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Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S.


CLIL lesson plan

Global goal: to understand natural phenomena, how human’s activities can have a good or
disruptive influence to them, making students more aware of being part of a global society.

Unit: “Greenhouse effect and Energy-efficient house”.

Level 4th .

Timing 20 hours .

Aims : To understand the immediate and possible future impact on our weather of the
greenhouse effect, the resulting effects on environment, the possible solution and the good
behaviour on issues in disciplines such as science, technical equipment and building design.

Criteria for assessment

Teacher and self-assessment processes will be used to assess how well learners:

• know the definition of “Greenhouse effect”

• know the main terms of “Climate changing”
• can identify the main aspects of the future impact on our weather of the greenhouse effect
• can describe the greenhouse effect
• can identify the possible causes of greenhouse effect
• can distinguish between good and bad behaviors
• can list the possible causes of global warming
• can list the consequences of global warming
• can explain with a graph about the rising in earth temperature
• know the main terms of “Energy-efficient houses”
• can describe the main features of an “Energy-efficient houses”.

Teaching objectives

Content Cognition

• Introduction of the topics “Greenhouse • To provide learners with opportunities to

effect and energy-efficient house” understand the key concepts and apply
them in different contexts
• To connect new content to prior knowledge
using Multi-modal content such as : • To guide students through a series of
challenges that allows them to develop
Articles cognitively using:
Images Divergent thinking
Video Problem solving
listening activities/exercises. Learning to learn

Discovery of critical and creative thinking.

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI


• Understand that students can learn no matter which language they are using;
• Help students to make connections between what they are learning and the real world;
• Making students more aware of being part of society;
• Making students more aware of the importance of respecting the environment;
• Develop life skill such as: Empathy, Respect, Diversity, Ability to use multiple perspectives,


Language of learning Language for learning Language through learning

• Key vocabulary: • Asking each other questions: • Distinguish language

needed to carry out
NOUNS/ADJECTIVES: What does “Greenhouse activities
Greenhouse, heat-trapping effect” mean?
• Retain language revised by
gases, endangered species, Which are the causes of both the teacher and
climate changes, human greenhouse effect? learners
enhanced greenhouse
effect, heavy drought, Which are the consequences • Make use of peer
of greenhouse effect? explanations
tides, long/short waves
radiations, carbon dioxide, What do you know about • Record, predict and learn
water vapour, growing of the earth new words which arise
chlorofluorocarbons, temperatures ? from activities
renewable energy, solar What is a fossil fuel?
panel, boiler, turbine,
carbon saving… Can you tell me something
about the carbon cycle?
VERBS: scattered, melting,
What can we do to help?
flooding, deplated, trigger,
generate…. Wich are the most
important features and
equipments of an energy-
efficient house?

• Classifying:

Comparing and contrasting:

The advantages and the
disadvantages of living in an
energy-efficient house…

Other: Look at the graph

and describe it

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

Learning outcomes

Students become actively engaged in the linguistic tasks of reading English, developing vocabulary,
and interpreting language structures used in the video and in the research tasks of searching for,
accessing, and evaluating information.

They then are asked to articulate this newly gained knowledge in an oral and a written format.
Whatever their personal viewpoints, the topic always sparks lively discussion.

Because climate changes plays such a major role in everyday life, students become very involved
in researching this topic.

Internet research becomes a highly motivating vehicle to developing language and content
knowledge, as students actively practice the linguistic, critical thinking, and analytical skills
necessary for college-level work.

By the end of the Unit learners will be able to use both print and electronic media as sources for
information on the following topics:

1. Recent changes in global climate;

2. Recent changes in geographical patterns due to climate;
3. The effects of a weather phenomenon known as El Nino;
4. Which renewable energy sources are most suitable for domestic use;
5. Passive houses;
6. Outlook for the future.
Students are asked to :

• Explain about … meaning

• Solve matching activities
• Make and answer questions
• List the main features of an “Energy-efficient houses” and a “passive house”
• Talk about advantages and disadvantages of the Greenhouse effect
• Draw and Discuss a line graph on growing in earth temperatures
• Successfully engage in visual matching between concepts and images
• Use language creatively
• Interpret visual information
• Ask and respond to wh- questions about their work
• Use a class vocabulary record of new words.

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

Teaching / Learning activities

Lesson 1 – Introduction to CLIL/Warming up activities

• Teacher show a Power point presentation “WHAT IS CLIL”.

• Students are requested to fill the test: “multiple intelligences test.xls” and to take evidence of
their final results.

• Warming up activities : all students are moving around the class to find someone who know
the answer to some given questions.

Lesson 2 – Introduction to the topic “Greenhouse effect”

• Teacher show a Power point presentation : “Greenhous effect”.

• Students can take notes about the topic on their exercise-book.

• KEY VOCABULARY: Students are requested to write on the exercise-book the unknown
words/verbs trying to give the correct meaning.

• Students are asked to check the meaning together.

Lesson 3 - “Greenhouse effect”

• Students watch the video “Greenhouse effect”

( , 3,29’ for 2 times)

• Students are asked to do EXERCISE 1 : one minute to read the worksheet; then working in pairs
students are requested to do the exercise 1 on the worksheet; they use the tables to take
turns asking and answering the questions with each other and write down the answer; Student
A uses table 1 and Student B uses table 2 (they should not look at each other’s table).

• They check the answers together.

Lesson 4 – “FILL THE GAPS”

• Students are asked to do EXERCISE 2 – “FILL THE GAPS”; One minute to read the worksheet.
Then they watch the video “Carbon cycle”:
( , 4,22’ for 2 times)
and fill the gaps on the worksheet.


• Students read a text about “Climate changing” (EXERCISE 3 – “READING”).

• KEY VOCABULARY: they underline the words strictly related to the topics which they already

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

• Students read again and underline any new word, using the space provided aside to write
them and trying to give their explanation.

• Students check the meaning together.

• Students are asked to make notes under the following headings:

Which are some of the indicators showing patterns, changes, and trends of the global climate

Which are some of the key regional climate and climate-related events?


• Research: students are asked to look for the Internet as sources for information on the
following three topics:

1. Recent changes in global climate

2. Recent changes in geographical patterns due to climate
3. The effects of a weather phenomenon known as El Nino.
Working in pairs students are requested to answer some questions:

o Which are the possible causes of greenhouse effect

o Which are the possible causes of global warming
o Which are the consequences of global warming

• Working in pair they are asked to prepare a presentation (Prezi, Power point..), in which they
describe and discuss each of the areas listed above.

• Teacher shows some data and students are asked to draw a bar chart or a line graph
explaining about the rising in earth temperature.

Lesson 7 – Introduction to the topic “Renewable energy technologies “

• Students read a text about some renewable energy technologies (EXERCISE 4 – “READING”).

• KEY VOCABULARY: they underline the words strictly related to the topics which they already

• Students read again and underline any new word, using the space provided aside to write
them and trying to give their explanation.

• Students check the meaning together.

• Students are asked to make notes under the following headings:

o Initial cost
o How it works
o Energy saved annually and environmental benefit.

Lesson 8 – “Energy-efficient house” - “MATCHING and RESEARCH”

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

• Students watch the video “Energy-efficient house”

( , 7,45’ for 2 times).
• Students report what they’ve understood from their part about the main features used to
have an energy-efficient house to the other members of the group.
• Students are asked to do EXERCISE 5 – “MATCHING”; working in pairs they are requested to
match the correct definitions;
• They check the answers together.
• Students watch the video “Energy Efficient - The secret for saving energy and building an
energy efficient home” ( , 10,11’ for 2
• Students report what they’ve understood from their part about the main features used to
have an energy-efficient house to the other members of the group.
• Students are asked to look for the Internet as sources for information on the following topics:

1. Which renewable energy sources are most suitable for domestic use;
2. Passive houses;
3. Outlook for the future.
• Working in pair they are asked to write three papers, in which they describe and discuss each
of the areas listed above.


• Read again the text.

• Working in pairs students are requested to answer some questions:
o What renewable energy sources can you think of?
o Which are suitable for domestic use?
o Why do people use them?
o Do you use any renewable energy sources in your home?
o Which are the main features of an “Energy-efficient houses”?
o What do you predict for the future?
• Students are asked to check the answer together.

Lesson 10 – QUIZ OVERWIEW and Assessment

• Students are requested to answer the “Kahoot quiz” about the Greenhouse effect and

energy- efficient house.

• Students fill the self-evaluation form.

• Teacher fill the evaluation grid.

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

Instruments for assessment - Grid for the evaluation of 4 C’s

Evaluation in tenths (minimum grade = 1 ; sufficiency = 6; maximum score = 10)

(minimum single score = 0 ; maximum single score = 2,5)

indicators descriptors levels scores score

Non motivato (not 0
Interesse (motivation) Recepisce 0,75
Atteggiamenti/Attitude (receptive)
(Culture) Interviene (attend) 1,25
Insufficiente (poor) 0
Disponibilità (positive Sufficiente 0,75
attitude)(co-operation) (sufficient)
Buona (good) 1,25
Insufficiente (poor) 0
Osservare, raccogliere, Sufficiente 0,75
correlare, comunicare dati (sufficient)
(to observe, gather,
compare, explain data)
Buona (good) 1,25
Capacità/Abilities Rispettare le consegne (to Non correttamente 0 2,5
(Content) comply with the tasks) (not correctly)
Correttamente 0,625
Usare strumenti (to use Non correttamente 0
tools) (not correctly)
Correttamente 0,625
Osservare spontaneamente, Non è in grado 0
scambiare informazioni (to (he/she can’t)
observe on its own, to
exchange informations)
È in grado 0,625
(he/she can)
Non è in grado 0
(he/she can’t)
Rapporti con gli altri/ Lavorare in gruppo, se si È in grado come 0,75
/Relationship con che ruolo (team work) aiutante (he/she can 2,5
(Communication) as subordinate)
È in grado come 1,25
leader (he/she can
as leader)
Comprendere il linguaggio Poco (poor) 0
specifico (understanding of
specific language)
Bene (good) 0,625

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

Sa usare il linguaggio Non è in grado 0

specifico durante la (he/she can’t)
descrizione delle fasi (can
Competenze/Skills use the specific language)
(Cognition) Solo in parte (he/she 1,25 2,5
partially can)
In modo completo 2,5
(he/she totally can)
Totale 10
Name: Class:

Task: Date:

How well did I do?

I need to work I did this very
I did this OK. I did well.
on this! well!

1. I contributed to the class

2. I listened to the teacher and to others
in order to learn.
3. I used the new words and phrases that
I learned in this unit.
4. I asked and answered survey questions
correctly and with good pronunciation.
5. I checked with group members and the
teacher to make sure I was doing
things properly.
6. I co-operated and shared the work
fairly with the other group members.
7. I showed respect for the ideas and
contributions of my classmates.
8. My written statement was clear, had
good detail, and was easy for others to
9. My spelling, grammar, punctuation /
character formation was good.
10. I asked for help when I needed it for all
parts of the task.

I did well on : ____________________________________________________________________

My favourite part of this project was: _________________________________________________

One thing I didn’t like was: __________________________________________________________

I need help with: __________________________________________________________________

I need to learn more about: _________________________________________________________

Next time I will: ___________________________________________________________________

Progetto CLIL T.E.C.H. – Teaching English and Contents: Howto - Prof.V.Poliseno – I.I.S.S. PANETTI-PITAGORA BARI

Scaffolding tips
The focus of the unit is on the language.

Language for the teacher Language for the learner

ü Settle down quickly please, let’s get ü I think they can …, because …
ü I don’t think so, because …
ü Let’s just recap on what we did the
other day. ü I don’t know …

ü What do you know about …? ü Can you help us?

ü Can you tell me something about …? ü There are … kinds of …

ü Read out loud.

ü Don’t forget to write a note about the

information your partner gives you.

ü Don’t panic!

ü Find a partner to work with.

ü Is that clear?

ü You’ve worked well today. Good.

• Personal Computer
• Smartphone / Tablet.

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