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u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.

u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh
Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone

Matugama Education Zone

kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak; u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak;
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Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone kj;Jfk fy;tpf; tyak u;=.u wOHdmk l,dmh Matugama Education Zone

Second Term Evaluation - 2020
English Grade 6 Time : Two Hours

Name :- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

1) This is what Sandaru says about her school. Put the missing words in it. The first one
has been done for you.

Perakumba Maha V……………….is my school in Homagama. It is a big school.

There are two hundred c……….. and thirteen t…………… it. There are three
b…………… I think my school is very b………………… We protect our school and
respect it.
(10 marks)
2) Complete the following dialogue choosing the right suggestion from the box.
a) A. Oh, it is raining. We can’t go out.
B. ……………………………………..
b) A. I am hungry and thirsty.
B. ……………………………………..
c) A. We are tired. We can’t go further.
B. ……………………………………..
d) A. Oh , it is very hot in this place.
B. ……………………………………..
e) A. Our teacher is absent today.
B. …………………………………….. (10 marks)

Let’s go to the canteen.

Let’s open the windows then.
Let’s sing a song then.
Let’s go to the library to read the newspaper.
Let’s rest under this tree.

3) Fill in the blanks with the correct question word. The answers for the questions have
been given as a clue. One has been done.

a) Where is this modern hospital? (in Japan) When

b) …………. works there? (robots) Can
c) …………do they wear? (blue uniforms)
d) ………….a robot smile? (no it can’t) Where
e) ………….. they speak? (yes, they can) Who
f) ………… they switch on? (at 9.00 a.m.) (10 marks)
1 English – Grade 6
4) Match the sentences with the pictures and put  or  in the box given.

1. There are five children in the picture.

2. There are four boys and two girls.
3. One girl is breaking cobwebs.
4. They are cleaning the room.
5. A girl and a boy are talking.
(10 marks)

5) Arrange these sentences to build up a paragraph about water. Start the sentence with a
capital letter.

Use of water
a. animals/to drink /and /people/ need/water
b. use/ to wash/people/water/their clothes
c. plants /to/need/water/ grow
d. needs /everyone/water/everything/to clean
e. lot of /use /to cultivate/we/water/paddy
2. ……………………………………………………………
3. ……………………………………………………………
4. ……………………………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………….. (10 marks)

2 English – Grade 6
6) Use suitable adjective to compete the blank.

1) …………….. child
golden small big
2) …………….. river
3) …………….. house coconut long
4) …………….. tree
5) …………….. fish (10 marks)

7) Read this poem and answer the questions given below.

A Wise Old Owl
A wise old owl sat in an oak,
The more he heard, the less he spoke;
The less he spoke, the more he heard;
Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?
01. Put two adjectives to describe the owl.
……… ……………. owl
02. Where is he? ………………………….
03. What actions did he do being in the oak tree?
a) ………………. b) …………………
04. What advice does it give to the man?
05. Write the opposites of these words.
a) less ………….. b) young ……… (10 marks)

8) Underline the correct word in the brackets.

a) Maya ………. (helps / help) her mother to cook.

b) I …………….( am writing / are writing ) a letter for my uncle.
c) She does not ……….( reads /read ) her text books.
d) My father ………….( gives /gave) me a bicycle for my last birth day.
e) Our class ……… ( are / is ) very beautiful. (10 marks)

9) Use suitable words to complete the paragraph. One has been done for you.
I am Sachintha. I am a kite seller. My shop(a) ……… in Matugama. I open my
shop at (b) ……… in the morning. Mostly my customers (c) …………. children. My
wife and children (d) ………… me to make kites. Children always (e) …………… to
my shop to buy kites.
(10 marks)

3 English – Grade 6
10) Write 40-50 words on one of the following.
a) The rabbit or b) The dog
(10 marks)

4 English – Grade 6

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