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@ Keirsey THIS DOCUMENT IS AN ABRIDGED SAMPLE VERSION OF THE TEMPERAMENT AND CAREERS REPORT. THIS SAMPLE IS MEANT TO HELP YOU GET AN IDEA OF THE DESIGN AESTHETIC AND AN OVERVIEW OF THE KIND OF CONTENT INCLUDED. JANE SAMPLE TEMPERAMENT & ‘4 This report has been prepared exclusively for Jane Sam To order this product, please go to: "There is much to be gained by appreciating differences, and much to be lost by ignoring them or condemning them. But the first step toward seeing others as distinct from yourself is to become better acquainted with your own traits of character." - David Keirsey Okeirsey Jane sample Contents This report is designed to help you understand yourself and how your temperament shapes your career. Understanding You and Your Career. ‘Temperament and Talent Relationship ‘The Artisan (Tactical) Role at Work Learn About Your Tem; Being a Promoter 7 Things About You 7 Things to Be Awar 7 Things You're G To order this product, please go to: Tips to Hel Typical Jobs the Right Workplace four Artisan Promoter Person. Learn About Artisan Leaders 31 Famous Artisan Promoters © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 Okeirsey Jane sample Understan Your To order this product, please go to: © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 5 Okeirsey Jane sample ABOUT YOUR TEMPERAMENT — Artisan Promoter ESTP ' Jane Sample . Artisan Promoter ESTP JNR32252 Your particular personality type, the Artisa! (ESTP), makes up to 7-8% of the t lucky thing for the rest of us, b: the beauty, grace, fun, and exci % To order this product, please go to: 30-35% The, four types of Arti and fosers. These four per atles o Ss was Promoter Crafter Performer Composer ESTP ISTP ESFP ISFP ©2016 Kerey Al RightsReserved. April 12,2016 é Okeirsey Jane sample OBJECTIVE — Temperament and Careers In a world filled with unique individuals, when it comes to personality there are only four different temperaments and sixteen types of people. Understanding these personality types and mastering your own can be the keys to achieving your goals, This report is designed to help you understand how the needs and preferences of your temperament shape your career development process. It includes a list of occupations that match the typical work style shared by people of yqur ‘temperament. Artisan Guardian it Rational Promoter ‘jeldmarshal ESTP ENT) To order this product, 8 In please go to: hind S ¢ Provider Inventor ESF ENTP Composer Protector Healer Architect SEP. SF) INFP INTP © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 Okeirsey Jane sample AN OVERVIEW — Temperament and Careers TIS Artisans share following core aristics be fun-loving, =, and focused w. To order this product, please go to: Wet on www. ayful - parents, and sing leaders. variety of activities that life has to offer. In their perso, lives, upbeat, curious natures can make Artisans playful rates and creative parents. Professionally, their combina- tion of realist and risk-taking can make these individuals troubleshooting leaders. Overall, Artisans prize the kind of freedom that allows them to live for the moment and: seize the day. Artisans are excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills. © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 Okeirsey Jane sample AN OVERVIEW — Temperament and Careers OTH TEMPERA 1s oe rtisan' To order this product, al please go to: Fac ous Dar Cautiv am A ie Respecta, ovative Excited Dependable Logical Impulsive Law-Abiding Curious Enticing Concerned Kindnearted Independent Playful Steady Empathetic Pragmatic Tactical Logistical Diplomatic Strategic © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 ° Okeirsey Jane sample AN OVERVIEW — Temperament and Careers OTH TEMPERA TS > 45% 10% Ls To order this product, ‘has to do . ystems that please go to: dus Ratio. ‘sin organic ‘animals, in \ has ralroads im (social systems esn “npanies and gov are nat 1 systems ire their and businesses. people, anc. sonal will analyze them: counseling, nse stand how they work, so they rel work, in journalsm@r un an then figure out how tormake them they are gifted at helping others find | | work better. ‘their way in life, often inspiring them +0 grow as individuals and fulfil their potentials, © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 0 Okeirsey Jane sample AN OVERVIEW — Temperament and Talent Relationship What is the and intelligent Relationship Between Temperament and Talent? The four temperament styles match up consistently with four general y intelligent roles: Tactical, |, Diplomatic, and Strategic connections between tempera intelligent roles “MATIC ‘Cc To order this product, please go to: gree of seaders w achieve higher resun. «9 and developing the nature. wthembers. The best policy for a leader of any temperament is to look for the best intelligence and talent match and put it to work where it is most effective. ©2016 Kerey Al RightsReserved. April 12,2016 Okeirsey Jane sample AN OVERVIEW — Temperament and Talent Relationship Artisan TACTICAL Artisans are best when they can use their tactical skills that enable them to lool available in the moment and make the most of them. They are unusually skilled in react quickly in emergencies. Artisans are most comfortable working in the moment excess of constraints or red tape, Tacticians are valuable since they, circumstances. Guardian LOGISTIC Guardians are at their best when they cal equipment is in the proper pl step-by-step procedures a ~scure that the proper ‘<.when following their logistical skills are valuable since i 5 are not followed, any company can To order this product, please go to: www. s tities encourage al ole ng ‘and efficiently together Rational STRATEGIC Rationals use their strategic skills in envisioning and setting long-term goals and milestones for meeting objectives. For Rationals, everything is part of a system. Making things work is @ matter of understanding the strategic impact of each part of the system and manipulating them accordingly. The rarest of all gifts, the ability to think in the long-term and create new possibilities is particularly valuable in business. ©2016 Kerey Al RightsReserved. Apri 12,2016 2 Okeirsey Jane sample Artisan To order this product, please go to: Your skill at . b ictable track in any of se ap organizatiOMs or at more established compar, Noose 2 physical career over a higher status one, despix. «you may change jobs or careers often, perhaps moving on from. vey leave their quick-growth phase. © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 ry Okeirsey Jane sample THE ARTISAN ROLE AT WORK talent for adaptation Artisan Aptitudes People who share a temperament often share aptitudes: those things that a person can do well without much training, enjoys doing, and will usually volunteer to do when the opportunity arises. anning esent moment Adap ti To order this product, please go to: © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 “4 Okeirsey Jane Sample Learn Abo Temp r ce To order this product, please go to: www. 62016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 1s Okeirsey Jane Sample BEING A PROMOTER —> About You TACTICAL takes to be an outstanding en! romolgilike Of all the Artisans, Promoters are known for being the —_youare often ablgt swing deals ; Res most persuasive and winning. As a result, you're likely the kind of individual who is able to dream up a venture or scheme and then talk perfect strangers into going along with tn a sense, Promoters lke you handle people with much the same skill as a craftsman handles his tools PROACTIVE Life is never dull around a Promoter I large, you're a person of action. Asa around, things usually begin to ha (on, the music plays, the games begi PRESENT lay you're apt to almost constantly ‘out new activities and challenges. You can be bold ant. daring at heart, the type of person who is ever optimis- tic that things will go your way. As a result, you may be willing to take tremendous risks to get what you want. You can even feel exhilarated walking on the edge of situations most people would consider disasters, Because of this courage you can make a great administrator or negotiator in difficult situations. You also have what it ©2016 Kerey Al RightsReserved. ina way no fave a hearty appetite for fr this means appreciating @ that can be extremely sophis- >a great many people by thing to say to most ‘ur trademarks To order this product, ibly described . romoters are Please go to: € from close supply of sto- doth operators hers. Although excitement and probably a rare . as i'm alive, can promise you that." © 2016 Keinay Al Rights Reserve. Apri 12,2016 2

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