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In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Bachelor of Technical Vocational

Teacher Education Major of Electrical Technology



AUGUST, 2024

Preface ……………………………………………………………………………………
Part 1……………………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………………………

I INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………..
Background of the study……………………………………………
Research Gap…………………………………………………………….

Training in technical vocational education ultimately aims to help students

gain the knowledge, attitudes, and practical skills necessary for sustainable
development. Students in vocational technical education receive instruction that
emphasizes producing things and services that are useful to society as a whole. It
was said that in order to produce the needed number of graduates with practical
skills, effective and efficient teaching strategies, proper evaluation methods, and use
of standard instructional materials, tools, machines, and equipment are required.
Training manuals and the availability of experienced, trained trainers are further

Students who pursue training in electrical installation are expected to have a

variety of trade skills, including design, development, production, excellence in
electrical management, use of cutting-edge machinery and equipment, and upkeep
of vital electrical/electronic devices and circuits.

The development of skills, particularly in the Electrical Installation and

Maintenance trades, would surely lead to job creation and self-reliance as
unemployment is a sign that technical college graduates lack marketable abilities.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the students' abilities in electrical
installation and maintenance. Learning is the process of acquiring information (both
practical and theoretical), which is education.

In this study, we examine the degree to which second-year college students

enrolled in TCCSTFI Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM) program possess
electrical abilities. Our major objective is to evaluate the students' level of
competency in several electrical skill areas and pinpoint any areas that can benefit
from additional development.

Maintenance Work in River's State Technical Colleges. The study employed a

descriptive Survey. The study's participants There were 48 electrical teachers and 12
administrators at River's state technical institutions. The research was conducted in
the state of River. A As data gathering devices, structured questionnaires were
employed. The study was directed by two research questions and two null
hypotheses. The Cronbach Alpha technique was employed to assess the instrument's
reliability, yielding a coefficient of.75 validity. It advocated for the incorporation of
information and communication technology into technical colleges. Curriculum in
River's State, Siwes should engage and educate additional individuals for proper
Electrical Monitoring/Supervision. The report also included ideas for future research
investigations and installation and maintenance work students.

The study was conducted at four technical schools in Rivers territory. The
study's population consisted of 60 respondents, 48 electrical teachers and 12
administrators. A the title of a systematic questionnaire, tactics for improving
students' practical abilities in electrical installation and maintenance work
(SESPSEIMW), was utilized to collect data. A systematic 20-item questionnaire was
used. The structure is built around a 5-point response system. Strongly Agree (SA) 5
points, Agree (A) 4 points, uncertain (U) 3 points, Disagree (D) 2 points, and Strongly
Disagree (D) 2 points 1 point for disagree (SD). The acquired data was analyzed using
means, standard deviation, and the t-test. to ascertain In order to determine the
acceptance and rejection level of each item in respect to the study questions, a
decision rule based on the true limit number was developed. mean replies up to 3.50
and above will be allowed, while mean responses 3.49 and below will be rejected
rejected. The standard deviation figure will be used to examine if the respondents'
perceptions are homogeneous. the The choice for null hypotheses is as follows:
accept the null hypothesis if the estimated value of (t-cal) is smaller than the critical
value of (t-crit). However, if the computed value of (t-cal) is larger than or equal to
the critical value of (t-crit) at the 0.05 level of significance, the hypothesis is rejected.
then refuse the

Electrical installation and maintenance job abilities are developed by

repetition of a task. Furthermore, ability is competence, trained ability, and
dexterity. Trainees can learn skills through know-how and skill acquisition training.
growth (Abdullahi2016).

Individuals are expected to be trained and continuously carry out skills acquisition.
out a certain task until the trainees become skilled in the operation and can
accomplish it when needed. Competencies are when technical instructions are in
sync with performance actions, For skills to be acquired there must be opportunities
for participation and practice of such skills under real life situation. According to
Donli (2004).
However, electrical installation and maintenance is one of the technical trades that is
available. Rivers State has technical institutions and recognized craft institutes.
Electrical installation and maintenance can be studied as a course of study.
The maintenance work curriculum at this level of the general educational system is
intended to develop skilled labor for home use.
installation, maintenance of electrical appliances and to be engaged in electrical
enterprises. Electrical installation and maintenance
A course of study consists of many components or procedures that demand
management abilities (NABTEB.2013).

Modern electrical installation and maintenance tools and equipment for

teaching electrical skills Installation and maintenance work must be easily accessible,
and appropriate tactics must be employed to improve students' practical abilities.
Electrical installation and maintenance work, as well as specific measures for
evaluating student performance, will be carried out. and outside of the classroom.
Electrical graduates who do not improve their practical abilities in electrical
installation and maintenance will fail. Installation and maintenance labor may not
properly contribute to social progress. It is critical to devise techniques for
improving students' practical skills acquisition in electrical installation and
maintenance. River state is undergoing maintenance. In order to improve students'
practical skills acquisition in technical college abilities such as electrical At the
technical college level, chances for students to practice their installation and
maintenance skills must be made available. are taught in a context that is relevant to
the work skills learned.


The goal of this study was to determine the level of accomplishments of the
electrical course and the level of the students' ability growth. It looked at the
students' fundamental knowledge and skills in electrical technology at Pangasinan
State University. The analysis reviews of second-year colleges show that some of
them have an advantage while others do not. The instructors must start with the
fundamentals of electrical theory and practice. They must also consider the degree
to which instructional methods and structures are effective in fostering the
development of skills. They must also consider how well the materials used to teach
electrical theory and practice are adequate. IMMEDIATE ACTION IS REQUIRED TO

The study was carried out to determine strategies for enhancing student’s practical
skills in Electrical Installation and Maintenance Work in Technical Colleges in River’s
State. A descriptive Survey was used for the study./


The following research questions guided the study:

Is there a strong connection between pupils' skill development and academic


-it is not clear whether study skills used by students did not have a significant impact
on their academic achievement, according to the results of the study. In other
words, the study skills employed by students did not appear to be strongly
correlated with how well they performed academically. This suggests that other
factors might be influencing students' academic success beyond just their study
skills. It's important to interpret these findings cautiously and consider other
potential variables that could contribute to academic achievement.

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