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Unit II Activities

Chapter 2
Activity 2.1 – Chapter Preview
Find definitions for the following words to help preview the concepts that will be
covered in the chapter. Once you have written the definitions for the words, use the
words to create a sentence.

Arithmetic Density/Population Density Infant Mortality Rate

Carrying Capacity Life Expectancy

Crude Birth Rate (CBR) Natural Increase Rate

Crude Death Rate (CDR) Over-population

Demography Physiological Density

De-Population Population

Doubling time Total Fertility Rate

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Activity 2.2 – Importance of the Census
Answer the questions below using your own ideas and information from the section above.

1. What is a census? Why is it Important?

2. List five different pieces of information a government can use a census to collect.





3. In your opinion which of the uses of the census is the most valuable? Use the Assertion,
Reasoning, Evidence method to explain your answer.
Assertion (I believe that):

Reasoning (This is why I believe that):

Evidence (This is how I know this to be true):

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Activity 2.3 – Checking for Understanding: Population Increase
Explain two possible reasons why countries would be so interested in knowing their
Population Increase rate.




Activity 2.3 – Checking for Understanding: Population Increase

Explain two possible reasons why countries would be so interested in knowing their
Population Increase rate.



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Activity 2.4 – Creating a Population Pyramid
Use the population data to the right. Create a population pyramid like the ones in
Figures 2.4 and 2.5. Show it in the space below. Then answer the following question.

Sample Country
Age Male % Female %
0-4 9.8 9.8
5-9 7.5 7.5
10-14 6.5 6.8
15-19 5.5 5.7
20-24 4.2 4.2
25-29 3.1 3.2
30-34 2.5 2.9
35-39 2.0 2.4
40-44 1.9 2.2
45-49 1.5 1.9
50-54 1.1 1.7
55-59 1.0 1.3
60-64 0.6 1.1
65-69 0.3 0.6
70-74 0.2 0.4
75+ 0.1 0.4

Do you think this population period shows information about an MDC or about an LDC?
Defend your answer with information from two different points on the pyramid.

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Activity 2.5 – Checking for Understanding: Population Maps
Answer the questions using the maps below.
1. Use the cartogram (Map 2.4) and an atlas to try and determine the 5 largest
countries in the world are by population. For each country try to explain why
they might be able to support such a large population.





Map 2.4 Population Cartogram (2016)

Data Source: Population Reference Bureau

2. Compare the cartogram to an atlas, which countries have very small

populations, but have very large areas? List three and explain why they might
have such small populations.




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