BTM 203 Report Introduction

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Its our greatest pleasure and thank each and everyone for the good work and for encouraging
teamwork which they have generated in this research.

We declare that this is our own personal work without any disapprovals or any illusions.

The touristic circuit in Kenya are the best explosion ever in our minds since it focuses mostly on
the natural, cultural and historical sites together with the major hotels present in the country
together with the major hotels present in the country together their rating. The research is done in
all 47 counties in Kenya. The research has revealed the importance and the knowledge required
in the tourism field since someone must be knowledgeable enough in order for them to survive in
that field. It also helps us to know the charges especially in US dollars which helps us in
currency exchange.

Statement of research problems
The general objective
The specific objectives
Significance of the study

This research is comprised of all the cultural, historical and natural attractions in the whole
country, Kenya together with the hotels present within each and every county that provides
various needs and wants of the tourist both local and international. It also enables us to know
some of the rates in dollars that each and every site cost together with the rates of the rooms of
the hotels and it is being rated depending with the room category such as deluxe, executive
rooms etc. We find out major touristic sites together with the regions, counties and specific
locations. As we study and gather the information, it enables one to have and gain a wider
knowledge of the different touristic sites and the major hotels that are always visited with the
tourists who visits the sites in different counties.
The research was a bit challenging especially in finding out the real rate of the different
categories of the room in different hotels.
The charges of the sites also were not indicated in the information provided.
Reaching out to all the destinations in the whole country so were not able to reach out to most of
the destinations hence we used internet in most cases.


To have the wider knowledge of all the touristic sites together with hotels and their rates in
different parts of the country (Counties)

To identify all the touristic attractions in different parts of the counties
To know the types of hotels in different parts of the country
To know the charges and rates charged in different tourist sites and the hotels.


The main purpose of the study of the tourist sites and hotels in the whole country is to gain more
knowledge and understand the cultural, natural and historical sites, their main location and the
hotels present in the whole country and know the most rated ones and preferred ones.

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