Project Management Synopsis

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Submitted By: -
Group – 13

Tanya Ojha (22GSOB2010718)

Sarika Yadav (22GSOB2010561)
Kajal Kumari (22GSOB2010398)
Aditya Rathore (22GSOB2010540)
Mannu Dixit (22GSOB2010748)

Submitted To: -
Prof. Dr Ashish Kumar Singh

MBA 3rd semester

Department of School of Business
Galgotias University, Greater Noida
Table of Contents

1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Literature Review
4. Objective
5. Motivation for the project
6. Project Identification
7. Project Selection
8. Methodology
9. Project Scope
11. Conclusion
12. Reference

1. Title: -
A Project Report on “The e-waste to refurbished

2. Introduction: -
• Electronic waste, or e-waste, is a growing environmental problem that poses
serious threats to human health and natural resources. E-waste contains valuable
materials such as metals, plastics, and glass that can be recovered and reused for
various purposes. However, most of the e-waste generated in the world is not
properly recycled or disposed of, leading to pollution, waste of resources, and
social injustice. The e-waste to refurbished products project aims to address this
issue by creating a circular economy model that transforms e-waste into high-
quality refurbished products that can be sold or donated to low-income
communities. This project will not only reduce the environmental impact of e-
waste, but also create social and economic benefits for the stakeholders
3. Litereture Review: -
• E-waste is a growing environmental and social problem that requires effective
and sustainable solutions. Several studies have explored the challenges and
opportunities of transforming e-waste into refurbished products that can be
reused or donated to low-income communities. This project reviews the
current state of e-waste management, recycling technologies, and circular
economy models, and proposes a novel approach to create high-quality
refurbished products from e-waste. The project also examines the
environmental, economic, and social impacts of this approach, and provides
recommendations for policy and practice.

4. Objective: -

• Develop a novel and sustainable approach to transform e-waste into high-quality

refurbished products that can be sold or donated to low-income communities.
• Evaluate the environmental, economic, and social impacts of this approach, and
compare it with other existing e-waste management and recycling methods.
• Provide recommendations for policy and practice to promote the adoption and
scaling of this approach, and to address the challenges and barriers that may
hinder its implementation.

5. Motivation for the Project: -:

• Address the environmental and social problem of e-waste, which is one of the
fastest growing waste streams in the world, and poses serious threats to human
health, natural resources, and climate change.
• Create value from e-waste by recovering and reusing the valuable materials that
are otherwise wasted or dumped in landfills, and by reducing the demand for
virgin materials and energy for producing new products.
• Enhance the livelihoods and well-being of low-income communities by
providing them with affordable and high-quality refurbished products that can
meet their needs and aspirations, and by creating employment and income
opportunities for the e-waste workers and entrepreneurs.
6. Project Identification: -
• The project identifies the problem of e-waste, which is a growing
environmental and social challenge that requires urgent and innovative
solutions. The project also identifies the opportunity of creating value from e-
waste by transforming it into high-quality refurbished products that can be
sold or donated to low-income communities. The project defines the scope of
the project, which covers the entire e-waste value chain, from collection,
sorting, dismantling, recycling, refurbishing, to distribution. The project also
defines the objectives of the project, which are to develop a novel and
sustainable approach to e-waste management and recycling, to evaluate its
environmental, economic, and social impacts, and to provide
recommendations for policy and practice. The project also assesses the
feasibility of the project, which considers the technical, financial, legal,
ethical, and social aspects of the project. The project also identifies the
stakeholders of the project, which include the e-waste generators, collectors,
workers, recyclers, refurbishes, distributors, consumers, regulators, and

7. Project Selection: -
• The project was selected based on the following criteria: the relevance and
significance of the problem, the novelty and feasibility of the solution, the
potential environmental, economic, and social benefits, and the alignment
with the goals and values of the project team and the stakeholders. The
project was chosen because it met all these criteria and demonstrated a clear
and compelling case for transforming e-waste into refurbished products.

8. Methodology: -
• The project adopts a mixed-methods approach that combines quantitative and
qualitative data collection and analysis techniques.
• The project consists of four main phases: design, implementation, evaluation, and
• The design phase involves conducting a literature review, a stakeholder analysis,
and a feasibility study to develop the conceptual and operational framework for
the project.
• The implementation phase involves setting up the e-waste collection, recycling,
and refurbishing facilities, and establishing the distribution channels and
partnerships for the refurbished products.
9.Project Scope: -
• The project scope covers the entire e-waste value chain, from collection,
sorting, dismantling, recycling, refurbishing, to distribution. The project will
deliver high-quality refurbished products, such as laptops, smartphones,
tablets, and TVs, that can be sold or donated to low-income communities in
India. The project will also deliver a comprehensive evaluation of the
environmental, economic, and social impacts of the project, and a set of
recommendations for policy and practice. The project scope does not include
the design and development of new products from e-waste, the disposal of
hazardous e-waste components, or the comparison of different e-waste
management and recycling models.

10. Significance: -
• Contribute to the global efforts to solve the problem of e-waste, which is one of
the most pressing environmental and social challenges of the 21st century.
• Demonstrate a novel and sustainable approach to e-waste management and
recycling that can create value from waste, reduce environmental impact, and
enhance social welfare.
• Provide practical and policy-relevant insights and recommendations for
improving the e-waste sector and promoting the circular economy model in India
and beyond.

11.Conclusion: -
• Summarize the main findings and achievements of the project, which include
developing a novel and sustainable approach to transform e-waste into high-
quality refurbished products, evaluating its environmental, economic, and social
impacts, and providing recommendations for policy and practice.
• Highlight the significance and implications of the project, which include
contributing to the global efforts to solve the e-waste problem, demonstrating a
value-creating and circular economy model, and enhancing the livelihoods and
well-being of low-income communities.
• Acknowledge the limitations and challenges of the project, which include the
technical, financial, legal, ethical, and social barriers that may hinder the
implementation and scaling of the project, and suggest directions for future
research and action.
12.Reference: -
• Chen, X., & Zhang, Y. (2019). E-waste recycling and reuse services in
India: Challenges and recommendations. Resources, Conservation and
Recycling, 145, 279-287.

Thank you

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