A True Leader

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A true Leader

A true leader has a natural ability to influence people for a

good cause.

1. A leader is a person who knows the way, walks the way and shows the way.
2. In simple terms, a leader leads by examples in everything that pertains the organization.
3. The secret behind success in leadership is to do it first all what you want your followers to do!
4. If you don’t do it yourself but always telling them to do it, in reality you will be telling them not to
do it at all. People learn more on what you do than what you merely speak!
5. Words are empty utterances unless actions are in place!
6. Don’t tell them what to do, just do what you want them to do you will see!
7. If you speak what you can’t do, you will be simply imparting a very wrong spirit or anointing!
8. Most leaders fail in the journey of leadership just because of a simple thing: they tell followers to do
what they cannot do themselves.
9. Leaders who claim things, usually they are not what they claim to be!
10. A true Leader speaks less and act more!
11. Don’t emphasize something to be done that you don’t practice, you will present yourself as a liar
and a hypocrite.
12. Don’t tell people to love while you can’t love yourself.
13. Don’t tell people to share while you can’t share!
14. If it is in church, don’t tell followers to give but yourself can’t give!
15. Don’t tell members to be faithful in Tithes while you are not faithful in the way you pay Tithes.
16. To be a liar is a little thing, you are a liar if you tell people to do what you can’t do yourself!
17. Don’t tell people to come early to church or to a meeting then yourself arrive late, that’s pride!
18. If you are a Christian Leader, your character matters a lot. It can bring people or chase them.
19. Moods cannot be condoned on a person who is called a leader.
20. If you are not happy on a particular day, don’t show it to the followers, it affects them in a way you
can’t explain and it demoralize them!
21. A true and mature Leader is open to correction but a baby leader gets angry whenever he/she is
22. The priority of a true Christian Leader is:
- God: first.
- Family: second.
- others: third.
- Yourself: last.

23. Your attendance at church, financial participation, commitment to every work of the ministry
speaks a lot.

NB: Let’s help each other to lead God’s people in a way that pleases Him.

- Let’s correct each other in love in order to bring God’s glory in our organizations.
- If ever these leadership nuggets are properly followed, believe me organizations will be
- Are you ready to lead this year?
- Are you mature enough to handle pressure?
- Do you care for people?
- Can you admit when you are wrong?
- Are you prepared to tell the truth every time?
- Are you prepared to live sexually pure as a godly leader?
- Will you fear God and respect people?

If your answers are ‘Yes’ then, you are a good and a true Leader 🙏

Apostle M. Gumbo

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