D Squared v. Bixing - Complaint

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Case 2:23-cv-01907-JFC Document 1 Filed 11/03/23 Page 1 of 27




Plaintiff, COMPLAINT





Plaintiff, D SQUARED PLANT TRAPS LLC (“Plant Traps”), by and through its

undersigned counsel, hereby submits the following Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial against


(“Naturanook”) and alleges as follows:


1. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the Patent Laws of United

States, 35 U.S.C. § 101 et seq., and for trademark infringement and unfair competition under

federal law and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

2. This Court has jurisdiction over the federal claims of this action pursuant to 15

U.S.C § 1121, 28 U.S.C. § 1331 and 28 U.S.C. §1338 (a) and over the state claims under 28

U.S.C. § 1338 (b) and further pursuant to its supplemental jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1367 in

that the state claims are so related to the federal claims as to form part of the same case or

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3. Plant Traps is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of

Pennsylvania. Plant Traps has a principal place of business at 115 Crescent Drive, Pittsburgh,

PA 15228. Plant Traps is the owner of the design patent and other intellectual property rights

that are the subject of this Complaint.

4. Naturanook is a business entity organized under Chinese law, the form of which is

unknown. Naturanook has a principal place of business at Room 1508, Building 4 No. 2, Nange

10th Road, Daojiao Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China, 523000. Upon

information and belief, Naturanook manufactures and distributes gardening products for sale in

the United States.


5. This action arises from Naturanook’s use, sale, offer for sale, and/or importation

of products and conduct of activities, that infringe Plant Traps’ design patent and trademark.

6. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Naturanook because it does business in

the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including in this judicial district, and because it has

intentionally directed its tortious activities toward the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

7. Naturanook has committed acts of intellectual property infringement in

Pennsylvania, including this judicial district, and delivered products into the stream of commerce

with the expectation that consumers in Pennsylvania, including this judicial district, will

purchase them.

8. Naturanook continues to sell products, including products that are the subject of

this Complaint to consumers in Pennsylvania, including this judicial district.

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9. Regarding the patent claims, venue is proper in this district under 28 U.S.C.

§ 1400 because Naturanook committed acts and continues to commit acts of infringement and

has a regular and established place of business in this district.

10. Regarding the non-patent claims, venue is proper in this district because

Naturanook is a corporation subject to personal jurisdiction within this judicial district, and

deemed to reside in this district, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b)-(d) and (f), because

Naturanook has committed, and continues to commit, acts of infringement in this district.


11. Deborah Holtschlag of Plant Traps is the creator and developer of new designs

including new inventions relating to ornamental brackets that may be used to support potted

plants which Plant Traps named “RailScapes” (“RailScapes Product(s)”).

12. Plant Traps’ unique and innovative products are well known throughout the

United States and foreign countries. RailScapes Products are the first clip-on railing planters

capable of displaying planters mid-railing for layering.

13. Moreover, Plant Traps’ products have captured a large online presence. Its clever

and innovative design of decorative garden products has resulted in a significant social media

following of close to a half a million followers.

14. Plant Traps’ products are currently sold all throughout the United States and in

foreign countries.

15. Plant Traps is the owner of U.S. Trademark Reg. No. 6786256 (“the 256

Registration”) for the mark “PLANT TRAPS” for use in connection with “brackets of metal for

supported potted plants; metal fixtures for securing plotted plants; cantilevered brackets of

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metal.” A true and correct copy of the 256 Registration certificate is attached hereto as

Exhibit 1.

16. Plant Traps is the assignee of the D1,003, 076 design patent entitled “Display

Brackets” (“the ‘076 Patent”). The United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and lawfully

issued the ‘076 Patent to Plant Traps. A true and correct copy of the ‘076 Patent is attached

hereto as Exhibit 2.

17. Plant Traps launched its RailScapes Products on social media for sale on its

website (planttraps.com) on March 10, 2023.

18. As part of its product launch in March 2023, Plant Traps created and published on

its website and social media, advertising and marketing materials describing its RailScapes


19. As further part of its product launch in March 2023, Plant Traps created and

provided packaging materials that accompanied RailScapes Products sold to its customers,

including text, illustrations, and photographs demonstrating installation and display of the


20. Soon thereafter, on or about April 27, 2023, Naturanook launched sales of an

essentially identical product on Amazon (“Accused Product(s)”).

21. On June 26, 2023, a social media follower reached out to Plant Traps and

identified Naturanook’s Accused Products as being copies of Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products.

The communication is shown below and is identified as Communication 1.

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22. Shortly thereafter, another individual posted on Plant Traps' Facebook page and

commented that they purchased RailScapes products on Amazon, but the RailScapes products

were actually Naturanook's Accused Products. This indicated to Plant Traps that the customer

believed Naturanook’s Accused Products were affiliated with Plant Traps. The communication

is shown below and is identified as Communication 2.

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23. Additionally, in July 2023, another individual sent a photograph to Plant Traps to

show off their RailScapes Product display, however, the photograph showed Naturanook’s

Accused Products, indicating the customer believed Naturanook’s Accused Products were

affiliated with Plant Traps.

24. At least as early as July 2023, Naturanook embedded Plant Traps’ trademark,

“PLANT TRAPS” in the metadata of its Amazon advertisements to misdirect customers seeking

Plant Traps’ products to Naturanook’s Amazon purchase page. Naturanook also embedded in its

metadata Plant Traps’ exact phrase “TURN YOUR RAILING INTO A FLOATING GARDEN

Create stunning vertical gardens – right on the railing!”, to misdirect customers. Plant Traps

coined this phrase by using it in commerce through its online advertising. A true and correct

copy of the advertisement and metadata is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.

25. In August 2023, Plant Traps began selling its RailScapes Products on Amazon.

26. Shortly thereafter, Plant Traps submitted a report of Naturanook’s infringement to

Amazon, and on August 22, 2023 Amazon responded to Plant Traps and stated that it reviewed

the report and altered or removed the reported content.

27. In early September 2023, Plant Traps became aware that Naturanook reposted

new listings on Amazon including the Accused Products.

28. Shortly thereafter, Plant Traps learned that Naturanook was continuing to sell the

Accused Products along with packaging, installation instructions, and images identical or

substantially the same as the packaging, installation instructions, and images previously created

by Plant Traps for its RailScapes Products.

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29. On or about September 2, 2023, Naturanook communicated with Plant Traps on

Amazon and offered not to begin selling on Etsy if Plant Traps stopped complaining about

Naturanook’s infringing activities on Amazon. Plant Traps appropriately refused. A true and

correct copy of the Naturanook’s email with the proposed agreement is attached hereto as

Exhibit 4.

30. In mid-September 2023, Plant Traps resubmitted a report of Naturanook’s

continuing infringement to Amazon, and on September 16, 2023 Amazon responded to Plant

Traps and stated that it reviewed and altered or removed the reported content.

31. Shortly thereafter, Plant Traps learned that Naturanook relisted and continued to

sell the Accused Products on Amazon.

32. Concerned that Naturanook wouldn’t stop its relentless infringement of the

RailScapes Products and Plant Traps’ intellectual property rights, Plant Traps sent a cease-and-

desist letter to Naturanook on October 6, 2023 (the “October 6, 2023 Letter”). A true and

correct copy of the October 6, 2023 Letter is attached hereto as Exhibit 5.

33. The October 6, 2023 Letter notified Naturanook of several violations of Plant

Traps rights including potential infringement of the patent pending design of the RailScapes

Products, infringement of trademark rights, and infringement of copyright rights, and demanded

that Naturanook immediately cease its sale of the Accused Products and unauthorized use of

Plant Traps’ advertisements, packaging, and installation instructions.

34. In response, Naturanook admitted on October 12, 2023 (the “October 12, 2023

Response”) to infringement of the RailScapes Products and offered several remediation efforts

including removing Plant Traps’ registered “PLANT TRAPS” trademark from its metadata, and

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not using Plant Traps’ advertisements, packaging, and installation instruction materials. A true

and correct copy of the October 12, 2023 Response is attached hereto as Exhibit 6.

35. Naturanook, however, did not meet all of Plant Traps’ October 6, 2023 Letter

demands and continued to willfully infringe Plant Traps’ intellectual property rights.

36. Plant Traps again sought written confirmation from Naturanook that it would stop

further infringement and meet Plant Traps’ demands in a letter on October 24, 2023 (the

“October 24, 2023 Letter”). A true and correct copy of the October 24, 2023 Letter is attached

hereto as Exhibit 7.

37. On October 30, 2023, Naturanook responded to the October 24, 2023 Letter

reiterating the same remediation efforts and claimed that its customer target base is different

from Plant Traps. A true and correct copy of the October 30, 2023 Letter is attached hereto as

Exhibit 8.

38. On October 31, 2023, ‘074 Patent issued to Plant Traps.

39. During April 28, 2023 – June 8, 2023, Plant Traps observed a 25% decrease in

revenue after Naturanook entered the market on April 27, 2023.

40. Thereafter, during June 9, 2023 – July 20, 2023, Plant Traps observed a 60%

decrease in revenue.


41. On October 31, 2023, ‘076 Patent was issued to Plant Traps. See Exhibit 2.

42. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §282, Plant Traps’ ‘076 Patent has a presumption of validity

as a matter of law.

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43. Naturanook is manufacturing, offering for sale, selling, using, and/or importing

products into the United States infringing the patented design of the ‘076 Patent.

44. Upon information and belief, Naturanook sold and is selling the Accused Products

on Amazon, eBay, and other online commerce marketplaces.

45. Naturanook’s product consists of a design that is substantially like that of Plant

Traps. Images comparing the Accused Product to the patented design are shown below.

[Space is intended to be blank, see image referenced in averment 46 below.]

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46. In the eyes of an ordinary observer and subsequent purchasers the design of

Naturanook’s Accused Products and Plant Traps’ patented design are substantially the same.

47. A purchaser of RailScapes Products would consider the design of Naturanook’s

Accused Products and Plant Traps’ patented design substantially the same.

48. An ordinary purchaser of RailScapes Products would see the design of

Naturanook’s Accused Products and the ‘076 Patent’s patented design as being the same and

having the same design impression.

49. An ordinary observer would view the two designs, in the context of the prior art

and with the attention that a particular observer would have as a purchaser, to be the same.

50. In the eyes of the ordinary observer, giving such attention as a purchaser would,

the design of the Accused Products and the patented design are substantially the same, with the

resemblance being such that it will deceive such an observer, inducing the observer to purchase

the Accused Products.

51. As such, Naturanook’s Accused Products infringes Plant Traps’ patented design

and patent rights.


52. Plant Traps owns various trademark rights to its products.

53. Plant Traps is the owner of the 256 Registration. See Exhibit 1.

54. Plant Traps has been using the PLANT TRAPS mark in connection with the sale

of such products in the United States since at least January 27, 2021.

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55. As a result of Plant Traps’ use of the PLANT TRAPS mark and the high quality

of its products, the mark has become widely known throughout the United States and it is closely

identified with Plant Traps.

56. By virtue of its use, Plant Traps has built up substantial goodwill in the mark.

57. Thus, the mark represents a valuable business asset.

58. Naturanook has been violating Plant Traps’ rights in the PLANT TRAPS mark by

using that mark in connection with its advertising of similar competing products on Amazon.

59. Naturanook used the PLANT TRAPS mark in the metadata of its Amazon ads for

metal brackets for supporting potted plants. See Exhibit 3.

60. The screenshots on Exhibit 3 illustrate that Naturanook used the PLANT TRAPS

mark in the underlying metadata.

61. Plant Traps has not consented to Naturanook’s use of the PLANT TRAPS mark in

any manner.

62. Naturanook’s unauthorized use of the PLANT TRAPS mark was made with the

intention of trading on the goodwill associated with the mark.

63. Both Naturanook’s use of Plant Traps’ trademark and its use of the PLANT

TRAPS mark for the same type of products, are individually, and collectively intended, and

likely to cause confusion, to cause mistake, and/or to deceive affiliation, connection, or

association of Naturanook’s Accused Products with Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products.

64. In fact, customers have already confused Naturanook’s Accused Products as

being associated with Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products. See Communication 2.

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65. As such, the above use of the PLANT TRAPS mark in connection with

Naturanook’s products is in violation of 15 U.S.C. § 1114.


66. Naturanook’s activities were and are deliberate and willful.

67. Naturanook is aware of Plant Trap’s inventions and trademark and has

deliberately chosen to use, sell, and offer for sale products and use marks intended to copy or

imitate the same.

68. Naturanook was aware of Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products and trademark before

it entered the market with its Accused Products.

69. Naturanook deliberately chose to use, sell, and offer for sale its Accused Products

that copies and imitates Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products.

70. Naturanook deliberately chose to use, sell, and offer for sale its Accused Products

that copies and imitates the marks of Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products.

71. Naturanook chose to infringe Plant Traps’ patent and trademark rights despite an

objectively high likelihood that its actions constituted infringement of valid patent and trademark


72. Naturanook disregarded any risk, being either known or so obvious, to sell its

Accused Products.

73. Naturanook’s actions constitute willful infringement under the current legal

standards, and any future standards of law applicable thereto. Such standards include any current

and future standards for willfulness, and for enhanced damages under 35 U.S.C. §284.

74. Naturanook’s willful infringement is ongoing.

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75. Naturanook, in bad faith, adopted Plant Traps’ inventions and marks.

76. Naturanook’s acts have been without license or authority of Plant Traps.

77. Naturanook’s bad faith activities have caused and will continue to cause a

likelihood of deception and confusion in the marketplace among consumers, and extensive

damage to Plant Traps’ business, goodwill, and reputation.

78. Naturanook illegally profited and is illegally profiting from its infringement of

Plant Traps’ rights.

79. Naturanook’s actions have caused and are causing irreparable harm to Plant Traps.

80. Plant Traps was damaged by Naturanook’s activities and will continue to be

damaged unless Naturanook is restrained and enjoined by this Court.

81. Plant Traps has no adequate remedy at law.

82. Plant Traps has been damaged by Naturanook’s illegal actions in an amount to be

determined by a jury and this Court, including recovery and relief for Plant Traps’ lost sales, lost

profits, price erosion, and damage to Plant Traps’ reputation and good will, and/or a

disgorgement of Naturanook’s revenues and profits.


83. Plant Traps is being irreparably harmed by Naturanook’s infringing activities and

has no adequate remedy at law.

84. Plant Traps has been extensively damaged by Naturanook’s intellectual property

infringement in an amount to be determined by a jury and this Court.

85. Plant Traps seeks damages because of Naturanook’s infringement which include

but are not limited to: Plant Traps’ lost sales, lost profits, price erosion, and damage to its

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reputation and good will; and/or disgorgement of Naturanook’s revenues and profits from

Naturanook’s sales of infringing products, associated parts thereof, and from convoyed sales.

86. Plant Traps requests that this Honorable Court assess enhanced damages against

Naturanook in the fullest amount permissible by law, including, but not limited to, treble

damages under federal law and punitive damages under Pennsylvania law, in view of the willful,

egregious, malicious, and extensive nature of Naturanook’s bad faith activities complained of

herein, and in view of the numerous violations, the willful nature of the violations, and the

significant damage to Plant Traps, as set forth above.


87. Plant Traps repeats and re-alleges 1-87 contained in the preceding paragraphs as if

fully set forth herein.

88. Plant Traps patent infringement claim arises under 35 U.S.C. §101 et seq.

89. This Court has jurisdiction over this claim pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1331.

90. Naturanook’s acts as set forth above constitute infringement of the ‘076 Patent

under 35 U.S.C. §271.

91. Naturanook’s acts of infringement were and are willful and deliberate.

92. Naturanook is profiting from its infringing activities.

93. As a result of Naturanook’s conduct, Plant Traps is being substantially harmed,

and is suffering actual damages, including lost profits, and has been forced to retain legal counsel

and pay costs of court to bring this action.

WHEREFORE, Plant Traps respectfully requests that this Honorable Court, upon final
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hearing of this matter, grant the following relief against Naturanook:

A. A judgment entered in favor of Plant Traps on its claim that Naturanook

infringed the ‘076 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.;

B. A permanent injunction enjoining Naturanook, its respective officers,

directors, agents, and employees and all other those in concert or participation with, from:

1) making, importing, using, selling, and offering to sell infringing

products practicing the ‘076 Patent and from otherwise infringing,

contributing to infringement of, and actively inducing infringement of the

‘076 Patent; and,

2) holding out in any manner whatsoever that Naturanook or

Naturanook’s products and services, such as the Accused Products and

services, are in any way sponsored, approved, sourced, certified, affiliated,

connected or associated with Plant Traps, or Plant Traps’ products and


C. A judgment and order that Naturanook make an accounting to Plant Traps

and pay over to Plants:

1) the extent of Naturanook’s total profit and revenue realized and

derived from its infringement of the ‘076 Patent and actual damages to Plant

Traps including an assessment of interest on the damages so computed;

2) treble damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284 and 289 for

Naturanook’s willful and deliberate infringement and as permitted under all

applicable federal laws;

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D. A judgment and order that Naturanook be required to deliver up for

impoundment during the pendency of this action, and for destruction thereafter, all copies

of the infringing materials in its possession or under its control and all materials,

including molds and master models, used for making same;

E. An award of costs of this action together with Plant Traps’ reasonable

attorney’s fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §285 for this case being exceptional, and as

permitted under other applicable laws;

F. An award of interest, including pre-judgment interest on all damages;

G. An award that Plant Traps obtain such all other relief as permitted under

the laws of the United States; and

H. An award to Plant Traps of such all other relief as the Court may deem

just and equitable.

15 U.S.C. § 1114

94. Plant Traps repeats and re-alleges 1-87 contained in the preceding paragraphs, as if

fully set forth herein.

95. Plant Traps’ PLANT TRAPS mark, the 256 Registration, is valid and subsisting

and provide Plant Traps with the right to use the PLANTS TRAPS mark in commerce in the

United States and this judicial district.

96. Naturanook has been violating Plant Traps’ 256 Registration rights in the

PLANT TRAPS mark by using that mark in connection with its advertising of similar

competing products on Amazon.

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97. Naturanook used the PLANT TRAPS mark in the metadata of its Amazon ads

for metal brackets for supporting potted plants to misdirect customers. See Exhibit 3.

98. Plant Traps has not consented to Naturanook’s use of the PLANT TRAPS mark

in any manner.

99. Both Naturanook’s use of Plant Traps’ trademark and its use of the PLANT

TRAPS mark for the same type of products, are individually, and collectively intended, and

likely to cause confusion, to cause mistake, and/or to deceive affiliation, connection, or

association of Naturanook’s Accused Products with Plant Traps’ RailScapes Products.

100. Plant Traps has not consented to Naturanook’s use of the PLANT TRAPS mark

in any manner.

101. Consumers who purchase Naturanook’s products that bear marks that are

almost identical and confusingly similar to the PLANT TRAPS mark or infringing marks

confusingly similar thereto, believing products to be sponsored, associated with, or affiliated

with Plant Traps, are deceived and misled or will likely be deceived and misled, thereby

resulting in a loss of goodwill in the PLANT TRAPS mark and creating confusion, thus

irreparably injuring Plant Traps.

102. Upon information and belief, Naturanook’s unauthorized use of Plant Traps’

mark was with the deliberate intention of trading on and benefiting from the valuable

reputation and goodwill established in PLANT TRAPS mark and gives the false impression

that Naturanook is associated with Plant Traps.

103. Plant Traps has no control over the quality of the products offered and sold by

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Naturanook and because of the confusion as to the source and false association with Plant

Traps engendered by Naturanook, Plant Traps’ valuable goodwill in respect to its mark is at

the mercy of Naturanook unless such use is permanently enjoined.

104. Naturanook’s use of the PLANT TRAPS mark to confuse consumers is a

deliberate, knowing, and willful infringement of Plant Traps’ statutory trademark rights. Such

acts have been undertaken in reckless and willful disregard for Plant Traps’ rights and have

been designed specifically to trade upon the goodwill associated with the Plant Traps’ mark.

WHEREFORE, Plant Traps respectfully requests that this Honorable Court, upon final

hearing of this matter, grant the following relief against Naturanook:

A. A judgment entered in favor of Plant Traps on its claim that Naturanook

engaged in trademark infringement under Section 43 of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C.

§ 1114;

B. A permanent injunction enjoining Naturanook, its respective officers,

directors, agents, and employees and all person in concert or participation with, from:

1) offering for sale, selling, or marketing merchandise that copies or

imitates of Plant Traps’ trademark rights;

2) offering for sale, selling or marketing merchandise that tends in

any way to deceive, mislead or confuse the public into believing that

Naturanook’s merchandise in any originates with, is sanctioned by, or is

affiliated with, Plant Traps;

3) from engaging in any activities violating Plant Traps’ rights under

15 U.S.C. §1114 or any other right under federal law;

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C. A judgment and order that Naturanook make an accounting to Plant Traps

and pay over to Plants:

1) any and all revenues, profits, gains, and advantages attributable to

Naturanook’s and all damages sustained by Plant Traps by reason of the acts

complained of in this Complaint, including an assessment of interest on the

damages so computed;

2) trebled damages pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1117 for Naturanook’s

willful and deliberate infringement and as permitted under all federal laws;

D. A judgment and order that Naturanook be required to deliver up for

impoundment during the pendency of this action, and for destruction thereafter, all copies

of the infringing materials in its possession or under its control and all materials,

including molds and master models, used for making same;

E. An award of costs of this action together with Plant Traps’ reasonable

attorney’s fees pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1117 for this case being exceptional, and as

permitted under other applicable laws;

F. An award of interest, including pre-judgment interest on all damages;

G. An award that Plant Traps obtain such all other relief as permitted under

the laws of the United States; and

H. An award to Plant Traps of such all other relief as the Court may deem

just and equitable.

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15 U.S.C. §1125(a)

105. Plant Traps repeats and realleges 1-87 contained in the preceding paragraphs as if

fully stated herein.

106. Naturanook embedded in its metadata Plant Traps’ exact phrase, “TURN YOUR

RAILING INTO A FLOATING GARDEN Create stunning vertical gardens – right on the

railing!”, to misdirect customers. Plant Traps coined this phrase by using it in commerce

through its online advertising. See Exhibit 3.

107. Plant Traps’ use of this phrase in commerce protects the marks from being used

by others.

108. Plant Traps never consented to Naturanook’s use of these marks.

109. Naturanook’s unauthorized use of Plant Traps’ marks to sell the Accused

Products creates a false designation of origin that such products emanate from Plant Traps and

falsely creates the impression that Plant Traps sponsors or approves the Accused Products and

falsely associates and affiliates Naturanook with Plant Traps in violation of 15 U.S.C. §1125(a).

110. Naturanook’s unauthorized use of Plant Traps’ marks is intentionally designed to

deceive prospective purchasers into believing that the Accused Products originate from or are

endorsed by Plant Traps. Naturanook’s unauthorized use of Plant Traps’ marks is likely to

deceive and has deceived consumers into believing that Naturanook is in some way associated

with, connected with, or related to Plant Traps.

111. Naturanook’s unauthorized use of Plant Traps’ marks in interstate commerce has

caused and is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive as to the affiliation,

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connection, or association of Naturanook with Plant Traps or as to the origin, sponsorship, or

approval by Plant Traps of Naturanook’s products.

112. Upon information and belief, Naturanook has, with knowledge of the falsity of the

designations of origin, descriptions, and/or representations used in connection with the sale of

the Accused Products, caused them to be advertised, offered, and sold in interstate commerce to

the immediate and irreparable damage of Plant Traps and the public in violation of 15 U.S.C.


113. Naturanook has unfairly competed with Plant Traps by using Plant Traps’ marks

to sell its Accused Products without authorization from Plant Traps in violation of 15 U.S.C.


114. Naturanook’s acts of infringement were and are willful and deliberate.

115. Naturanook has profited from its illegal and bad faith activities.

116. Plant Traps has suffered and continues to suffer substantial damage because

Naturanook has unfairly competed with Plant Traps and participated in bad faith activities.

WHEREFORE, Plant Traps respectfully requests that this Honorable Court, upon final

hearing of this matter, grant the following relief against Naturanook:

A. A judgment and order that Naturanook unfairly competed with Plant Traps

and infringed Plant Traps’ trademark rights under 15 U.S.C. §1125(a);

B. A permanent injunction enjoining Naturanook, its respective officers,

directors, agents, and employees and all person in concert or participation with, from:

1) offering for sale, selling, or marketing merchandise that copies or

imitates of Plant Traps’ trademark rights;

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2) offering for sale, selling or marketing merchandise that tends in

any way to deceive, mislead or confuse the public into believing that

Naturanook’s merchandise in any originates with, is sanctioned by, or is

affiliated with, Plant Traps;

3) from engaging in any activities violating Plant Traps’ rights under

15 U.S.C. §1125(a) or any other right under federal law;

C. A judgment and order that Naturanook make an accounting to Plant Traps

and pay over to Plants:

1) any and all revenues, profits, gains, and advantages attributable to

Naturanook’s and all damages sustained by Plant Traps by reason of the

acts complained of in this Complaint, including an assessment of interest

on the damages so computed;

2) trebled damages pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1117 for Naturanook’s willful and

deliberate infringement and as permitted under all federal laws;

D. Naturanook be required to deliver up for impoundment during the

pendency of this action, and for destruction thereafter, all copies of the infringing

materials in its possession or under its control and all materials, including molds and

master models, used for making same;

E. A judgment and order that Naturanook be required to deliver up for

impoundment during the pendency of this action, and for destruction thereafter, all copies

of the infringing materials in its possession or under its control and all materials,

including molds and master models, used for making same;

Case 2:23-cv-01907-JFC Document 1 Filed 11/03/23 Page 24 of 27

F. An award of costs of this action together with Plant Traps’ reasonable

attorney’s fees pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §1117 for this case being exceptional, and as

permitted under other applicable laws;

G. An award of interest, including pre-judgment interest on all damages;

H. An award that Plant Traps obtain such all other relief as permitted under

the laws of the United States; and

I. An award to Plant Traps of such all other relief as the Court may deem

just and equitable.


117. Plant Traps repeats and re-alleges 1-87 allegation contained in the preceding

paragraphs, as if fully set forth herein.

118. This claim arises under the Common Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

See USX Corp. v. Adriatic Ins. Co., 99 F.Supp.2d 593, 619 (W.D. Pa. 2000).

119. This Court has jurisdiction over this claim pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1367.

120. Plant Traps coined this phrase by using it in commerce through its online


121. Plants Traps coined the phrase, “TURN YOUR RAILING INTO A FLOATING

GARDEN Create stunning vertical gardens – right on the railing!”, by using in commerce

through its online advertising.

122. Plant Traps’ use of this phrase in commerce protects the marks from being used

by others.

Case 2:23-cv-01907-JFC Document 1 Filed 11/03/23 Page 25 of 27

123. Naturanook used this exact phrase by embedding it in its metadata to misdirect


124. Plant Traps never consented to Naturanook’s use of these marks.

125. Naturanook has engaged in unfair competition under Pennsylvania Common Law

because it knowingly used Plant Traps’ marks without authorization.

126. Naturanook has misappropriated the business value of Plant Traps and has

misappropriated the results of Plant Traps’ labor and skill and its expenditures, by marketing and

selling products that are confusingly like Plant Traps’.

127. Naturanook has used Plant Traps’ marks in competition with Plant Traps, gaining

an unfair advantage, because Naturanook bore little or no burden of expense of Plant Traps’

creation, development, marketing, and promotion of its marks and products.

128. Naturanook engaged in bad faith in misappropriating Plant Traps’ products by

creating, marketing, promoting, and selling products that use Plant Traps’ marks which is likely

to cause confusion, to deceive purchasers as to the origin of the products, and to dilute the value

of Plant Traps’ marks and the value of Plant Traps’ products bearing the same.

129. Naturanook’s bad faith activities are intended to copy or mimic the trademarks

associated with Plant Traps’ brand.

130. Naturanook’s actions have caused significant commercial damage to Plant Traps.

131. Naturanook’s conduct is illegal and actionable under the Common Law of

trademark infringement and unfair competition of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

WHEREFORE, Plant Traps respectfully requests that this Honorable Court, upon final

Case 2:23-cv-01907-JFC Document 1 Filed 11/03/23 Page 26 of 27

hearing of this matter, grant the following relief against Naturanook:

A. A judgment entered in favor of Plant Traps on its claim that Naturanook

engaged in trademark infringement and unfair competition under the Common Law of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;

B. A permanent injunction enjoining Naturanook, its respective officers,

directors, agents, and employees and all person in concert or participation with, from:

1) offering for sale, selling, or marketing merchandise that copies or

imitates of Plant Traps’ trademark rights;

2) offering for sale, selling or marketing merchandise that tends in

any way to deceive, mislead or confuse the public into believing that

Naturanook’s merchandise in any originates with, is sanctioned by, or is

affiliated with, Plant Traps;

3) unfairly competing with Plant Traps, or engaging in any and all

further deceptive or unfair business practices with respect to Plant Traps

4) from engaging in any activities violating Plant Traps’ rights under

the Common Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;

5) from engaging in any and all further deceptive or unfair business

practices with respect to Plant Traps under the Common Law of the

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;

C. An award of the following to Plant Traps:

1) compensatory damages;

2) punitive or exemplary damages under Pennsylvania law because of

Case 2:23-cv-01907-JFC Document 1 Filed 11/03/23 Page 27 of 27

the outrageous, willful and malicious tortious conduct of Naturanook

complained of herein;

D. An award of interest, including pre-judgment interest on all damages;

E. An award that Plant Traps obtain such all other relief as permitted under

the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and

F. An award to Plant Traps of such all other relief as the Court may deem

just and equitable.


Pursuant to Rule 38 Fed. R. Civ. P. Plant Traps hereby demands a trial by jury on all

issues set forth herein that are properly triable to a jury.

Respectfully submitted,


Dated: November 3, 2023 /s/Rebeca H. Miller

Alan G. Towner, Esquire
PA I.D. # 67984
Rebeca H. Miller, Esquire
PA I.D. # 329744
525 William Penn Place, 28th Floor,
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 694-7281 (phone)
(412) 227-5551 (fax)


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