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 To create a self-wealth management plan clearly laying out different

milestone in life.

A Project for
Master of Business Administration


(Group 6 )

Anshika ojha (22GSOB2010176)

Shruti Singh (22GsOB2010717)
KajalKumari (22GSOB2010398)

Under the guidance of

Dr. /Prof Seema Tiwari
Assistant Professor, SOB, GU

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School Of Business


To create a self-wealth management plan clearly laying out different

milestone in life.

Self-Wealth Management Plan.

A self-wealth management plan is a strategy that helps individuals achieve their

financial goals and secure their future. It involves setting different milestones in life,
such as education, career, marriage, retirement, etc., and allocating resources
accordingly. A self-wealth management plan can help individuals:

 Save and invest money wisely

 Reduce debt and expenses
 Increase income and assets
 Protect themselves from risks and uncertainties
 Plan for contingencies and emergencies
 Fulfil their personal and family needs and aspirations

A self-wealth management plan can be created by following these steps:

1. Assess your current financial situation: This includes calculating your net
worth, income, expenses, debt, savings, and investments. You can use online
tools such as [Bing Finance Calculator] to help you with this step.
2. Define your financial goals: This includes identifying your short-term,
medium-term, and long-term goals, such as buying a house, starting a
business, traveling the world, etc. You should also prioritize your goals and
assign a time frame and a cost estimate for each one.
3. Create a budget: This involves allocating your income to different categories,
such as necessities, savings, investments, debt repayment, and discretionary
spending. You should also track your spending and review your budget
regularly to ensure that you are sticking to it.
4. Choose your investment options: This involves selecting the appropriate
investment vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc., that suit your
risk appetite, return expectations, and time horizon. You should also diversify
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your portfolio and rebalance it periodically to maintain your desired asset
5. Monitor and evaluate your progress: This involves measuring your
performance against your goals and adjusting your plan as needed. You should
also review your plan annually or whenever there is a significant change in
your life, such as marriage, divorce, job loss, etc.

A self-wealth management plan can help you achieve financial independence and
security. However, it requires discipline, commitment, and patience. You should also
seek professional advice from a financial planner or a wealth manager if you need
guidance or assistance with your plan.

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