Root RPG GM Helps

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Basic Moves (pg 67) Trick an NPC

Roll Cunning. On hit, they take the bait and do what

Figure Someone Out you want. On 7-9, they do one of the following:
• They hesitate, confidence is shaken.
Roll Charm. On 7-9, hold 1. On 10+ hold 3.
• They stumble, you gain and opportunity.
Spend hold to ask a question:
• They overreact, take +1 forward against them.
• Is your character telling the truth?
• What is your character really feeling?
• What does your character intend to do? Trust Fate
• What does your character wish I’d do? Roll Luck. On hit, you scrape by, or barrel through, at a
• How do I get your character to do _______? cost. On 10+, you gain a fleeting opportunity.

Persuade an NPC Wreck Something

Roll Charm. On 7-9, they aren’t sure, GM will tell you Roll Might. On hit, you break it, can’t be used again until
what your need to do to sway them. On 10+ they see it’s repaired. On 7-9, you cause collateral damage, attract
things your way, provided they have a strong motive. attention, or end up in a bad spot (GM’s choice).

Read a Tense Situation Help or Interfere

Roll Cunning. On 7-9, ask 1. On 10+ ask 3. Take +1 Mark Exhaustion after another's roll. They add +1 or -2 to
when acting on the answers. their roll. Mark another Exhaustion to conceal your help/
• What is my best way in/out/through? interference OR create an opportunity/obstacle.
• Who or what is the biggest threat?
• Who or what is most vulnerable to me? Plead with a PC (once per session)
• What should I be on the lookout for? They clear 1 Exhaustion if they go along with your proposal.
• Who is in control here?

Attempt a Roguish Feat (pg 68, 41)
Roll Finesse. On hit, achieve your goal. On 7-9, mark Exhaustion or a risk comes to bear. If you're not skilled, you must trust fate.

Feat Name Description Risks

Acrobatics Adeptly climbing, vaulting, jumping Break something, detection, plunge into danger
Backstab, murder, sneak attack,
Blindside Draw unwanted attention, leave evidence, plunge into danger
Counterfeit Copying, forgery, fakery Leave evidence, take too long, weak result
Cover Up Remove evidence, obfuscate scene Detection, expend resources, take too long
Disable or Use
Disarming traps, operate machinery Break something, draw unwanted attention, weak result
Hide Disappear from view, remain hidden Expend resources, leave evidence, take too long

Mastermind Giving orders, operations, tactics Unwanted attention, plunge into danger, take too long

Pick Lock Open a locked door, chest, etc. Break something, detection, plunge into danger

Pick Pocket Subtly steal from a pocket Leave evidence, take too long, weak result

Set Trap Lay ambush, booby trap Detection, expend resources, leave evidence

Sleight of Hand Palming, switching, ditching, flourishes Draw unwanted attention, leave evidence, weak result
Get into or out of places without
Sneak Break something, draw unwanted attention, plunge into danger
being seen

Track Hunt someone, identify tracks, follow trail Detection, plunge into danger, take too long
Reputation Moves (pg 110, 31) Command Resources (+3 Reputation)
Roll Reputation for their faction. On a 10+, you get what
Ask for a Favor you need as soon as possible. On a 7-9, they impose a
condition, or what you must return in recompense. On
Roll Reputation for their faction. On a hit, they’ll grant you a miss, they don’t have what you need, but they tell you a
what you want. On a 7–9, clear prestige or mark notoriety, way you can get it at a steep cost or some serious difficulty.
player choice. On a miss, they refuse; mark notoriety.
Lead Troops in Battle (+3 Reputation)
Meet Someone Important Roll Reputation for that faction. On a hit, they accept you
Roll Reputation for their faction. On a hit, you’re know as commander. On a 7-9, Hold 2. On a 10+, Hold 3.
their wider reputation (if any), and they’re aware of yours • Take and hold a location
(if any). On a 7-9, pick one. On a 10+, both.
• Route a substantial enemy presence
• Ask a question about them, the GM will tell a story.
• Take an enemy leader captive
• They’ve heard something in your favor; take +1
• Destroy a fortification or resource
forward with them
• Defend a group or location
On a miss, you only know the basics about them, and
they’ve heard true or false things about you. On a miss, your troops are fractured in their command
structure, and in their confusion, they're losing.

Endorse a New Leader (+1 Reputation)

Intimidate Enemy Troops (-2 Reputation)
Roll Reputation for that faction. On a hit, you throw
your support behind that individual and the factions Roll Reputation for that faction, treating it as positive
representatives react. On a 7-9, the GM chooses 2. On a (+2 or +3) for this roll. On a hit, you strike fear into the
10+, GM chooses 1. enemy. On 7-9, Pick 1. On 10+, pick 2.
• The faction's current leadership in the clearing • Take and hold a location
is opposed. They need to be handled before the • Route a substantial enemy presence
endorsed individual can take over • Take an enemy leader captive
• The denizens of the clearing aren't on board. They • Destroy a fortification or resource
need to be swayed, or there will be opposition • Defend a group or location
• The faction's enemies want to take advantage of the
new shift-in-power; keep an eye out for conspiracies On a miss, your troops are fractured in their command
and plots. structure, and in their confusion, they're losing.

Draw Attention (-2 Reputation)

On a miss, something is exposed about your potential leader
that is dangerous or new, and reframes the situation.
Roll Reputation for that faction, treating it as positive (+2
Vilify a New Leader (+1 Reputation) or +3) for this roll. On a hit, you draw out the faction’s
resources to oppose you; brace yourself. On a 7-9, choose
Roll Reputation for that faction. On a hit, the leaders 1; on a 10+, choose 2.
dissent from power is set in motion. On a 7-9, the GM • The faction employs significant military strength to
chooses 2. On a 10+, GM chooses 1. chase you down
• Your words incite open acts of violence and arson • The faction deploys an available, capable NPC agent
• The leader (or their support) gets more radical in (of your choice) to chase you down
their defensiveness, and they respond in force. • The faction is rattled by your threat; mark
• You're singled out for outspokenness, expect reprisals 2-notoriety with them
On a miss, denizens and leaders end up furthering their On a miss, your enemies are already moving against you
support of the leader you tried to vilify. quietly; the GM tells you how they catch you unprepared.

Sway an NPC (+2 Reputation) Make a Pointed Threat (-3 Reputation)

Roll Reputation for their faction. On a hit, say what Roll Reputation for their faction, treating it as positive
you want them to believe, and their drive will change (+3) for this roll. On a 10+, they must surrender, retreat,
accordingly. On a 7-9, clear 3-prestige. (If you don’t have or charge, (GM’s choice). On a 7-9, you must make a
enough prestige, mark the remainder in notoriety). On a demonstration of your dangerous intent first. On a miss,
miss, the NPC takes the wrong message; thy rewrite their they reveal how they prepared for you.
drive accordingly.
Weapon Moves Hammerpaws (No Weapon Tag Required)
Roll Finesse at Close or Intimate Range. On a hit, they
Engage in Melee (Basic) inflict their harm. 7-9, choose 1. 10+, choose 3.
• Inflict +2 Exhaustion
Roll Might. On hit, trade harm. On 10+, pick 3.
• Suffer (-1) harm
On 7-9, pick 1.
• Inflict +1 Wear
• Inflict +1 harm
• They mark Exhaustion or you take an object from them
• Suffer (-1) harm
• Shift your range +/- 1
• Impress, dismay, or frighten your foe Harry a Group
Roll Cunning at Far Range. On a 10+, both. On a 7–9,
Grapple an Enemy (Basic) choose 1.
• Inflict 2-Morale harm
Roll Might. On hit, both characters make choices
• They are pinned or blocked
simultaneously. On 10+, you get an extra, first, choice:
• Inflict Injury
• Inflict Exhaustion Hurl (No Weapon Tag Required)
• Mark Exhaustion to inflict 2 Injury Mark Exhaustion and roll Might at Far Range. On
• Disengage to Close Range. hit, mark Wear on weapon and inflict 1 Injury and 1
Exhaustion. 7-9, choose 1. 10+, choose 2.
Target Someone Vulnerable (Basic) • Target is knocked off their feet
• Item rebounds to somewhere reachable
Roll Finesse. On hit, inflict Injury. On 10+ you can strike • Mark additional Wear to inflict +1 Injury
again or keep your position hidden.

Improvise a Weapon
Battle Fury
Roll Cunning. On a hit, weapon is made; GM decides
Mark Wear and roll Luck at Intimate Range. On hit, fill range and one beneficial tag. On a 7–9, the weapon has a
your Exhaustion track. For each box filled inflict 2 Injury. weakness tag.
7-9 you suffer they're harm.

Long Shot
Mark Wear and Exhaustion to roll any Far Range weapon
Mark Exhaustion and roll Might at Far Range. On hit, move with Might at beyond Far Range, (still paying all
they mark 2 Exhaustion or are pushed to a location/range costs).
of players choice. 10+ inflicts 1 Morale harm as well.

Roll with Finesse at Close Range and choose 1-3 Injury.
Mark Exhaustion and roll Might at Intimate Range. On On hit, inflict the Injury ignoring armor. If they survive,
a hit; inflict 3-Wear. On a 7–9, mark Wear or end up in a they inflict the same amount of Injury on you. 7-9, they
bad spot, player choice. inflict +1 Injury.

Confuse Senses Paired Fighting

Roll Finesse at Close Range. On a hit, give yourself an Both mark Exhaustion and one rolls at Close Range
opportunity. On a 10+, they have to take some time and choose 1-3 Injury. On hit, inflict the Injury ignoring
before they can act clearly again. On a 7–9, you have just armor. If they survive, they inflict the same amount of
a few moments. Injury on you. 7-9, they inflict +1 Injury.

Disarm Parry
Roll Finesse at Close Range. On a hit, they mark Mark Exhaustion and roll Finesse at Close Range. On a
2-Exhaustion or lose their weapon. On a 10+, they mark 10+, all 3. On a 7–9, pick 1.
3-Exhaustion instead.
• Inflict Morale or Exhaustion (GM’s choice)
• Disarm your opponent, but their Weapon is in reach
• You don’t suffer any harm
Pinpoint Shot Vicious Strike
Roll Cunning at Far Range. On a hit, choose 1. 7-9, mark Mark Exhaustion and roll with Might at Intimate or
Exhaustion and move to a better vantage point before Close Range. On a hit; they suffer serious (+1) harm and
choosing. cannot mark Wear to block it. On a 7–9, they score a
• Inflict 3 Injury (unblockable by armor) blow against you as well.
• Inflict 2 Wear

Travel Moves (pg 121)

• Strike something in the environment to cut or break
it as appropriate

Point-Blank Shot (No Intimate Tag Required) Travel Along the Path
Mark any combination of 2 Wear and/or 2 Exhaustion to When you travel from clearing to clearing along the
roll Luck at Intimate Range. On a hit, inflict Injury equal path, the band collectively decides how it travels and one
to the Wear and Exhaustion you marked. On 10+, move member rolls:
to Close Range.
• At a relaxing pace: everyone clears 3-exhaustion; the
band collectively marks a total of 2-depletion; -1 to
Quick Shot the roll.
Roll Luck at Close Range. On a hit, inflict Injury. On a • At an average pace: everyone clears 2-exhaustion; the
band collectively marks 1-depletion; +0 to the roll.
7–9, choose 1. On a 10+, choose 2.
• Safely, quickly, and under the radar: the band
• Don’t mark Wear
collectively marks 1-depletion for supplies; +1 to the roll.
• Don’t mark Exhaustion
• Urgently fast: everyone marks exhaustion; +2 to the roll.
• Change your position (and, if you choose, range)
• Keep your target at bay—they don’t move On a hit, you reach the next clearing in a timely fashion.
On a 10+, the trip is uninterrupted and quick. On a 7-9,
you encounter something noteworthy on the path—a
Storm a Group caravan, a battleground, or something else odd passing
Mark Exhaustion and roll Might at Close or Intimate through. On a miss, you are caught in the middle of a
Range. On a hit, trade harm. On a 10+, choose 2. On a dangerous situation before you arrive at the next clearing.
7–9, choose 1.
• Inflict 2 Morale harm Travel Through the Forest
• Inflict 2 Exhaustion When you travel from clearing to clearing through the
• Suffer (-1) harm. forest, the band collectively decides how it travels and
• Mark Exhaustion, they inflict their harm against one member rolls:
themselves • Slowly, foraging heavily: everyone clears 2-depletion;
the band collectively marks an exhaustion for each
Switch Hands band member; -1 to the roll.
• Carefully, avoiding trouble: the band collectively
Switch hands to roll Finesse. 7-9, choose 1. 10+, choose 2.
marks one depletion or exhaustion for each band
• Clear 2 Exhaustion member; +1 to the roll.
• Inflict 1 Morale harm. • As quickly as possible: everyone marks exhaustion
• Mark Exhaustion to inflict 2 Injury and depletion; +2 to the roll.
On a hit, you pass through the forest to any clearing on the
Trick Shot other side. Along the way, one of you spots an interesting
Mark Wear and roll with Finesse at any range. On a 7–9, site; you leave markers so you can return after you finish
choose 2. On a 10+, choose 3. your trip. On a 10+, the transit is largely safe. On a 7-9,
• Shot lands in any target of player choice within something from the forest is following you; you can let
range, even if it’s behind cover or hidden (inflicting it track you, or every vagabond marks exhaustion to lose
Injury or Wear if appropriate) it. On a miss, you run afoul of one of the forest’s dangers
• Shot strikes a second available target of player choice during the trip, and you can’t escape it easily; deal with it
before you can reach the clearing on the other side.
• Shot cuts something, breaks something, or knocks
something over, player choice
• Shot distracts an opponent and provides an
Equipment • Heavy Draw Weight: When you target a vulnerable
foe with this bow, mark exhaustion to inflict 1
additional injury.
Value Cost = Box of wear + Extra Range + Move Tags • Hidden: Mark an Exhaustion to make sure this
+ Positive Tags - Negative tags item goes unnoticed when being searched. Mark
wear to attempt the Blindside Roguish feat if you
Positive Tags don't have that skill, if; you do, mark wear to make
it 10+.
• Accurate: When inflicting injury with this, mark
exhaustion to target a specific part of your target's • Impressive: When storming a group, mark
body and impair it until they have time to heal. wear to inflict 2 morale harm in addition to the
consequences of the roll.
• Arrow-proof: Ignore the first hit dealing injury
from arrows that you suffer in a scene. • Intimidating: When this item is openly given to a
faction, mark prestige equal to the items value with
• Barbed: When you hit someone with this weapon, that faction, and notoriety equal to this item's value
mark exhaustion to move to intimate range and with the negative faction.
grapple them as if you had rolled a 10+.
• Inspiring: When you use this item to help another
• Blend: When using this item to blend in, mark wear vagabond, you can mark wear instead of exhaustion.
to roll Sneak or Hide as if you had those feats. (If you
have those feats, mark wear to take +1 ongoing for • Invigorating: When this item is consumed, mark
the scene). 2 injury to clear all exhaustion. Add 2 boxes to your
exhaustion track for the rest of the scene.
• Blunted: This weapon inflicts exhaustion, not
injury. • Iron bolts: This weapon inflicts 1 additional wear
when its harm is absorbed by armor.
• Cathartic: When using this for a recreational
activity with another Vagabond, mark 2 wear for both • Large: Mark exhaustion when inflicting harm
vagabonds to each clear 2 exhaustion. with this weapon to inflict 1 additional harm.
• Catfolk steel: Mark wear when engaging in melee • Legendary: Item has 15 boxes of prestige, denoted
to shift ranges one step, even on a miss as Legend. Anytime it is wielded with the favored
or hated faction, mark 1 Legend. When doing
• Ceremonial: Choose an attached faction. While reputation moves, you may roll with this weapons
this item is displayed, treat yourself as having +1 Legend instead of your own reputation. If a session
Reputation with that faction, and -1 Reputation goes by where you did not gain any Legend, lose 1
with other factions. Legend.
• Comfortable: This item counts as 1 fewer Load. • Light: This item does not count towards Load.
• Common: When repairing this item, repair twice as • Luxury: After creation, this item is worth +3 Value.
much wear for the same Value.
• Nasty: When you grapple an enemy, both yours
• Disarming: While wearing this, Mark Exhaustion and your opponents first choice is doubled in effect.
to change a miss to a 7-9, or a 7-9 to a 10+ when
tricking an NPC. • Mousefolk Steel: Mark wear to engage in melee
using Cunning instead of Might.
• Distracting: While you wield or display this item
and grapple with an enemy, mark exhaustion to • Mighty: When you wreck something with this,
change a miss to a 7-9, or a 7-9 to a 10+. mark 2 wear to shift a miss to 7-9, or a 7-9 to a +10.
• Durable: If this item would be destroyed, • Oiled string: Mark wear to use the weapon skill
permanently remove 1 wear from it instead. (If it has quick shot even if you don’t have it.
no wear left it is destroyed). • Poison: While targeting a vulnerable foe, inflict
• Eaglecraft: Mark wear when engaging in melee to exhaustion instead of injury. Each time they take
both make and suffer another exchange of harm. a strenuous action take +1 Exhaustion. If they fall
unconscious, they take 1 injury every hour until they
• Fast: Mark wear when engaging in melee to suffer are healed or perish.
1 fewer harm, even on a miss.
• Precise: Mark wear to ignore enemy armor when
• Friendly: When you meet someone important, inflicting harm.
mark exhaustion to roll with your Reputation +1.
• Quick: Mark exhaustion to engage in melee with
• Flexible: When you grapple with someone, mark Finesse instead of Might.
exhaustion to ignore the first choice they make.
• Rabbitfolk Steel: Mark wear to engage in melee
• Foxfolk steel: Ignore the first box of wear you with Finesse instead of Might.
mark on this item each session.
• Reach: When you engage in melee, mark wear on
• Hair trigger: Mark wear to target a vulnerable foe this weapon to inflict harm instead of trading harm;
at close range instead of far. you cannot use this tag if your enemy’s weapon also
• Healer’s kit: Mark wear to clear exhaustion. Mark has reach.
2-wear to clear injury. • Reinforced: While wearing this, you may absorb
• Heavy bludgeon: Mark exhaustion to ignore your injury as exhaustion instead of wear.
enemy’s armor when you inflict harm. • Refreshing: When you take time to relax/drink/
eat from this item with a group, mark 3 wear, +1 • Throwable: Mark exhaustion to target a
additional wear for each participant past the third. vulnerable foe with this weapon at far range.
Every participant clears all exhaustion. • Tightly woven: When you take a few seconds to
• Sharp: Mark wear when inflicting harm with this repair this armor after a fight, clear 1-wear you marked
weapon to inflict 1 additional harm. during the fight.
• Short Limbs: Mark wear to fire a quick shot at far • Tricky: When you use this item to trick an NPC
range. by distracting them at a distance, on a 7-9 mark
• Signature: Whenever you earn prestige or notoriety wear to eliminate one option from the trick an NPC
while showing this item, mark 1 additional prestige move before the NPC picks.
or notoriety. • Unassuming: Until you harm an enemy, they
• Sturdy: You may mark exhaustion instead of wear will never deem you more of a threat than other
on this item, except for injury. (That's the reinforced vagabonds with arms and armor.
tag). • Versatile: When you move to or from a range
• Thick: When you mark wear on this shield to this weapon can reach, mark wear to make a quick
block a hit, you only ever mark 1-wear, even if you strike and inflict 1-injury on any opponent in this
are blocking more harm from a single hit. weapon’s range.
• Thief Kit: When attempting a roguish feat
appropriate for this item, mark wear on this instead
of marking exhaustion to avoid a risk coming to bear
on a 7-9.

Negative Tags
• Bulky: This item cannot be hidden and is always • Incriminating: When a significant member of a
visible while on your body. Mark exhaustion faction that is offended by this item sees it in your
whenever you attempt a roguish feat or trust fate to possession, mark 1 notoriety with that faction.
sneak, hide, blindside, or preform acrobatics. • Makeshift: This item can't be repaired. This is -2
• Conspicuous: When you target a vulnerable foe value instead of just 1.
at far range, you cannot keep your position hidden. • Noisy: When you wreck something with this item,
Mark wear to ignore this. it always attracts attention.
• Cumbersome: Mark one exhaustion when you • Scarce: Standard repair clears wear one fewer than
don your armor—clear one exhaustion when you the max. Specialist is required to repair fully.
take it off.
• Cursed: Allied NPC's suffer morale harm when • Shoddy: Repairing this item costs twice as much
they see you bearing this item. value per box of wear cleared.
• Dangerous: IF you roll a 7-9 with this item, mark • Slow: When you engage in melee with this
injury in addition to the other consequences. weapon, choose one fewer option. Mark wear to
ignore this effect.
• Fragile: When you make a weapon move with this • Ugly: Take -1 to meet someone important while
weapon, mark wear on it. Mark exhaustion to ignore they can see this item.
this affect.
• Hard to Hold: When you grapple an enemy, on • Unwieldy: Take a -1 to all weapon moves - basic or
7-9 you lose your grip on this item. Mark exhaustion special. Mark exhaustion to ignore this effect.
to ignore this. • Weighty: This item counts as 1 additional Load.
• Hated: Take -2 Reputation with the faction that • Wicked: Anyone who sees this weapon deems the
loathes this item while it is displayed. If you reveal wielder a threat. When you inflict harm with it, mark
this item to foes of that faction, they clear morale. notoriety with an observing faction for each harm
• Identifiable: This item is associated with an inflicted.
individual. Anyone who sees it associates you with
that individual.
• Immoral: While displayed, you cannot ask a
favor or persuade denizens who are insulted by it's
immoral nature. Take -1 to ask for favor from all
other denizens.
Character Progression Connections (pg 51. 54)
Battle-Sibling: When fighting in Intimate Range of your
Advancements (pg 170) Battle-Sibling, +1 ongoing to weapon moves.

When you fulfill your drive (once per drive/session) Confidant: When asked for advice, mark Exhaustion to
choose one: suggest a course of action. They clear Exhaustion if they
take your course.
• +1 to a stat (max +2)
• +1 move from starting playbook (max 5) Enabler: When you plead with them to join in reckless
• +1 move from a different playbook (max 2) action, and they agree, they take +1 ongoing to follow the
plan and clear Exhaustion.
• +2 weapon skills (max 7, does not include from moves)
• +2 roguish feats (max 6, does not include from moves) Family: when you help them fulfill their nature, you both
• +1 harm box to any track (max 6 each) clear Exhaustion.
• +1 to +2 connections (max 6) Friend: when you help them, you can mark 2 Exhaustion
• +1 basic move mastery (max 2) to give +2, instead of 1 Exhaustion for +1.
• +2 weapon skill mastery (max 4) Lover: Once per session, when you share a quite
moment of intimacy, you can: offer affection (they clear
Masteries (pg 69) 3 Exhaustion) OR make them a promise (+1 ongoing to
keep your word).
Change your Character (pg 176) Partner: 2 Prestige/Notoriety to factions specified when
taken. When seen together, prestige/notoriety gains are
At session end, each player may choose one element of
their playbook to update or change. This is optional.
• Replace one drive with a new drive Professional: sharing info from reading a tense situation
• Replace a nature with a new nature gives +1 to both of you. Act as though you spend 2
Exhaustion when helping, but only spend 1.
• Replace a connection (both type and subject) with
a new connection. Protector: Mark Exhaustion to take a blow for them. If
you do, +1 to weapon moves for the rest of the scene.
Drives (pg 171, 45) Protege: Once per session when you spend time training,
• Ambition • Discovery • Mysteries choose and hold one: attempt a roguish feat as if you had
• Antimilitarist • Esprit De Corps • Partisan it, attempt a weapon skill as if you had it, +1 forward to
• Atonement • Folk Hero • Principles
prove them right or wrong.
• Chaos • Freedom • Protection Rival: Challenge them to take completely unnecessary
• Clean Paws • Glory • Revenge and excessive risk to prove themselves, +1 forward to
• Crime • Greed • Thrills meet your challenge OR mark Exhaustion.
• Development • Infamy • Traveler Watcher: when you figure them out, hold 1, even on a
• Devotion • Justice • Wanderlust miss. When you plead, they can clear 2 Exhaustion if they
• Discord • Loyalty • Wanted go along with you.

Natures (pg 49, 50)

• Arsonist • Extrovert • Muckraker
• Braggart • Generous • Peacemaker
• Combative • Glutton • Perfectionist
• Commander • Gossip • Pilgrim
• Competitive • Hustler • Populist
• Cowardly • Improviser • Punisher
• Curious • Inspiring • Radical
• Cynic • Kleptomaniac • Rebellious
• Defender • Loner • Survivor
• Dutiful • Martyr • Vain

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