pursuant to a law Emergency powers:
prescribing the reasonable terms thereof. ● During times of war or other national emergency,
Congress may, BY LAW, authorize the President
The order cannot properly be sustained as an to exercise powers necessary and proper to
exercise of the President’s military power as carry out a declared national policy.
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The
Government attempts to do so by citing a number of Limitations:
cases upholding broad powers in military commanders (1) There must be a war or other emergency.
engaged in day-to-day fighting in a theater of war. Such (2) The delegation must be for a limited period only.
cases need not concern us here. Even though "theater (3) The delegation must be subject to such restrictions
of war" is an expanding concept, we cannot with as the Congress may prescribe.
faithfulness to our constitutional system hold that (4) The emergency powers must be exercised to carry
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces has out a national policy declared by Congress.
the ultimate power as such to take possession of
private property in order to keep labor disputes from Expiration of emergency powers
stopping production. This is a job for the nation’s ● By resolution of Congress, or
lawmakers, not for its military authorities.

- to revoke the EP which cannot be (3) All money collected on any tax levied for a special
vetoed by the president since it is not a purpose shall be treated as a special fund and paid out
bill. for such purpose only. If the purpose for which a special
- The congress can promulgate their fund was created has been fulfilled or abandoned, the
rules, such that, they can also abandon balance, if any, shall be transferred to the general funds
their rules. of the Government.
● Upon the next adjournment of Congress SECTION 30. No law shall be passed increasing the
- The second recess. appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court as provided
in this Constitution without its advice and concurrence.
Araneta v. Dinglasan
The president issued several executive orders in regards SECTION 31. No law granting a title of royalty or nobility
to the state of emergency during WWII. However, such shall be enacted.
EOs should be for a temporary period only, in the said
case, the president still has the said powers which SECTION 32. The Congress shall, as early as possible,
cannot be because the Congress is already in session. provide for a system of initiative and referendum, and
● Emergency, in order to justify the delegation of the exceptions therefrom, whereby the people can
emergency powers, “must be temporary or it can directly propose and enact laws or approve or reject any
not be said to be an emergency.” It is to be act or law or part thereof passed by the Congress or
presumed that Commonwealth Act No. 671 was local legislative body after the registration of a petition
approved with this limitation in view. therefor signed by at least ten per centum of the total
number of registered voters, of which every legislative
Rodriguez v. Gella district must be represented by at least three per centum
They passed a law to revoke the emergency powers of of the registered voters thereof.
the president. But it was then vetoed by the president.
● It is unconstitutional because such emergency
powers are only for a limited time. Otherwise, ARTICLE VII
the president will have unlimited powers. THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT

**it should be harder to give but easier to withdraw. SECTION 1. The executive power shall be vested in the
President of the Philippines.
SECTION 28. (1) The rule of taxation shall be uniform
and equitable. The Congress shall evolve a progressive 1. Role of the executive - what is Executive Power?
system of taxation.
(2) The Congress may, by law, authorize the President to a. Power of control over the executive branch
fix within specified limits, and subject to such limitations The President of the Philippines has the mandate of
and restrictions as it may impose, tariff rates, import and control over all the executive departments, bureaus, and
export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and other offices. This includes restructuring, reconfiguring, and
duties or imposts within the framework of the national appointments of their respective officials. The
development program of the Government. Administrative Code also provides for the President to
(3) Charitable institutions, churches and parsonages or be responsible for the abovementioned offices’ strict
convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-profit implementation of laws.
cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, and improvements,
actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious, b. Power ordinance power
charitable, or educational purposes shall be exempt from The President of the Philippines has the power to give
taxation. executive issuances, which are means to streamline the
(4) No law granting any tax exemption shall be passed policy and programs of an administration.
without the concurrence of a majority of all the Members
of the Congress. There are six issuances that the President may
issue. They are the following as defined in the
SECTION 29. (1) No money shall be paid out of the Administrative Code of 1987:
Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made
by law. Executive orders — Acts of the President providing for
(2) No public money or property shall be appropriated, rules of a general or permanent character in
applied, paid, or employed, directly or indirectly, for the implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory
use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, powers shall be promulgated in executive orders.
denomination, sectarian institution, or system of religion, Administrative orders — Acts of the President which
or of any priest, preacher, minister, or other religious relate to particular aspects of governmental operations in
teacher, or dignitary as such, except when such priest, pursuance of his duties as the administrative head shall
preacher, minister, or dignitary is assigned to the armed be promulgated in administrative orders.
forces, or to any penal institution, or government Proclamations — Acts of the President fixing a date or
orphanage or leprosarium. declaring a status or condition of public moment or

interest, upon the existence of which the operation of a Power of eminent domain — The President shall
specific law or regulation is made to depend, shall be determine when it is necessary or advantageous to
promulgated in proclamations which shall have the force exercise the power of eminent domain in behalf of the
of an executive order. national government, and direct the solicitor general,
Memorandum orders — Acts of the President on whenever he deems the action advisable, to institute
matters of administrative detail, or of subordinate or expropriation proceedings in the proper court.
temporary interest which only concern a particular officer
or government office shall be embodied in memorandum Power to direct escheat or reversion proceedings —
orders. The President shall direct the solicitor general to institute
Memorandum circulars — Acts of the President on escheat or reversion proceedings over all lands
matters relating to internal administration, which the transferred or assigned to persons disqualified under the
President desires to bring to the attention of all or some constitution to acquire land.
of the departments, agencies, bureaus, or offices of the
government, for information or compliance, shall be Power to reserve lands of the public and private
embodied in memorandum circulars. domain of the government —
General or special orders — Acts and commands of (1) The president shall have the power to reserve for
the President in his capacity as commander-in-chief of settlement or public use, and for specific public
the Armed Forces of the Philippines shall be issued as purposes, any of the lands of the public domain, the use
general or special orders. of which is not otherwise directed by law. The reserved
land shall thereafter remain subject to the specific public
**It is important to note that during the term of President purpose indicated until otherwise provided by law or
Ferdinand E. Marcos, he used executive issuances proclamation.
known as presidential decrees as a form of legislation. (2) He shall also have the power to reserve from sale or
These decrees have the full force and effect of laws other disposition and for specific public uses or
because at the time the legislature did not exist and, purposes, any land belonging to the private domain of
when the 1973 Constitution was put into full force and the government, or any of the friar lands, the use of
effect, it gave the power to the President to do as such. which is not otherwise directed by law, and thereafter
This continued until the first year of President Corazon such land shall be used for the purposes specified by
C. Aquino’s term. However, President Aquino opted to such proclamation until otherwise provided by law.
used executive orders instead of presidential decrees.
President Aquino’s executive orders, however, still had Power over ill-gotten wealth — The President shall
the full force and effect of laws until the ratification of the direct the solicitor general to institute proceedings to
1987 Constitution. recover properties unlawfully acquired by public officials
or employees, from them or from their nominees or
c. Power over aliens transferees.
The President of the Philippines has certain powers over
non-Filipinos in the Philippines. The powers he may e. Power of appointment
exercise over foreigners in the country are as follows: The President may appoint officials of the Philippine
● The chief executive may have an alien in the government as provided by the constitution and laws of
Philippines deported from the country after due the Philippines. Some of these appointments, however,
process. may need the approval of the Committee on
● The President may change the status of a Appointments (a committee composed of members from
foreigner, as prescribed by law, from a the House of Representatives and the Senate of the
non-immigrant status to a permanent resident Philippines).
status without necessity of visa.
● The President may choose to overrule the Board f. Power of general supervision over local
of Commissioners of the Bureau of Immigration governments
before their decision becomes final and The President of the Philippines, as chief executive, has
executory (after 30 days of the issuance of the the mandate to supervise local governments in the
decision). The Board of Commissioners of the Philippines, despite their autonomous status as provided
Bureau of Immigration has jurisdiction over all by Republic Act No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local
deportation cases. Government Code of 1991.
● The president is also mandated by the
Administrative Code of 1987 to exercise powers Traditionally, this is done by the Department of the
as recognized by the generally accepted Interior and Local Government, headed by a cabinet
principles of international law. secretary—an alter ego of the President.

d. Powers of eminent domain, escheat, land g. Other powers

reservation and recovery of ill-gotten wealth Aside from the aforementioned powers of the President
of the Philippines, he can also exercise powers


enumerated in the constitution, and powers given to him In the instant case, Act No. 2868 was enacted by the
by law. Legislature. By its terms and provisions, certain duties were
thrust upon the Governor-General. He had a legal right to
assume that the law was valid, and in the exercise of his
The doctrine of qualified political agency essentially
discretion, he undertook to enforce the law and to carry out its
postulates that the heads of the various executive
terms and provisions.
departments are the alter egos of the President, and,
thus, the actions taken by such heads in the
Ople v. Torres
performance of their official duties are deemed the acts A.O. No. 308, or the ADOPTION OF A NATIONAL
of the President unless the President himself should COMPUTERIZED IDENTIFICATION REFERENCE SYSTEM,
disapprove such acts. was issued by President Fidel V. Ramos on December 12,
● The secretaries of the Cabinet. 1996.
● The doctrine has been adopted here out of
practical necessity, considering that the On January 24, 1997, petitioner filed the instant petition
President cannot be expected to personally against respondents, then Executive Secretary Ruben Torres
and the heads of the government agencies, who as members
perform the multifarious functions of the
of the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee, are charged with
executive office.
the implementation of A.O. No. 308. On April 8, 1997, we
issued a temporary restraining order enjoining its
**faithful execution of laws** implementation.

2. Can the president refuse to enforce a law on the The petition at bar is a commendable effort on the part of
ground that it is, in his opinion, unconstitutional? Senator Blas F. Ople to prevent the shrinking of the right to
- NO. privacy, which the revered Mr. Justice Brandeis considered as
"the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by
civilized men."
Moon v. Harrison
The defendants, pursuant to Act No. 2868 of the Philippine
Petitioner Ople prays that we invalidate Administrative Order
Legislature and pursuant to Executive Orders No. 56 and 67
No. 308 entitled "Adoption of a National Computerized
issued by authority of said Act, have seized the said 2,330½
Identification Reference System" on two important
kilos of Siam rice of plaintiff and deprived him of it, for the
constitutional grounds, viz:
purpose of distribution to the public at large; that said seizure
was made without compensation to plaintiff, although
● it is a usurpation of the power of Congress to
defendants have promised to pay there for at the rate of
legislate; and
P16.25, Philippine currency, a cavan and no more, which price
● it impermissibly intrudes on our citizenry's protected
is below the reasonable value of the rice and is unjust; that
zone of privacy. We grant the petition for the rights
payment at said rate does not constitute just compensation
sought to be vindicated by the petitioner need
and a seizure under the circumstances alleged constitutes a
stronger barriers against further erosion.
confiscation of private property contrary to the fundamental
and organic law of the Philippine Islands and an invasion of
1. WON the establishment of AO No 308 by the President is
those constitutional rights that no one may be deprived of his
unconstitutional as it is a usurpation of the legislative powers of
property except by due process of law and with just
the Congress?
compensation; that the just and reasonable value of the rice
seized as aforesaid in Manila at the time of said seizure was
with respect to the Siam rice mentioned P26.32 per cavan. Held:
As head of the Executive Department, the President is
1. Whether or Not the enforcement of Act No. 2868 is valid. the Chief Executive. He represents the government as a
2. May the Chief Executive refuse to enforce a law on the whole and sees to it that all laws are enforced by the
ground that in his opinion it is unconstitutional? officials and employees of his department. 18 He has
control over the executive department, bureaus and
Held: offices. This means that he has the authority to assume
1. Yes, it is assumed that in the commission of the alleged directly the functions of the executive department,
acts, the Governor-General was acting in his official capacity,
bureau and office or interfere with the discretion of its
and was engaged in the performance of a duty enjoined upon
him by the Legislature of the Philippine Islands. They were
only exercising their function provided by the act.
Administrative power is concerned with the work of
2. No. Otherwise, he will be violating the doctrine of separation applying policies and enforcing orders as determined by
of powers because by doing so, he will be claiming the power proper governmental organs. 21 It enables the President
to interpret the law, not merely to implement it. to fix a uniform standard of administrative efficiency and
By the organic law, it is the duty of the legislature to make the check the official conduct of his agents. 22 To this end, he
law; of the executive to enforce; and of the courts to construe can issue administrative orders, rules and regulations.
the law. The courts only have the power to declare a law
unconstitutional. In the very nature of things, it is not the duty
Prescinding from these precepts, we hold that A.O. No.
of the Governor to say whether a law is or is not constitutional.
It is his duty to enforce the law until such time as it has legally 308 involves a subject that is not appropriate to be
been declared unconstitutional. covered by an administrative order. An administrative
order is:

Sec. 3. Administrative Orders. — Acts of the authenticity and due execution thereof in the manner
President which relate to particular aspects of provided by law, canvass the votes.
governmental operation in pursuance of his
duties as administrative head shall be The person having the highest number of votes shall be
promulgated in administrative orders. proclaimed elected, but in case two or more shall have
an equal and highest number of votes, one of them shall
A.O. No. 308 cannot pass constitutional muster as an forthwith be chosen by the vote of a majority of all the
administrative legislation because facially it violates the Members of both Houses of the Congress, voting
right to privacy. The essence of privacy is the “right to be separately.
let alone.” The right to privacy as such is accorded
recognition independently of its identification with liberty; The Congress shall promulgate its rules for the
in itself, it is fully deserving of constitutional protection. canvassing of the certificates.

**there should be an existing law. The Supreme Court, sitting en banc, shall be the sole
**AO should be in harmony with the law. judge of all contests relating to the election, returns, and
qualifications of the President or Vice- President, and
SECTION 2. No person may be elected President unless may promulgate its rules for the purpose.
he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a
registered voter, able to read and write, at least forty Qualification
years of age on the day of the election, and a resident of 1. natural born Filipino;
the Philippines for at least ten years immediately 2. a registered voter;
preceding such election. 3. must be able to read and write;
4. 40 years of age at the day of the election; and
SECTION 3. There shall be a Vice-President who shall 5. must have resided in the Philippines ten years
have the same qualifications and term of office and be before the election was held.
elected with and in the same manner as the President.
He may be removed from office in the same manner as Term of Office
the President. The President of the Philippines is elected by direct vote
The Vice-President may be appointed as a Member of by the people for:
the Cabinet. Such appointment requires no confirmation. ● term of 6 years.
● He may only serve for one term, and is
SECTION 4. The President and the Vice-President shall ineligible for reelection.
be elected by direct vote of the people for a term of six ● The term of the President of the Philippines
years which shall begin at noon on the thirtieth day of starts at noon of the 30th day of June after
June next following the day of the election and shall end the election.
at noon of the same date six years thereafter. The
President shall not be eligible for any reelection. No **The term of office is the same with the Congress,
person who has succeeded as President and has served however, their term may be changed by law.
as such for more than four years shall be qualified for
election to the same office at any time. The President does not have a hold-over capacity
because his term of office is fixed and will end on the
No Vice-President shall serve for more than two 30th of June–NO LAW CAN CHANGE THIS.
consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the office
for any length of time shall not be considered as an Hold-over capacity doctrine. — Where there is
interruption in the continuity of the service for the full failure to elect a new set of directors or officers,
term for which he was elected. the incumbents should be allowed to continue in
a holdover capacity until their successors are
Unless otherwise provided by law, the regular election elected and qualified.
for President and Vice-President shall be held on the
second Monday of May. **the president after his term can hold other positions in
the government.
The returns of every election for President and
Vice-President, duly certified by the board of canvassers
of each province or city, shall be transmitted to the The Vice President of the Philippines is elected by
Congress, directed to the President of the Senate. Upon direct vote by the people for:
receipt of the certificates of canvass, the President of the ● term of 6 years,
Senate shall, not later than thirty days after the day of ● and may run for reelection once.
the election, open all certificates in the presence of the ● The term of the Vice President of the Philippines
Senate and the House of Representatives in joint public starts at noon of the 30th day of June after a
session, and the Congress, upon determination of the regular election is held.


**the VP can run again for president even after The Congress of the Philippines is mandated to enact a
succeeding the position of the president (as the spare) law calling for a special election three days after the
provided that he or she has not served more than 4 vacancy in the Office of the President and Vice
years as VP. President. The special election should occur 40 days
after the enactment of the law, but not later than 60 days
3. Who shall canvas the votes of the President and after the enactment of the law.
Vice President?
- Only the Congress in a joint session. SECTION 7. The President-elect and the
- The certificate of canvass (CoC). Vice-President-elect shall assume office at the beginning
of their terms.
Joint Committee
- Selected members. If the President-elect fails to qualify, the
- Due execution and authenticity of canvas. Vice-President-elect shall act as President until the
President-elect shall have qualified.
4. Can the Joint Committee create their own body?
- Yes. They can promulgate their own rules. But If a President shall not have been chosen, the
must be approved by a joint session. Vice-President-elect shall act as President until a
President shall have been chosen and qualified.
**in case of a tie–Congress will vote by majority of all its
members, each house voting separately. If at the beginning of the term of the President, the
President-elect shall have died or shall have become
Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) permanently disabled, the Vice-President-elect shall
- Supreme Court sitting in a banc (EN BANC). become President.
- En banc: all of its members.
Where no President and Vice-President shall have been
5. Can the SC assemble to a different kind of body? chosen or shall have qualified, or where both shall have
- They can as granted by the Constitution. died or become permanently disabled, the President of
the Senate or, in case of his inability, the Speaker of the
SECTION 5. Before they enter on the execution of their House of Representatives shall act as President until a
office, the President, the Vice-President, or the Acting President or a Vice-President shall have been chosen
President shall take the following oath or affirmation: and qualified.

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully and The Congress shall, by law, provide for the manner in
conscientiously fulfill my duties as President (or which one who is to act as President shall be selected
Vice-President or Acting President) of the Philippines, until a President or a Vice-President shall have qualified,
preserve and defend its Constitution, execute its laws, in case of death, permanent disability, or inability of the
do justice to every man, and consecrate myself to the officials mentioned in the next preceding paragraph.
service of the Nation. So help me God.” (In case of
affirmation, last sentence will be omitted.) SECTION 8. In case of death, permanent disability,
removal from office, or resignation of the President, the
LINE OF SUCCESSION Vice-President shall become the President to serve the
The constitution provides for a line of succession in the unexpired term. In case of death, permanent disability,
event that the elected President of the Philippines is not removal from office, or resignation of both the President
able to discharge the duties of his office due to death, and Vice-President, the President of the Senate or, in
disability, or resignation. The following is the line of case of his inability, the Speaker of the House of
succession: Representatives, shall then act as President until the
1. Vice President — in cases of the death, President or Vice-President shall have been elected and
disability, or resignation of the President qualified.
2. Senate President — in cases of the death,
disability, or resignation of the President and The Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve as
Vice President President in case of death, permanent disability, or
3. Speaker of the House of Representatives — in resignation of the Acting President. He shall serve until
cases of the death, disability, or resignation of the President or the Vice-President shall have been
the President, Vice President, and Senate elected and qualified, and be subject to the same
President restrictions of powers and disqualifications as the Acting
Contrary to popular belief, the constitution doesn’t
include the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the SECTION 9. Whenever there is a vacancy in the Office
President’s line of succession. of the Vice-President during the term for which he was
elected, the President shall nominate a Vice-President
from among the Members of the Senate and the House

of Representatives who shall assume office upon duties of his office, the Vice-President shall act as the
confirmation by a majority vote of all the Members of President; otherwise, the President shall continue
both Houses of the Congress, voting separately. exercising the powers and duties of his office.

SECTION 10. The Congress shall, at ten o’clock in the SECTION 12. In case of serious illness of the President,
morning of the third day after the vacancy in the offices the public shall be informed of the state of his health.
of the President and Vice-President occurs, convene in The Members of the Cabinet in charge of national
accordance with its rules without need of a call and security and foreign relations and the Chief of Staff of
within seven days enact a law calling for a special the Armed Forces of the Philippines, shall not be denied
election to elect a President and a Vice-President to be access to the President during such illness.
held not earlier than forty-five days nor later than sixty
days from the time of such call. SECTION 13. The President, Vice-President, the
Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants
The bill calling such special election shall be deemed shall not, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution,
certified under paragraph 2, Section 26, Article VI of this hold any other office or employment during their tenure.
Constitution and shall become law upon its approval on They shall not, during said tenure, directly or indirectly,
third reading by the Congress. Appropriations for the practice any other profession, participate in any
special election shall be charged against any current business, or be financially interested in any contract
appropriations and shall be exempt from the with, or in any franchise, or special privilege granted by
requirements of paragraph 4, Section 25, Article VI of the Government or any subdivision, agency, or
this Constitution. The convening of the Congress cannot instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
be suspended nor the special election postponed. No controlled corporations or their subsidiaries. They shall
special election shall be called if the vacancy occurs strictly avoid conflict of interest in the conduct of their
within eighteen months before the date of the next office.
presidential election.

SECTION 11. Whenever the President transmits to the

President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives his written declaration that he is unable
to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until
he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary,
such powers and duties shall be discharged by the
Vice-President as Acting President.

Whenever a majority of all the Members of the Cabinet

transmit to the President of the Senate and to the
Speaker of the House of Representatives their written
declaration that the President is unable to discharge the
powers and duties of his office, the Vice-President shall
immediately assume the powers and duties of the office
as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the

President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House
of Representatives his written declaration that no
inability exists, he shall reassume the powers and duties
of his office. Meanwhile, should a majority of all the
Members of the Cabinet transmit within five days to the
President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House
of Representatives their written declaration that the
President is unable to discharge the powers and duties
of his office, the Congress shall decide the issue. For
that purpose, the Congress shall convene, if it is not in
session, within forty-eight hours, in accordance with its
rules and without need of call.

If the Congress, within ten days after receipt of the last

written declaration, or, if not in session, within twelve
days after it is required to assemble, determines by a
two-thirds vote of both Houses, voting separately, that
the President is unable to discharge the powers and

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